Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 15: Imperial Unrest Peaceful Daily Stories

Cilentium City, West Farm

It's been a week since Ellesia gave birth to her twins safely.

The festivities are finally on fire, and the city of Cilentium has begun to regain its normal life.

The pasture sown with the harvest of winter wheat has also already grown to a large extent and is ready for mowing.

As soon as this pruning is done, the barley will be seeded.

In the square of the west farm of Cilentium, where farmers are busy moving around to prepare for such seeding, Hal had one machine in front of him with Lurus and the officials of the agricultural agency.

"This is the mower I got from Oran"

"Well... are you going to let Roba push you?"

What Lurus was good at showing off to Hull was a mower that had recently begun to spread in the land of the Orans, with a powering loba connected behind it.

The mower is a four-wheel luggage truck with several sharp iron teeth attached to the front, and its blade height is adjusted around under the wheat ear.

When pressed with manpower or animal power, the blade mows the stalks of the wheat and the ear falls to the carrier of the luggage truck, allowing people to mow the wheat with the Great Sickle, as before, and harvest it far more efficiently than they can collect its fallen ear.

This machine, invented by Oran peasants, was also passed on to the Empire, but was unacceptable and not popular with the wealthy peasants of the Empire who hired large numbers of people to run large farms.

But Lurus thought it would improve working efficiency for small farmers and for farmers growing multiple crops, and he brought the machine to Cilentium, where there were many such farmers.

After purchasing and bringing in a few prototype machines from Oran, we worked with Swilius to improve and invent the machines.

"Yes, there are some molds that make cattle push when they become large, but I've got a little ingenuity to get them to push on the easiest loba to get around. I asked Mr. Swilius to modify it so that I could change the height of the blade and carrier here. This allows you to use it in one unit regardless of the degree of fertility or crop type."

"So, do you lend this machine to farmers?

"No, this can be expensive in itself, but if you want it, you buy it. As always, there is no particular difficulty in pruning… I just want people who are willing to buy from agriculture, such as people who want to rent public agricultural land to create commodity crops or expand agricultural land."

The peasants planted in Cilentium have been forced to adopt the latest four-pastoral farming methods introduced by the Empire, and the wheat produced is a system whereby Cilentium buys in certain quantities.

Other than that, it is also possible to grow commodity crops by renting nurseries used for the cultivation of commodity crops introduced by Lurus, and to earn money, and Lurus wanted those willing farmers to incorporate more efficient farming methods.

"Um, if that's the case, why don't we let them stop growing wheat and make crops for commodities, such as flax, for example, for individual farmers?

"... well, I don't think it's best for farmers to be free to choose and grow crops. However, that biases the cultivated crop. For example, all commonly sold and expensive items are grown, and food production lags behind. Plus, flax and other things I brought in have strong connecting disorders that require about seven years of fallow, so it's not efficient without rotating farmland over a wide area. So, as a rule, we decided not to allow the cultivation of commodity crops on farmland owned by farmers, but to lend them to farmers while the government was in charge of the cultivation of commodity crops, and we decided to take measures to prevent bias in the cultivation of commodity crops and the inhibition of food production in the cultivation of commodity crops."

"... I see"

When Hal looked at the field with admiration, he saw Oran peasants everywhere trawling their horses and cattle to farm and plant fertilizer.

The damp smell of dug up soil and fertilizer comes from everywhere.

Lurus closes his eyes, breathes out slowly after inhaling a glass of that smell in his chest, and opens his mouth.

"I think the farmers will start to think a lot about all of this, so we may not need this kind of measure either. But Cilentium is still in its grassroots phase, and we need to get rid of as many possible inconveniences as possible and put a steady food supply first, so I want to do it this way for a few years after we hit it."

Hal and Lurus enter the farmland while the Agriculture Agency officials take their mowers and robbers to another location for testing.

It was a test farm rented by Lurus from Cilentium, where various plants were grown.

The main crops that Lurus brought to Cilentium are flax, vegetables and soba.

Many other vegetables and herbs were also brought in and cultivated on this fed research farmland.

So far, there are three crops that are likely to be practicable in Cilentium, but all other practicable herbs are handed over to Alshalea, which runs the pharmacy, where they are now cultivated.

Flax is harvesting fiber to make cloth and yarn, and from the fruit is harvesting oil, as well as future demand was expected as a raw material for northern paper by research results from Swilius.

We also encourage farmers to cultivate vegetables that serve as sugar ingredients because they can be used as livestock feed after squeezing sugar and leaves.

Due to the extremely short cultivation period of soba noodles, which is inferior to other crops in yield, Lurus continued to stockpile and cultivate certain quantities as a desolation crop in case of cold damage, failure or famine.

However, soba dishes have recently gained popularity in some parts of the country, and since they are a sturdy crop that originally grew even in the wasteland, they have grown more frequently in mountainous areas such as the lean Colonia Fermu and Colonia Meridieto.

"Hey, but I didn't expect that much demand for flax... it's a strong dysfunction, and although it's a useful crop for oil and cloth... I didn't know it would be paper..."

Lurus took a round of flowers out of the oval longcoat's pocket as he said emotionally.

A bright blue flower shows Lurus' white oval coat against the background.

"... that's the flax flower, isn't it?

Ask with Hal's face to say hi.

Flax farmland is a short distance from Cilentium, just north of the plateau, and cannot be seen from where it is now.

Perhaps by now the same blue flowers will be blooming on one side.

"Yes, such poor flowering flax… quite my best… it's hard to keep growing in the same place"

With a bitter smile, Lurus offered Hal that flower, the flower words of flax flowers are thankful.

"This is more than from me… it's from the peasants of Cilentium"

Hal is slightly frightened by Lurus, who smiles and offers flowers.

"... that must be true, right?


"... why do you shut up?

Even as he received the flowers, he was Hal, who looked down and took a distance from Luluz, who was blushing.

A few days later, Cilentium City Boulevard

Noon, sunny Cilentium.

The breeze, which includes the clean water sounds flowing through the water bridge, the green of the street trees reflected on the white walls, the scent of the bright grass leaves and a hint of the earth, blows through the summer boulevard where the voices of the energetic blow.

The colonization, the architecture of the houses and the maintenance of the streets were also paragraph by paragraph, and the Cilentium was truly singing a time of prosperity.

A powerful voice buying and selling things everywhere, a lively voice chatting with acquaintances, a raunchy voice with families, a pleasant voice between lovers, can be heard from everywhere.

Inside, an imperial man dressed in a striking international outfit, a white piercing coat and a blue oval coat, walked happily around.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Altrius"


"Hi Altrius"

"Um, it doesn't matter"

"Shigeru, don't you want to go today?

"Oh yeah, it's more fun to walk now"

"Oh, God, thank you so much"

"Um, how are you hurt?

"Thanks to you..."

Speak up to Altrius, whose people on the road have become the patron saints of the city.

Altrius also answered with a nod or a voice, looking quite popular.

Frequent departures from the days of the Necromancer were Altrius, who had become a rumor of the citizens because he left unilaterally with advice and help, but who became clear and legitimate and often left the city during the day.

He was once driven away by the public prosecutor's street tree officer, but now he no longer sucks away from the edge where he touched the refinements of others, animals and plants, and he was certified as the guardian saint of Cilentium by a public announcement from the Cilentium administration, and Altrius rapidly entered the city as a familiar god.

"Is it a pleasure to do what people do?" No, I knew better than before, but I never thought the day would come when I could cross there... um, it's really good!

"Predecessor... you're out again, aren't you?

Hal comes to the clerk's office, tells him what happened in the city, and then sits down and looks at Altrius, who talks to him about it.

"People don't like to hear you get out! I just went on an inspection."

"My aunt was foolish when she said she was a bad god who didn't work, right?

Ellesia smiled and said to Altrius as she gave up her twins as she put her arms around her and said back, not just saying it was out of her heart.

Altrius had been given a named job by the Sun God in addition to the protection of the city, as he was deified because of the naming of the twins of Hull and Erlacia.

Altrius, however, has declined the offer of the establishment of the temple made by citizens and administrations, and now the altar placed in the cathedral corner of the Temple of the Sun is its festive base.

Altrius said, "I am not such a great thing, I am as good as everyone else... Ah, but the cemetery would be helpful if it could be made a little beautiful..." So the cemetery was kept up beautifully and candles were lit all the time.

Altrius is usually a small altar in the prepared temple cathedral of the Sun, and it is his job as God to look after his name to the baby he brings.

Until now not so many people have been given names in the temple, but these days young couples have come with babies from all over Cliffonam and Oran, as well as Cilentium, to be named by Altrius, one of the few gods that has emerged.

Altrius, who has unexpectedly had to perform a busy task, has frequently left the temple in recognition of his tiredness and has been brought back to Alshalea, acting high priest.

He stops the pen and is bitterly smiled at by Hal, who took the little one Altrius from Ellesia, and God's Altrius distorts his face.

"Ugh, um... no, but it would be the patron saint to interact with the people of Ichii? So I'm actively going out... '

"Also, you were skipping here..."

Before Altrius could finish his words, Alshalea's voice overlapped.

"Ugh, shit, I've been here a long time."

"Come on back, there's about four couples waiting."

"Uhm, I can't help it... kids are cute... okay"

As he leans back to Alshalea's togued voice, and walks over, Altrius gently strokes Hal's son and daughter's head with a full smile.

Alshalea was in a hurry about the condition and called out again.

"... it's only later that I adore my grandchildren, and I'm patient with them."

"... um, shall we go then..."

It was Altrius, who was pressured by Alshalea's words and left Hal's office with regret.

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