Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 15 - The fight and the aftermath

(Listen to sora ni utaeba on youtube during the fight)

I coat my arm in haki and i bite my forearm, i start blowing a incredible amount of air into my body

and my muscles start inflating, i distribute the air throughout my body, with emphasis on my upper half, i start to get bigger and bigger, i basically double in size and i grow at 4 meters tall, my PE uniform t shirt bursts leaving my abdomen ċhėsts and giant arms outside, leaving me only with the pants and shoes on, both my arms and legs are coated in haki, the Haki coating across my body resemble the wispy ends made from flames, giving it the appearance of tattoos. i gain shading around my inner and outer edges of my eyes, steam comes out of my body nonstop.

The handy man starts laughing:

"Hahaha aren't you a big one, what kind of quirk is this? anyways Nomu kill him, lets make All Might feel the pain of losing a student!"

The Nomu appears in front me and tries to punch me in the stomach but his fist sinks in me like i was made of buŧŧer, a smile appears on my face:

"That won't work, you know why? Because im made of rubber!" I grab his black arm with my right hand and i start to compress my large arm inwardly making it look like the barrel of a cannon, I unleash my punch directly at his strange beak like mouth and say out loud "Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun" it hits him directly making him fly away more than 50 meters away, i was jumping on the spot because of my rubbery constitution, due to this transformation i could't stop jumping.

I had the Nomu's arm in my hand but i wouldn't expect that the thing wasn't hurt at all after he took on my full power Kong Gun it also seemed that his arm was regrowing:

"What kind of freekish thing is this? superhuman speed strength, regeneration, and even damage absorbtion?" i muttered under my breath it was actually very strong, even All Might at 80% would flinch under my full power Kong Gun, but this thing brushed it off as nothing, if All Might came here there was a chance that he would be beaten!

"I can't let him come over, i need to beat this thing!" I appear instantly on the Nomu's right fter compressing both legs into his body, i deliver a double flying kick and mutter under my breath "Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider", I don't let the thing take a breather at all i appear at his side all of the time throwing him around all of the dome, but also keeping away from the injured Aizawa and the students, so they wouldn't get hurt, but even if the thing seemed more tired it still wasn't hurt at all.

"It seems i need to bring out the stronger techniques...." after compressing both fists into my arms, i move my arms horizontally in a rapid fashion, with the afterimages giving the impression of two extra pairs of arms being materialized, before releasing a flurry of continuous heavy punches. "Gomu Gomu no Kong Organ." I was too fast for the Nomu to dodge and all my punches were hitting it, he was getting disentegrated while regenerating at the same time, but it still seemed it wasn't enough.

I gritted my teeth, it seems i needed to use one for all in conjuction with both haki and gear fourth to destroy it... but i could bȧrėly control gear fourth for now, i only had 1 more minute left before i would deflate, if i use one for all it would create internal injuries... but it seems to save everyone here and keep All Might secret as the symbol of peace i would need to sweat a bit.

A grim grin appeared on my face as i inserted one for all in both of my arms, this would hurt like hell, i could already feel the quirks contradicting eachother, the body of a human no matter what couldn't support 3 quirks activated at once, it was too much stress for the body. i blows a large amount of air into my arms, drastically increasing their size, then i unleash it for a devastating blow and say the name of the attack out loud "Gomu Gomu no Leo Rex Smash!" both arms hitting the Nomu directly breaking him into two, his absorbtion level couldn't handle the attack and he colapsed.

I grinned, i did my job i started deflating my haki and one for all deactivating, both my arms were purple and i could feel infernal pain in both of them, the bones weren't broken but they were stretched a lot, and it would take some time till they would heal, even with Recovery Girl's help.

At the last second i didn't think that the handy man would appear in front me with his hand outstretched, it seemed he wanted to touch me:

"Damn monster brat, even though you beat the Nomu if i kill you i could stop the second coming of a new All Might" I dodged instinctively but it was too late, the hand was almost near me threatening to end my existence, but fortunately a big arm full of muscles clasped on the wrist of the handy man, All Might was here and he said loudly "Don't fear, why? Cause im here!" he punched the handy man directly in the stomach and he vomited a bit of blood, but a curse could be heard as the direction which All Might sent him to was actually a dark portal from the mist guy:

All Might tried to follow them but the portal closed and they left, all of my classmates started to approach me and All Might, All Might looked at me with a approval glint in his eyes. It seemed he observed my fight. My classmates flinched when they saw my arms, but i just grinned and told them:

"It's just because this new move of mine takes a lot from me, and i had to exhert a lot of strength to beat the Nomu thing." Both Ochaco and Momo looked at me with a smile on their face's it seemed i inspired them a bit. All Might took me and Aizawa to Recovery Girl's room and had us healed, Aizawa sensei didn't escape unschated, now having a scar going below his right eye. Also Recovery Girl didn't use her quirk on us because we were exhausted so we had to wait to recover our stamina before Recovery Girl could use her quirk on us, All Might was now in his skeletal form, he looked at me with approving look:

"It seems there won't be much time before i will pass you my symbol of peace position." I grinned sheepeshly and rubbed my neck, even though i defeated the thing and i protected the students, i still couldn't save Aizawa in time and he got injured pretty hard.

"All Might even though i did pretty well i still couldn't prevent everything..."

"Nonsense Midoriya my boy you did everything you could, how would you know about these villains ambush, you did excelently in that situation." here All Might's grin vanished, from what he saw on the camera's and what he heard, they were after him, he also knew why Izuku used everything against the Nomu, he didn't want himself to be exposed, if his identity as the sympol of peace crumbled, life would get a lot whole harder, his name alone inspired fear into villains and descreased the villainty rate by a lot, if he disappeared from the hero ranks.... it would spell a lot of trouble.

Izuku himself knew a bit about the symbol of peace importance so thats why he gave everything he could to stop All Might from appearing, fortunately he came in the end and he had a lot of time in his muscular, so his secret was safe.

As i was standing down in the bed of the norse room, i could see the door opening, All Might already left quite a while ago, so he didn't really know who it was, but surprisingly it was the whole classroom 1A, they had flowers and miscelenious gifts with them, they even got, a get well card for both him and Aizawa.

I smirked at them and motioned for all of them to come in and we started talking, but most of the time they were talking and i was just listening:

Kirishima:"Dude you were so manly out there especially with the last attack 'Gomu Gomu no Leo Rex Smash' was especially cool!"

Jiro:"I guess you saved all of your skins there!"

Tsuyu:"You did very well there Midoriya-chan"

Ochaco:"You were so cool Izuku, almost like All Might!"

Yaoyorozu:"You did very well class president, i wish i could learn some things from you in the future"

Shoto:"You are very strong!"

Bakugou:"I don't really like admiting it, but you are really strong you shitty nerd!"

When Recovery Girl returned she ushered all of them out while saying "The patient needs rest, you kido's can visit him after he heals a bit more."

My mom and the parents of each of my classmates were informed by what happened at the school, so she knew that i wouldn't come home till i was healed. As i stood there on the bed i lifted my arm and looked at my hand, i clenched it into a fist and thought "I need to train harder.... i need to be able to fully use one for all 100% and after that i need to be able to incorporate it with haki as well!"

There were a lot of things Izuku needed to do in the future, but right now some good sleep was the first thing he was needing to do was heal and rest up to get back to 100%.

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