Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 14 - The villains attack

I was on my way to school, today nothing extraordinary was scheduled in the curriculum, I took the train and I was on my way to UA, Ochaco was actually in the train too, so I walked to her and greeted her, she looked at me with a smile on her face and asked "Izuku whats up?" i just answered with a "Everythings ok" and took a seat near her, the train arrived at the train station and we both unboarded, we started walking towards UA and chatted along the way about what else we will learn at UA, it was our first year so we were pretty excited.

We arrived at UA but the streets were full of reporters they were asking "What is All Might teaching?" "How is All Might as a teacher?" "Is All Might a different person besides what we see on TV?" they stopped me and Ochaco as well, we tried to respond at the best of our abilities and left, Iida was also there, but with the high amount of information Iida was spewing the reporters got bored and tried to enter UA, Aizawa was there and when the reporters were almost near the entrance a big metal gate appeared by coming from the ground it stopped all the reporters trying to enter.

A young reporter woman asked Aizawa "Why are you stopping us from getting a interview from All Might?" Aizawa responded cooly with his dead gaze ever present on his face "Anyone who doesn't have a student or teacher ID isn't able to enter the UA's perimeteres" and left slowly leaving the reporters angry and no where to vent.

I was in class with everyone else doing our normal classes which consisted of history, math , economics. I wasn't really interested in these kind of things but i still responded correctly to the questions ȧssigned to me, it wasn't like i needed to study a lot for these kind of things.

After a few hours of boring lectures, it was lunch time with the lunch hero Lunch-Rush, Lunch Rush wears a cooking apron and a chef hat as well as a mask that covers his face. He also wears white gloves and white shoes, he was serving food to everyone, i took the food it wasn't anything special white rice, grilled fish, some side dishes and a soup I walked towards the desk where Ochaco and Iida where staying and plopped myself near Ochaco. Ochaco was talking with Iida:

"Oh Iida from your actions i thought that you would make a great class president, you had the appearance too, glasses and everything"

"Well i truly wanted to become the class president but i think Midoriya was better for this job than me since he discovered the entrance test secret, and also took first for the quirk apprenhension test, he also has top grades, he is a model student and i wish everyone would follow his example"

I blushed at Iida's prise and said nothing, I took a spoon of rice, and when the rice hit my mouth it was like a thousand flavours were swimming in my mouth, I never knew that plain white rice could taste so good and could be cooked so well, I finished my meal at top speed, both Ochaco and Iida still had half their meals when I finished, I patted my stomach and waited for them to finish.

But before anything else could happen a alarm started, it was really really damn loud and all of the students started to panick and run towards the exit, me Ochaco and Iida we were trying to run aswell but there were too many people i grabbed a running second year, and asked him what the alarm was about "Well this alarm is supposed to ring when someone invades the UA grounds!" and he started to run again, we were in the hallways now, I looked outside and saw a bunch of reporters, it seemed the reporters were the people who entered the UA grounds, I grabbed at the doors , swung myself towards a pillar and shouted "EVERYONE ITS JUST THE REPORTERS THERE'S NOTHING TO FEAR" everyone looked at me and after that on the window outside, it seemed that I succeded.

Aizawa, All Might and the tiny principal rat looking person who had a scar on his right eye Nedzu were talking outside near the fortificated metal door:

"Aizawa what do you think about this?" Asked Nedzu

"Well principal i don't think the reporters could have done this, it seems this is something we should be wary of" All Might nodded at Aizawa's words he himself didn't feel like this was right.

The day continued normally, i left for home i ate i worked out, i studied, i ate again, i slept, nothing irregular, i took the train and i arrived at UA, i entered the classroom and waited for the teacher, but today it wasn't like any days because today the curriculum wasn't followed instead of having All Might, it was Aizawa and he told us to wear our hero costumes and embark the bus, since my costume wasn't ready i could only wear my PE uniform, in the bus Aizawa started to explain what we would do today, it seemed that we had to do rescue training with 13 the space hero, Ochaco gushed and fangirled when 13 name appeared it seemed she looked up to 13 like i looked up to All Might.

I talked with Iida, Momo and Ochaco during the drive, we talked about all things teenagers talk about: video games,music, etc.

The bus stopped and Aizawa told all of us to disembark, after all of us left what appeared in front of us was a facility that consists of a dome-shaped building composed of eight main section Aizawa told us that this was the Unforeseen Simulation Joint he also told us that 13 would supervise us during this training, we were supposed to be able to fight and adapt to different type's of scenario's so the USJ for short was created to simulate these scenario's there were 8 zone's:

Central Plaza: The central area that connects to the simulation rooms as well as the main entrance.

Ruins Zone: Located in the northeast, this zone simulates a destroyed urban environment, with buildings found in precarious conditions.

Landslide Zone: Located to the east, this zone simulates sloped terrain with building remains.

Mountain Zone: Located to the south, this zone simulates a rocky, mountainous area, filled with cliffs.

Conflagration Zone: Located to the southwest, this zone simulates a urban environment that is constantly on fire.

Flood Zone: Located to the west, this zone simulates a maritime environment. It contains a ship as well as a waterslide.

Downpour Zone: Located to the northwest, this zone simulates an urban environment that is constantly hit by heavy rainfall and strong winds.

Additionally, the building is equipped with sensors to detect intruders.

We entered the building and met 13 he was a pretty nice guy and Ochaco asked for his autograph and told him how inspired she was of his work, his costume consists of a white space suit design using what appears to be a puffy jacket instead of an actual suit, a black helmet with white eyes, and a pair of yellow boots. But before we could actually start the training, some kind of black mist started dividing us.

the first one is a pale, skinny man. He has messy light blue hair. His lips are dry, cracked, and uneven, as if he's been chewing on them.He has 14 disembodied hands clasped onto his arms, ċhėst, neck, head, and face. He is accompanied by someone who was entirely made of black mist he doesn't wear anything and only has three metal plates around his neck.

As they were talking the mist looking guy opened a actual black hole which a strange thing came out of it appears to be a large black humanoid monster. His body is very muscular and has many scars on it. His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it and his mouth has the shape of a bird's beak that has sharp teeth in it. Immediatly that it saw Aizawa it started to attack him, it was really fast and strong if i could compare it, it was almost as strong as All Might, it also seemed invulnerable to Aizawa's quirk cancelation, it started to pound Aizawa like he was a punching bag he throwed him in the air catched him and dropped him on the ground, destroying the ground, and spider cracks starting to appear on it, but the thing wasn't done yet it was starting to break Aizawa's arms.

But before he could succed i appeared in front of him gear second activated with a full 30% one for all lightning appearing all over me, and struck him directly with a Gum Gum no Jet Bazooka, the thing skidded more than a few meters behind but it looked unhurt, even All Might at 60% would have to take that attack seriously, what the hell was this thing?

The man with hands over his face was surprised and said "UA had such a strong student huh? this variable into the game doesn't make me happy" he started grinding his teeth and told the humanoid thing "Nomu go and beat him, we still need to draw All Might out!"

So they were after All Might, I couldn't let them draw All Might out, his buff form time was getting reduced more and more these days, he was also getting weaker, he would need to do a gigantic effort to be able to beat this thing, it also seemed to be able to absorb my attack, and it was also very damn strong, it seemed i needed to pop out the big guns.

I coat my arm in haki and i bit my forearm, it was time to use something that i couldn't fully control, gear fourth!

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