Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

174 Academy Antics Part Forty Two – A Nice Talk


I was right and Eludora absolutely loved Vanessa. They got along great, as if they had been lifelong friends, and talked for the entire time I worked in the map room until lunchtime.

“David! Lunchtime.” Eludora said and I came out of the room. “I can't thank you enough for doing this during your time off.”

“I'll be done of everything this afternoon.” I said and she smiled at me.

“Go ahead and take your conquest to lunch and I'll see you back here afterwards.” Eludora said and Vanessa blushed deeply.

“My what?” I asked.

“It's a description of a woman you've thoroughly charmed and wants to be solely yours, even if it's just for a night and to get pregnant.” Eludora said and Vanessa's blush became so pronounced that I thought if it had any more blood rush to it, it would make her face explode. “It's the same term as an army conquering a country. If you're wondering, your actions are the army and Vanessa's emotions and mind are the country.”

I stood there and stared at her as I thought about her description. “Is that what I've been doing?” I asked a minute later. “I've just been using the knowledge I learned to make people like me and to stop them from teasing me or bullying me.”

“By people, you mean women.” Eludora said with a chuckle. “The men seem to dislike you just on principle.”

“Women are more accepting and understanding then men. Men see me as a rival and want to prove they are better than me, usually staking their reputations and lives on it. Women might want to prove they are better as well; but, they don't see me as a rival. They see me as competition without any real personal stakes.” I said and both Eludora and Vanessa looked surprised. “What is it?”

“David, you just summed up the entire problem between the men and women of our time.” Eludora said. “Women like to challenge themselves while men only want to prove who's better. Women like to win; but, we don't have to. Men do.”

“They get angry when they are beaten as well and can only think about how to get back at the winner.” Vanessa whispered and Eludora nodded. “David, you will never get angry at me if I somehow make a potion better than you, will you?”

“No, because that would be great and I would want to see that. I've never seen anyone make one better, not even the Hag.” I answered.

Vanessa looked at Eludora's pleased smile. “I told you.”

“Yes, proof is always nice to have.” Eludora laughed softly. “Now go on. I sent word to your dorm to expect you.”

I left the library with Vanessa on my arm and she looked happy. “Can I ask why you're happy?”

“Yes.” Vanessa hugged my arm tightly. “I know that you won't take advantage of me, or use me for political gain, or force me to do anything that I'm not willing to do.” She said and rested her head on my shoulder. “Even when I sign the contracts binding me to your family as an adjunct, it's not for your own selfish reasons or because of any ulterior motives.”

I thought about her wording and that brought to mind me being sold by my family for two copper coins when I was a baby. “I would never buy you or make you do anything.”

“I know you won't.” Vanessa whispered as she lifted her head and looked at me. “It's one of the reasons I like you so much.”

“What are the other reasons?” I asked and she laughed softly.

“A girl needs to keep some secrets.” Vanessa whispered and lightly pressed her lips to my cheek. “I'll reveal all of myself when we share a bed together.” She breathed, then she gasped and covered her mouth. “I can't believe I just said that.”

“You've been bold, confident, and sure of yourself when I'm around. Why wouldn't you speak your mind?” I asked and she didn't have a response.

We walked on and eventually ended up at my dorm mansion. As Eludora said, they were expecting us and we were served a great lunch. Vanessa made appreciative sounds as she consumed the food. When the meal was over, she sat back in the chair with a half glass of wine and stared at me with half-closed eyes.

“What was the potion Mage Marks used?” Vanessa asked.

“It's a heavily modified cleaning potion that cleanses water in any form.” I said and took a sip of wine. “Thanks to my catalyst and another binding agent, a single drop should be able to clean a barrel of water, no matter how contaminated and dirty it is.”

Vanessa's eyes didn't open further and she took a sip of wine. “Will you be making more?”

“Not for a while. I have to make the boosted cleaning solution for sale first.” I said. “Ten thousand vials is a lot to make and will take me a while.”

“Hmm.” Vanessa swirled the wine in her glass. “You're not accepting partners for that, are you?”

“No. Helena is my partner.” I said and she nodded.

“I can't offer to help brew, either.” Vanessa whispered.

“No. You would only get in the way.” I said and took another sip of wine. “That's not an insult. I'm just stating the truth.”

Vanessa laughed softly. “I know, David. I doubt there's a dishonest bone in your body.” She took another sip of wine and put the glass down, nearly empty. “Would you escort me back to class? I need to walk off some of that spectacular wine before my eloquence lesson.”

“Are you taking your potions?” I asked as we stood.

“Yes, I'll take them just before going into the main building.” Vanessa whispered and took my arm. “My mother was very happy when I told her about that particular discovery.”

I led her out of the mansion and we walked at a leisurely pace back to the academy. “What are your plans for the future?”

Vanessa laughed softly. “I'm a bit too inexperienced with what I'm learning right now to make a career choice this soon. Next year, maybe? Once I settle in and figure out what I'm good at and what I enjoy, I can answer that question with assurance.”

We walked for about thirty seconds before she spoke again.

“What about you?” Vanessa asked.

“I'm going to finish the academy, marry Helena, and invent potions and enchantments.” I said without pause or hesitation.

“You're going to be doing that for the rest of you life?” Vanessa asked.

“What else would I do?” I asked.

“You could travel and visit other places.”

“I'll be doing that while hunting for ingredients.” I said and her eyes widened. “They are all over the place. Some of the rare ones are even hidden and presumed lost.”

“Presumed?” Vanessa asked.

“I think people only lost track of them or the plants changed because their environments changed over time.” I said, remembering the mess of the area in the marsh where the fungal blooms used to grow. The dragons had destroyed it for their nest. “I'm sure they can be found again, even if they are a new ingredient with similar properties.”

Vanessa gave me an appraising look. “You're really going to go hunting for them and not just gathering?”

I nodded. “If I can bring samples back, I'm sure I can figure out how to grow them.”

“Then you won't have to go out looking anymore.” Vanessa said in understanding.

“Yes, exactly.” I said and smiled at her. “You understood right away.”

We walked on and after another thirty seconds, she spoke.

“Your future. Am... am I in there... somewhere?” Vanessa asked as she ducked her head a little.

“Helena told me that if all you wanted was a baby and to go on your way afterwards, she said that she might say no to the contracts.” I said and Vanessa took in a sharp breath. “That isn't what you want?”

“N-no, I... no. My mother definitely would. My father would be ecstatic. Me? I...” Vanessa took a deep breath and let it out. “I'll give them an heir because that's what they want.” She said and lifted her head to look into my eyes. “I'll have to talk to your fiance to see if I can get what I want.”

“Not me?” I asked.

“You better be there for the talks.” Vanessa said a bit sternly, then she smiled. “It's all about you, so you have to be there. I won't bother going if you won't be there, too. Just like me, you have a say in what happens next.” She gave my arm a squeeze. “You will always have a say in what happens to you.”

That sent a thrill down my spine that was unlike anything I had felt before. We stopped walking in front of the main student classroom building as some of the students around us entered. I let her arm go before I turned her to face me.

“Thank you.” I whispered and leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips. I sent my magic into her as well and she gasped. When I broke the kiss and leaned back, shock and joy could be clearly seen on her face.

“D-David! Oh, David!” Vanessa whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard as she sent her magic into me through her lips.

“Geez, get a room.” One of the guys walking by us said and a few of the people passing by around us laughed.

Vanessa broke the kiss and her face was bright red. “I... I need... my potions.” She said and tried to dig into the custom pouch I had made for her.

I gently pushed her hands aside and plucked out the three vials for her. Vanessa gave me a shy smile before she took them in order. She drank the primer, the booster, and the quarter dose of healing potion. Her whole body shivered and her eyes widened slightly, then her pupils dilated and then focused solely on me.

“David, I'll meet you tomorrow morning, right here at this spot, just before class.” Vanessa said in a normal voice, albeit a bit more forcefully than she should have.

I nodded in response and she nodded back, then she turned and followed the other students inside.

“What. The. Hell. Was. THAT?!?” A familiar female voice yelled from behind me.

I turned to look and Selena was there with an angry face and her friends around her looked to have a mix of emotions. “It was a kiss.” I said and she opened her mouth to yell again. “She's the one that's made an appointment with Helena to become my concubine.”

All of the girls let out sounds of shock. A squeal, several gasps, and a few inarticulate ones that I couldn't place, came from them.

“Wh-wh-what? C-c-concubine? Wh-what?” Selena stammered.

Apparently, Selena didn't know, so I told her.

“Vanessa made a petition to become my concubine. The meeting's set for the break during the king's birthday.” I said. “Her parents are coming over to the mansion to negotiate the terms.”

“By the Son's Light, a future mage wants to become a concubine.” Becca whispered. “What is the world coming to?”

“War, apparently.” I said, not realizing her question wasn't supposed to be answered, and they gasped. “According to the master rigger at the docks, it's not for another two years and until the peace talks fail.”

“Oh, my god.” Emily said and they all stood there for several moments.

“C-come on. We need to... get to class.” Becca said as she took Selena's hand. Selena didn't react and just stared at me as her friends helped her walk by me.

I watched them go into the building through the front doors and Selena stopped and turned around to stare at me. I gave her a wave before her friends dragged her out of sight. With nothing else to do there, I went over to the student administration building and went up to the third floor to the library.

“I see tingling lips!” Eludora said with a laugh and pointed to my face.

I ignored her and went to the cart.

Eludora waved at the nearly empty cart of supplies. “I'm going to be very happy when you can take that out of here.”

“Because it means the job's done?” I asked.

“That's right!” Eludora beamed a smile at me. “I've already tried moving those frames and your enchantments worked like a charm.”

I hadn't been at the library much or known her for very long, and I already knew what that smile meant. “What else do you want me to try and enchant?”

“Only a few little things.” Eludora said, her beaming smile becoming predatory.

“I'm going to need more wildwood pieces.” I said, instead of letting out a sigh, and got to work. I ended up having to stay right up until supper. On the plus side, I finally finished the map room and Eludora was absolutely delighted by that fact. After she pulled me onto her lap and gave me a tingling kiss, she made me promise to drop by occasionally, even if I didn't need her help with finding anything.

I went to my dorm mansion and Sara and Tabitha waited for me to ask for a bath before they pretty much tackled me, dragged me upstairs, and bathed me thoroughly. I needed to be a little more careful when I used that trigger, because if I wasn't careful, they would probably wash me all the time and I would never get any work done.

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