Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

175 Academy Antics Part Forty Three – Botany Bay Part One


Here's the first chapter with 400 extra words.

The next morning, I met Vanessa in the exact spot she had ordered me to meet her. Her face was a bit embarrassed and also happy as she wrapped her arm around mine. She whispered a thank you and I escorted her inside. Our first class was history of the kingdom and Mage Victoria Ridge was there waiting for us. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

“David! What are you doing here?” Mage Ridge asked. “You're supposed to meet Mage King in the botany classroom.”

“What? She didn't tell me that.” I said and Mage Ridge sighed.

“I swear that woman gets too excited for her own good.” Mage Ridge said. “You better run fast and get over there before she starts looking for you.”

“What about morning classes?” I asked as I sat Vanessa at her desk.

“She's gotten permission to let you skip, since her course takes precedence.” Mage Ridge said and made shooing motions. “Go. Go!”

I kissed Vanessa's cheek and she said goodbye, then I walked over to Mage Ridge. “I'm sorry about having to leave.” I said and took her hand, kissed it and shared some magic with her, and she gasped. “I couldn't thank you properly when we went to visit Alex and Donna.” I said and let her hand go. “Thank you for sticking up for me.”

Mage Ridge cupped her hand and didn't respond, so I left the classroom at a fast walk, then ran from the building. I made it to the botany workshop just as Mage King was stepping out of it.

“There you are!” She said, a bit crossly. “Where have you been?”

“Mage King, I went to class normally because you didn't tell me we were leaving today.” I said immediately and formally.

Mage King opened her mouth to respond, then she sighed. “I'm going to smack that woman.”

“What woman?” I asked.

“No, I don't want you to retaliate for her interference.” Mage King said as she hefted a big pack onto her back. “I also asked you to call me Victoria and to drop the formality.”

“It was the quickest way to get your attention and to make you listen.” I responded and then remembered her name on the course material. “Why do you introduce yourself as Mage Julia King if you prefer to be called Victoria?”

“I'll explain on the way to your dorm to let you get changed.” Victoria said and she started to jog over to the first year's dorms.

“I'm assigned to the old dorm building.” I told her and she stopped to stare at me.

“What? Why would they do that to you?”

“The director didn't want me interacting with the students any more than was necessary in class.”

“That bastard.” Victoria spat. “All right. It's a bit far; but, we can still make it to the boat on time if we hurry.” She said and started to run.

I easily caught up to her and kept pace with her.

“I use Julia... my middle name... to stop the confusion.” Victoria said as we ran. “Having two Victoria's on the staff messes up more than the paperwork. When people call your name or only reference it, which of us would respond or have the question or correspondence given to?”

“So, you use Julia for everyone else.” I said.

“Yes, only those I intend to spend a lot of time with, or those I think deserve to be on a first name basis with, will be allowed to call me Victoria.” Victoria said. “This year, it's just you.”

I turned my head to give her an intense look and she didn't even bat an eye.

“You need to work on that lusting gaze, David.” Victoria said with a laugh.

“How do I do that?” I asked.

“You need to imagine having the best sex of your life and then look at a woman with those thoughts on your mind.” Victoria said as we came towards the dorm mansion. “Sweet lord, what the hell is that?”

“It's my dorm mansion.” I said and we stopped in front of the front doors. I did as she said and thought about the last time I was with Helena and we had great sex. I turned Victoria's face away from staring at the dorm mansion and she caught her breath as she locked her eyes onto mine. She shivered a little and then she licked her lips.

“You... you adopted the technique so quickly.” Victoria whispered.

“I'll be right back.” I said and the guards opened the doors for me as I walked through.

“Pack for four days!” Victoria said to my back.

I ran up the stairs and Hope was right behind me.

“I packed your old pack when you told me about the trip. There's three days of new clothes, a bed roll, and a small pillow.” Hope said and went to the closet of our bedroom to pull the pack out. “I even stashed some smoked meat pieces and dried foods in the side pockets, just in case you can't hunt anything right away.”

“Thank you.” I said as I stripped off the academy uniform and grabbed the best casual outfit I had, pulled it on, and Hope handed me a jacket to put over the knife sheath and my bandoleer. Walking openly with either was just asking for trouble. I went to my potions room and took several extra vials of fortifying waterproof potion to shove into my pack, then added a few vials of the purifying cleaning potion.

I looked at my class potions and grabbed half a dozen boosted cleaning potions and the mental enhancement potion. I added a dozen more number ten potion, just in case, and as a final precaution, grabbed a half dozen plant annihilation potions. Now I was ready.

“Good luck.” Hope said as she checked me over, then she slid her arms around me to give me a hug. “Be safe and be careful. It's not just you going out there.”

“I know. It's a pain to have someone else along.” I said and she laughed as she let me go.

“Are you taking the maps?” Hope asked.

“Yes, to be safe.” I said and walked over to the vault. I dug through my papers and pulled out the relevant maps as well as some of the ingredients info. Now that I had finished with the map room at the library, I had everything that they had for the area we were going to. I tucked them into the large pack and slung it onto my back before I tightened the straps to hold it in place.

Hope walked me downstairs and gave me another hug. “See you when you get back.”

“Let's go.” Victoria said and we jogged all the way back to the front gates of the academy. A carriage was there waiting for us and we climbed aboard. “To the docks!”

“How long will it take to get there?” I asked.

“A day and a half on the fastest boat available and then two hours with a horse and cart after that.” Victoria said. “The boat is a schooner and...”

“I can get us there on my boat in about six hours, if we can have a navigator show me where to go.”

Victoria's mouth opened slightly in surprise. “You... can't be serious?”

“I was in the army and it's my movement enchantments they are using.” I said and she looked stunned. “I have several maps of the area; but, I don't have any experience in the waters going there. I can't go full speed without knowing some of the dangers.”

“I... okay, I... need to think about this.” Victoria said. She remained quiet for the whole ride to the docks. When we arrived and the coachman opened the door for us, she nodded. “David, we're taking the slow boat this time. It'll give me time to discuss operating procedures with you, go over the maps you apparently have that I didn't realize could be found, and talk about your role in this expedition.”

“Okay.” I said and stepped out and held a hand back to her.

Victoria gave me a huge smile and took the offered hand, like the lady she was, and stepped out with a regal air about her. “Mmm, smell that sea air.” She said and took in a big breath through her nose.

“All I can smell is bilge.” I said.

Victoria coughed and then laughed. “D-David!”

“Mage King?” A short man asked and we turned to look. “The captain is eager to leave.”

“Lead the way.” Victoria said and kept hold of my hand and led me behind the short man down the dock towards the gangplank of the schooner. We climbed aboard and the flurry of activity picked up. The plank was pulled onboard and the moorings to the dock were cast off immediately.

“We made it just in time.” Victoria said with a nod.

“Ah, Mage King.” A smarmy man said as he approached. “How nice of you to finally grace us with your presence.”

“I can explain, captain.” Victoria said.

“You don't have to.” I said and both she and the smarmy man looked at me with wide eyes. “We arrived before departure. Any perceived delays can be made up when we are out of the harbour and the full sail restrictions are lifted.”

“David, it's only polite to explain.” Victoria said.

“If he had been polite in asking, I wouldn't say anything.” I said. “His tone alone was derogatory, let alone his physical behavior.”

“Excuse me?” The captain asked and glared at me.

“Mage King is a respected member of both the guild and the academy. A bow when approaching her is expected upon first meeting, as is a respectful tone and countenance. You've done none of that, despite her paying you a hefty sum to carry us to our destination.” I said and his eyes lost the glare. “You are lucky it's not enough according to the duelling rules to require reporting it or requiring actions on the guild's part.”

The captain took a step back before he realized it, then he sighed. “You've made your point.”

“I hope so.” I said. “She's a noblewoman and a powerful mage. All the rules for both societies still apply, even if you don't believe they do.”

The captain nodded his head to me and looked at Mage King. “Please accept my apologies, Mage King. I misspoke and I hope this won't sour our future working relationship.”

Victoria glanced at me and then at the captain. “I accept such a gracious apology, captain. We were delayed by one of the academy secretaries not informing my assistant we were leaving today.”

The captain looked at me from head to foot. “He is truly assisting you? He does not look like one.”

“He's helped me more than I thought possible.” Victoria said and squeezed my hand. “If it's all right with you, we'd like to observe the harbour until we leave.”

The captain smiled warmly and waved at the stairs that went up to the next deck. “Please, use the observation deck at the back of the ship. It will give you the best and longest view of the harbour. I'll have a porter show you your room when you are done sightseeing.”

“Thank you, captain.” Victoria said and returned the smile. She led me by the captain and I nodded to him. He gave me a quick salute with two of his fingers, which I assumed was a sign of respect.

Victoria and I spent the next hour watching the harbour and all of the different kinds of ships docking, moving around, and doing business. It was a very busy place, even busier than most other places, because it was the capital city of the Gulf Kingdom. Apparently, everyone did business here if they could.

The porter led us down into the ship to our room when the ship left the harbour. He told us when supper would be served in the crew's mess and left. When the door shut, Victoria undid her pack and slid it off of her shoulders.

“Ugghhh.” Victoria groaned as the pack thumped to the floor. “My shoulders are killing me.”

“Why didn't you take the pack off right away?” I asked as I walked over to her. She pat her shoulders and made grabbing motions with her hands, so I went behind her and started to massage them for her.

“Ohhhh, this was why.” Victoria said. “It's much more... relaxing when... a massage is needed.”

“Do you want a sip of healing potion?” I asked.

“No, thank you.” Victoria said and seemed to melt under my hands. She let out a little moan as I dug my thumbs into the sides of her neck. “Your fiance... has taught you... well.”

“Actually, it was Lady Jacqueline Rivers.” I clarified and she jumped slightly, then she turned around to stare at me.

“You're joking.” Victoria said as she put her hands on my hips. “Tell me you're joking.”

“We did basic training together for three months in the army and bathed together every night.” I said and put my hands back on her shoulders to keep massaging them.

“Oh, my.” Victoria whispered and closed her eyes. “We... we should unpack.”

“I only have clothes, maps, and non-perishable food in my pack.” I said and she smiled.

“I need to get my dress.” Victoria said, only she didn't let me go or opened her eyes.

“Supper isn't until tonight.” I whispered. “We have all day to waste before you need to get dressed up for the captain to ogle you.”

Victoria laughed softly and opened her eyes. “You're getting better at this whole thing than I thought possible.”

“It seems to be what you want.” I said. “Women, I mean. They know I'm safe and nothing will happen, because I'm betrothed. It makes them bolder and more sure of the outcome, no matter what they do.”

Victoria nodded as she reached up to stop my hands, then she slid them off of her shoulders and held them tenderly. “Take off your pack and we'll sit down to talk about everything you need to know.”

I let her hands go and undid the straps of my pack, slid it to the floor carefully, and took out the maps and things I had brought. I was sure that she would be just as excited about them as I was.

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