Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 18: Commencement of Imperial Civil War Combat

Lucilius Army Faction, Eastern Plains of Teito

The soldiers of the two armies, who saw that each commander had raised to his own ranks without any special change, finally tightened their feelings that the war was approaching.

In particular, the Lucilius army, which has a large unreliable group, had different thoughts again.

"Oops, we're finally at war! I thought we might end up in a truce."

"Different! There's no such thing as a truce. It's not funny. I can't help but think of the barbarian sisters on the northern border."

"Blonde. Hey, the hair down there looks golden too!

"If we win here, we'll say Cilentium or something, and the barbarian city treasures and women can do whatever they want, right?

"Oh, no doubt about that. That's because my parents said so!

"I'm willing to do it!

"Cilentium and hey, it's the most golden city in the world these days... I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm tired of all the women in the capital."

"I'm a good slave, Cliffonam's sturdy slaves can sell it for a high price."

"Imperial capital was good for money and food, but I don't know if I can get it anymore, and I'm tired of rice."

Those unreliable people who don't even care about dew range, such as being placed on the front line, were equipped with armor helmets and swords of attire, and while they were like imperial soldiers, their contents were completely separate.

Sir Lucillius gathered money and immunity to feed. The unreliables defer and repeat their inferior and extreme stories with colleagues who line up without even trying to hide their desires.

The private soldiers of ancient ginseng, who have long served the Lucilius family in the rear row, must be religiously trained in unison, or are predominantly retired soldiers of the Imperial Army.

Although it was slightly more than the private soldiers who were rushed to support them by the helpless and other nobles, it still remains the same after the victory.

Everyone had no doubt about their victory, and thought about rewards and consideration after the victory.

A stiff middle-aged man's voice reached his ear as Vandeus dreamed of the same desire as the untrustworthy ones while loosening his cheeks to the murderous, filthy, inferior utterances of the deliveries.

"Young, may I?

"Whoa, that's good."

Vandeus was broken into his dreams by the words of Gratianus, but nodded to eagle without hindrance, the words of a man who would make his dreams real.

With my husband's consent, Gratianus made a loud voice when he inhaled a full chest.

"Now we're going to go forward with a positive attack... forward!!

By decree of Gratianus, the Lucilius army began to advance towards the Cilentium army.

Cilentium Army Faction, Eastern Plains of Teito

"The enemy has moved!

Hal nods silently at the message from the front line.

"Already ready ready, ready to fire at any time"

"The enemy will be headed straight, probably going to hit from the front with a positive attack, without small work"

When Quintus tells Hull, Adamantius makes a supplementary report.

Hal, who had been watching the advance of Lucilius' army, the enemy, for a while, opened his mouth largely.

"Prepare for battle, the Heavy Weapons Corps will wait for instructions after loading special flamethrows, bombshells, and the method of shooting will be done as planned, then left to Quintus. The enemy formation is thick, so as soon as half of the enemy forces are in range, they will fire simultaneously."

"Copy that!"

Quintus listens to Hal's orders and leaves a reply to return to the location of the formation of the Heavy Arms Corps he commands.

In the meantime, Lucilius' army is imminent.

And that front row came into range.

"Well, it won't be long now, are you ready, Haryoshi?


"Uhm... then it will be appropriate..."

"Right, start shooting!

On Hull's decree, the conductor raised a big blue flag with good momentum.

I saw that blue flag. I checked the front end of the heavy weapon that Quintus had led, and admitted that there was a small flag flying on all of it indicating that the white loading was complete before I looked forward.

The Lucilius army, in a single western formation, continued a precise march that did not seem like a stopover, confirming that its range had reached around the middle of the enemy formation.

"All right, start firing all planes!

"Start shooting!

"Start shooting. No! Shoot, shoot!!

The decree of Quintus runs the transmission, and the officers raise their voices.

It fastened the stubborn stripes of a heavy thrower that was squeezed all the way to its limit, but was struck down one after the other with the hammers of the engineers, launching a special flame bullet loaded with the stiff force stored.

An iron-reinforced arm tree hits an iron-reinforced branch tree as well as a smudge, making a roar and the heavy thrower jumps.

The engineers are accustomed to pulling the heavy thrower shifted by impact back to its original position, and begin to roll the strip with a hammer to load the new bullet.

The engineers wind up issuing stripes as they sweat about four for one aircraft.

And then again, the force accumulated, and the blast came through to the ears of the engineers, who had finished loading the special flamethrows, like a low, earthquake.

"Oh? Hit it!

Without needing Quintus to say, the enemy line has a beautiful horizontal line and the flames are rising, which immediately wraps the surroundings in flames with black smoke.

Since the range has increased, it will take some time to reach the bullet, and if so, we know the effect of the landing before entering the second simultaneous firing, but now it will take some time for the second shooting to be ready.

The winding up of the issue took time for that matter, but there the soldiers were augmented to make up for it.

Moreover, the special flame shells that burst in sequence are more powerful than the ones that defeated the Halemians before.

Because we devised the shape of the kettle to be fueled in, so that we could pack more fuel.

Heavy weapons that have been improved everywhere by Swilius and are both powerful and user-friendly.

Quintus raised his voice as the second simultaneous fire was unleashed and one enemy formation after another blew up the flames.

"It's a good time... bomb loading!

By Quintus' decree, it was transformed into a special flame bullet sealed with beeswax in a barbecued bottle, and now a round barbecued bottle was prepared and loaded into a firing dish at the tip of the arm tree.

Quintus exclaimed, confirming that the yellow flag had been raised at the front end of each heavy thrower.

"Shoot him. Yeah, eh!

Once again, with the roar, the arm tree crashes into the branch tree, and a round bottle pops out high in the sky.

The round bullet that popped up in momentum keeps getting smaller and smaller.

At the end of the day, as rounded grain-like bullets arrived on the ground, they were cracked and scattered, and it seemed painful to punch the powder and bumps that were stuck inside all around them.

At that moment, more and more twitchy explosions with unprecedented weight burst, and mushroom-shaped blasts rose all over Lucilius' army.

The explosions and flashes that unwittingly glance at the soldiers of the Cilentium Army in the distance shake the soldiers shielding them in the front row with the shockwaves that arrived only slightly late.

The shock and explosion, the flash, continued intermittently with the screams, screams and anger of the soldiers of the Lucilius army, and the Northern Legion soldiers, allied to that terrible sight, also drank saliva.

Soldiers caught in flames carburize into black in an instant, and soldiers caught in explosions fly through space as they are blown away parts of their bodies with screams.

A black-burned object pours all over the perimeter, screaming as the soldiers fail to shake off the splashed firepowder.

Soldiers who were shaken in the head or hit in the ear by the impact of the explosion were down and down.

Despite the distance and affordability still available to his opponents, Lucilius army soldiers are completely distracted by the streak of heavy weapon squads and the awesomeness of their attacks.

However, the advantages or weaknesses of the great army, the retreat order and the suspension order had not yet been issued, and there was no way to escape on their own among this great army, even though it was unreliable, and many soldiers had no choice but to move forward.

"... Mr. Suilius... it would be too busy..."

"That inventive lady, come on, she's got her head blown..."

Hal and Altrius sweat cold as they watched one bomb after another burst from the avant-garde to the middle of the Lucilius army at the guard's headquarters.

The explosive bomb invented by Swilius uses an improved explosive agent, which is a rocket drug used for fireworks transmitted from the eastern photograph, but does not have the explosive power of a single bullet.

When exposed to fire at all, it exploded or burned, so it needed to be handled delicately, so that the face of Swilius and the Corps of Engineers, after several experimental failures, abandoned the use of the bomb alone, and decided to use it in advance with special flamebombs and other fire in the enemy formation.

What did I tell you about this fireworks? Suzuharu Minami, a professor at the pharmacy.

There was a history of Swilius teaching children how to manufacture and use flying fireworks, which he mostly showed his children, visiting study centers and pharmacies.

In the field of weapons in eastern lighting, rocket drugs are literally used as rockets.

But this was only a use as fuel to fly rockets, and nobody had the idea of using the explosive power that the rocket pills themselves possessed as weapons because of their difficulty of control and lack of means of transport.

It was with that in mind that Swilius completed this bomb by focusing on the explosive power where the propulsion of the rocket drug was a major force.

"To say that fireworks can turn into bombs... really depends on how you use them"

"Uhm, it is at all"

Hal and Altrius looked at the avant-garde of Lucilius's army, who was caught in the blast and flames and presented the world's most horrible hellhole.

Lucilius Army Faction

"Become? What is this? Ha! Oh, come on, this is no joke!

"Calm down, young man, this is… probably a simultaneous shooting from a heavy weapon."

When he saw the avant-garde infantry in flames, Gratianus slammed Vandeus in haste.

Meanwhile, the avant-garde to mid-level infantry men are caught in flames and blown away by explosions.

"You think it's a heavy weapon? Is this thing so powerful?!

"No, the flamethrows originally used in the Empire have no power to this point, let alone to burst with flames. This is probably the secret weapon of the Border Guard Civil Army."

"Hih... Hih, clandestine weapon. Ugh!?

Even during the calm words of Gratianus, Vandeus cannot contain the agitation.

In the avant-garde, the flame flashes are brilliant one after the other, shocking and roaring enough to rock the ground.

It is the mountain of Sekiyama that is caught in flames and explosions at the tip of a corner escape by special flamethrows and explosive bombs that plunge down, after soldiers try to avoid bursting flames to the right and left, but are not able to travel so much because they are large armies.

Screams and screams echo between the explosions, those who expose their burnt halves to cry and cry, and those who cannot even stand up with their hands and feet blown apart by explosions, and some groan.

Reliant groups, who were convinced of their absolute advantages, were beginning to be smashed to pieces of confidence and certainty by the wood in the baptism of flames and explosions.

"Duh, what am I supposed to do!?

"I don't even want to sit here. Just keep going and I'll sit down."

"Hey, what? We're gonna be in range too!

Gratianus says very plainly, without worrying about Vandeus, who is sifting his fears.

"Don't worry, this kind of special stuff, ammo count doesn't seem like it. We have nearly 200,000 large armies, we just have to push them in numbers without upset. Even though they're powerful bullets, they don't have the numbers or the power to blow us all away."

"Shit, but what if it hits us?

Gratianus patiently explained to Vandeus, who asks as he cares about the explosion that began to reach the rear guard.

"It's okay, I'll sit down, that bullet is meant to kill the infantry to see the effect. It doesn't work that well for cavalry and scatterers, and we can use it more than just a limited number of rounds. Young man, I'm fine. If you don't get upset and push it out like this, you can win by a difference in the number of soldiers."

"Oh, yeah?

Vandeus finally regained his composure in the words of a powerful family decree, even though he was stuck in the explosion.

"Okay, keep moving!

"Yes, I understand."

Cilentium Army Headquarters

"Hmm, that's quite a breakdown"

"Right, I knew there were too many of them"

When Altrius raised his eyebrows tingly and said, Hal also nodded and responded.

Special flamethrows and explosive bombs have burst one after the other, burning, scorching, blowing, letting despair, and rendering irreversible fewer soldiers, but Lucilius' army has never shown signs of stopping walking.

If you look at the soldiers here, there are some who are going right and left, and some who are trying to get out of range, but if you try to be an army, there is no upset at all.

"After all, Mr. Gratianus was a cheap commander."

"Uhm, that's for sure... hehe, well, don't. Try to see how long patience lasts"

Behind the heavy weapon resting under his eyes, Altrius smiles invincibly when he sees the mountains and loads of special flamethrows and bombs, and even those spare bullets still loaded in the luggage car.

"Well, patience is also necessary at human times, but if you do too much, there are many consequences."

"Is it Experience Tan?

In response to Hal's question, Altrius answered with a slight difficulty.

'Well... you are. I had a lot going on, too. "

"Huh? Did you put up with it?

"Haruyoshi, you really haven't been cute lately."

To Hal's words, Altrius twinkled with pomposity.

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