Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 17 Finals (Part 3)

Outside Colonia Lemesia, Imperial Territory Lemesia

Remaining strong sunlight from the remnants of the heat, the eastern part of the empire was in the province of Lemesia, on the plains outside Colonia Lemesia, where exactly two armies were assembled as much as possible as the first battle of the century.

Arraying on the south is a northern legion soldier of the Cilentium army lined with blue-toned armored helmets of dull imperial-style, with a Cliffonam-inspired blue cloak on their back that has now become their trademark.

On the north side, a sandy round shield was erected, and a long spear was erected and lined up neatly by heavily armed infantry mercenaries, with a large circle of white tones, to the southern infantry, which stood in line with a variance and a short spear.

"Hmm... do you keep horseback riding warm?

Asfarif crushed when he saw the formation of the Cilentium army.

Asfarif is right, the Cilentium army has placed all 10,000 of them in the main unit, in conjunction with the cavalry of the Cavalry Regiment, extracted from each legion.

The Siluha army had thus put together a basic western formation that divided and placed more than 20,000 cavalry left and right.

"Hey, let's send out an ambassador and worship the enemy border guards and their faces."

"... Isn't it dangerous?

"Am I right? Oh, that's okay, you're not cowardly, he is."

"Do you have any acquaintance somewhere?

"Ha, there is, but there isn't!

"Oh, really..."

"Heroes know heroes... well, let them out because they're good... or it's still sneaky, I'll go directly"

"It is!

"It's all right, as I was saying, he's not as cowardly as we are, he is."

"... you're an ambassador."

Altrius spoke to Hull, who hoped to see those believed to be three horsemen advancing from the faction of the Siluha army.

"What more could it be now?

The three generals can also be seen in Hal's eyes, but it doesn't mean they'll do anything in particular, and they're staring at us in the middle of both armies.

I saw how it went. Altrius made a funny voice.

"Hehe, funny… O Haruyoshi, he came to worship the face of the LORD. They are totally interesting! I'll do it according to you. '

"No, that's dangerous... it could be a trap"

Belius disagrees with Altrius' words.

But Hal nodded one after a few thoughts and told the officers, beginning with Belius.

"As my predecessor said, I'm going to see you here… maybe I can grasp some bargaining thread… and you want to see who you are"

"That's my prospective successor! Then I'm not going!

"Is that it? Or my predecessor?

Hal, who just thought he would stay exactly, returns the question in surprise at what Altrius said, but Artrius answered with absolutely nothing to be evil about.

"Naturally, I don't know anyone outside who drove the Empire this far. We must meet once and for all, it is a souvenir of the underworld!

"Uh... aren't we going to the underworld anymore?

When Hal accidentally returned the word, it was Altrius, frightened for a moment, but he carried on the word forcefully.

"... it's a tattoe of things."

As Hal approached the place where Sirukha's general would pitch with Belius and his escort Lairken, the central man's stinking bearded general laughed and spoke to him.

"Whoa? You're the rumored border guard... you're younger than I thought!

"Is that what you... are you General Asfarif?

Surprisingly Hal, Asfarif says back in a shattered face.

"Whoa, that kind of thing you would have come right up to, but we're like each other. Why don't we just skip the hard part and talk a little bit... you, aren't you willing to pull up north?

"... what do you mean?

Hal listens back to Asfarif's sudden words with alarm and dew.

Asfarif took over the words by raising the corner of his mouth all the way up to the look of it.

"What, a simple story, I'll give you the Lugusa of Siluha territory you occupied. But give me the Castle of Julius... and I'll give you Colonia Leamesia and the surroundings of the original barracks... and Potorus Leames and the eastern states of the Empire."

"... I refuse"

I don't think that's a bad idea.

Asphalif shrugging shoulders.

But I don't even look so sorry.

"This request is for a withdrawal from imperial territory and a tri-national reconciliation. If so, return the occupied territories on this side of Lugusa and Siluha."

Hal, who turned down Asfarif's proposal without comment, returned the proposal.

But I heard that suggestion. Asfarif now gives me a strange look and returns the question.

"I understand the empire and Siluha, but what country is there after that? Is that you?

"It's up to the East Photo."

"... I see you're not going to dispose of it"

To a vocal asphallif like he was impressed, Hal replied with just saying what he was talking about the other way around.

"Of course."

"... that's funny... really funny, if I had the real power of Siluha, I could do that story, but Hate, I'm a mercenary hired with both Siluha merchants, so I can't handle that because it wasn't my employer's intention."

But Asfarif returned the horse's head as soon as he said so.

"... then?

Asfarif responds as he advances his horse to Hal's words.

"Whoa, if you beat me, I may pass your demands, but at this point in time, it's a negotiated decision. I'll tell you what, I'm strong, okay?

"I'll pay you back just like that."

"Ha! Must be, bye"

Asfarif, returning to his army headquarters, opens his mouth with heartfelt pleasure.

"Fuck, no, that's funny. I definitely wanted him to bark at me!

"... do I have to change my basic strategy?

"Oh, I'll keep going"

Asfarif, returning so to the words of the scouthead, looked at the soldiers under his command.

The infantry has a Cilentium army against 30,000 Northern Legion soldiers, while the Cirouha army has been a lot less than it was initially, but there are still 30,000 Southern infantry and 15,000 heavy-duty infantry mercenaries.

But Asfarif was treading with each other about the infantry, even considering the number of Southern infantry who were weak soldiers.

Though honestly the strength of the Northern Legion soldiers is unknown, Asfarif, who thought they would have the same capabilities as the Imperial soldiers, intends to siege the Northern Legion soldiers by letting the Mercenaries take the front just as he did when he defeated the Imperial Army earlier.

I am concerned that the number of cavalry is considerably higher than the Empire by about half of Siluha, but still half is half, and Asfarif, confident in the cavalry's soldiers, intended to defeat the enemy cavalry from the front.

Reading enemy lines and quickly assembling tactics, Asfarif runs around the line with horses to inspire the soldiers.

"Sometimes it's annoying, but now it's time to fully enjoy the fight! You guys can't lose!! Don't leak the instructions! Don't abandon your peers! Keep your courage! We're the strongest!


Soldiers responding to the asphalifs.

There are significant differences in the breed, origin, and composition of the soldiers, such as the Sultanate Infantry of Siluha, the authorized horseback rider of Siluha, the heavily armed infantry mercenary, and the horseback rider mercenary, but equally the strength of the warring soldiers who have fought in enemy lands under the command of Asfarif increases.

"Let's go, Northern Guardian!

Asfarif pulled out the black holy sword and swung forward while the Siluha army moved out.

"What do you think of his predecessor?

"... Asphallic... well, I guess you're the spouse of the times, you have the qualities of a hero, you can't be alarmed"

"I know that..."

Altrius' voice echoes in Hal looking down to think a little.

"O Haruyoshi, the enemy has moved."

Encouraged by Altrius, who sensed that the Siluha army had moved, Hal on the horse looks up quietly.

The formation of the Cilentium army has a 21st Regiment on the left wing and a 23rd Regiment on the right, with the Cilentium Regiment, the Fellum Regiment lined up in the front, and then the Altrius Regiment in the second straight line.

"Now, do as you should…"

'Um, first of all, it's a frontal collision!

When he snorted at Altrius' words, Hal shouted, sure to gaze at the advancing Siluha army.

"Soldiers! From now on, we're going to the final showdown! The enemy is the mercenary general of Siluha, led by Asfarif of Thunder Strike, 70,000 Siluha troops! We are inferior in number, but your morale and skill are not comparable to those of your enemies, and given that only 30,000 Asphallic mercenaries and 10,000 Siluha cavalry truly function as an army, there is no inferior colour to that number! Struggle, brave, this battle is the one in history! Let's go!!!


"First, bathe the welcome arrows. Start shooting!

By Hull's decree, the arrows of the Silentium army are squeezed together.

And an arrow was released such that the sky became black with the noise of a faint string.

The flames of the battle of the Eastern Plains of the Empire were cut and dropped.

"Whoa, you came fast... overhead defensive posture! Keep moving!"

On the orders of Asfarif, who saw an arrow released from the Silentium army, the infantry marching on the front line overhead with a round shield.

The arrows of the Silentium army, which had fallen one after the other some time after another, began to burst into a round shield.

An arrow stands on a round shield with cancer cancer and a dry sound.

Some southern infantrymen were pierced by simple shields and arrows stood on their hands and chests, screaming and falling, but the main force, the heavy-duty mercenary, prevented the arrows of the Cilentium army generally with its fine shields.

The Siluha Army also has a unit of bows and arrows, but is a lightly armed archer, so if you engage in a shootout with a bow gear team of Northern Legion soldiers who have consolidated themselves with a gatchy armor helmet, the damage will really increase for the fragile minutes they are shot, and likewise the lightly equipped Southern Infantry is vulnerable to projectile weapons.

If so, Asfarif decided it would be better to bring the arrows into the melee while shielding them.

"Cavalry, start deploying from left to right!

On the order of Asfarif, the Siluha cavalry, which was placed on the left wing, and the cavalry mercenary, which was placed on the right wing, move out.

It is an action to besiege a Cilentium army with no cavalry on either wing.

Although the Cilentium Army has taken cavalry measures by placing the Northern Legion soldiers thick to the left and right, they were poor for manoeuvrable cavalry from Asfarif.

"Come on, what are we going to do?

Hal took it as he let the attack by bow and arrow continue, watching the Siluha cavalry begin to unfold left and right.


"Um, the cavalry has moved. Siluha... or the enemy general Asfarif. It's a good siege attack. '

Altrius reacted quickly to Hal's voice.

Siluha's cavalry is light in equipment, but there are light cavalry who specialize in white soldier warfare and bow cavalry equipped with bows and arrows, all of which have a reputation for speed, while defense and assault are somewhat difficult.

For this reason, it does not strike from the front against opponents better than equipment such as the heavy cavalry of the Silentium Army and the heavy cavalry of the Empire, which imitates the eastern tribes of Cliffonam.

Mostly used for infantry rear disturbances, abdominal back attacks, chase fights, etc., but it is the number that is troublesome.

Even if you just looked at it, the left wing alone would double if you combined it with the cavalry of the Silentium army, and the right wing.

So Hal basically let the Northern Legion soldiers deal with the cavalry and thought about breaking one cavalry in that gap.

On top of being an equal number if only left or right, this one wins with gear.

If they got around a lot, they could have been pinched, but there was no other way to get the Northern Legion soldiers to do their best, but that's why they deliberately placed the 21st Legion of the Battle on the left and the 23rd Legion on the right.

Soon the 21st Legion of the Left Wing and the Siluha Cavalry will clash.

"Good luck, Ruda"

"Oops, that Almar kid... well, if it's him, it's okay."

Silentium Army Left Wing

"All right, cavalry's coming! Everyone prepare to attack the cavalry!

Kid of the Almar tribe, Luda is currently in the position of deputy commander of the 21st Legion.

The 21st Regiment is a unit led directly by Hull, a border guardian officer, but only this time has Hull graduated directly from the Cavalry Regiment, so the 21st Regiment's command has turned to Ruda, a Legion Leader substitute.

On Ruda's orders, the Northern Legion soldiers remove the hand-throwed arrows from behind the shield.

"Take the tortoise formation against the cavalry!

The Northern Legion soldiers of the 21st Legion line up in the order of Luda and stick their spears out of that gap.

This time the newly devised anti-cavalry tortoise formation puts the spear-equipped soldier in the front and sticks the spear forward from between shield walls so that you can't hang cavalry assaults or ride-ups.

Siluha's cavalry is mixed with bow cavalry, which comes shooting arrows in flourish, but is held back by the walls of a stiff giant, and arrows do not reach as far as the Northern Legion soldiers.

After releasing arrows once more, the Siluha cavalry stormed along with a shout.

"Hand-throwed arrows ready!

And to the frightened cavalry opponent, it is the basic anti-cavalry tactics of the Silentium army that rainshoe and pour down the hand-throated arrows.

"Not yet..."

Stare at the approaching cavalry as Ruda swallows his saliva.

Too far away may not even arrive instead of decreasing in power.

If you pull too much the other way around, they'll storm you before you throw an arrow.

"Not yet..."

Siluha's brown horseback riding warriors approaching with the sounds of the ground.

Peel out your teeth, scream and wield your long sword, or stick out your spear and approach.

"Not yet..."

Ruda's voice also includes a rush, but sweat also engulfs the hands of the Northern Legion soldiers holding the throwing arrows.

Every tooth of the Siluha cavalry, I could see the crease on his face.

The tenderness of the horse, the muscles of the hooves, can clearly see the blood vessels that have emerged.

That moment when the Northern Legion soldiers in the front row could no longer stand the fear of the approaching Siluha cavalry by devouring their teeth.

"Shoot. Yeah, yeah!!

The long-awaited order became Ruda's scream and reached the ears of the Northern Legion soldiers.

Oh, my God.

A hand-throwed arrow with full force is released from the third row onwards, and a hand-throwed arrow descending from the oblique front hits the Siluha cavalry.

Siluha soldier who is shot through his forehead by a hand-throated arrow and remains deadly on a horse.

A hand-throated arrow stabbed the horse's neck muscle, a cavalry dying in the underneath of a desperate horse.

A rear cavalry penetrates and flies at a Siluha soldier who falls off balance after receiving a hand-throated arrow at his shoulder.

Elsewhere, several hand-throwed arrows were shot in and the horse cavalry was in despair.

Siluha cavalry caught in a whirlpool of chaos.

More weapons and arrow storms descend on the horsemen whose feet have stopped.

For the Siluha cavalry, infantry was the object of ravage and should have been the soldier's department of absolute superiority.

When it comes to the art of infantry against cavalry, it is at best to the extent of arranging spears to restrain the assault.

It would be troublesome if they were formed in dense formations like Western countries, but if they still turned to the sides, they would have been able to make armored sleeves, such as non-athletic infantry.

A few horsemen seemed to have been hung up on a ride-down, but that too was soon mentioned in the jade of the Northern Legion soldiers after too few.

Besides, the remaining cavalry have been targeted where their legs have stopped and taken over by a hand-throwed arrow and a bow-arrow attack.

"Behold, what...! Shit, back up! Back up! Get back on your feet!

The captain of Siluha's cavalry ordered him to retreat without feeling any more miserable, but it soon became clear that the order was slow.


Whoa, whoa!

The heavy-duty cavalry of Cilentium, who was in the main unit at the decree of Hull, begins to storm once and for all.

The look on the face of the Siluha cavalry, who was relieved that the attack on the throwing weapon had stopped perfectly.

Dressed in armor helmets similar to those of the Northern Legion soldiers, they are raised to blood festivals one after the other by the heavily armed cavalry of the Cliffonams who stick their spears in their hands, and the cavalry of Siluha finds themselves in a state of panic.

Siluha cavalry falls horseback with spears thrust through his torso from the front.

The long sword that he shook up was also murky, and he slammed his spear into his face and fell horse.

Take a corrugated assault of the Silentium's heavily armed cavalry, reducing the number of Siluha's lightly armed cavalry looking.

And when the cavalry captain finally fell and was slammed down by a heavy-duty cavalry spear, Siluha's right-wing cavalry was in a state of crumbling.

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