Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 3 - Experimentation

The park that Izuku and Bakugou have gone to wasn't that far away from his neighboorhood so he came back home really fast he didnt even say anything to his mother besides "Im home" he just rushed to the back garden where he started analyzing his quirk thinking about what he did back at the river it seems he could stretch body parts since he could stretch his neck and arm that means he could also stretch his limbs and well everything else

He guessed, he started by stretching his arms to stretching his legs and neck he even grabbed his cheeks and stretched them seeing that he could stretch everything he even grabbed a hold of a tree and started to stretch his torso not having enough power to go really far as he was really young he rocked himself backwards rolling till he hit a house wall, he didnt hit the wall particurarly hard but it did take the wind out of him, but something like this would never stop him from training and unlocking the secrets of his quirk he was determined to become the best hero like All Might to save people with a smile on his face, his determination pushed him to get up and start training again punching kicking headbutting even torso stretching he did all of those till he couldn't stand up anymore.

To see how much he could push himself it didnt take a lot since he was really young, the tree was sturdier than it looked and he didnt leave even a dent in it even with his higher than normal 4 year old strength but it didnt deter him he was really happy his quirk was actually pretty strong and from his analysis his quirk turned him into a rubber human that meaned all of what he was,

Was made of rubber his organs his arms his bones well everything since he could stretch his torso that means his organs stretched with him if not they would have stopped working long ago also he didnt feel any pain when he bashed his head on the tree that meant that blunt damage didn't even work on him as long as he trained himself properly he could become someone as strong as All Might or even stronger, since he only scratched the basics of the quirk itself.

Also after all that stretching and punching he felt that his body became somehow stronger he didnt know why but it was actually from the part that the quirk didnt integrate himself 100% yet since he only awakened it short time ago so while he trained himself his quirk integration also speedened after his quirk would integrate 100% he would no longer get stronger by stretching alone he would need to train himself up with normal training ,

After all the training Izuku was actually quite hungry this was indicated by his growling stomach he quite weakly made his way to the kitchen where his mother was finishing launch and putting it up on the table seeing that Izuku was quite tired Inko helped him by picking him up and putting him on his favourite All Might themed chair and saying

"Well Izuku it seems you played a lot today so you should go and rest after launch" Izuku nodded his head affirmatively before digging in his food he ate the rice, fish and other snacks his mother prepared for him before leaving he gave her a earnest "Thank you for the meal" and left for his room upstairs the notebook his grandfather gave him was on his table near his computer he picked it up and started writing on the cover "Analitics and training regimene for future hero carrier"

here he would write about himself and other heroes traits fighting styles quirks behaivours etc...

He firstly put his name down before writing his information it looked like this

Name:Izuku Midoriya


Eye colour:Green

Quirk:Rubberification, his whole body became rubbery being able to stretch and take no damage from blunt attacks potential unknown specified to be high ,quirk cant be turned off its permanent

he didnt write his age because well age will forever change he will never remain the same age and quirks will also develope more so he left some space between his quirk and the next hero he will write, after he finished writing his information he powered up his pc and opened his browser searching about rubber properties training regiments and when he should be able to start training so that he wouldn't damage himself after scrolling for a while he found a lot about rubber and with his quick mind he found a lot of things he could do maybe he could even enlarge his limbs by making a really small hole in his thumb and blowing in it but that would come for later when he would have mastered all his other techniques he was thinking about.

Izuku also thought on how he should tell his mother that he already unlocked his quirk so fast compared to how his doctor said, that it would take atleast 3 months but he unlocked it after 1 day it was kind of strange but he actually liked it that meant he and Bakugou had the same starting point so they were on even ground now.

Time passed fast when he was doing his research and scribbling in his notebook so he didnt see that it was already 10 PM his mother knocked gently on his door before saying "Izuku are you asleep dear?" he replied with a quick no and that he would go to bed soon his mother told him to go to sleep or he wouldn't get desert tommorow so Izuku immediatly complied from tommorow onwards Izuku would start with a stringent training regime which would consist of "Physical and quirk training in the morning hero analytics in the afternoon" after that he would tell his mother that he unlocked his quirk and that he wanted to learn a fighting style which would compliment his quirk this would come as fighting style training in the evening this list will be changed later after he would start going to school but it would be really slight change in between would be launch breakfast etc and some 10 minute pauses once in while so that he wouldn't overexhaust himself, Izuku was looking to the future and for him it was a really bright one.

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