Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 18: Imperial Civil War Clashes

Lucilius Army Headquarters

"Oh, hey, Gratianus! Don't you have to widen the spacing between soldiers?

A burst bomb or a special flamethrower starts falling around, and Vandeus screams because he can't help but worry about the sound of it flying in.

Of course, unforgiving flames were swallowing the soldiers one after the other, not comparable to the surroundings of Vandeus on the front line.

But Gratianus was flat, even as the flames were imminent, and he turned to Vandeus and slowly answered.

"If you do that, the UAE people will just run away and scatter. The only thing that keeps us superior to our enemies is the number of soldiers, including this unreliable one. Now is the time to surround the left, right, and rear with ancient private soldiers to block the escape route. Therefore, we are following you, but if you remove this, you can immediately reluctantly escape to sit down. There's nothing left to push this bow and arrow forward with patience."

"That being said... you're not gonna stop shooting enemies, are you?

Along with the increasingly heavy explosion sound, several horsemen of the escort cavalry who were nearby were drunk by the explosion flames, and Vandeus unexpectedly shrugged his neck.

The human horse makes a sneaky scream.

But Gratianus answered Vandeus' question in an unusual way when he turned his gaze back forward just to see how it was doing.

"… indeed… I have sat this down by mistake, but we will not sit on any method of warfare other than what I have just said, so I will not sit down for a while now. It's still too far away for our bows and arrows to reach, and if it doesn't follow where we just let the cavalry protrude, it will be debated. If the infantry and cavalry carry out an attack in tandem, the effect will be halved."

Continuous flames of special flame bullets blow up on the front line, and the soldiers scream to the rear guard.

Vandeus, whose face draws unexpectedly to the battlefield of that snort.

"Don't worry. We will be surrounded by troops and border guards for some time."

In the words of Gratianus, Vandeus nodded with his neck shrugged by another blast.

Lucilius' army, which continues flat forward, not even in the case of special flamethrows and bombs that pour like rain, finally reached the range of bows and arrows.

The unreliable soldiers keep moving forward, while the private soldiers of the Lucillius family children, equipped with bows and arrows, enter immediately to prepare for bowshooting.

In addition, the cavalry of the Lucilius family, placed on both wings under the command of Gratianus, began to move.

Lucilius Army, which has already sent out more than 10,000 casualties by the flames of special flamethrows and the explosion of explosive bombs until we get here, but we can still afford it if we try to make it an entire army.

The cavalry of the Lucilius family is about 20,000 each on the right wing of the left wing, only one wing has already surpassed the total number of cavalry of the Cilentium army, and if we go in due course, we will be able to exchange sieges and ravage the enemy lines, even though there is a mix of well-known cavalry on the rise of bandits.

Gratianus was trying not to prevent cavalry assaults by overwhelming numbers, not to mention border guards.

They seem to be deploying spear soldiers, but very few on both wings.

We are unable to place cavalry on both wings in the battle against Siluha, which was carried out earlier, and we have taken the odd tactic of aiming for a breakthrough in the main formation by means of cavalry from one side.

The last time it seemed like the infantry managed to stick and pick up the win, even though the cavalry in Siluha was about to break through the other side of the front line, but the difference in the number of soldiers exceeded it this time, and the pressure of the infantry from the front was no less than that of the inert southern infantry.

I know it's not much different in terms of military quality, but it's not the same number, no matter what.

When Gratianus stops by placing the main unit behind the bow squad, he looks at the delivery that commands the bowshooting.

Simultaneously a large number of arrows were fired into the front line of the Silentium army, and arrows flew in from the other side.

Later it will be a reward for bows and arrows, but although overwhelming in arrow count, the shootout finally began to maintain equilibrium with the occasional attack of special flamethrows and bursts of heavy weapons flying from the Silentium side, as well as giant crossbows.

The damage to the bow and arrow soldiers has grown, but not unbearably.

Differences in the number of soldiers remain.

In addition, the start of shooting from allies seems to have restored some calm as the soldiers are no longer unilaterally shot.

The Cilentium forces are shifting heavy weapon attacks from the frontline infantry to the bow units, and Gratianus has found that the effect of Lucilius' bow attacks has increased considerably.

They don't like this bow and arrow.

"How do you know that?

To Vandeus, who returned questions in a rare and honest tone to his words, Gratianus carefully adds commentary while including a thin grin.

"A heavy weapon attack has moved to this bow unit. Until then, we've been hunting down front-line infantry. To say that we've turned things around to a scattered, ineffective bow-and-arrow unit, let's sit on the left as proof that this bow-arrow attack is taking quite a blow to the target."

"... right"

"Yes, sir… young, the cavalry will begin its assault shortly"

As Vandeus looked in the direction Gratianus pointed, he saw the cavalry of the Lucilius army rallied to the left and right to prepare for the assault.

The cavalry on the opposite side of Cilentium has been consolidated into the main formation, with no noticeable movement.

With that, the Lucilius Army infantry finally reaches the front line.

While there has been so much fierce attack by heavy weapons, the casualties were about 20,000 soldiers, which would have had no effect on a large number of them.

The Cilentium army laid a strong line and set up a defense, but Vandeus' face returned with a grin at the difference in the number of soldiers, which was unlikely to be compared.

After all, as Gratianus said, the difference in numbers was overwhelming.

"I was somewhat surprised by the firing with the first heavy weapon, but that's it for you."

Gratianus said confidently.

Cilentium Army

"Well, it's finally a collision… but I didn't think it would be so easy to get on it"

Altrius grinned with a garlic on Hull's shoulder.

At the end of that gaze are the unreliable infantry soldiers of the Lucilius army, who grew the beardless.

Already the cavalry of the Lucilius army seems to be unfolding from left to right, but this one is not seen noticing the trick of the Cilentium army either, simply trying to dare to assault it.

"No matter how powerful the heavy weapon is, it's hard to wipe out all the great armies that are coming, so I think they've done the first damage."

'Um, did I just say 10,000 to 20,000 casualties on the enemy's side? Well, that's fair.'

Altrius returns affirmative words to Hal's words.

The rewards of the bow and arrow continue unchanged and fierce, but this one still makes a difference in the number of soldiers, and the Cilentium army was a disadvantage.

It's just that he's turning the heavy weapon's aim to the enemy archers and putting in another giant crossbow to manage to bring it in in quintiles.

The heavy weapon soldiers are not intact either.

Sometimes the heavy weapon itself is a heavy object, and the armor and helmet you are wearing are of good imperial-style quality, but you are not equipped with a shield, and you cannot prevent arrows from operating heavy weapons.

The arrows are sharp and numerous, even though there are not so many arrows pouring down on the heavy armies because the archers in front of them are mainly shooting each other.

Besides, there are special flamethrows and bombs that the arrows hit and crack, and people have to be assigned to clean them up on top of the extreme danger, and the rate of firing of heavy weapons has gradually fallen.

"Don't push me! Attack first."

Quintus draws attention to the special engineers manipulating heavy weapons.

Catastrophic if even a glimmer of fire and arrow hits the damaged spot, the Incidental Heavy Weapons Corps would involve allies in a detonation second to a detonation, and the Cilentium Army would be devastated with both fame.

I want to expose more and more ammunition to an imminent enemy, but it actually didn't work out very well, and some heavy throwing machines were damaged due to the effects of continuous fire.

Still, fortunately, unlike in the battle on the banks of the Ineon River, which fought the Halemians, a large quantity of ammunition is available, which has no effect on the attack itself.

"Lower the damaged heavy weapon back! We don't have time to fix it right now, turn the bullets and personnel to another plane, hurry!

Quintus gave the order in the guise of calm to avoid being distracted by his men.

Although the Lucilius army is equipped with Imperial soldiers, they do not possess throwing weapons such as hand throwing arrows or throwing spears.

This was due to the physical reason that throwing weapons could not be equipped by the unaware army, but also by all more than 100,000 infantry soldiers alone, and the fact that when they gave throwing weapons to unreliable soldiers who did not have decent projection training, shoulder pain in production was at best unanticipated for an effective attack.

Unreliable soldiers with spears and swords step forward by order of their superiors.

Seeing it, the Cilentium army rebuilt its grandeur and grabbed the pattern of the throwing weapon.

"Move on!!

"Let go!!

Frontal clashes finally begin with simultaneous decrees of both sides.

A hand-throwed arrow of the Cilentium army poured down on the unreliable soldiers of the Lucilius army who stormed.

They were unintentionally and temporarily confused unreliable soldiers, but they were pushed by unreliable soldiers who continued to follow them, and the unreliable soldiers on the front line were gone, and even though they were vanquished with hand-throated arrows, the Lucilius army finally reaches the front line of the Silentium army.

Incidentally, fierce shield clashes and pushes began.

An imperial-style shield of the same quality and size on both sides, but unreliable soldiers made up of small imperials smash a full shield into northern Klingonham soldiers with large and powerful bodies, but they are not frightened by differences in strength or stature.

And untrained and untrained unreliable soldiers are naive in the way they fight, filled with gaps in mass combat.

An unreliable soldier who tried to hit the edge of the shield against the shield of a Northern Legion soldier was shot through the face by a hand-throwed arrow thrown from the rear, and the unreliable soldier who hit each shield was plugged into the spear from the head shortly afterwards and was desperate, and the unreliable soldier who tried to wield a sword further and slap it against the shield was plunged into his belly from the front and fell to the front as he spit blood.

Still unreliable soldiers springing up and coming out later.

Knock it down or knock it down. Later, as the unreliable soldiers attack for the shield of the Northern Legion soldiers, the Northern Legion soldiers change the front lines in turn and maintain the front lines.

The soldiers, who took turns from the front line, were supplied with hand-throwed arrows in the rear, re-inspecting their gear and returning to the battlefield again.

While the Northern Legion soldiers were shown to vary in number, they did not frustrate the shield, and when they found a gap, they maintained the front in a way that fought back.

On both wings, on the other hand, the cavalry of the Lucilius army was about to dare assault.

The Cilentium army has a spear soldier equipped with a large shield and medium spear on the front of the cavalry, the formation of which is thin.

The cavalry of the Lucilius army is not an imperial-style heavy-duty cavalry, dominated by a Shirukha-equipped lightweight cavalry.

What to hide. They were the bandits who were anxious about the security of the eastern states.

Offered by Siluha, they went to Empire Capital after cooperating with Asfarif's Imperial Invasion Army, and now joined Lucilius' army.

When it comes to light attire, it would be a splendid breakthrough if you wore it in a leather armor helmet and rode a spear into your hand.

From the Cilentium army, which has a large number of northern legion soldiers in the front to match the enemy that is the great army, there is nothing to stop them but this thin line of spear soldiers.

Those cavalry men stormed in unison, shouting at the commander's decree.

Close the big shield tightly and show a spear-lined Northern Legion soldier intercepting.

Then, at the point where the cavalry crossed the loose soil, the tip of the crossbow was offered from behind it.

"Shoot. Eh!!

Theosis, the commander of the Army Corps of Altrius, who was at the forefront, exclaims, and a series of firing crossbows releases a short arrow that is also sharp and dedicated to the sound of wind cuts.

It is a plateau at the sight of range.

Without being able to avoid arrows flying in a straight line, let alone being leather armor helmets and light attire, the cavalry of the Lucilius army was crushed one after the other by powerful short arrows that easily shot out even the muscles of the horse.

A bandit cavalry that strikes a short arrow on the horse's body and falls for every desperate horse.

Bandit cavalry who gets his head smashed from the top of his helmet and flips back.

Another hits his chest several times at the same time, blowing like he was bounced off a horse with that impact.

And he that smote out his arms, and a short arrow stabbed him in the eye, and exclaimed.

Who cares about the arrow stabbed in his leg and gets shot out of the neck muscle and falls straight to the forehead.

Though the cavalry soon fell into chaos and made a re-assault to open it, it was immediately crushed by the crossbowmen who replenished the short arrows.

The feet of the Lucilius army cavalry stop, and short arrows stand relentlessly against the unreliable cavalry trying to return the horse's head and the cavalry trying to continue the attack only, thereby further disrupting the front line.

Though the cavalry commander tried so hard to rebuild it, he received a short arrow on that side of his head that he was desperate, and his horse had fallen, which prevented him from picking up.

As a large number of cavalry members head right and left, Theosis lowers the malfunctioning crossbow for inspection and arrow replenishment, while preparing hand-throwed arrows for the soldiers.

"Continuous crossbows are replenished and inspected! Soldiers let go of the hand-throwed arrows in turn!

A Northern Legion soldier after the second row stood by removing the hand-throwed arrows from behind the shield in that decree, and one after the other began to throw the hand-throwed arrows at the cavalry of the stopped Lucilius army.

Immediately after the crossbow attack stops, the cavalry of the Lucilius Army is defeated without skill.

The imperial-style armor helmet has some bad minutes, but the hand-throwed arrows, which are well versatile from above the armor helmet if you are a lightweight cavalry wearing only leather gear, shot through the bandit cavalry of the horse Communist Lucilius army on board.

The same sight unfolds on the other side, and the cavalry of the Lucilius army begins to crumble.

Short arrows of serial crossbows were fired into its back until the range was too high again, and even fewer bandit cavalry fled the battlefield with these bodies.

Confirming that the enemy cavalry would be repelled by the force of a series of crossbows on both wings, Hal slowly gazed at the Setria Inland Sea to the south.

The blue sea plains are calm in waves, and nothing seems to affect the voyage of the ship.

"Is it time to turn up the wolf smoke..."

"It's a good time."

"Well, now that the enemy's power can be drawn here, half of our purpose will have been achieved."

Adamantius and Altrius responded to Hal's words.

"Then raise the wolf smoke."


A transmission will be dispatched backwards as soon as possible, and Hull's orders will be communicated to the wolf smoker.

After a while, a dark white smoke began to rise from behind the main formation.

In the breeze, the smoke rises straight to heaven without scattering.

The situation could be seen not only from the Cilentium army but also from the Lucilius army.

And the smoke will naturally be visible from the sea far away.

Imperial guerrilla fleet flagship

The Imperial Navy, which is sailing offshore with the imperial military harbour painfully visible, is accompanied by a convoy of 27,000 soldiers, led by the Commander of the First Regiment of the Longs, accompanied by 12,000 Yulianus troops in the 15,000 Imperial Army at the rear.

From that fleet, the gleaming muscles began to appear in the eastern direction of the imperial capital.

"Your Highness, the white wolf smoke has gone up!

A soldier on watch reports out loud from a watch stand on a sail column to Julianus on deck.

As Julianus watched the continent the soldier pointed to for a while, he finally began to see the white muscles.

The muscles gradually thicken and slowly ascended to heaven.

"... you seem to be progressing well at the end, then head back. Target is Imperial Harbor!

"Copy that! Start looking right back!

The captain issues an order and sends a flag signal to each ship in the fleet.

A little further, the fleet began to turn back to the right at the same time, in the north direction where the imperial military port was located.

A little late for that, the succeeding transport fleet also begins to look back.

Admiral Delphius sees the end of the fleet's retrospective and gradually speaks to Julianus.

"But who is that neighborhood guardian? It's not a bad idea to come up with such measures."

"Well, do you feel like you have the protection of a hero..."


Julianus laughed at Delphius, who only knew who Altrius was and existed, returning an ambiguous response with a face and voice that seemed surprised at his answer.

The measures proposed by the Border Guard Officer include a surprise attack on the Empire Regular Army and the mercenary army of Julianus, as well as the Imperial Navy, from the sea.

The imperial military port is usually protected by the imperial naval imperial fleet and is also separated from the imperial city by low walls through the imperial harbour where military, commercial and fishing ports are united.

However, although the walls on the side of the military harbor are low and thin compared to the walls on the land side, this was because the walls of the Empire when it was the capital of the kingdom were not renovated and continue to be used.

The best reason is that it could not be renovated because it had been sandwiched between the developed city and port facilities and had lost empty land to expand the walls, but also because after the establishment of the Empire, the fleet had been manned to deal with threats from the sea, and no one had ever been exposed to specific threats from the sea.

In addition, there is no castle gate between the port and the city, and access is free.

Hal saw the structure of the harbor when he first came by boat from the islands to the Imperial City, and he came up with this operation after confirming that the structure had not changed since the time of Altrius.

The Imperial Fleet is already under the influence of Julianus, and no one will be distracted by the flashy battle on the land side in the first place to think of the defense of the military port on the back.

We also knew from the outset that the port of Teito, with its commercial port and fishing port at its end, is huge and can traverse battleships and transporters even where there is no military port facility, making it easy to discard.

Soon the imperial military port was already in front of us, recalling what happened when Julianus was at the operational meeting in Colonia Lemesia.

You will soon be able to enter the Empire City.

We put the battleship ahead of us just in case, but there are no enemy fleets around, and it seems that port workers and merchants are making noise when they find Julianus' fleet in the military port, but the soldiers from the interception have not come out.

If it was the usual imperial capital, the report would have gone up immediately, but in Lucillius' bull-hearted imperial capital, he could be sentenced to death if he wanted to report a mistake, or he could be arrested by a private soldier just walking down the first regular aisle.

The courageous workers and merchants who dare to come out to the harbor under such circumstances, but cannot take action because they are just confused by Julianus' ship, which cannot discern whether it is an enemy or an ally.

Julianus lowers his battleship and lands a transport with a large number of soldiers at the port first.

When the ship landed, the Navy soldiers jumped off lightly and set up the pier, lowering the crossing and getting ready to disembark quickly.

One heavily equipped infantry and horseback riders descend from the transport using the installed pier.

A crossing board was also lowered from the ship, and the infantry continued to descend the ship.

There is no resistance so far, but we need to push the entrance and exit of the walls and the harbour area as soon as possible, so the ready troops will head straight to the walls.

"... All right, the first stage is success. Line up your troops immediately!

I ordered that the Longs would come down from the ship surrounded by other generals.

In order to pack the large quantities of food and supplies that support the citizens of Imperial City, the port of Imperial City is also large with wharves and warehouse groups, so there are many places where 20,000 or 30,000 soldiers can assemble and align.

A while later a total of 30,000 troops of the Imperial Army, the Mercenary Army of Julianus and the Naval Infantry Corps ended.

The entrance to and exit from the harbour is pushed, and we have those who report or attack, but so far we cannot see those who have said so.

Standing down one after the other, he grinned contentedly as he saw the soldiers who had begun to align neatly, and the Longs send salute to Julianus, who had disembarked surrounded by escorts.

"You're doing well, Longs."

"Ha, the alignment will be complete shortly. Let's sweep away the Imperial City's unreliable people and show them!

"Oh, please. I will also take command of my mercenary regiment and naval infantry."

Replying satisfactorily to Longs' words, Julianus decides to entrust the operation in the Imperial Capital to Longs.

People in the harbor also mingled with the Navy and Imperial Army soldiers to realize that there was a deputy emperor Julianus.

"Hey... it's His Majesty the deputy emperor who was dismissed..."

"I thought you said you worked with the border guards to start a rebellion.

"... it's decided to be a lie between the nobles anyway!

"Yes, as you can see from this, His Majesty the Deputy Emperor has led the army into the Imperial Capital, and it was the nobles who started the revolt, wasn't it?

"His Majesty Julianus is here to crusade the nobles!

"Right, it must be... now I can finally live in peace..."

Citizens also knew that Julianus had been dismissed along with border guards, but they were able to grasp the circumstances and the political situation of Julianus, who was supposed to have been dismissed, who had led the army from the harbour.

Even so, Julianus was popular with the citizens of the Imperial City.

Whenever unfavourable information about Julianus was circulated in a deportation or proclamation, citizens were beginning to expect it from Julianus, coupled with noble attitudes, actions and numerous looting assaults by private soldiers.

More than 150,000 private militia groups led by Vandeus left the capital to intercept the barbarian rebels led by the Border Guardian Officer, and the citizens of the capital were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, but still nearly 50,000 private soldiers roamed the capital, and the dark unionists kept forcing them to live far from tranquillity, even though they were favouring their breadth.

Julianus, who led the army there and appeared refreshed.

Soon Julianus called on the citizens who had gathered.

"Citizens of the Empire! I am Julianus the Vice Emperor! Everyone seems to have heard from the nobles that I have been deposed of the Vice Emperor, but that's not true! The nobles tried to rid me of the Empire. But you can't do that! I am the deputy emperor who has been appointed as His Majesty Magnus. It is invalid, for example, the decision of the House of Lords, where the present Senate is… authorised by aristocratic nobles, beginning with Sir Lucilius. I am here with the support of the Navy and Imperial Army and with the help of Northern victor and border guardian Hal Akircius… I am back in the Empire City! The reign of domination ends today, and from tomorrow, let us promise to offer you a normal empire and an empire without aristocratic nobility!

Citizens of Imperial City cheer from the harbor.

Everyone listened to Julianus' speech and was relieved to see the Imperial Regular Army, which did not work rampantly, and had a hunch for the end of a hard squashed day, albeit not for long.

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