Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

204 Academy Antics Part Seventy – A Slight Time Skip



Shared narrative initiated. Switching to third person perspective. Done.


Helena was in heaven and her mind and body seemed to float inside a cloud of magic and pleasure. She had experienced her fiance's prowess several times before coming home to the capital city and then only a few times before he had to leave for the academy. She also assumed that she had experienced everything he had to offer, and she was completely wrong.

The things he did with his tongue between her legs had made her finish several times before he had even moved on to some of the best sex of her life. His ability to make her body tingle and writhe with his magic and his magnificent manhood, smashed her sex-deprived state into tiny little pieces.

Helena hadn't realized just how much she had missed his attention when it was absent and now she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she would do anything to keep feeling this desire and fulfillment that he so willingly provided for her.

No, offered to me. No, gifted to me. Helena's mind thought lazily as she stared at the man she loved.

“It's been an hour.” David whispered to her.

Tears came to Helena's eyes because she didn't want to stop. She couldn't let it stop. She reached feebly for him and her arms wouldn't work right, because she was too relaxed and weak after his wonderful attention.

“We can stay here for another half an hour, then I need to get to class.” David whispered and wrapped his arms around her to hold her. Helena's tears slowed down and she tried to cling to him, only to sigh contentedly and lightly kissed his bare chest instead.

They laid in bed together for another twenty minutes before her weak words broke the silence.

“I'm so sorry that I can't stay there with you.” Helena whispered. “I know there are so many others that want you, my love. I'm sorry that I can't be there to warn them that they can be treated like a lady by you; but, they can never be treated like a wife.”

“Not even Selena?” David clearly joked and Helena weakly laughed.

“I know she doesn't approve of your actions with Vanessa.” Helena said. “Her letter was... quite detailed.”

“I hope you're not worried.” David said and kissed her. “I am showing Vanessa the respect she deserves for reducing her social status to become a concubine.”

“Even if it doesn't work out?” Helena asked.

“Especially if it doesn't.” David said. “I don't want her to feel that she wasted her time if our families can't come to a mutually beneficial agreement next week.”

“If it does work out?” Helena looked at the man she deeply loved.

“I'll continue to treat her appropriately and with the utmost respect, as is due her station.” David responded. “I won't take advantage of her unique position, even though she wants me to.”

Helena smiled. “She told you that?”

David nodded. “I believe her words were to give her as many cuddles and kisses as I wanted and she would never say no.”

Helena laughed softly and her breasts jiggled. “I can't believe the teachers let you get away with doing that in classes.”

“It's only in the ones I am either terrible in or outstanding in.” David said and she reached up to touch his face.

“So, nearly all the time?” Helena asked and David smiled as he kissed her.

“I've only ever really kissed her once, which is the one Selena saw.” David said.

Helena nodded. “I assumed as much, since you don't do things like that lightly.”

“I've also never touched her inappropriately, seen her naked, or asked for her to.” David clarified.

“Mmm hmm.” Helena gave him a searching look. “How do you like Mage King's teaching approach?”

“It's novelty would keep anyone's interest.” David said and gave her the same searching look back. “Ask me if I do it on purpose to keep her interested in teaching me.”

Helena laughed. “I knew you would.” She said and kissed him.

“We don't have time to do anything else.” David said and they made out for several minutes. “I have to go.”

Helena reluctantly opened her arms and let her love slide out of them. She watched him stand up and then he was suddenly gone and water splashed, then he was back and slipped his clothes on expertly as if he didn't need a maid's help. Her eyes widened at him and he gave her a big smile, the same happy one that Hope enjoyed so much.

“Proof of my love.” David said and she blushed. “See you next week.”

“I've had your boat delivered to the academy's waterway for your trip on the weekend.” Helena said as he walked towards the door.

“Thank you.” David ran back over to her and gave her another kiss. “I'll bring you back something nice.”

Helena touched his face. “Just you, my love. All I need is you.”

David kissed her again and left the room before she delayed him again.


Shared narrative ended. Reverting to primary first person perspective. Done.


I walked out of the mansion and saw that Constable Wilson was standing in front of the fountain display with a look of both admiration and horror. “That's my fiance, Helena Henrietta.” I said and pointed to the carved stone statue of Helena.

“Now I know why you made me wait out here for so long.” Constable Wilson said. “It was my comment about meeting a dragon, wasn't it?”

“Yes.” I admitted. “It cemented in my mind the value I had already placed on her, because I realized I hadn't told her that and came here to correct that mistake.”

Constable Wilson chuckled and waved at the horse. “I'm sure we can get back to the academy in time to let you get ready for class.”

We walked over to it and she untied it from the post, climbed on, and I climbed on behind her. She slid forward and caught her breath.

“I can't move back. I'm right against the back of the saddle.” I said and lifted her up slightly to let her resume her seat that was partially on my crotch and the tops of my thighs.

“I know. You can have two people ride it; but, it's not designed for two people.”

“Do they make two person saddles?” I asked, curious.

Constable Wilson chuckled. “Not specifically, and it's usually just a longer and flatter saddle. You lose a lot of normal control and stability. You also need to ride differently without the saddle horn to rely on.”

“That's what it's called?” I asked and she nodded. “What's it for?”

“Ropes and a handhold, mostly.” Constable Wilson said as we trotted over to the gates. “It's pretty versatile, even so.”

The gates opened for us and as we turned to go down the road at a gallop, I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned my head and waved at Helena in the upstairs bedroom window. She was already dressed and Jill was fixing her hair. She waved back and then the mansion was out of sight as the horse picked up speed.

The time passed by quickly and we were at the academy. The guard noted the constable and my delivery as he let us through, and the horse galloped across the campus to my dorm mansion.

“Good god.” Constable Wilson said as she brought the horse to a stop. “How many students live here?”

“Just me.” I said and climbed off. “Thank you for everything, Constable Wilson.” I took out two gold coins and held them out to her.

She stared at the money like it was going to bite her.

“It's not a bribe.” I said and her eyebrows raised. “A bribe would need to be applied before getting me out of everything.”

“So, a pay-off then?” Constable Wilson asked with a smirk.

“You let me make love to my fiance that I haven't seen since school started.” I said and she gasped. “I'd give you more if I had more on me.”

“That... but...” She mumbled.

“I'll have my maid get me more later.” I said and put the coins in her hand. “Thank you, Constable.”

Constable Wilson let out a sigh as she slipped the money into a pocket. “Good day, Lord Drake.”

“Good day.” I said and didn't wait to watch her leave. I walked inside the mansion through the opened front doors that the guards held for me. “I need a quick bath!” I said a bit loudly and there were two squeals of delight from the dining room.

“We'll have you cleaned and dressed in no time, my lord.” Sara said as she and Tabitha came over to me and we went up the stairs to do just that. Tabitha pouted when we had to skip the ritual because of the time constraints, so I promised her we could do another bath, a full one this time, when I came back after school.

I went to class and met Vanessa in front of the building, then escorted her inside. It was the first day of the week, so it was a wasted day of spell construction and math that I mostly didn't understand. Vanessa didn't mind, since she enjoyed having my arm over her shoulders for the whole day.

I had an extra long bath after school as I promised, and both Sara and Tabitha took a turn doing the ritual. Sara went first, because Tabitha wanted to go for a lot longer, and she did. She really enjoyed her work, even more than Sara did, and I didn't think that was possible.

I worked on Eludora's potion regimen for the rest of the evening, even after supper, and went to bed a little bit closer to getting things worked out.

It was potions day the next day and I showed up early to talk to Greta. She greeted me with a sad expression and I walked right over to her to hug her. She waved her hand to deploy the wood panels to block us from sight and she burst out crying.

“I know. I know.” I whispered to her and rubbed her back as she sobbed on my shoulder. We stayed like that for nearly twenty minutes until the class bell rang. It took a minute for Greta to compose herself and she gave me an almost lost look. I wiped at her face and whispered that she didn't have to worry about the supervisor ever again.

Greta opened her mouth to say something, then shook her head and waved at the panels. “Lord Drake, please resume your seat.”

“Yes, Mage Marks.” I said and went over to the workbench that Vanessa and I used.

Class resumed and we worked all morning. Vanessa and I went to lunch and I had to sit by myself again. It was difficult to join an already existing group, even if you knew them, and no one really wanted to approach a newly minted lord that nearly all of them had made fun of before the king himself told them to stop.

I went to advanced potions that afternoon and Jinelle looked positively radiant. She actually went over to Greta and gave her aunt a hug as she thanked her for whatever she said to Lady Marks. The other three students came into the class and Greta set the creme as today's task as she gave me an apologetic look.

I walked over to her desk and gave her a container of the creme for my mark. “I'm going to do some self study.”

“Help yourself.” Greta said and motioned at the ingredient bins behind her.

“Thank you.” I said and did just that. I grabbed some of the more common ingredients that I could use as substitutions for the smaller and more versatile potions that would be needed for Eludora's treatment. Working things out on paper was great for giving me a base to work with; but, it wasn't until you started brewing it that the real problems could be discovered and corrections could be made.

I worked tirelessly all afternoon and even stayed after class, because Lorna had been so very close to completing the creme and wanted to try again. I had to admire her tenacity and her work ethic. She wasn't going to accept anything less than a completed product to be satisfied.

We had to stop when suppertime arrived and Lorna thanked Mage Marks as she passed in a container of the completed creme. Nick came back to the class to carry her case for her and they both left.

“I want to thank you as well.” I said and used a drop of cleansing solution to change the failed potion into plain water. “I'm very close to a breakthrough.”

Greta gave me an odd look.

“Yes, you can ask.” I said with a smile.

Greta chuckled. “All right, what the heck are you doing? I've watched you all class and I can't figure out what you're doing!”

I waved her over and she took in a sharp breath when she saw my notes.

“D-David, is... is this real?” Greta asked and moved the top notes aside to look at the rest. “A rehabilitation potion?”

“It's multiple stages of a rehabilitation potion.” I corrected her. “If I can crack the first and most minor stage, even if it's a partial success, the rest will be easy to build up.”

Greta's hand touched the papers and she looked at my face. “You really are a genius.”

I shook my head. “Remember what I said about having a different perspective on things.”

“It's not just a different perspective, David. It's more like you can see through problems.” Greta said and looked at the papers again. “I'm not doing anything for supper...”

I chuckled. “All right, grab my small pack with my books and I'll take the crates and my notes.”

Greta nodded and followed me back to my dorm mansion. She was apparently quite willing to help me with it and for some reason, I was actually looking forward to collaborating with her again, just like we did on the modified creme.

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