Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 4 - Revelations and training

Izuku was waking up grogrily the culprit who was taking Izuku away from his beloved sleep was his All Might themed clock it was beeping really loud it was 8:00 AM he forgot that he set the clock this early because he wanted to tell his mother about his quirk and ask her to take him to a dojo or gym or somewhere where he could learn some martial arts or any kind of fighting style , he got up from his bed slowly and walked to the bathroom to do his daily necessities after he was done he put on his All Might themed shirt and jeans before going down to see his mother that was cooking breakfast.

Inko Midoriya was surprised to see her little Izuku wake up so early yesterday was a special day so thats why she tought that today he would sleep in atleast till 10:00 AM he was still little and he needed lots of sleep so she asked him softly

"Izuku why did you wake up so early?" Izuku looked at his mother with a big smile on his face just like All Might's one and told her "Mom i just unlocked my quirk!" his mother was stunned didn't the doctor say that it would take atleast 3 months till he would unlock his quirk why did it come so soon? even if she was a bit stunned she was neverthless happy for little Izuku she knew from the moment that he put his eyes on the hero All Might that he was inspired to become like him so him getting a quirk early would be a big help for him so she asked "Izuku whats exactly your quirk?"

Izuku demonstrated by pinching his cheeks and elongated them while explaining "Im a rubber human now mom i can stretch, the quirk also makes me somehow stronger its like a strengthening and transformation quirk in one!"

Inko was actually terrified for a few seconds before hearing the explanation but after hearing it she was happy but was also questioning how did Izuku get such a quirk her own quirk was minor telekinesis she could move small objects towards herself or a small area around her and her husband could breath fire both quirks couldn't mutate so much that he would become rubber but as she tought more she realized that the mutation actually came from his grandpas quirk combining it with their family lineage of quirk mutations at random it wasn't really that strange so she said to him

"Oh dear thats fantastic you are now one more step ahead to your dream come here!" as she hugged him Izuku felt a boost in confidence someone already believed that he would become a great hero and it helped a great deal that it was his own mother so after they broke up the hug he asked her "Mom i already set up a training routine for myself but i need to learn a fighting style if i want to become a great hero could you help me visit some dojos or gyms in the city?"

He asked sweetly with his big green eyes that would melt even the coldest souls in a icy day in Alaska, even tough his mother didnt want him to hurt himself learning to fight she knew that she wouldn't be able to stop him no matter what since he was keen on becoming a hero and as a hero there would be a lot of fights when your life and the lifes around you would be in peril she knew herself from all the storys Garp told his grandson she also heard a bit of them even tough Garp omitted some of the darker parts Inko could imagine them since she was an ȧduŀt and had some experience so it was better that he would learn how to fight sooner so she told him "Izuku after we eat breakfast you can tell me what fighting style you want to learn and ill take you there!"

Izuku was happy after his mother told him those words he immediatly got up on his All Might chair and wanted for his mom to settle breakfast it wasn't anything big fish rice and some other meat he didn't really know about after that he got some deesert and he was ready to take on the world, he tought really fast which fighting style would enhance his quirk the best after a long list of pros and cons he made in his mind he decided that he should go with mixed martial arts since he could use all parts of his body in combat after he would learn the core of mixed martial arts he would then make his own moves with his quirk just like other heroes he looked as his mother as she washed the dishes and made up his mind

"Mom can we go to a mixed martial arts dojo?" Inko was really surprised All Might wasn't known for having a fluid fighting style so she tought that Izuku would want to immitate him so he would learn boxing or something similar that would focus on punching but he chosen one of the most versatile fighting style there is in mixed martial arts you could punch grapple kick etc. so it was more harder than the other fighting styles it would take him a while to master it let's not even talk about quirk training but since he made up his mind she wouldn't tell him no so she entered the internet on her phone while searching for nearby mixed martial arts dojos fortunately there was one near their neighboorhood

It wasn't really big from what she could discern from the site so that means it would also be cheaper which was very good even tough her husband send her money monthly and she also had a decent desk job they only had financial stability they weren't rich they could afford some hobbys late tech but they couldn't go overboard she was also kinda frugal so she wanted to save money for Izuku later in life so she decided she would go to the nearby dojo.

Izuku was excited after his mother made some inquiries on the internet on the dojos forum he would go and fill some formulars at the dojo so he would become a disciple, as the site said the dojo wasn't really far from them 2-3 KM they could walk till there it would take them at maximum 20 minutes, when they reached the dojo they observed it a bit it wasn't really grandiose it was a normal japanese styled dojo painted blue and red with a big sign which read in kanji as mixed martial arts Rikus dojo Inko and Izuku met with the sensei and owner of the dojo named Riku he was a middle aged man that looked like he could snap a bears waist in two he looked kinda intimidating with all that muscle and all but Inko and Izuku were immune to his looks since his grandfather and All Might themselves were muscle freaks so they tought he had a strength enchanting quirk.

They filled the forms and paid the money for the first month it was a teaching day today but the mysterious thing it was that there were no people in the dojo so Inko asked Riku "Why are there no people here Riku?" Riku smiled embarasedly while scratching his neck "Well you see Midoriya-san your child is my first student no one really wants to learn mixed martial arts these days they think its too hard , they go for either easier ones like box or karate or judo they dont want to learn everything actually im at my wits end here if it wasn't for you coming now i was supposed to close the dojo" Inko wasn't really surprised anymore after hearing the explanation seems these days kids wouldn't work as hard as they would before so she told Izuku to work hard and left she knew that he could come back on his own since he learned the route already he was a very smart child.

Izuku was asked by Riku what quirk he had so he could teach him better Izuku responded by stretching his cheeks and laughing before answering "Im a rubber human" Riku was kind of startled that was a peculiar quirk right there he told himself but since it was a transformation quirk Riku knew that he didn't really need to teach him anything besides what he knew , he knew that people with transformation quirks would make techniques themselves after they learned a particular fighting style after talking a bit with Izuku about his quirk he started teaching him the moves and katas by showing him exactly how they should be done even tough he didn't have any students he was a pretty aclaimed mixed martial arts master with more than a few gold medals that he won in competitions.

Izuku was like a fish in water as he watched his new teacher Riku perform the moves instinctively he started to mimick him like a monkey the startling thing was that Izuku was mimicking Riku perfectly like he was in a mirror or something, Riku was startled was this kid a genius freak or something no one could learn that fast ? could they? but as he looked at Izuku and how he was doing his katas flawlesly like he himself would do he didn't really know what to say if he showed Izuku all the katas didn't that mean he wouldn't have what to teach him anymore?

Even tough he was at end with the dojo if he could teach Izuku everything he knew he would be content with it since he would get someone who could pass his teachings in the future so without stopping he started to do all the katas even the more advanced ones that were actually the secret ones that would come from his family technique he decided to go all out and teach Izuku everything he knew.

"Well you learned everything kid if you want to leave you can i can also give your mother some of the money back since you won't need to come back for the rest of the month" Izuku was kind of embarassed he learned everything he could from this man and he even wanted to give the money back he couldn't just take everything this man trained all his life for and take his money back as well it would be bad so he came up with a idea

"Mister you could help me with my training routine and help me create new attacks with my quirk this month after that you could tell my mother that you teached me the basics and the rest should be covered by my quirk training." Riku was stunned he didnt think the little guy wouldn't want his money back and he wanted to be trained even more by him as well so he gladly accepted the money could somewhat extend his dojos life expectancy maybe he could even get more students he could teach who knows what happens in the future?

This month was a gruelling experience for Izuku for the first week all the stretching thinking punching kicking headbutting made him feel really weak till the next day but he could feel himself improving his physique was improving and his quirk was also implementing in himself even faster after a few more months stretching will not increase his strength anymore but he also wasn't only stretching he was also doing the normal kind of training push-ups sit-ups pull-ups since Riku was a mixed martial arts master he knew a lot about the human body but even with his knowledge he was kind of stumped by Izuku's detemination recovery speed and resistance, as a 4 year old he shouldn't be able to do as much things as he was doing right now but all common sense was thrown out of the window the moment Izuku mastered one of the hardest fighting styles on earth in 20 minutes

He also created his first quirk technique this month he called it Gomu Gomu no pistol he would stretch his arm behind him before shooting it at a target with high velocity after he would hit the target the arm will snap fast back into its regular state when he firstly tried this technique he actually almost shot the dojos punching bag off the chains and it was no normal punching bag it was a hard one that weighted more than 100 kilograms for a 4 year old to be this strong was inhuman even in this quirk based society.

Riku tought he was seeing a new All Might in the making and he was really proud that in the future a well known figure would have been trained by him the month came and gone as fast as it could on the last day Izuku thanked Riku for training him he left for home to never come back again at the dojo little did he know when in the future he would somehow leave a hint that he trained in Rikus dojo people would flock there like All Might himself was giving autographs but that was for the really far future when Izuku would replace All Might.

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