
“There you are.” Mona gushed as we entered the breakfast room and she stood to come over to us. “I was worried you were going to miss lunch and I wouldn't see you again until supper.”

“Are you talking to the both of us or just David?” Helena asked, her voice slightly cooler than it was a couple of minutes ago.

“What? The both of you, of course.” Mona said and looked surprised. “What brought that on?”

“David told me what happened in the vault room.” Helena said.

Mona gasped and her surprised look started to become angry as she glanced at me.

“Don't be angry at him. I asked him to tell me.” Helena said, diverting her mother's attention back to her. “What were you thinking, mother?”

Mona's face flushed red as she blushed. “I... I wasn't, really. I just... his magic was...”

“Mother, a lot of men can infuse strongly.” Helena said.

“Not like this.” Mona said and pat the space between her breasts. “I've never seen anyone fill a testing crystal like that in one shot. Ever. I couldn't help but be turned on.” She took a breath and let out a sigh as she put her hand on her daughter's shoulder. “I'm sorry, Helena. I didn't think I was crossing... I mean, I did say that...” She stopped her ramble and shook her head. “I don't really have an excuse. I was wrong to do what I did and I won't try anything like that again.”

“Good, because even though nothing happened, I would hate for a certain someone to find out.” Helena said, clearly a veiled threat.

“As would I.” Mona smiled as she squeezed Helena's shoulder. “You've grown into a wonderful lady.”

Helena smiled and nodded at the compliment.

“Where's your sister? If she doesn't...” Mona stopped talking as Selena came into the room wearing bright white pants and a top that showed off a lot more of her cleavage than her morning dress did. “That had better be what you're wearing under a shirt, young lady.” Mona said sternly as she looked her fairly exposed daughter over. “You are not working at the Longshore Estate looking like that.”

“Mother, this is a work outfit.” Selena said and did a twirl to show it off. “It's open enough to let my skin breathe and the pants...”

“Your skin is doing a lot more than breathing.” Helena said with a teasing tone of voice.

Selena stopped her turn and glared at her sister.

“I won't object to the pants, since you need them to work. You will wear a shirt when you leave the house and button it to at least three quarters mast.” Mona said, her voice firm.

“Motherrrrr, I'm trying to...” Selena stopped herself before she admitted to anything. “Never mind.”

“Come and sit beside me.” Mona said and took her youngest daughter's hand. “Tell me about the shopping trip.”

“It was fun at first and got boring near the end.” Selena said as we all sat down and the maids brought out the food.

“We warned her about that before going to the blacksmiths.” Helena said and started to eat.

“Don't jump ahead of the story before I hear the rest.” Mona said with a soft laugh. “Go ahead, Selena. Tell me what happened after you arrived in the shopping district.”

Selena gave Helena a victory smile and then regaled their mother about everything they did and saw while shopping.

I participated in the same way I had during the actual shopping trip, by staying quiet and going along with everything. I ate silently and didn't speak unless spoken to. My army training was applicable to certain social situations as well.

Helena chimed in when she could, to give her views and thoughts, and then they both told about the shop owner with the ingredients.

Mona laughed at that point, quite boisterously. “Now I wish I could have gone with you.” She said, her face lively and happy. “Lady Ginger was a complete bore this morning with your father not in attendance to keep me distracted.”

Helena and Selena laughed as well.

“Now you know why I didn't want to be left behind.” Selena said to me. “I almost fell asleep the last time she was here and father gave me a real scolding afterwards.”

“He's just trying to prepare you for proper etiquette training.” Mona said and pat her daughter's hand. “It's a harsh course at the academy.”

Selena sighed and nodded. “I've heard some of the horror stories.”

“I almost ran crying from one lesson.” Helena said and Selena perked up. “I had to make several different kinds of beverages perfectly... both with and without magic.”

“No!” Selena gasped and looked at her mother for confirmation, who nodded. “You can't be serious.”

“You need to know both ways, just in case a maid is sick, or did it wrong, or any number of other reasons. It's your responsibility as a lady to maintain consistency in the house and to honor the host's duties.” Mona said. “I did it all blindfolded once.”

“No way!” Selena exclaimed.

“I was showing off, of course.” Mona said, her face a little red. “It caught the eye of your father.”

“Is that how you met?” Helena asked.

“No, that came later during a particularly violent magic practice that got out of hand.” Mona said. “He was so commanding and full of confidence that no one dared to defy him when he stepped in and put a stop to it.”

Helena and Selena had looks of admiration on their faces and their mother blushed a bit more.

“I was quite lucky he was there and I thanked him personally for saving me and the other students.” Mona said with a huge smile. “He received an award for gallantry from the director.”

“Why have we never heard this before now?” Selena asked. “That's a great story!”

Mona chuckled. “You can thank David for that.”

“What?” Helena and Selena asked at the same time.

“He's a lot like your father was back then. He's handsome, powerful, sure of himself, and will face adversity when necessary, no matter who it is.” Mona said, admiration in her voice.

“Mother.” Helena said without inflection.

Mona laughed softly. “It's all right, Helena. I realized my mistake in confusing them and you don't have to worry. I truly and deeply love your father. I always have. I won't let anything come between us.”

Helena only hesitated for a moment before she nodded.

“You should head over to the Longshore Estate and see what needs to be done.” Mona said and looked at me. “Don't be afraid to assume command over there. It's going to be your place when it's finished being renovated and it's best to establish yourself early.”

“I'll make sure they all know who he is, if they don't know already.” Helena said and stood. She took my hand and led me from the room, then she shifted to hug my side instead. “You can... touch me there... if you want to.” She whispered. “I saw you looking before.”

I knew what she meant and I moved my hand down from her back and gently caressed her backside through the tight pants. She moaned a little under her breath and she hugged my side tightly. We walked slowly through the house and I didn't stop touching her until we stepped out through the front door to go to the waiting coach. By the time we sat down inside, Helena had calmed down and gave me a sexy smile and a quick kiss.

Selena came out of the house a minute later and wore a shirt on over her top. It was buttoned as her mother had instructed and she climbed in to sit across from us. She made it a particular point to bend way over to try and let me see some of her cleavage.

Helena let out a mocking laugh. “I see what you meant to do.”

“Shut up.” Selena pouted as she sat and looked out the window, her face red.

The coach drove over to the Longshore Estate which was several properties away. I had to assume that the Henrietta Family owned the other properties as well if they owned an estate that far away from their own. I didn't ask how many people lived on their lands, since I didn't know what that would mean for them. How did that even work? Did you get money from people for living there? What if they worked for you? Wouldn't all the money just keep going away? How did you get it back or make more?

My thoughts cut off as we pulled up to a mansion that was half the size of the Henrietta Family's mansion. Work crews were spread all over. Some working with stone, some with wood, and others with tools to shape both.

“It's coming along nicely.” Helena said as the coachman opened the door for us.

I stepped out and helped her out, then gave my elbow to Selena. She caught her breath at the clear rebuke and Helena stifled her laugh.

“That's what you get for trying mother's stunt.” Helena said as Selena actually used my arm to brace herself and stepped out of the carriage. “David, we need to find the foreman and see where we can safely install your potion setups where they won't be disturbed.”

I nodded and escorted her into the building. I immediately heard shouts and yells, so I directed us there. We found the administrator standing in the kitchen and he was being yelled at by two burly workmen. His shoulders were hunched down and he looked like a whipped dog.

“I can't believe my top crew was sent from our prestige slot on the ship to this blasted mess!” One of the burly men said loudly. “What's going on? My men have been floundering around all morning with nothing to do! Who else can I yell at to be sent back to where we're actually needed?”

“I'd like to know that, too.” The other burly man added. “We're high class finishing wood workers! We don't construct things, we finish them!”


You have a choice to make. Will you take Mona Henrietta's advice and assume command responsibilities or will you let the administrator try to deal with them?

A) Speak up and take command. B) Stay silent and watch. C) Tell Helena to talk.

D) Attack them. E) Make the administrator tell you what to do. F) Choose two.

If I've learned anything in the army, it's that I'm done taking orders from anyone else. I thought. I'll choose two, first A and then D to make a point.


“Did Lady Henrietta lie and actually send us the two worst crews from the ship?” I said loudly and the administrator jumped like he had been struck. The two burly men turned to look at me.

“Who're you?” One of them asked.

“We are the lord and lady of this house.” I said with a firm voice and let Helena's arm go. “If you want to yell at someone, you can try to yell at me.”

The two men took that as a direct challenge to their own authority. One smiled and one frowned as they both came over to me.

“You're dressed as a Henrietta House worker, not a lord.” One of them said and made a fist. “I don't recognize...”

I put a bit of magic in my hand and whipped my hand out to slap the side of his head where his ear was. There was an audible pop as his eardrum burst and the man yelled as he covered his bleeding ear. I knew it hurt, because the Hag had done it to me countless times to get my attention.

“Are you an idiot? Her daughter, who looks EXACTLY like her mother, is standing at my side.” I said. “Do you think she would allow just any man to escort her? Do you?”

“No.” The man admitted.

“I am her fiance and you will show us and our trusted people the proper respect, or you won't be around to repeat the mistake.” I said and he didn't look surprised. “I don't mean you'll be sent away from the house, I mean I'll kill you and be done with you.”

That made him look surprised. “You would issue a duel over this?”

“No duel.” I said and pulled my knife from the sheath and charged it. “I'll just take your head and send it to your family.”

Both men took in sharp breaths and stepped back.

“Now, what's this nonsense about you not working when you came here?” I asked.

“We... there was nothing...”

“Administrator Lannin, what did you try to assign them this morning when Lady Henrietta sent them here for their desperately needed help?” I asked.

Lannin didn't hesitate as he flipped his handful of pages to the front. “The woodworking specialists were assigned to build the main staircase in the main hall, which is a two day job that is now half a day behind because they refused to work. The general crew was assigned as a catch all crew and were to report to any job specialist that needed extra hands. I sent them to the stonemason first, to help reinforce the outer walls. They refused to move a single brick and said it was beneath them.”

“So, it seems the situation is quite different than you both claimed.” I said and glared at them like Helena glared at Selena when she said that she was going to steal me from her. “Very well. You both will get your wish.” I took out the half empty healing potion and handed it to the man I had injured. “Drink that to fix your ear.”

The man took it and drank it. He took in a long breath as the potion worked almost instantly.

“I'm sending you both back to the ship you so desperately want to return to.” I said and they both smiled. “I am also informing the shipwright, Lady Henrietta, and Lord Henrietta about the utter lack of work ethic that their supposedly 'best' work crews have shown the heirs of the Henrietta Family.”

“No! Please, you can't...” One of them said.

“Give us another chance!” The previously hurt one said.

“You had your chance. All you needed to do was work. You didn't even have to work hard. Moving bricks? That's nothing. Even a marsh rabbit can move rocks. Building a wooden box and adding stairs, then adding a rail? Easily done, since I've done it myself dozens of times.” I said. “Neither of you tried to do anything except complain and asked to be sent away. So, I am sending you away. Without pay.”

Both men looked defeated and dropped their heads slightly.

“Lannin, please arrange for the two crews to be removed from the work site, even if they protest. Call the Henrietta guards if you need them to corral the crewmen. On my authority, of course. If the guards question you, send them to me right away and I'll deal with it personally. After that, contact the shipwright and tell him what I said, then have him send over two competent crews. If they are as bad as these, I might have to go down there myself to see how he's really running things.”

“Yes, my lord.” Lannin said, a huge smile on his face. “Gerald!”

“Yes, father?” A young man said as he darted into the kitchen through the doorway to outside.

Lannin told his son, word for word what I said, then Gerald smiled the same smile as his father.

“Gentlemen, right this way. I'll take you right to your lazy... ah, I mean waiting crewmen.” Gerald said and waved at the door that led to the outside. The two men didn't speak and followed the young man out of the room.

“My lord, thank you.” Lannin said when the men left. “I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them and I didn't have the authority to send them away.”

“You do now.” I said and the man's back straightened slightly.

“Yes, my lord.” Lannin said with a nod.

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