Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 8 - New moves and the written exam.

Months of training come and go its been 10 months since Izuku started to train with All Might there was only one more month till the UA exam right now he was with All Might on the beach sparring and reviewing all the new techniques he created with the help of All Might , he now could use his haki easily the same could be said about his gears combining them it still was kind of far away but their individual mastery was already very high now he only needed to move his arm a bit to fasten the blood flow to get into gear 2 and as for gear 3 he had no more weakneses when it came to speed because he could now control it from limb to limb making it more straining on his body, but since he started training with All Might

His physique got a masive boost all the training with one for all and the physical exercises tempered his body well enough till he could use one for all in his whole body permanently in 30% mode but since one for all was a active type and not passive it still took stamina to use but he had plenty of that so he wasn't worried when he used his quirks individually, the thing was that when he tried to combine them at first it was really hard , he would go out of breath in seconds his body would also start to break down , it seemed that the human body wasn't meant to house more than 2 quirks at once unless it was a special case (All for one) but Izuku just thought that his body wasn't strong enough so he postponed the combination of all of his quirk till he would be way stronger than he already was physically.

Izuku didn't only improve his basics such as stamina strength etc. he also created new moves, these moves consisted off haki and his rubber body combination even tough he couldn't use it in conjuction with one for all it was still neverthless very strong all the moves he knew before got upgraded, in gear second all his moves would be added a jet prefix but now with haki the jet prefix changed to hawk (ex gomu gomu hawk bazooka) also those weren't the only things he learned to do he also learned some normal moves that also got upgraded this ones were called: gomu gomu no axe , gomu gomu no spear , gomu gomu no gattling , gomu gomu no whip , gomu gomu no twin rifle , here's what they were supposed to do:

gomu gomu no axe:Izuku stretches one leg high into the air, then brings it crashing down via a high-gravity stomp on an opponent or structure, for massive damage, strong enough to destroy large buildings in a single hit even tough he didn't try it on building he could easily imagine what would happen when he used it in conjucture with one for all

gomu gomu no spear:Izuku holds his feet together (with the bottoms of each touching each other) and kicks with both simultaneously via his toes (giving off the image of an actual spearhead)

gomu gomu no gattling:Izuku uses his stretching ability to bring his fists forward repeatedly in a blurry, rapid barrage of strong punches that creates the illusion of him having multiple arms, however he does not actually grow more arms so he can still be stopped by an opponent fast enough.

gomu gomu no whip:Izuku stretches his leg and kicks in a wide circle, being able to strike multiple foes.

gomu gomu no twin rifle: just like the normal rifle but instead Izuku uses both arms if he wants to he can rip the enemy in two by moving both arms in different directions.

all of these moves had their upgrades in the gear 2 and gear 3 forms with haki gear 3 forms would add the prefix elephant and some other moves would have a outright name change ex:gomu gomu no elephant gun instead of gomu gomu no giant pistol , there's also gomu gomu no grizzly magnum instead of gomu gomu no giant bazooka.

With all the things he learned Izuku felt that there was a 100% chance to take the first place in the UA exam he also studied what he needed to in his free time to pass the writen exam since he was really smart he didn't even need to study a lot it took him only the first month to learn things that other took more than 4,5 months.

He also spared with All Might everyday increasing his combat experience by a lot actually if it was only in combat experience alone with all the training he did with All Might he could beat him if he didn't use 100% one for all thats how much experience Izuku leeched from All Might

All Might himself was so schocked that that when he first had the losing fight against Izuku he vomited a mouthfull of blood and thought in his head "This kid is a freak 3 quirks and a genius fighter if he won't become the first hero in the whole world who will be able to?" after that fight All Might started to pressure Izuku more and more by using higher percentages of one for all Izuku adapted really fast by the end of the last month of training Izuku could actually make All Might fight seriously at 80% one for all but this was considering that this All Might wasn't the same All Might of the past he was mortally wounded his quirk was now with Izuku meaning that he wouldn't be able to use it as much and as hard anymore his buff form time was getting razed month by month he was actually really weakened but even like that All Might was so scared of Izuku that he started muttering under his breath "monster he really is a monster."

but All Might was also kind of exagering because when they fought not only did Izuku use all of his techniques this including the unfinished combination of gear 2 and 3 but he would also lose everytime even though his combat experience started to get an edge on All Might that didn't mean he was stronger than All Might he still needed a few years of training before he could thoroughly surprass All Might but All Might himself felt that he wouldn't last even one more year with his quirk it would dissipate even faster if he continued using it like when he trained Izuku everyday for 10 months was a lot of time but he didn't care he needed to train his protegee for what was to come in the future he felt that All for one his enemy was plotting something it was coming from his intuition of hard work as a hero for years he didn't know when he would strike but he wanted Izuku to be prepared.

It was the exam day Izuku rushed towards UA like he was crazy he forgot to set an alarm on his clock and he missed the train he could still make it in time if he used gear 2 so he didn't hesitate even if he would be noticed by a pro hero he would just write it off as he needed to hurry to the UA exam so he guessed that the pro heroes would give him a pass, fortunately for him he didn't bump into any pro hero, thats what Izuku thought but actually he could have bumped in quite many if it wasn't for his impresive speed

Now after 11 months of training and body tempering he was so fast that ordinary pro heroes wouldn't even catch a glimpse of him only veteran pro heroes that would teach at UA or the ones in the top hero list would be able to see and counter him if they were in a fight.

Izuku finally arrived at UA's doors this time they were opened since it was the exam day but every day of the year would be closed unless you had a student/teacher pass which would make the doors open for you.

After all of that running trough the city while in gear 2 mode it made him quite exhausted so he didn't really sense when he was falling downwards if he couldn't stop himself in time he would be made a laughingstock in front of all the students that were entering but fortunately for him he started floating for whatever reason, he looked backwards there he has seen one of the most cute girls he ever saw in his life (Izuku didn't really see many girls while he was training and his junior school was a most boys school)

She had a round face with brown hair and cute big brown eyes her face had 2 ever present blushing marks on both of her cheeks her fingers had pading marks on their soles just like a cat had on their paws the difference was that the one of the sole of her fingers were really small , the girl gave him a sweet smile and said "Im sorry that i used my quirk on you but it would be bad luck if you feel just before taking the exam isn't that right?" she stopped her quirk before starting to walk ahead into the building.

Izuku entered the building he was ȧssigned a number and found his seat coincidently he was seated right near his best friend (that he wouldn't say he is) and now biggest and only rival (at the moment)

the one who was telling the rules and was presiting over the exam was the pro hero Present Mic Izuku would have fanboyed there instantly if it wasn't for all the composure training All Might put him through he could still hear All Might's voice in his ears "Young Midoriya its good that you have respect for your senior heroes but there's a time and place for everything so i wish you wouldn't go 'fanboy mode' everywhere so for this i will give you a meditation schedule from now on"

Izuku complied and meditation really helped him keeping his composure.The written exam wasn't so hard Izuku breezed trough it easily in 10 minutes he still had 1 hour and 50 minutes till the exam would end so he entered a meditative stance when he was woken up by the ring, that indicated that the test was over.

Bakugou looked at him with a angry expression on his face and muttered under his breath "The shitty nerd is still a shitty nerd finishing the examination so fast huh."

Izuku just acted like he didn't hear him after all of the exam papers were collected Present Mic started to explain the rules for the combat exam there weren't really hard rules they consisted off:Killing robots give you points , if you have above 30 points there's a high chance you will be accepted into UA heroes course if you have under 30 you can take the exam again and go to the support course, the robots consisted off 1 pointer , 2 pointer , 3 pointer the robots would give 1,2,3 points per kill.

After the rules were explained a stern looking boy with glasses and blue hair pointed his hand up and asked "In the brochure it says there are 4 robot types how come you only explained about only 3 if this is a error on UA's part you should be ashamed as the best Hero school in japan" Present Mic frowned but the frown disappeared almost instantly and said "Well listener the fourth robot doesn't give any points its more like a obstacle , and now if everyone finished with their questions its time for the combat exam!" and now it was time for the combat exam Izuku really couldn't wait till he could go on the battlefield and snatch away first place.

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