Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 7 - Inheriting power,awakening power, control training

Izuku was in his bed tucked in his All Might themed sheets looking at the ceiling reminscing the discussion with All Might some hours ago. All Might told him about his quirk how it could be inherited and that he would train him , himself to be able to inherit and control it he said that they would meet at Dagobah Municipal Beach Park Izuku didn't ask All Might why since he said he would train him he thought that was the best training location for him he didn't question All Mights logic.

His All Might themed clock beeped annoyingly it was 7:00AM he was suppoed to meet All Might at the beach at 7:30 , the beach wasn't that far from his house so after he took a shower and ate some leftovers from dinner he rushed at the beach reaching it 5 minutes earlier than he was supposed to fortunately All Might was already there in his buff form

Looking at Izuku he flashed him a smile and gave him a big thumbs up "Young Midoriya its a good that you want to train faster this shows how much determination you have to become a great hero" Izuku blushed at his favourite hero praise and asked him

"What am i supposed to do here All Might? Theres only trash here" All Mights smile dropped at the question before it came back "Well you see Midoriya boy being a hero is not only about being flashy in front of a camera and bashing villains you need to do some volunteer work as well!"

All Might exclaimed before continuing not giving Izuku the chance to answer "While you will train your body to make it withstand my quirk you will also clean this beach which was also kind of beautifull before people started to throw their trash here, this training plan is called American dream plan with this you would be able to inherit and control my quirk in these 11 months before the UA exam!" Izuku started muttering under his breath after he heard all of All Mights plans , All Might didn't say anything while he was muttering , after Izuku finished muttering he blushed when he saw All Mights face, he had done it again he thought that he fixed this bad habbit of his it seemed not.

After regaining his composure he asked All Might "All Might will you give me your quirk after i cleaned the whole beach?" All Might was puzzled he didn't think Izuku would be able to clean the beach so fast so he answered "Yes Midoriya boy you will inherit my quirk after you will clean the whole beach"

All Might thought that Izuku's quirk wasn't a transformation type of quirk he didn't ask him about it he only knew he could stretch himself and become pink and gain a speed and strength boost so he only thought that he had a strong quirk not that his body was strong, Izuku himself had quite a impressive body but it was covered by his baggy track suit so All Might didn't know about Izuku's condition, Izuku smiled at the answer and straightfully gone to work All Might looked at him with a raised eyebrow did the kid think it would be easy to clean the whole beach?

All Might thought that Izuku was ċȯċky and that he would need to put in some new training plans in his American dream folder but his jaw almost hit the floor when he saw Izuku pick up a 200 kilograms fridge like he was picking up a newborn baby but he rapidly composed himself he shouldn't look bad in front of his new protegee.

"Midoriya boy tell me whats actually your quirk and did you ever train your body before?" Izuku replied truthfully that he indeed trained his body before and he told All Might all the training he gone trough as for what his quirk was he pinched his cheeks and stretched them while saying "Im a rubber human" All Might was quite shocked at first when he firstly saw how he stretched his cheeks but since he was a hero with a lot of experience he composed himself quite quickly and easily he saw even weirder quirks before.

"Well Midoriya boy since you already trained your body i need to make some changes to the American dream plan but the quirk inheritance will stay the same , you will only get my quirk after you clean the whole beach!" All Might exclaimed in a resolute tone if Izuku would disagree or say something that wasn't really with the likes of All Might he would readjust his thinking about him or even outright not give him his quirk at all he didn't need a selfish person to inherit his quirk but what Izuku said after he uttered those words stunned him and made him even more resolute to make him his inheritor:

"Even if i have to clean 2 or 3 more beaches i would still do it All Might , there is not such thing such as a free launch in this world." after he answered All Might he turned to the garbage pile nearest to him and started cleaning All Might himself was all smiles while looking at him , he really did make the right choice with his own quirk combined with one for all he would become the best hero there ever was surprassing him and maybe in the future there won't even be any more villains because Izuku's symbol of peace status would make them tremble in their boots before surrendering themselves.

Days go and come 1 month disappered from Izuku's life and there were 10 months till UA's exam this day was the last day for garbage on Dagobah Municipal Beach Park because Izuku cleaned it all by himself he also trained a bit when he had free time increasing his control over his gears by quite a bit.

All Might himself was stunned when he saw the beach it was truly beautifull , small waves crashing against the shore and the sunrise coming from the east , after he thoroughly enjoyed the scenery he looked at Izuku and said "Well done Midoriya boy you are worthy to inherit my power one for all"

After he said that All Might entered in a lenghty explanation of how the quirk was made initially the first quirk holder was deemed as quirkless by his older brother who was a strong villain who could steal and inject quirks in other people , feeling bad about his younger brother the villain gave him a power stockpiling quirk while the younger brother wasn't really quirkless his quirk was quite useless it was the power to transfer his quirk to others when the villain transfered the quirk to his younger brother the quirk mutated and fused with the stock piling quirk creating one for all

It was a quirk which could be given from generation to generation like a sacred torch, also everytime the quirk changed users it would grow stronger also the physical changes differed from user to user All Might told Izuku that the previous one for all didn't transform like him but he didn't go into detail after the lengthy explanation All Might removed a strand of hair and said while presenting it to Izuku with the straightest face ever "Eat it"

Izuku freaked out a bit before being stopped by All Might who said "You need to gain my dna if you want to inherit the quirk and a strand of hair is the best approach" after hearing the explanation Izuku gingerly took the strand of hair and swalloed it , he felt disgusted and almost barfed but he resisted the impulse looking quite puzzled he asked All Might "I dont feel anything different did it really work?" All Might replied with "Midoriya boy how do you think your stomach work it still needs some time to digest that strand of hair you would need to wait atleast for 1 hour before you would feel something."

1 hour later Izuku started feeling something coming from his stomach spreading to his whole body but something strange happened when it reached his arms it felt like something was blocking the power from going fully trough his arms the feeling rapidly started to cover his whole body it felt like he would stretch and stretch till he couldn't anymore and he would explode,All Might was near him and observed that Izuku was sweating a lot and had a pained expression on his face , he started panicking didn't he train his body enough? was he too rash by giving one for all this fast to him?

Izuku felt like there were millions of blades stabbing in his whole body he wanted to scream out his pain but he just clenched his teeth and endured it if he couldn't even endure this kind of pain how will he become a great hero? after what seemed a long while but it was actually just 10 minutes in real world Izuku felt the pain subside now he felt something different in himself it felt like besides his permanent rubber body there were other 2 things in him that were at his disposal ready to be used he concentrated on one of them and led it towards his right arm when he woke up his right arm turned black and shiny like it was made of metal

All Might was stunned he didn't think that all for one would manifest like that in Izuku but something familiar came from that blackened arm he was seeing , he finally remembered this was the quirk of the popular international hero Midoriya D. Garp Busoshoku haki (Armament haki) but how come Izuku had it , it was almost impossible to be born with more than one quirk he became suspicious and almost dreaded that he gave one for all to one of his biggest enemies he asked Izuku severly "Midoriya young boy how come you have 2 quirks ? you only told me you have the rubberification quirk!"

Izuku was scared because when All Might asked him that he transformed into his buff form almost immediatly it looked like if he answered wrongly he would be 'smashed' but Izuku hurriedly explained about what he felt and why he was immobile like a statue for 10 minutes he also told All Might that Garp was his grandpa after hearing everything from Izuku he frowned before saying

"Ok i believe you but to be sure you will come with me to a friend who will analyse you to be sure that it is a newly unlocked quirk." after that he took Izuku with himself to UA grounds when Izuku arrived he was stunned by the size and range of the high school it was reallyyyyy big there were also some giant doors meant for people with gigantification quirks it seemed UA thought about everything he walked with All Might till he reached the nurse office there he met with the Youthfull Heroine Recovery Girl

He fanboyed in an instant asking for a autograph Recovery Girl is a short elderly woman with grey hair styled into a bun that has a syringe looped trough it.She wears a doctor's lab coat and a dress with yellow and red vest-like designs on either side, two yellow buŧŧons, and a pink belt. She wears pink boots and has a helmet on her head. In addition, she walks with a cane designed like a syringe that she can also use for healing.

Recovery Girl complied while looking at All Might with a hard gaze "Toshinori so this is your succesor i hope what you thought about him isn't right" All Might aka Yagi Toshinori scratched his neck while looking sheepishly at Recovery Girl "Could you do a favour for me this one time and analyze his quirks?" Recovery Girl nodded and said "You owe me a favour for this one i was still in my vacation and you disrupted it , you know new children will come in 10 months and i will have a lot of work to do!" All Might just coughed and didn't say anything.

After Recovery Girl scanned Izuku she was quite baffled by what she saw complete rubber body and it seemed like the kid had other 2 quirks one was natural while the other was obiviously given by All Might to him she told All Might "Well Toshinori there's no problem with him both his quirks are natural it seemed like when you gave him yours it unlocked the other quirk he had in his bloodline , if you tell me its kinda strange the bloodline must be really strong to persist this much in 2 generations apart from what you told me his grandpa is Midoriya D. Garp huh...."

Recovery Girl had a reminiscing gaze on her face she was thinking about the older days she met garp herself they went to the same highschool he left quite a mark on her on how boisterous lawless and airheaded he was his quirk wasn't even that strong but the more he grew the more fiercer he became after he became a pro hero he choosed to work outside the country and she never saw him again after that it seemed like his grandson would become someone great in the future.

After getting checked up Izuku and All Might returned to the beach , when they arrived All Might stoped in front of him and said "Since you have one more quirk now we will have to change the plans again since Busoshoku haki needs stamina and strength and control just like one for all we will combine the training of both in one in your free time you can create some techniques of your own but for now you know how to activate your haki but you don't know how to activate one for all heres a advice from me clench your buŧŧȯċks tightly and yell smash in your heart this worked for me everytime."

Seeing this All Might immediatly came and supported him it seemed he couldn't use 100% on his whole body it was too strenous if he didn't have such a strong body combined it with his rubber quirk he would have exploded and died instantly it seemed that one for all has became stronger again and by a lot he thought that even he himself wouldn't be able to use 100% with the output he saw from Izuku and what terrified him even more is that Izuku just got one for all how stronger will he become when he would master it?

All for one grew with the user and it grew once again when it was transfered All Might thought that he would need to do his all to teach him because if Izuku fallen and became a villain the world as he knew would collapse. All Might dropped Izuku home and left he said that they will quit training for 2 days so that he could recover from his injuries Izuku insisted that 1 day would be enough and that tommorow he would be healthy enough for training again.

After the one day rest we could see Izuku and All Might on the beach again this time All Might had a embarassed look on his face he didn't think that Izuku would be able to use 100% from the start and he let his pupil get injured from now on he swore that he would teach Izuku everything he knew so that he wouldn't get hurt again because of him.

As he started explaining how to limit the output of one for all Izuku listened quietly before feeling in himself and doing how All Might instructed him to he imagined a tap which could be used to let one for all out in his body if he put the tap to maximum output he would use 100% but since his body wouldn't resist he tried first with half 50% the pain was bearable but it felt like his fighting power and reasoning would take a huge drop because he had to endure the pain constantly while he was fighting also he felt that he could injure himself if he kept it on for a lot of time he lowered it again by 20% this time he actually felt that he could use it almost bȧrėly so that meant he should start training from 30% and make his way up.

After All Might heard Izuku's explanation a grin appeared on his face it seemed that Izuku was like himself when he inherited one for all he could get a hold of a high amount of power very fast and he could start his combat training in the months to come so he wouldn't be in the dark when it came to fighting All Might knew Izuku had a bit of fighting experience from when he fought the sludge villain but the sludge villain was extremly weak if he didn't have a ban on his powers back then he could have defeated him with his pinky finger but Izuku needed experience in fighting till he could access 100%.

Also there were people out there with strong quirks as well who knew when Izuku would meet his match? so fighting experience was precious he would gain a advantage when he would fight with people as strong as him when he had more experience also he needed to train Izuku's control if he hit a weak villain with 30% of one for all power he would become just like the sludge villain at that time but it wouldn't be a rain of sludge but a rain of blood. After he examined and put everything in his head for the new plan he told Izuku what he needed to do. Izuku nodded with a determined smile on his face 10 months from now he would take the first place in the UA exam and make a name for himself as a new and upcoming hero.

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