Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 18: Imperial Civil War versus

Teito Eastern Plains

There were indeed 150,000 private soldiers gathered among the private soldiers gathered by aristocratic nobles on a plain close to the Imperial capital.

In addition to this, there are about 50,000 private soldiers in Imperial Capital as a deterrent, and the Dark Union members are also monitoring the trends of resistance and citizens against aristocratic nobility in Imperial Capital.

In the central rear of its formations of private soldiers, Vandeus views the Border Guardian Civil Army against its surroundings with a good face.

The Cilentium army led by Hull is about 40,000.

Using the Northern Legion soldiers as the basis, cavalry was placed to the left and right, and furthermore this time a giant stone thrower (onagar) or giant crossbow (barista) was seen in the rear.

Whether preparing for a siege against the Imperial Capital, bringing heavy weapons into the field or unmanoeuvrable is not a very meaningful action.

Even Vandeus, who is oblivious to tactics, knows about that.

"Whoa, what, am I ignoring... ready to attack the Empire?

Vandeus looked away at the heavy weapon and stupidity as he watched the private soldiers under his command diverge towards the placement.

He's the crooked border guard, young man.

"Damn, no matter how many crooked border guards there will be no exchanging to this great army!

When Vandeus raised his voice so mixed with laughter, the tough, middle-aged Imperial General beside him chewed up the bitter worm again.

"Young man, having said that, the Border Guard has always broken down a hostile army with widows! Never be alarmed. That heavy weapon could mean something."

"Am I right? Then tell me what you're gonna use it for."

"... that, and don't be alarmed anyway!

To the middle-aged general, who said to his own words, Vandeus said again with a good face.

"Come on, Gratianus, how about you say things from above again? I'm not a kid, I'm the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army!?

Vandeus answers as he waves his hands left and right in front of his face in a noisy manner, without heeding the advice of the cause.

But the middle-aged man turned his expression into a harsh object and said away again to Vandeus.

"... the stature of a fine commander-in-chief will also be lost if this battle is defeated, I can't face my ancestors if I have not spoken here and caused such a concern to encounter the main human beings. So let me tell you, young man! Don't be alarmed!

"It's a loud one... okay, either way, because you're in command, you take it personally!... Totally, you're the one who's always nagging."

"As early as 200 years after our clan served the Lucilius family, we will never be out of hand!

"... well that's it - stop it with this toko. If it bothers you, there must be. You're no match for the former Commander of the Imperial Army!

A middle-aged man who carries on his words with a sinister face, answers Gratianus with a face that also seems to have taken root.

Then Gratianus inherited the words with a true face.

"... I will sit down for what I did before serving the Lucillius family, even though I said Legion Leader. If my brother had died in the first place, he would never have been in such an excessive position."

"... is that you, our Private Corps Leader, are better than the Empire Corps Leader?

"Naturally, let's sit down. My family is responsible for the Lucillius family ordinance."

Gratianus answers extremely seriously, even to Vandeus' frightening words.

"Oh, okay, okay."

"Well, it's time to go to the negotiations."

"... make me feel better."

Encouraged by Gratianus, Vandeus proceeded with his horse as he shook his head.

Shilentium Army Headquarters, Eastern Plains of Teito

"Heavy weapons positioned"

"Good luck, the enemy will just come over later."

Hal responds with a smile to Quintus' report.

"... but didn't you ever think to fight heavy weapons as subjects in a decent field fight..."

Looking at the rear group of heavy weapons and sounding like Adamantius was impressed, then frightened, Altrius flew his voice from Hal's shoulder.

"Hmm, Adamantius, your servant is still sweet. In an inferior army, we make up for it with something else, this is the basis of tactics!

"Yes, I'm afraid of your teachings."

The commanders of Cliffonam see with indescribable faces that Adamantius, already in old age, returns a chirping thank you to Little Youth Style Altrius.

I'm well aware of the situation, but I can't stop my mouth from loosening to what is actually a funny sight.

In fact, it is Adamantius who has carried heavy weapons, but Hal also accidentally flaunts his mouth at the multiplication of his mentors, which takes place over forty years.

The operation presented by Hull in Colonia Lemesia was due to cooperation between Altrius and Hull.

Take advantage of Swilius' inventions and bring your enemies to the side of the formation.

To do so, you must make them insult you that this one is an oligarchy.

The rejection of the joint army with the Imperial Army and the mercenaries of Julianus was due to operational conveniences, besides the fact that the chain of command was congested or that differences in cultural customs resulted in sieges between soldiers.

"Now... even if they are private soldiers, their numbers are insulting. Depending on those who command them, they will probably come forward cutting and attacking. This is the easiest, most rational, and most likely winning battle to keep the army alive on this plain, whether we have a plan or not. In the case of such a large army, small craftsmen create confusion and manoeuvres. '

"I see..."

Hal listens to Altrius' lecture on the shoulder and hits on the relationship.

Altrius took over the words with satisfaction as he saw how it was going.

"Uhm, but that is if the concurrent commander was the opponent. That's not enough to deal with us, let's remind the Aho aristocrats of the Empire!

"Okay… let's start with negotiations"

'Um, well, it wouldn't make sense. I will worship your face. "

That's what Altrius added as he nodded as Hal began to move his horse towards the midpoint between the enemy and his own formation.

Midway between the two factions

Vandeus, who had arrived first when Hull reached the midpoint, says in a fed up voice.

"... what are you"

"That's this dialogue, what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to have been arrested?

"Ugh, thanks to you, this one's been tough!

Vandeus emits a voice close to fury at the words returned by Hal.

The wounds healed when Hull beat me down, but the humiliation and fear still tied Vandeus back then.

The unreliable people I was with suffered irreversible injuries.

"... what...?

Hal, surprised by the sword screen, returns the words unexpectedly, but opened his mouth with a pulled grin.

"You sure you were going to arrest me and interrogate me? You thought you could do that?

"Since you left north, my father has sued your investigation for illegality. That's why I didn't do everything you did."

I was going to ask you in silence at first, Hal, but I have to argue with you if you say it's just illegal.

"… it is your illegal activity…"

"So... kara! You're an idiot! What you did was illegal! Am I right in what I did?

Block Hal's words and tell Vandeus to mock them.

"So you finally get it? Then die!"

When Vandeus, who had brutally pulled his sword out of his waist, said so, Gratianus, who until then had refrained beside him and not pinched his mouth, went forward from horse to horse and broke into between Hal and Vandeus.

"You shouldn't, young! This is the place to negotiate, never to harm each other."

"Shut up, if you kill this guy here and now, it'll all be over!

Skillfully controlling Vandeus with his horse as he turns to exasperate and tries to slash him to Hull, Gratianus spins the words of persuasion heavily.

"... you shouldn't take your manners lightly. This is a battlefield maneuver, a minimal maneuver on the battlefield."

Vandeus, who had been abominably watching Hull over Gratianus for a while while while while he pulled out his sword, snorted in dissatisfaction, finally putting his sword into the sheath, though perhaps not yet.

"... Hmm, you! You thank our decree!

When Vandeus returns his horse's head and begins to pull it up to his formation, and the distance leaves him a little, Gratianus, who was following him, sends his salute to Hull.

"That will serve the Gratianus, Lucillius family. I will sit with you as the head of the Family Order Private Corps. Get to know me."

I'm Hal Akircius, border guardian.

Gratianus' eyes narrowed as Hal slipped his subtle hand away from the knife on his hips.

"I can't help but apologize for the Lord's disrespect, but I'm sorry. Draw your sword... thank you. Sit down, then, on the battlefield!

When Gratianus returned his horse's head and left the scene after Vandeus, Altrius appeared softly.

"Is it also due to that aho?

"... the one who created the cause of my left transition, the one who almost killed Primia with his horse."

To Hal's abominable words, Altrius nods and opens his mouth with a convincing look.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Ahoy, isn't it? Well, that Mr. Gratianus will take command of the army, so you can't be alarmed..."

"That is all I have to say if I only knew. But, ahoy... you have to thank me!

"Huh? Appreciation?

Hal replies surprisingly to Altrius' unexpected words.

Altrius, with a naughty grin, stared at Hal, who could not hide the confused color.

"Naturally! Wouldn't Haryoshi have come north if he hadn't? There may have been some misfortune in the process, but if we are now, can we say that it was also misfortune?

"Ah well, maybe..."

Shaken by a horse, he grins as Hal remembers a lot as he scratches his pompous cheeks.

I've come a long way, if you think about it.

The defeat of the islands and the devastation of their homeland, the left transition of the arrowhead, which was beginning to feel a sense of peace in life in the imperial capital, where they had no time to be depressed, and every day in Cilentium.

And we met.

"... well, yeah"

"I don't know, I have a strong appetite for exclusivity... but are you thinking about my beautiful, devoted wife?


It was Altrius who told me to tease him, but I took over the words with a voice that seemed a little dissatisfied with Hal's honest reply.

"... Haruyoshi, you've lost your lights lately... it's not funny"

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