Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

199 Academy Antics Part Sixty Six ??? An Early Morning Meeting


The weekend was here, so I went to Mage Marks first thing in the morning. She answered her apartment door wearing just a thin dress slip and rubbed her sleep filled eyes.

???What... who...??? Greta sighed and blinked several times before recognition could be seen on her face. ???David!??? She gasped, grabbed my arm, and yanked me inside before she shut the door. ???What are you doing here????

???I was coming over to discuss what other potions and things we could make together.???

???What... why would...??? Greta walked away and I saw that her dress slip was bundled up in the back.

I clearly saw her tiny panties and her ass jiggled as she walked over to her kitchen.

Greta chanted at her tea kettle to make it whistle before she spoke. ???Oh! That's what you wanted to talk about during class last week before the Proctor took you.??? She said in realization and poured out a cup of tea for herself, glanced at me, and poured another. She brought them over to the living room and put them on the coffee table. ???Sit, please.???

I walked over to her as she sat on the couch and I sat down next to her. ???I'm sorry for just showing up.???

Greta looked at the time and sighed. ???No, it's all right. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I was out late last night trying to find a cheaper supplier for some of the uncommon and rare ingredients for my classes, hopefully ones that don't go through the guild at some point.???

???It's that difficult???? I asked and she nodded as she took a sip of tea.

???Ugh, I forgot the sugar and milk.??? Greta said and stood up to walk by me. The front of her slip was bundled up as well now and I saw a lot of her as she went to the stand beside the couch to get the supplies. She came back and bent over in front of me, almost like Victoria had when she was wearing pants. ???What would you like????

???There isn't much for me not to like.??? I said, since I could see pretty much all of her. Wearing just small panties left nothing to the imagination and I had thought Victoria was a master of teasing.

Greta chuckled. ???I'll guess, then.??? She added two sugar cubes and a dab of milk and stirred it with a spoon. The shaking transferred into a little shake of her ass and I had to admit that was a neat trick. ???Here you go.??? She said as she picked up the cup and saucer to hand them to me.

???Thank you.??? I said as I accepted the cup, then watched as she did the same to her own cup, shook her ass at me again, then she sat down and let out a satisfied sigh as she took a long sip.

???Much better.??? Greta said and licked her lips as she sat back to relax on the couch. ???I really enjoy mornings like this.???

???I can honestly say that I haven't had many mornings like this.??? I said and she nodded.

???You're still young. I bet you were up at the crack of dawn today.??? Greta said as she took another sip of tea, not realizing that I meant seeing a woman I wasn't sleeping with practically naked.

???Half past the crack, actually.??? I said and she laughed.

???You're not even tired, are you???? Greta asked and I shook my head. ???Well, I suppose I can't lounge around in bed all day, either.???

???You could if you wanted to. You're a grown woman.??? I said and she smirked at me.

???I'm tempted to joke with you and ask if you would really join me in bed for the whole day...??? Greta started to say.

???If I wasn't betrothed, we could do whatever you wanted.??? I said and took a sip of tea. ???This is good.???

Greta's cup was frozen halfway to her mouth and she stared at me with wide eyes.

???I finished the cleaning potions last night and sent them to Helena for sale.??? I said and that shook her out of her stunned silence.

???Already? You only just got back from the field trip and then you went to the castle with the king.??? Greta said and finally took another sip of tea.

???I had most of the day off yesterday.??? I said.

???Ah, your superfluous civil construction class.??? Greta said and smiled. ???How nice is it to be able to miss class and not miss anything being taught????

???It's all right so far. I had to sit through biology in the morning, though.???

???I hope you refrained from taking over the class this time.??? Greta said, her smile became mischievous.

???I clamped my mouth shut and made Vanessa laugh.??? I responded and she laughed.

???She's a good influence on you, David.??? Greta said and took another sip.

I nodded. ???I hope the contract negotiations go through and are successful. I really want to help her with her family.???

???She's definitely going above and beyond to do this for them.??? Greta said and crossed her legs, which seemed to be a whole lot sexier with her nearly naked. ???What does Helena think about it????

I sat back and relaxed as I told her about Helena's letter and her view on Vanessa's petition.

???I see. I like that she's looking out for your concerns and not only considering how this will benefit your growing family.??? Greta took a sip of tea to finish off her cup. ???Would you like more tea????

???Please.??? I said and handed her my nearly empty cup. She got up and refilled our cups, then did the same sugar and milk routine and stirred them, shaking her ass at me again. I didn't comment, since Victoria didn't want me to point out the obvious, either. It would ruin some of her fun if I did.

???Now, what was it we were going to discuss???? Greta asked as she sat beside me again.

???I haven't had a chance to look at the notes for the beauty creme in detail; but, from what I saw during class...???

Greta nodded. ???After I thought about your cryptic comment about discussing it, I knew you'd have a few tweaks for it, at least.???

???I've never made a cream before. How did the rest of the class do????

???Jinelle got it right away, of course.??? Greta said with a chuckle. ???Lorna almost did it on her second try.???

???Her second???? I asked, curious.

???She stayed after class to try again. Her first attempt was dismal and she didn't want it on her record.???

I raised my eyebrows at her and she chuckled.

???David, I'm not some taskmaster that forces people to be perfect the first time or accepts their first attempt as the pinnacle of their talent.??? Greta said and crossed her legs again. ???We both have been doing this for too long to assume something that stupid.???

I nodded at that. It took time and practice to get good at handling the ingredients, the prep work, and controlling the heat of the fire. ???When are you switching wildwood for the firewood????

Greta gave me a knowing smile. ???I've gotten permission from the new director to switch it out for the advanced potions class.???

???So, just five of the potion stations.??? I said and she nodded. ???I assume it's a trial basis????

???If we can produce better potions with your suggestion, I'll be able to expand it to the third year potions class. If they can get a handle on the change and controlling the flames, I can go to the second years.???

???I suppose that means you don't have access to a lot of wildwood.???

Greta shook her head. ???Getting it for enchanting material is fine.??? She said and then chuckled. ???Telling the suppliers that you want to use it for firewood almost gave them heart attacks.???

I had to chuckle, too. ???You made a mistake with my suggestion. The wildwood pieces I use are actually scraps and leftovers from cutting coins for making wards and enchantments.???

???I see. Yes, that makes more sense and isn't a waste of enchantable wildwood.??? Greta said. ???I'll contact the suppliers later and correct the order.???

???You should cancel the order completely, actually.??? I said and she looked surprised. ???Let it sit for a day or two, then contact them again. Or better yet, have Mage Black Montgomery contact them. What you have to ask for is the scraps and pieces they normally discard, so you can get them for very little cost. If you offer to haul it away for them, they might just give it to you for free.???

Greta's surprised face changed to thoughtfulness as she contemplated my words. ???David, you have a beautiful mind inside that desirable body.???

I took a sip of tea. ???Can I return that compliment and not insult you, considering the circumstances????

Greta looked confused. ???Considering the...??? She looked down at herself and noticed she was wearing just a dress slip. Her face started to flush red as she let her embarrassment overwhelm her.

I put my cup and saucer down and took hers to put it down, then I took her hand with both of mine. ???Please, don't be embarrassed. I didn't mean to draw attention to your attire like that.???

???D-David, I don't normally walk around my apartment half naked.??? Greta said.

???You don't???? I asked and she glared at me. ???You seem very confident and sure of yourself. In fact, you seemed to have a lot more grace and poise this morning.???

Greta gave me a surprised look.

???I've never seen you relax so much or cross your legs before.??? I pointed out. ???You also didn't object when I sat beside you and then sat there again yourself when you had two chances to change where you sat. If that's not having confidence in yourself, then I don't know what it is.???

Greta lost the surprise and once again looked thoughtful. ???You don't mind that I've been walking around like this? You don't think it's disrespectful????

???If anyone else had been here, perhaps.??? I said. ???With just yourself and I? It's been quite enjoyable.???

???Really, now.??? Greta huffed. ???You're taking my confession as being a woman that regrets your betrothal a bit far, don't you think????

???It would be more prudent to respond that I've adopted a 'look and don't touch' policy when it comes to other women than my fiance.??? I said and her eyes widened. ???I don't even touch my maids after the bath and they perform the after bath ritual.???

Greta's mouth dropped open slightly at that revelation. ???You don't????

I shook my head. ???I'm not their chosen partner and can't be, not in that capacity. It wouldn't be fair to them if I take advantage of them while they are performing their duties to their lord. It's not right.???

Greta's hand held mine and she sat there quietly for several minutes. ???David.???

???Yes???? I asked.

???You can compliment me in any way you wish and I won't take it as an insult, even though we aren't together.??? Greta said.

I tilted my head slightly as I thought about that. ???You're saying that I can possibly insult, or offer a potential insult, if I am too descriptive in my compliments to women.???

???Specific women, either noble or mage... especially if they are both.??? Greta said. ???If they are betrothed or married, as long as you have the husband's permission, it should be okay, as long as you're not intentionally trying to coerce or entice them away from that husband.???

I nodded in understanding and decided to test her offer. ???Greta, you look very beautiful. Your skills at making tea are unparalleled and I would like to see such a wonderful sight every morning. I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you like this and I thank you for allowing me to see how desirable you can be without even trying.???

Greta's face was bright red when I was done talking and her hand gripped mine tightly. ???D-David...???

???You promised to not be insulted.??? I reminded her and she smiled demurely.

???I'm... not insulted.??? Greta whispered and took a deep breath, then another.

It made me glance down at her chest and I saw that her nipples had made an appearance.

???In fact, I... um...??? She stopped talking and sat there in silence again for a few minutes.

I watched her face and her nipples, only to see the latter reduce in prominence and almost disappear.

???I think I need to get changed.??? Greta said.

???I think you should take a nice relaxing bath first.??? I said. ???I can't offer to help, though. Helena said I can only help her or the maids.???

Greta caught her breath as her nipples made a very quick return. ???Y-yes, all right. If you can wait here, I'll... um... be a while.???

I nodded and let her hand go.

Greta stood up and looked down at me and I looked up at her. Her hands reached down and my eyes followed them, then she plucked at her dress slip and the thin cloth flopped out and down to cover her front. She must have liked that I was paying attention, because she smiled at me when I looked back up at her face.

She walked by me and I saw that the slip wasn't that long in the first place and she took her time as she crossed the living room to go into the bathroom. She stared at me as she very slowly closed the bathroom door and then I heard running water. I reached for my tea and used the heating spell on the cup before I took a sip.

If Victoria's time in the tub after teasing me was any indication, Greta was going to be a while.

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