It was a sunny day Izuku was 14 this year , it was almost summer and it was the last term of his junior school years he didn't change much besides growing a bit more he was now 1,73m tall and his hair became a bit more unruly whatever he did to make it look more presentable didn't work it was like a green bush with dark streaks on his head Bakugou would sometimes make fun of that but when Izuku told him that his hair looks like a retarded bird nest a new fight ensued that day.

Izuku was in class his teacher was asking them where would they like to apply in the future before throwing away the application forms and laughing while saying "Its the hero course, why do i even bother asking you?" his statement was agreed by the students by them showing off their quirks

some of them could make light some them could shoot water from their fingers and others had wings on their backs or had more eyes , Bakugou growled before giving a taunting look at his teacher and said

"Don't put me in the same shoes with these extras i'll become the number 1 hero you hear me teach!" the teacher said "Oh right you wanted to apply to UA high" picking up the forms he throwed away he saw Izuku's name below Bakugou's in the UA form application "Oh Midoriya you are applying to UA as well?" everyone from the junior school knew about the rivarly between Izuku and Katsuki so the teacher adding this sentence was like adding fuel to the fire Bakugou smirked before turning to Izuku's desk and saying "Hmph you shitty nerd you may ace the written exam but i will destroy you in the practical exam" he said it in a pridefull tone full of arrogance not putting Izuku in his eyes at all.

Izuku just smirked not saying anything before continuing to scribble some ideas and information he heard on the news about some new upcoming heroes like Kamui Woods , Mount Lady they were supposed to do their debut these days , the school day ended as fast as it came while Izuku was walking home he saw some pandemonium going in the distance it was a villain fighting with someone who could grow wood from his hands and legs

It was the new hero Kamui he was apprehending a purse stealer he gained this information by asking a few of the people who were observing the fight since it began while Kamui was fighting with the villain with ease a giant foot appeared and stomped on the villain making him become a villain pancake turning him unconscious

It was the new debuting hero Mount Lady she posed seductively with her ȧss and said "Good to make you ȧss-quintance" a lot of jurnalists and well people started to take photos Izuku himself was unknowingly starting a bleeding a little from the nose even tough he wasn't a pervert he could appreciate the good 'looks' of a mȧturė woman like Mount Lady even tough she was only in her twenties she looked a bit older than that.

After the villain incident finished Izuku was scrambling furiously in his notebook information about the heroes quirk advantages disavantages possible fighting environment etc. Kamui woods was more flexible since his quirk would be useable in all situations but Mount Lady needed a big space to use her gigantification quirk.

if she was in a narrow space she could even kill hostages if there were any so her quirk wasn't as versatile but it was really strong. Taking a shortcut trough a tunnel to his house he heard something strange coming from the manhole under him he felt that the manhole was getting pushed upside so he immediatly jumped away from it , the manhole got thrown away like it was nothing before a sludge like thing with big green eyes came out of the sewerage system he muttered under his breath "A host with this i might be able to escape from that strong bastard" before he straightly jumped with his gelatinous body at Izuku

Even tough he muttered Izuku heard him and he didn't want to become sludge food any day soon since he didn't even took his first step to become the best hero there was he didn't even join UA. So his arm dashed backwards stretching while it became like knitted string he throwed it forward and it hit the slude villain directly doing almost no damage the villain laughed and said "Haha kid good try but with your meager strength you wont be able to beat me"

Izuku smirked and said "Im not done yet" his arm unfurled like a helicopter propeller transforming the villain into villain rain he sighed and said "Phew if i didnt have this move i would have needed to enter in phase 2 to beat him normally" with all the training in 4 years Izuku's body could relatively use gear 2 for quite a long time he also didn't need to enter the horse stance anymore to pump his blood but he still liked to do it since it made him look cool.

A woosh sound came before him with a thounderous voice that said "Im here" Izuku almost fainted when he heard that voice it was his idol All Might he had stars in his eyes with how excited he was All Might praised Izuku and said "Well we have here a hero in the making quite a strong quirk you have there young man" even tough Izuku didn't stutter almost at all in front of his beloved hero he couldn't stop "uhhh alllll mighttt coulddd youuu... signn this" Izuku shoved his notebook in his idol face All Might was a muscular man with blonde hair in the form of what looked like rabbit ears? All might quickly signed the notebook before taking 2 empty bottles and storing in the sludge villain "Well thank you for your help young man now i must go"

Izuku wanted to ask All Might something so he said "Wait dont go i have to ask you something important" All Might didnt have much time before his transformation would stop so he needed to leave right now before Izuku could catch onto him he started flying up but he felt something on his ankle when he looked down he seen a hand that was holding on his ankle and a green haired teenager that was flying at him with fast speeds when Izuku arrived he started holding onto All Might with all his power.

All Mights time was almost near the end so he arrived at a rooftoop and dropped himself and Izuku there , Izuku rolled a bit away from All Might and said "Im sorry All Might but i had a really important question for you , do you think that villains became villains because they are evil or do you think that they became evil because of other circusmstances?"

Izuku himself would be philosophizing while he wasn't training or resting he always tought why were villains even existing with a pure soul like his and a good environment he lived in he would never think why would someone would resort to theft murder etc. but the more he grown the more he started to see the worser parts in life even tough he was a in a well neighboorhood there were some bad neighboorhoods near his well they were more like more than 20-30 killometeres apart but sometimes he would go there in disguise and see whats happening over there what he seen there was shocking even in a wealthy country like japan there were still homeless people.

People who couldn't get jobs and people that no one would help like the quirkless if you were born in a shit household and quirkless to boot you would either die or become a villain but not any kind of big villain more like a street thug but street thugs were the lowest of the hierarchy of villains what if someone with a strong quirk was born in these conditions sometimes they would become mad and want to change things sometimes the good people wouldn't get to them fast enough and that how villains were born.

Izuku was looking down after the question before he heard a loud pop and instead of the Muscle mass that All Might was he saw a skeleton of a human he almost resembled a twig of how thin he was he asked "Wheres All Might? are you an imposter?" All Might vomited a mouthfull of blood before saying "Im the real All Might" Izuku was frightened by the amount of blood he vomited and said "Sir are you ok do you need medical attention?"

Izuku intreruppted him "5 years wasn't that the time you fought with the villain Toxic Chainsaw?" All Might was surprised by that information "Oh i see you did your homework kid but no that weakling couldn't have landed even a blow on me lets not even talk about this homongous wound i will also would like to not talk about the person who inflicted this on me" Izuku nodded understanding why All Might wouldn't want to talk about it "So whats with this appearance?"

All Might:"Well this is my normal appearance what you have saw there was like when guys at the pool flex to make themselves look bigger for me i can do this only 3 hours a day why do you think that my appearances on tv and in public descreased so much in these last 5 years?" what All Might said made sense Izuku was a devout follower of All Might so he knew when he would appear on the media and it was true these last 5 years All Might rarely appeared in public anymore he and everyone else just tought that All Might wanted more private time because he was always there when it mattered but it seems it wasnt like that.

All Might noded at the enlightened face of Izuku he tought that this kid would make a great hero "As for your question since i had a long while of fighting criminals i can answer that there are both type of villains with the majority becoming villains due to circumstances but later started to enjoy what they do, some other people are rightly born evil i dont know if this was because of a quirk mutation that changed their personality or thats just how their mind works but im not a psychologist so im not sure myself"

After answering the question All Might felt like he was missing something he patted his pants pocket and found that they were both empty the villain must have been dropped by him when the kid catched his ankle and brought himself up to him , it was really bad he was out of juice and he couldn't do anything about it he needed to leave the villain to the other heroes , he smiled bitterly every year his transformation time would descrease little by little it seemed he needed to find a succesor faster.

Izuku seeing All Mights expression he could deduce that something wrong happened seeing that All Mights pockets were empty his face whitened the villain escaped because of him he bowed his head down and said with a tear striken face "All Might im sorry the villain escaped because of my selfishness" All Might shaked his head and said "Its my fault too i should have secured him more tightly instead of just putting him in a bottle"

after he said that All Might left trough the roofdoor and Izuku followed him till they leaved the building when they reached outside what they saw it was a pandemonium police tape was just the other side of the street few heroes and lots of civilians were looking at the things happening helplessly the sludge villain caught someone Izuku ran to the nearest civilian and asked him what happened the civilian replayed with a:

"That villain caught a student with a pretty strong quirk the heroes here dont have the required quirks to help him so they are waiting for back up"

Izuku found that was a bit sad he felt bad for the one that got cought when he heard a gurggled "Die" and he saw the explosions that were happening something in his mind snapped "Oh no its Bakugou" his feet moved as fast as lightning immediatly jumping above the police tape the other heroes screamed at Izuku to stop but even if he wanted to his body wouldn't let him as he was nearer he saw Bakugou getting choked by the villain his movements controled by the slime he was getting angrier by the minute even tough he himself wouldn't say it out loud he still considered Bakugou to be one of his best friends well his only friend he didn't make many friends because he had to train and study and analyze so he didn't have time to make friends.

Izuku entered a horse stance and put his fist on the ground, from the soles of his feet blood started pumping furiously his skin taking a pink sheen he started to sweat a lot but his body temperature was so high the sweat started to evaporate transforming it into a mist that was ever present near his body everything happened in a instant before All Might could do anything

The heroes helped Bakugou but the media wouldn't let him and Izuku go away they asked him tons of questions such as whats his name what school was he from etc. Izuku answered everything truthfully and left, some blocks away from his house he met with someone that he wouldn't think he would meet again until he graduated from UA.From today onwards Izuku's life would change radically once more.

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