Border Guardian Hal Akircius
Chapter 16: Winds of War Siluha Moving Part (Part 1)
Kingdom of Siluha, City of Tion and Military Port
As strong sunlight shined out the surroundings even harder via the sea level, and the sea breeze containing the heat of summer added to the heat of the harbor, Asfarif, who jumped gently from the battleship, was blind to the senior Siluha officials in the city of Tion who welcomed him, and walked over to the soldiers who were in alignment.
"Oops, you had a hard time in the south! I'm on vacation for a week from today, get rid of all the dirt on the battlefield! The money is here. It's from the city of Tion!
That's what Asfarif said as he thumbed up the high-ranking officials rushing to his place, telling the last soldiers briefly.
"Dismissed! Come play around!! You're not coming home for three days!
Whoa, whoa.
When the soldiers, joyful and courageous in the words of Asfarif, rush out of the harbor with the momentum of scattering the spider child, and head for the pleasure district, Asfarif turns to the senior officials of the city of Tion, who look like they have crushed a bitter worm.
"And, by the way, thank you later"
"General! I don't want you to be on your own!
When one of the senior officials complained with a bitter face to Asfarif, who released the words lightly, Asfarif listened back with a decent face.
"On your own?"
"Yes, you will now have an important role to play in the invasion of the Empire!
Another senior official says, Asfarif shrugs his shoulders and laughs bitterly.
"Dude, I just finished my job, rest after work, right?
"... Your Highness..."
Still, he controlled the senior official with his hand who tried to recruit him to complain about something, and Asfarif returned the words in a slightly tight tone.
"Well, let's change the way we say it... the contract would have kept us quiet about the operation, the tactics, the way I did it, right? What happened to the contract?
"Ugh... the contract is absolute"
The high-ranking officials hold their mouths in fright.
When he saw it, Asfarif smiled more and said brightly.
"If you know what I mean, don't talk about May flies. I'll do my job straight, that's the deal."
Asfarif slowly opened his mouth, smiling back at the high-ranking officials with bitter expressions.
"You got nothing to worry about? I've already done a lot of planting. After that, we'll make sure it works, and then we'll decide what to do, then we'll ask for it!
"Wait... what is it made of..."
After the distracted high-ranking officials, Asfarif went to the pleasure zone with a full smile on his face.
Imperial Eastern Border, between the deepest and unopened of the Castle of Julials
In the deepest part of Castel Julials, the frontline with Siluja, there is a room known as the Unopen.
People's voices were echoing during that unopened time when they would not enter except the third legion chief, who was the castle owner, or his senior executive, a thousand captain rank general.
"General Liquinius, are you going to spend your eternal time in a place like this unnecessarily?
"Messenger, what do you want to say? I can't help it, I am tied to this land as a guardian, and I continue to be tied every year by a curse named after an appointment ceremony from the Emperor of the Empire. My curse cannot be lifted unless the present royal family is uprooted or the empire is utterly doomed '
It was a magnificent, musculoskeletal man wearing the armor helmet of a fairly old empire who raised out of the darkness, but it was obvious from a clear body that his life was no longer there.
A Siluha man with shallow black skin kneeling before him carries on the words.
"... what if I told you I had the skill to ascend you?
"... are you going to attack the Empire? So I guess I'm in the way, huh? Let's get this straight."
Without answering the messenger's question, a hundred years ago imperial hero, General Liquinius, stared at the messenger harshly.
But the messenger carries on the words of Liquinius without seeing how he moved them.
"... yes, without you... no, as long as you defeat this place, we can take over the Eastern states in accordance with our pact with the Imperial aristocracy"
"Oh, my God, did the proud Imperial aristocrats guide you?
"Yes, do you remember the name Lucillius?
"... incredible"
The emissary pales in response to Liquinius, who comes to a stunner with the name of the empire's leading aristocrat.
"So how did we know about this place? How could it have come so easily to the deepest part of this castle?
'If you think there are fewer signs along the way... did someone guide you...'
It was Liquinius who often thought about the words of the apostle, but it was not that I could think of anything other than that there were those who were guiding him.
Even though we continue to be tied to this land, information from outside can be obtained.
Rumors of the Imperial soldiers, stupidity, public discourse, reports of the Legion leaders, conversations of the merchants through the castle, confessions of spies.
What Liquinius could hear about them felt was the quality of the imperial aristocracy and the empire itself, which has gone wrong, corrupt and worse in the last few years, especially decades or so.
And the fact that the Emperor, who was supposed to have stopped it, is losing his power and his citizens are exhausted.
This bender, who appeared here further, said that Lucilius, the nobleman who was at the head of the Imperial nobility and who had to help the Imperial Emperor and reconcile himself with the citizens, had guided him to meet himself.
It is the first time that Liquinius has defended the land for a hundred years.
"That's what I'm saying, have you seen this?
A messenger took a dagger out of his nostalgia and showed it to Liquinius, who leaked a groan of regret.
In its hands is an imperial-style dagger engraved with the family crest and family name of the Lucilius family.
To Liquinius, who was at an end, a messenger smiled with a garlic and opened his mouth with his dagger intact.
"You have certainly been ordered to become Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Dispatch to prevent the attack of the Eastern Lights. And you fought as hard as you could to defeat the great army of East Light, and you died in honorable battle. But as a result, the present state of affairs shouldn't have been what you wanted."
'My mandate has not been fulfilled... it is certain'
To Liquinius, who so painstakingly returns, the messenger exhorts him to put his words on,
"Is it the annexation of the Eastern countries? But is that something to be imposed on those killed in the war? What happened to your family left behind? I wonder what the clan thinks about you not showing up at the Festival of the Soul... some people think that the truth has ended in dishonor."
"No dishonor whatsoever!
To Liquinius, who shouted unexpectedly, the messenger took a moment before speaking.
"I bet you are. But that's why I'm letting you go. Please defeat this castle and the Imperial soldiers. That way you'll be able to ascend and meet your clan without being tied to this dim mountain castle. Don't worry, we're not thinking furiously of destroying the Empire. It is desirable to hold back the eastern states to secure a trading route. We don't have the power to destroy the Empire."
To the words of the messenger, Liquinius, with his arms together and his eyes closed, often pulls his mouth together and shuts up.
Then he gradually opened his eyes with something disastrous, and opened his mouth.
"... come on... I've spent a hundred, a hundred years... let's go..."
"Oh, so?
And Liquinius answered with a wrinkle upon his forehead, to a messenger whose joy was also revealing.
If I don't make a promise, I'll kill him.
"Leave the Third Legion to me... but the matter of Ascension, don't be different"
"Yes, of course."
Lugusa, a city in the northern part of the Kingdom of Siluha
The city is lined with architecture with a Siluha-style round roof decorated with pointy tips and roundness.
Climatically, it's not so different from Cliffonam, but it's quite exotic just because the building it's built on and the clothes of the people it's walking on are different.
Although it is a Siluha building that originally uses sun-dried bricks as its main building material, since this is a climatic area similar to the Setria Inland Sea and the Cliffonam region, it rained more than the area from which Siluha originated, and the building materials were mainly marble, with stone cut out in portions.
The clothes of those on the road are also siluha-style loose white hemp and cotton clothes, but they still seem thicker than those worn by the people of the country for climatic reasons.
The people wearing it also had a sight to feel uncomfortable somewhere because the skin color was whiter than that of the Siluha.
And there's a bunch of Cliffonams walking around the city like that.
Walking at the head of it, Cliffonam is Prince Fried's Danford.
But that expression can never be said to enjoy exotic feelings.
The Fried warriors attached to the escort look around uncommonly, but Danford can't seem to hide his frustration at the look of it either, so he finally flies a voice of reprimand.
"Hey! I think it's been a few months since I've been here, come on!
"No... that being said, Prince... it's still unusual, isn't it?
Fried warrior answers with his head on.
"Come on... you idiots..."
It was an accidental spill Danford, but I shrugged my lips when I remembered I had just been taught earlier that it was because they were attached like that that that I could face the prince.
A voice echoes from a black box beside Danford that lets him flutter his fist with a mess.
'Hey, isn't it time already?
"... not yet"
Danford answered the voice suddenly, but the voice did not give up and sounded again.
"... what are you stumbling upon? If we don't get ready soon, we'll never make it to the mercenary general in Siluha."
"I know!... Don't talk too much anymore"
Danford drops his voice in a hurry after he accidentally yells at the warriors who look suspicious.
But the voice echoed without looking through it.
"… be hasty because it is good. Because the Lord hated horses, he had no choice but to receive an infantry from Siluha. Prepare it early, but it's good. '
Returning to the given hall in Lugusa, Danford sat in a chair without the help of Dosari when he placed a box on his desk containing Altrius' neck.
It was Danford who was invited by the generals of Siluha and bravely participated in the military conference, but the result is not ridiculous.
Though it was asylum that was accepted, Sirukha's side, with Danford's extravagant desire to give impetus to restoration in the land of Cliffonam, has never responded to Danford's request by turning its words to the left.
If you look at Siluha, the Silentium Alliance is quite appreciative in terms of security, not to say that it is a commercial enemy in relation to commodities and trade routes, because the precarious areas travelled by the barbarians have a uniform stability.
In addition to this, it is promising as a new market, so the prominent merchants are even beginning to travel to Cilentium.
Textile products such as Siluha hemp and cotton, wheat, as well as bronze and gold coins and ivory, have been brought to Siluha, and vice versa, barley, sulphur, copper, dried meat and dairy products have been brought to Siluha.
Although there is friction over the trade and trade routes of goods exported to the Empire, including paper, Siluha and Cilentium had no formal diplomatic relations, but generally good relations about commercial transactions.
It was Danford and Nikolai Cavalry who stepped in there.
Initially it was Siluha who could not hide the confused colour, but it was accepted by Asfarif, who thought that Danford had a future use for the offer of asylum, who made him live here in Lugusa.
And for a while there was a breeding state, but when he came here, his voice finally hung up.
But the result was a bad thing.
"... what can you do with just that..."
"... Shirukha of Shin has prepared 10,000 Southern infantry troops for us, right?... Well, they are gatherers, but therefore they are not seated, nor do they have the guts... '
"... so they told me to crash into Silentium Alliance territory! That mercenary bastard is so determined!!
Siluha is traditionally a cavalry-centered military and infantry is not strong, nor has he trained.
Compared to the volunteer-centric, morale and highly skilled Western empire by citizens, it is difficult to say that Siluha's infantry is well trained, unmotivated, because proletarian citizens and small-scale peasants are convened and braided.
Convened whenever there is a war, the Siluha infantry, equipped only with simple round shields and spears, is commonly referred to as the Southern Infantry and is at the core of the weak but Siluha Infantry.
More than 10,000 southern infantry were to be assembled and deposited with Danford.
"The point is it depends on the ingenuity"
"... you, say all the bad things! How do you say we break that Cilentium army with a little over 10,000 weak infantry!!
Altrius' words were bitten by a desperate Danford.
In front of those pathetic former peasants who were neither warriors nor willing, nor skilled, Danford complained that they were too different in composition from Cliffonam's walking warriors.
But Altrius sounded calm and urged Danford.
"Our role is only to be positive and restrained, if we don't forget it, we can do it. If we do our part, the Empire and the Border Guards will destroy the mercenary general."
"... you've been buying him an asphalliff for a long time... why don't you move?
It was Danford speaking obstinately to Altrius' words, but Altrius answered normally without complaining about it.
"Oh? That's impossible."
"Why not? Because of the curse?
Altrius ran out of words when Danford, who I thought would return sarcasm after all, inquired about the noodles.
No, I don't like him.
"... what?
It was Danford who would cease to be the word of Altrius, but he gives it to the words that followed.
"A scurvy bastard like that who looks like a woman is my enemy. I hate skunks and potato worms the most in the world. If you are asked if you are a potato worm or a scurvy bastard, you are confident that you will be bothered overnight!
Altrius took over the tone again, whether he had noticed Danford on his face or not.
'And... it's not just about my likes and dislikes, is it? If it's in his hands, the Lord will cut it off for you. If you're a decent person, you can't take it, and you can't take it at all. It was only with my wisdom that an operation could be accomplished, and therefore the Lord, who proposed my dedication in the military, took a glimpse. If you know that the tease of the Lord's devotion is me, the Lord will take me away and assassinate me. As long as Akircius, the Abandoned Prince of Fried, has officially succeeded to the throne, it's not worth it. "
"He's a fake king..."
"And only some of your lords say that reality is not so."
Altrius now whispers the words Danford spilled blurry.
Without patience, Danford rose out of his chair, slamming and screaming at the desk with Altrius' neck on it.
"... Shut up! I don't care who says what. The king is me. It's me!
"... for Christ's sake, the worm has risen again... well, let's try to be that way, or if we've come this far, we'll take care of it until the end without moving... and then destroy the empire."
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