Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 16 - The life of UA highschool students

Spring was coming to Japan and it was really beautifull, sakura tree's were blowing in the wind, and in a particular house in a middle class suburb, we could see a green haired teen doing his daily training, but it was something different than before, now he would do exercises with weighted clothing.

After the fight with the nomu in the USJ, Izuku Midoriya realized that he needed to up his training if he wanted to be able to fully use one for all at 100%, after that he would need to continuesly use one for all, haki and his rubber quirk to make his body adjust to using three quirks at the same time, but for now he needed to make his body physically stronger and tougher to increase his gear fourth time and the output of his one for all, in conclusion a high amount of physical training was needed.

In a lone apartment stood a young girl with brown hair and eyes, it was Ochaco Uraraka she was on the computer reading up on some quirk's and thinking how could she increase her control over her own quirk.

In a giant mansion stood a black haired girl Momo Yaoyorozu, she was drinking tea and reading a book, even though the incident at the USJ shook her a bit, Midoriya was there and he saved everyone, her respect for him increased by a notch again.

All of the other UA class 1A student's were either studying or training their quirk's, they were preparing for the upcoming sports festival, it was one of the greatest events UA would hold for the public, and all of them wanted to excel and stand out during the festival, because they would get a internship with a hero agency if they would do well, this in return would get them one step closer to their goal of becoming a licensed hero, and they would learn how to run their own agency's in the future from the hero's they would intern with.

In conclusion everyone was hard for training to improve their quirk's and power as much as possible before the festival.

The teacher's also weren't idle at all, Aizawa, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Cementos, Nedzu the principal they were all gathered up in the teacher lounge, they were having a serious talk about the USJ incident.

Aizawa:"Principal i think we should enforce higher security for this sports festival, who know's maybe the villains will attack again?"

All Might:"I agree with Aizawa, that thing young Midoriya defeated, it would be hard for me to defeat even at 100%, you know the injury saps me of my strength... and im not what i was before, even now 100% of my strength wouldn't compare to 20% of me in my prime, but even a thing being able to treathen me at this level, its incomparably strong, very very few people have this kind of strength enchanting quirks, and they have been recorded in history for their deeds, we will need plans, if these villains have more of these things."

All of the other teachers agreed with All Might's point but principal Nedzu intrerrupted:

Nedzu:"It is a good idea but, if we show that we are scared of them, it will only make them want to attack us more, if we show them that we don't care, this will make them more vigilant thinking that we have trump cards, that could easily destroy their plans, so i will not add any more security than what we had in the past, but All Might we will have you there to make a public presentation when giving the medals to the top three."

All Might nodded, Nedzu's logic was very high, he was a animal with extremely high intelligence, he was one of the very few animals who gained a quirk and mutated, his wisdom helped him up to become the principal of UA high school.

After all the teacher's left Yagi Toshinori sighed, even though his succesor was doing a great work and in the future, he will become the new symbol of peace, he still felt hollow inside, he still wanted to remain as a hero to fullfill his late's teacher wish, but with days going and going he felt the last dreg's of one for all in him becoming smaller and smaller, it seemed like he didn't have anymore time left with the quirk. For now he could maintain his muscle form for 2 hours and 40 minutes if he exerted himself he could use it for 3 hours and 10 minutes, but overexerting would permanently descrease his usual time, let's not even talk about the internal injury's.

All Might's time as a hero was numbered, and the future for the new symbol of peace was coming.

Izuku sneezed, it seemed someone was talking about him, he finished his training and now he was meditating, a healthy mind in a healthy body, that's what he told himself, all the training was paying off, buying weighted clothes put a dent in his allowance and finance's but the training efficiency increased by a lot, he could also feel one for all stretching inside himself, the stronger his body was the more did one for all fuse with him, also his haki and his rubber properties increased as well, that meant haki gave more defense and he could stretch even further.

Things were looking good for Izuku while the sports festival was coming, he was still exceling at his classes both practical and theoretical, Bakugou waas doing really good as well, his quirk improved and he also created new techniques for himself, even though he knew Izuku was way stronger than himself, that didn't stop him from training and studying day and night, he still wanted to surprass Izuku.

It was a particular practical class where class 1A had to fight Midnight that Bakugou shone the most presenting high tactical plans he defeated Midnight with no help at all, he got praised by most of his classmates, even Izuku was impressed by Bakugou's improvement, it seemed that during the sport's festival Bakugou will try his best.

Izuku didn't know what to say to Todoroki they didn't really interact even though they were classmates, even though all of his classmates were friendly aquitances, the only one's he could truly call friends, were Iida, Ochaco, Momo, Tsuyu, albeit hardly Mineta, and Bakugou aswell, he could still consider himself his friend. But Todoroki he didn't know what to say to him when he was approached by him.

Fortunately to break the awkward situation Ochaco came around and started a conversation which we both joined, in the conversation we both derived on different topics and we started to learn about eachother, we actually had more in common than we knew of, we hit off great and we became quick friends.

Now Izuku had one more friend, even though he rarely did go out with Iida Ochaco and the others he now, took the initiative and invited all his friends out to talk about stuff and laze around, even if they did train all day it was good to relax from time to time, they were humans not machines and they were also just teens, they had a lot of time in their palms they neede to relax one in a while.

Izuku and co took the train to the mall ate some things played around, they have even gone to karaoke, it was the bonding of future high class heroes, the top brass who will in the future cooperate to stop criminalty and make the world fairer, but those things were in the future, right now they enjoyed their free time, playing around, singing etc.

After that day the friendship increased of class 1A increased monomuentaly, the other classmates seeing how they were going out, they decided that they wanted to follow up too, in conclusion, Izuku became friends with everyone.

With all the new friends things were more interesting, they were also more trustfull of eachother during practical training, the teachers were especially pleased because of that.

Izuku knew that things will not last like this forever but this were the good times of highschool life, while thinking about this he also remembered that the time for the sports festival was almost upon them, there were only a few day's left till the festival will start.

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