Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

122 How It’s Done


I plucked a general health potion out of my bandoleer and handed it to Lannin. “Drink that.”

Lannin didn't hesitate as he popped the cork and upended the vial. He visibly shivered as the potion took effect and he looked significantly healthier. “My lord, what was that?”

I took the empty vial and put it in the empty spot on my bandoleer. “It's called a general health potion.”

“It's amazing.” Lannin said. “I almost feel a few years younger!”

Helena laughed. “I think you've been under a lot more stress than you've told mother.”

Lannin's face turned slightly red and he didn't say anything.

“It's all right. We're here now. You don't need to be stressed anymore.” Helena said, her voice full of reassurance.

“Yes, my lady.” Lannin responded with a nod.

“Have the potion setups been delivered?” I asked.

“I've put them into the downstairs den for now. I doubt that's the best place for them, however. You'll need good ventilation for all those fires and to cool the potions when they are crated.” Lannin said.

“You know this house better than anyone. Where would you suggest is the best place?” Helena asked.

“The basement room on the far side of the house. It's right next to the main chimney for the living room's fireplace. Running an attached pipe to it for the smoke can be done in minutes.”

“That sounds perfect. Thank you.” Helena said. “We'll need to borrow a work crew for a short while to move the supplies and things down there and to do some work.”

“Not a problem. We're just coming off of lunch and haven't started work yet.” Lannin said and leaned out the window. “Frank! Get your men! We've got a loading job for the lord and lady we need to do.”

“Let's go, lads.” A man's gruff voice said and ten large men came into the kitchen. One of them looked at me and raised a hand to stop the men from proceeding. “Are you Lady Henrietta's fiance?”

“I am.” I said, glad to see that not everyone was as unobservant as the last two men.

“You sent those goofs off?”

I nodded. “I need workers to get things done, not complainers to slow us down.”

Frank looked at my outfit. “You're planning to try and help?”

I smiled slightly. “No, I am going to help. I hope you can keep up with me, especially when I show you how to really build things.”

Complete silence met my words for a moment, then Frank barked a laugh. “No wonder she chose you.” He said and held a hand out for me to shake. “I'm Frank and this is my crew. We're the best and the fastest workers on this site.”

“You're going to be even faster by the end of the day.” I promised as I shook his hand. “I'll need my potion making things taken down to the basement room by the main chimney at the far side of the house to get started.”

“Consider it done.” Frank said, then Selena, Helena and I followed him and his work crew as they lugged ten of the heavy stone bases from the den down into the basement. None of the men said anything when they saw that I carried two of them while they only carried one.

I directed them to set it up like I had it back at the old garrison, with five pots on each side and a walkway between them, with the last two pots at the end between the two rows. A pipe was easily installed to go right into the chimney, so that no smoke would gather, then a return pipe from outside would bring in fresh air. I would find out later that both pipes had hidden minor wind enchantments on them to increase the flow of air.

As I attached the stone bases together with number ten potion, the work crew brought the rest of the supplies down, including a hundred crates of empty vials. I set everything up, except for the pots, because I would need to treat them first. I asked for scrap wood, as much as they had, and they didn't question me about it.

When they brought several odd piles of wood pieces and a canvas bag of much smaller pieces, I quickly scattered the smaller pieces under the setups and set them all on fire with a wave of my hand without chanting. That surprised everyone but Helena, because she had seen me do it countless times.

“Selena, can you ask Lannin if there are any wildwood trees on the property?” I asked.

“I'll be right back!” Selena exclaimed excitedly and took off at a run.

“I hope she doesn't ask him to cut them down for me.” I said and one of the workers laughed. “Can you go and make sure that she only finds them?”

“Yes, sir.” The man replied and ran after her just as quickly.

“Frank, we'll need four large barrels, water filled once they are in place.” Helena said and pointed to where they needed to go. “You can add a temporary water access point to the outside right there for now. We can move it later or make it permanent, once the grounds are decided on.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Frank said and sent five of his workers to do it. “Sir, if I may be so bold...” He said and motioned to the potion vial I had just emptied onto the stone floor to secure the last stone base in place.

“Yes, this is a special bonding potion.” I said and held up another vial of number ten potion to show him the color. “It'll bind anything to anything, your skin included. It's quite dangerous.”

Frank looked surprised. “Sir, that could change how we build things if it bonds anything.”

“I can guarantee it.” I said and picked up a few of the larger pieces of scrap wood. “Watch.”

Frank and the three other workers watched in fascination as I easily bonded the scraps together and made what looked like a rickety old workbench. Once I set up small guides on the edges to hold the potion, I poured an entire vial onto the top. Because the layer of liquid was so thin, it set by the time the men came back with the barrels, barely two minutes later.

I knocked on the tabletop. “It's solid.”

Frank reached out and knocked on the wood himself, then he ran his hand over the smooth as glass surface. “By the Son's Light.” He whispered. “It's perfectly smooth.”

I did the same technique to the two sides to reinforce the workbench, using half a vial on each side, since they were half the size of the top, and added braces for show. The workbench I would be using for potion ingredients was ready for the fortifying waterproof potion and all the men present had gaping mouths as I used a cloth to rub the potion onto the wood, then the wood seemed to age right before their eyes and hardened in mere moments.

Helena passed me a ladle from the supplies and I used half a ladle of water from one of the barrels and poured it onto the bench. The water slid right off and splashed to the stone floor. It didn't bead or anything on the tabletop.

“Sir, we have to start making and selling these workbenches as soon as possible.” Frank said, his eyes wide. “I would gladly give up a week's pay for something like this and I don't spend money frivolously.”

“You saw how I made it.” I said and the man nodded. “Would you still spend that much money on it?”

“I make two gold a day and three on weekends.” Frank said and he ran his hand over the flawless wood. “That's sixteen gold. It's definitely worth that, especially if the scraps you use are from the expensive wood used inside the house.”

Helena took the ladle from me and kissed my cheek. “He's a worker and is willing to pay that much. Can you imagine what a noble would pay for a flawless table like this?”

“I would have to leave that in your care, since I don't.” I said and she beamed a smile at me.

“I'll inform the other workers that they are not to dispose of any scraps of wood and to gather them instead.” Frank said. “I'll have them leave the piles just outside this basement room's door.”

“Tell them to save the stone pieces as well.” I said and Frank looked shocked.

“You... can't be...” Frank looked at the bench and then at the empty vial I put back into my bandoleer.

“I'll be making ten batches of this as soon as...” I stopped talking when Selena came into the basement.

“There's a small grove of wildwood trees at the back of the property.” Selena said.

“A grove? Do you mean that there's a whole group of them with no underbrush or shrubbery?” I asked, just to be sure.

“A group?” Selena asked with a laugh. “There's a few acres of them.”

I took in a sharp breath and put a hand over my heart, because for the first time in my life, I was shocked by something that hadn't removed any of my body parts. I wasn't used to that feeling at all and swayed on my feet a little.

“Dearest!” Helena gasped and hugged me tightly to hold me steady.

I put my arms around her and hugged her back. “I never thought...” I looked into her eyes. “I thought I would have to struggle so hard when I came here, even more than I did in the army. I thought I would be hunting for scarce resources and maybe I would be able to get by doing odd jobs for your father or even becoming an apprentice enchanter.”

“An apprentice? You're an expert.” Helena said with a laugh, I assumed to try and boost my confidence.

“No, I only know a few little things and how to do them well. I really need to study to do more.”

“Dearest, we've got the rest of our lives for you to worry about things like this.”

“But... as your husband...”

“I love you.” Helena said and gave me a kiss. “I started with just wanting your talents for the family, then I started to get to know you and then I fell for you.” She said and kissed me again. “I've told you how rare it is for a match to work out so well.”

I nodded. “Your mother and father being the only one you know of personally.”

Helena smiled. “You are more than I could have ever hoped for and I will do anything for you. Anything at all.” She said. “If we have to somehow survive on the magic tasks I can hire myself out for, we will not be hurting for money, even if you somehow lose all the money you already have.”

I nodded and kept her tightly held as I looked at the workmen. “I need one tree from that grove. Just one. It has to be at least one foot thick and no thicker than a foot and a half. Cut it three feet from the ground and do not clean the branches off. Be very careful in bringing it back and don't damage the bark if you can help it. Use a cart if you have to. That might make it easier to transport.”

“There's a road.” Selena said. “The old property owners liked to take slow rides through there.”

“I'd like to do that, too.” Helena offered, clearly understanding my desire to see them for myself.

“When the house is finished.” I said and she nodded. I looked at Frank. “Take a horse with the cart if there's a road. Empty one if you have to. I need that tree.”

“Yes, sir.” Frank said. “Is there anything else?”

“I'll be out to help once the potions are done in an hour.” I said, because it always took longer the first time, especially having to prep the pots and getting the first good burn from the fires. I put my hand on the workbench to put Frank's attention on it. “Then we'll really show everyone what the Henrietta Workers can accomplish with the right tools.”

Frank gave me a very happy smile. “Yes, sir. I'll be back with that tree in fifteen minutes or so.” He and the workers left and only Selena, Helena, and I were left in the basement.

“Selena, did Lannin assign you anything to do?” Helena asked.

“No.” Selena said, clearly lying.

“Selena.” Helena said and her sister sighed.

“He might have mentioned needing someone to go to town and ensure the next stone delivery is on time.” Selena said in defeat.

“Hmm. I should probably go myself.” Helena said and Selena's face brightened. “But, you did state that you needed more practice being a lady.”

Selena opened her mouth, probably to protest, then she sighed. “Fine.”

“It's only half an hour of your time, both ways.” Helena said. “You're Lady Henrietta for the next hour, dear sister. Make sure you impress them properly.”

Selena straightened her back as she assumed the proper poise. “I won't embarrass the family.”

Helena smiled at her sister and nodded. “I know you won't. See you when you get back.”

Selena left at a fast walk and now it was down to just Helena and myself.

“Finally.” Helena said and let me go. She whispered a quick chant as she waved her hand and the door closed and locked. “I want you badly, dearest.”

She unbuttoned her shirt and she whispered another chant as she pulled off the slightly glowing laced bodice she wore. Her breasts spilled out and she took my hands to mash them into her hot flesh. She moaned and struggled to take her pants off as I played with her chest. I diverted from my assigned task and helped her, then she did the same to me.

When we were both naked, she laid down on my new work bench and we made love to each other right there. It would be the first of many times that we would 'christen' and 'bless' all of the new rooms in the house when they were completed.

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