Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

205 Academy Antics Part Seventy One – Working Things Out

After we ate supper, Greta and I retreated to my potions room and we got to work. She helped me pour over the papers I had and we talked about the merits of everything I was using, then we discussed the procedures I was using. We started with my most recent failure and she pointed out that one of the ingredients had to be uncommon and needed a significant magic infusion or something similar to work.

“The mana grass.” I said, making the connection right away.

“The what?” Greta asked, confused.

I explained about the grass that grew around the rare flowers that Victoria and I had retrieved during the last field trip.

“Oh, my.” Greta whispered and fell silent for several minutes.

I let her think about it and waited to see if she came to the same conclusion as I did.

“I was wrong. You can keep the common ingredient I mentioned if you combine it with the grass first.” Greta said as she looked into my eyes. “I'd suggest powdering them together and brewing them in a small pot to refine it.”

I smiled and nodded, because she did realize the same thing as I did. “We can make it become an uncommon ingredient and it should fit perfectly.”

“Can we get some of this grass?” Greta asked.

“It depends on if Mage King managed to cultivate some. If she hasn't, I have another idea to help.”

“I see a glint in your eyes.” Greta said with a wicked smile. “You've got a twisted thought stuck in your head, don't you?”

“Perhaps.” I said and she laughed softly.

“All right, let's go visit and see what she's managed to do with it.” Greta said and we left the dorm mansion to head over to the botany workshop. “You're not going to tell me your idea unless you have to, are you?”

“If it's not necessary, then it's pointless. If it's needed, you'll hear it at the same time as Victoria does.” I said. “Just be ready for her to freak out and call me crazy.”

Greta almost snorted as she laughed again. “I can't wait.”

I smiled slightly and we fell silent until we entered the botany workshop. “Mage King! I'm here!”

“DAVID!” Victoria yelled and opened a side door to the small area she had transplanted the flowers. “What are you doing here?”

“To ask for a favor and to see your progress on the mana grass.”

Victoria started to smile when I said favor and then then sighed when I said grass. “I'm sorry.”

I knew what that meant. “You can't cultivate it.”

Victoria shook her head. “I've tried to duplicate the exact conditions of their natural environment and not a single blade has grown. I don't know why, since it should overwhelm and outgrow other plants.”

“Have you tried to put some near one of the flowers?” I asked.

“Of course. I've also tried putting them in test areas all over with some of the more prolific plants we have here, and nothing's happened.”

“Well, it looks like we'll need your idea after all, so let's hear it.” Greta said to me.

“What idea?” Victoria asked.

I stayed quiet for several moments and made them wait for it.

Greta reached out and poked my chest twice. “Stop. Stalling.”

I gave her a smile and looked at Victoria. “Remember the pervasive grass that grows everywhere that we saw in the rocky valley?”

“Yes.” Victoria said. “I told you that it's a nightmare to deal with.”

“I remember you also telling me that you brought a sample to the guild and they are still trying to remove it from their growing areas.”

Victoria nodded. “I'm still being pestered over that mistake and it's been a year already.”

“That was you?” Greta asked with an accusing glare.

“Yes, and I'm sorry.” Victoria sighed. “I hadn't done the proper controlled containment transplant into a small enclosed area first before introducing it to the regular fields.”

“I was assigned a week's punishment and ordered to try and remove it.” Greta said, then she gasped.

I knew she just thought of her supervisor, so I took her into a hug. She clung to me and tears came to her eyes. She didn't start crying and sobbing, though.

Victoria saw this and remained quiet. She gave me a questioning look and I nodded slightly, acknowledging that I would tell her later. “All right, so what's your idea?”

“I want you to go to the guild and get some of that grass, preferably with a nice clump of soil, so we can see the seeds and propagation impact.” I said.

“What? Why?” Victoria asked.

“I want to cross the mana grass with it and splice them together to get the best of both.”

Both women jerked a little, as if I had slapped them.

“D-David, that... that's crazy!” Victoria exclaimed. “You don't know how virulent that grass is!”

“I have an idea, especially seeing it grow on those rock outcroppings with no soil around, except for what it created itself over time.” I said.

“But... but...”

“It's the best solution for both of our problems. I get mana grass for potions and you get to grow it.”

Victoria gave me one last pleading look and then she sighed. “I think... no, I'm sure that I can convince an old colleague to get me some.”

“Why would you have to do something like that? Don't they throw out tons of it all the time?” I asked and both women stared at me in surprise. “We just have to grab some from wherever they dump it.”

“Good god.” Greta whispered. “I still think you're a genius.”

“Different perspectives.” I reminded her. “It's too late to go out tonight, so it'll have to wait until after school tomorrow.”

Both women nodded agreement and didn't argue at all.

“For now, can I get a couple of blades of grass? We need to test a few things.”

Victoria nodded and left to get them for us. She was back a few moments later with a little container and it had three blades of grass in it. “That's the most I'm comfortable with parting with until we can get them growing.”

“Thank you.” I said and gave the container to Greta before I took Victoria into a hug.

“David, what...” Victoria started to say, then she took a deep breath and let it out as she hugged me back. “...never mind.”

I held it for ten seconds, then let her go. “I'm sorry if you thought I'd make you go to the Mages Guild for anything.”

Victoria smiled. “It was my fault for assuming the worst when you asked for a favor.”

“We'll see you tomorrow afternoon.” Greta said and she and I left the botany workshop to go back to the dorm mansion.

We worked on the best way to refine a blade of grass, considering it had some moisture on and in it. The first blade we dried off and then dried out over a flame, then ground down into a fine powder. The second one we chopped up into very fine pieces and distilled it in boiling water to try and get the main essence out of it. When the water was boiled away, we ground that up as well.

The last blade we pressed between two weights and squeezed it, then left it to dry naturally overnight. We would have to wait until tomorrow to figure out which of the three methods was the best to use to get the most utility out of the mana grass.

Greta stepped back from the workbench, her face and clothes sweaty, and with a happy look on her face. “It's so nice to work with someone that knows what they're doing.”

“I kind of had a clue that you might be enjoying yourself, since you couldn't keep the smile off of your face all evening.” I said and she laughed softly.

“I wish we never had to stop.” Greta said with a grin. “Unfortunately, even experts need to wait for things to finish.”

“The last blade of grass should be ready to be ground up by tomorrow afternoon when we come back.” I said and led her from the room. “If you want to refresh yourself before going home...”

“Thank you for the offer.” Greta shook her head. “I'll need to take a bath later, since I'm already sweating in these clothes. Walking back to my apartment first is the smarter thing to do.”

“I'll escort you.” I said and she didn't refuse.

I took her back to her apartment and she clung a little tightly to my arm. When we were close enough to her place, I spoke. “Don't worry.”

“David, you don't understand.” Greta whispered.

“I do.” I whispered back. “I'll be taking care of it tomorrow.”

Greta stiffened and her grip tightened even more. “That... that's why you want to...”

“It's a good excuse to leave the academy and it won't arouse suspicion.” I whispered. “You've seen my normal treatment for criminals.”

Greta didn't say anything and we entered the building. She unlocked her door and led me inside slightly, then she turned to look into my eyes. “David, I... you...”

“It's best if they don't exist, then you never have to worry about them.” I said and kissed her cheek. “I'll see you tomorrow after school.”

“You have the afternoon off.” Greta responded.

“I can keep myself busy until then.” I said with a smile.

“Goodnight.” Greta said and let my arm out of the death grip she had it in.

I didn't move or speak and she didn't say anything as we stared at each other. She nodded slightly and shut the apartment door, then she went to her bathroom to take her bath. She was in there for half an hour and came out wearing just a towel. She walked by me and went to her bedroom to get changed into her nightgown.

Greta came back out and she looked ready for bed. “I'm ready.”

I nodded and raised my hands to cast Sense Magic and then Dispel. Greta shivered as both waves of magic washed over her and then she relaxed when nothing glowed and there was no reaction from anyone after a breaking spell.

“I'll have something for you when we meet tomorrow.” I said and turned around to open the door. “Goodnight.”

Greta stared at me and looked a little lost.

“I'll lock the door.” I said and she took a deep breath.

“Thank you.” Greta said and I cast the strongest lock spell I could on the door. It glowed for ten seconds and I could hear her sigh in relief from inside the apartment.

I left the building and went to her windows to cast the spell on them, then I walked back to the dorm mansion. I had some work to do, so I went right up the stairs to my bedroom and opened my personal vault. I took out the second book that I hadn't tried to read before now, even though I had brought it with me for that purpose, and went to my desk.

The Versatility of Enchantments and their Practical Application. I read on the cover for the very first time, because it was written in mage language and had been complete gibberish before. I had all night to find something to give Greta some peace of mind and I opened the cover and flipped the first page to get to the contents. I skimmed over it and nothing jumped out at me, then I read the small text at the bottom of the page.

Find examples and variants on pages 86 through 165. Glossary of terms are in Appendix II. Rune Translations can be found in the Fundamental Book of Runes by A.Kimmel.

I immediately flipped to page 86 and started reading.

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