Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

198 Academy Antics Part Sixty Five – Classes Continue


I was right about Victoria having surprises for me, because she had two of the samples successfully transplanted into a secluded area in a back room. It was warded against theft and unauthorized entry and she was absolutely ecstatic that the transplanting had worked so far.

She had used up one plant and its roots to refine it and determined the exact properties it contained. Once she had done that and took two days to examine the soil content and the inherent magic component, she was able to reproduce the growing conditions in a limited capacity.

Victoria also used up one of the flowers by trying to unsuccessfully splice it into several other similar plants. She had taken dozens of cuttings from different parts to try and get it to graft to another, and none of them were successful. It took her an hour to describe it all to me and she showed me her notes on her progress and what direction she had yet to try.

After the debriefing, we tended to all of the other plants and things in the workshop by feeding and watering them, adding extra magic where needed, then she took me to the back and she showed me how she made her magic charged watering solution.

It was a potion.

I asked for the recipe and we spent half an hour going over it. We discussed what it needed to do and she said that it had worked for her for years. I pointed out that one drop of blood for a huge stew pot was not a lot of catalyst and told her what the hag told me.

“If you don't have the proper catalyst, all we're really making is a watered down ingredient soup.” I said. I had to change the statement slightly, since we weren't using marsh bog water.

Victoria laughed. “That's funny!”

“It's also true.” I said. “If you're okay with it, can we work on improving it?”

Victoria looked at the time and saw that we had a bit of time left before class ended. “All right. Show me what you would change to fix it.”

I shook my head. “It doesn't need to be fixed. We're improving and boosting the effects. It already works, so we're just making it better.”

“You don't have to stroke my ego, David.” Victoria said with a smirk. “If you're going to stroke something, I'd enjoy it more if it was my ass.”

I gave her a searching look. “I think you might faint if I actually did grab you like that.”

“Maybe.” Victoria grinned at me. “Go grab your lists and we can try to 'improve' my weak potion.”

I nodded and ran back to the dorm mansion to get my notes and things, then ran back to the workshop. It took us until the bell rang and for school to be over before we finished the improvements.

“I never would have thought to use the grass from around the flowers.” Victoria said as she stared at the complete recipe.

“It's like a free magic ingredient injection that doesn't have any drawbacks.” I said. “It's not poisonous, have any adverse effects, or changes the potion in any way, except by adding extra magic.”

“We need more of this grass.” Victoria said.

“You'll only get more if the transplants stay viable.” I said. “If you can, try to cultivate some of the grass in the same area, just not right on the flowers. We don't want the grass to overrun the flower or absorb the nutrients the flower needs.”

“Why do you think it didn't do that in the clearing?” Victoria asked as I packed up.

“There were more flowers and the grass was competing for light.” I said. “Here in a small environment, the grass would easily take over without the competition, especially with your water potion.”

“All right. I'll try to get a nice patch growing independently of the samples.” Victoria said.

“What are you going to do with the other two flowers?” I asked.

“Reserves. They seem to be okay staying in the little habitat by themselves, so I'll maintain them there until the transplants are stable for at least two weeks. Once they are, I'll add the reserves to them in a different spot. Next class, we can try to harvest some of the seeds and pollination from the flowers to try and get some bulbs to grow, independent of the normal insemination cycle.”

“I doubt you'll get more out of them than a single bloom, unless you noticed something in your data that I didn't.” I commented and she shook her head. “Then be prepared for the experiment to fail.”

“You're telling me to stop trying to force them to have sex, aren't you?” Victoria said with a soft laugh.

“Let it happen naturally first, then see where to go from there.” I said and picked up the water barrel. “I'll try to do up some new water potion for you and I'll drop it off to you tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” Victoria said. “Are you still planning on your quick trip back to the marsh?”

“Next weekend, since it's the last one before the break.” I said and she nodded.

“I'll have everything ready.” Victoria said. “We're leaving on this day next week, just like when we did for the last field trip.”

I had to smile at that. “Five days. We're going to have five whole days in the marsh.”

Victoria grinned at me. “I knew that would make you happy.”

I nodded. “I've got tons of canvas bags to fill with ingredients, too.”

She laughed and waved as I left the botany workshop.

I ran back to the dorm mansion and said the magic words as soon as I stepped through the front doors. “I need a bath.”

Sara and Tabitha seemed to appear from nowhere and grabbed me, then they dragged me up the stairs to the bathroom. I was stripped and bathed to the best of their ability, so I thanked them for doing such a great job every time. They gushed at the praise and kissed my cheeks before they dressed me in more casual clothing.

I had a few hours before supper, so I brewed three batches of cleaning potion, minus a pot each time of water potion. It would take a few more pots to fill the barrel, so after I ate supper, I went back to work. It actually took four more pots to fill the barrel and I sealed it to bring over to the botany workshop in the morning. I managed one more batch of cleaning potions before midnight and had to go to bed.

At the pace I set, I would be done of the order tomorrow and could send them to Helena for sale. I dozed off with the knowledge that I had the entire afternoon off the next day, if the civil construction teacher had another easy project to do, assuming he had moved on from what they were doing two weeks ago.

The night passed by in an instant and I was up and dressed, made two more batches of potion, ate breakfast, and Hope, Sara, and Tabitha dressed me in my academy uniform with the ceremonial sword.

“Did you send off the package?” I asked Hope.

“Yes, and it's sealed and has ensured delivery. If anyone but your old XO tries to open it, they are going to get a surprise.”

I smiled and nodded. I grabbed my already packed small pack with the books for creature biology and civil construction, writing pads, my notes, writing instruments, and measuring devices. I left the dorm mansion with the barrel, careful of it, since it was full of water potion, and went to the botany workshop. Victoria was already there and accepted the barrel with a smile and a wet shirt with no bra.

I let her see me staring and left before she could tease me any further. I walked over to where I usually met Vanessa before classes in the morning and she came out from her group of friends. She smiled at me and took my offered arm, much to the chagrin of Selena and her friends.

They couldn't say anything, though. A verbal contract had already been established and they couldn't protest it, unless things went too far between Vanessa and I. I could tell that Selena was waiting for that and I didn't bother telling her that I would never do that. I gave my word to Helena, and even if the contracts were signed in two weeks, it wouldn't be in effect until graduation. My marriage to Helena had to happen first.

I mentioned it to Vanessa as we walked to class and she expressed her desires and her wants, and also that she would never breach my vow. She was a lady of her word as well. That's why she wanted the heir right away to satisfy her family, then she would concentrate on her own happiness. Her education came first, however.

“Although, I won't dissuade my handsome potential contract holder from treating me like a lady as much as he can.” Vanessa whispered softly. “Cuddles and cheek kisses can abound as much as he likes and I won't say no.”

I had to chuckle at that and she beamed a smile at me. “You took the potions.”

“I did.” Vanessa breathed. “You were right. I saw what my friends were really like and they all care very much for me.” She hugged my arm tightly and gave my cheek a kiss before we sat down in class. “It made my heart race and I blushed at the sincerity and love they have for me.”

I put my chair next to hers and put my arm over her shoulders to whisper. “I'm glad you know that they really are your friends.”

“So am I.” Vanessa whispered and the bell rang to start class.

“Today we're taking a look at the near-deer.” Mage Justin Brown said.

I clamped my mouth shut and did my best to not say anything.

Vanessa noticed and laughed softly as she leaned into me. “We should have asked what the subject was before the bell. You can't really leave now.”

“I still could.” I whispered and she had to cover her mouth to muffle her laugh. “All right, you convinced me not to make a scene. I'll stay right here.”

Vanessa winked at me and relaxed against me as she listened and took notes while I held her. We stayed that way for the entire class. The bell rang and ended the first morning class, so I walked Vanessa to her next class and went to the civil construction classroom. It was the writing and instruction portion now and I wanted to see what the teacher was making.

It was a standing cabinet. It was also fairly big and had some scroll work on the doors. The handles were wood as well, which was a nice touch to have instead of metal. The latch and hinges were still metal and there were shelves inside. I heard the teacher come into the classroom and I also heard him sigh.

“Mr. Drake... Lord Drake.” Mage Tanner Quintos said. “We're going to be doing the cabinet for the next three weeks.”

“No, only two.” I said and turned to him. “You're forgetting the break for the king's birthday.”

Mage Quintos sighed again. “Damn, you're right. I did forget that.”

“You covered the hinges and handle parts with the storage box. You can skip them, even if the hinges and handles are larger. They do the same job.”

Mage Quintos looked at the cabinet. “What of the detail work?”

“You just answered your own question. It's detail work. It can be added after the cabinet itself is made.”

The teacher looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded. “Yes. Yes, you're right. I can focus on just the construction for the next two weeks and have the students build it before we go on break. We can do the finishing class after we come back.”

I nodded and he smiled.

“I'm not even going to ask if you can do this.” Mage Quintos said. “I'll mark you in for the next classes, both for the late morning and for the afternoon workshop.”

“Thank you.” I said and walked back towards the door as the rest of the students came into the classroom.

“Oh, look. He's skipping again.” One of them said as I passed.

“He's pretty lucky he can do that now. This stuff's pretty boring.” The guy next to him said. “I'm dropping this class as soon as I can.”

“Why? Who's going to make your house for you?”

“Someone I hire.” The other guy said with a laugh.

I left the classroom and went back to the dorm mansion. I got to work all afternoon and some of the evening until suppertime, had a great meal with the maids, then only had to do two more batches and I was done. I crated up the potions and sent for the Henrietta Longshore carriage, the extra cart, and two guards.

It was an hour before curfew when they arrived and I couldn't go along myself, so I helped load up the carriage and the cart with everything, covered it all to protect it, and let the guards do their jobs. I sent them to Helena for sale and I also put the ten treated snakeskin pieces into the carriage for her as well. I was sure she would be able to do something nice with them.

I went back inside the dorm mansion and mentioned a bath, was dragged up the stairs and bathed again, then I was dressed in my night clothes and tucked into bed. “I'm definitely getting spoiled.”

The three maids laughed and Sara and Tabitha left the room to go back to their own. Hope gave me a forlorn look and walked over to the door.

“Are you over your homesickness yet?” I asked and she took a deep breath.

“A-almost.” Hope said.

“A few more nights might help.” I said and she closed the door. She went over to the closet and changed her clothes, without telling me to look away, and she climbed into bed beside me to cuddle my arm.

“David.” Hope whispered. “Thank you.”

“It's Vanessa's fault.” I said and she gave me a questioning look, so I explained about what she said today.

Hope couldn't help herself and laughed. “She's pretty bold to tell you all that.” She said and I nodded.

“It reminded me of you when you asked for what you needed.” I said and wiggled the arm Hope clung to. “I know you gave up your life in the village to come here to be my maid.”

“I did and I'm not sorry.” Hope said and I turned my head to look at her. “It was the best decision I've ever made. I get to spend a lot of time with you every day, even more than we would have if we both lived back at the village.” She said. “I wouldn't give that up for anything.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“You're my long lost brother and I love you.” Hope said, her face a little red. “I finally have you back in my life after all these years and I'm never letting you go.”

I turned my head and looked up at the ceiling. “Twenty gold crowns a month helps too, doesn't it?”

Hope laughed softly and I felt her lips press to my cheek. “I didn't know how much I'd be paid when I accepted the job.” She said and then caught her breath. “Did you just say twenty gold crowns?”

“You've got a much bigger staff to handle now. You need more money to cover everything.”

“D-David, you... you didn't have to.” Hope said, quite bashful.

“Oh, all right. I'm cutting your pay to five gold crowns.” I joked.

“David!” Hope gasped and her grip on my arm was like a vise.

I chuckled and the grip loosened.

“Don't tease me like that.” Hope said and a moment later, her lips were back on my cheek and they stayed there for several seconds. “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

“I'll give you the slip to take over to the bank tomorrow.” I said as Hope rested her head on my shoulder. We were soon asleep and the night passed by before we knew it.

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