Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 18: The Evening Before the Imperial Civil War

The next day, the central and aristocratic neighborhoods of Teito, Sir Lucilius and Teito Mansion

"The Emperor is dead... but I'm going to hide it for the time being..."

In the words of Sir Lucilius, the faces of the nobles who were in the room freeze.

"Yes, what time is it?

"Probably yesterday, I don't know because there's no one I've seen... the diner found it in the morning"

To Sir Plutus, who had painstakingly asked, Sir Lucilius replied with a face that was like a scuffling of a bitter worm.

Sir Lucillius ordered the closure of the Senate, and those who stood up came to use it early in the morning to assemble at the mansion, which strengthens the faces of the nobles who were suspicious.

This is important.

The emperor did not nominate a successor, and whoever entrusted him to do so again collapsed.

Of course, they had nominated Julianus, which is null and void because it has not been approved by the current Senate led by Lucilius.

If one mistake is made, the empire will be divided, and the time will come for a war over blood with blood.

But Lucilius calmly opened his mouth.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to give you a few lives."

In the rest of the words, the faces of the nobles, who were recovering from the shock, freeze again.

"But... it's a phony, one of the heaviest sins in the empire, isn't it?

"... Isn't that okay? I don't suppose anything knows the emperor is dead?

When Sir Tarnius told me to squeeze it out, Vandeus, who took up the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Army, said it looked interesting.

"Oh, the diner who found the Emperor's body immediately killed him. There's nothing but us that knows about this."

Did you feel better about your son's dialogue, Sir Lucilius said with a grin.

"No... it's... but"

"... there is no other life to give, the dismissal of the abolitionist emperor of Julianus and the border guardian. A dismissal by an emperor with appointing powers would be more devastating than a dismissal resolution issued in the House of Lords. I feel it's too late for those who have gained the strength of the Navy and the Silentium Alliance, but I can make it widely known that Orthodox is on this side of the country and abroad."

Against Sir Tarnius and others who hesitate, Sir Lucilius carries on the words as they fold.

And stare around the room all the time.

Sir Tarnius answered, clouding his words, on behalf of the nobles under pressure.

"Hmmm... that's right..."

"There are over 100,000 soldiers who are worried and able to move. No matter how many border guards this army is, they won't beat us. Julianus' navy never played a part in a land war!

"... well, you're right, if it's supposed to be, we don't have to do anything about it, but we're concerned about trends in Western countries and the Eastern Light Empire, and we need to have a certain relationship with them after the war. Therefore, we want to try not to have more allies than Julianus, and if we certify the traitors, the mercenaries will hesitate to sign the contract, and the citizens and subjects will be hard to support?

Lucillius, the nobles who were face-to-face with the persuasion and explanation of their father and son, and the intimidation, finally break.

"... it's a piece of paper, but I think it works. But I can't recommend it any more."

"I know that, the last month will be the only time I can do this. Well, I think I'll get my life out of here soon. It's the dismissal of Hal Akircius and the abolition of Julianus!

"… we will now proceed to the preparation of the letter of death"

When Sir Tarnius slowly stood up with a sinister face, Vandeus followed it.

"Hey, Dad, I'm gonna fight that neighborhood guard."

Don't be alarmed.

I embarrass my son, whom Sir Lucillius says in a shaky tone, but Vandeus says away without knowing how to intervene.

"Hang on, who are you talking to? I'm Vandeus, Commander-in-Chief of the Army! He who's stronger than me is not in this world! The barbarians, the barbarians of the north, have put on the armor of the empire and nothing has changed."

"... well good, just in case there's no element to lose... also got support from aristocratic nobles around the Imperial City, fight for it fully"

Though slightly frightened, Sir Lucilius decided to send Vandeus out, thinking that he would no longer lose because of the extraordinary differences in troop numbers.

Moreover, with the continued arrival of private soldiers of aristocratic nobility in the capital, the number of troops has grown considerably, and if we continue to increase at this rate, we will be able to suppress the capital and deal with border guards at the same time.

The Empire's troop strength had already exceeded 150,000.

Even if we leave it at about 50,000 as a hold on the imperial capital, we can still afford the force if we gather the ever-increasing numbers of aristocratic private soldiers.

Vandeus replied with a grin in response to the words hung by Sir Lucilius.

"Leave it to me!"

Three weeks later, Colonia Lemesia, Mayor's Office

The Mayor's Office, which is usually widely felt, but only at this time today, I have to say, is slightly narrow, says Pernsa, Mayor of Colonia Lemesia, who looks around the Mayor's Office, which is also his own.

Deputy Emperor Julianus from Potorus Leames.

Caius Longs, head of the Imperial 1st Regiment.

Nonius Trebonius, Commander of the Fourth Legion of the Empire.

Pbrius Celikius, Commander of the Tenth Legion of the Empire

Aurus Delphius, Commander of the Imperial Naval guerrilla fleet.

Hal Akircius, a border guardian from the northern border.

As Mayor of Colonia Meridieto, Dekims Adamantius, Commander of the 22nd Legion.

21st Legion Legion Leader Substitute Luda.

Berius, Commander of the 23rd Legion.

Silentium Legion Legion Commander Seal.

Theosis, Commander of the Legion of Altrius.

Derrick, head of the Fellum Legion Corps.

Cilentium Special Engineer Captain Quintus Werth.

And the mayor of Colonia Lemesia himself, Sextus Pernsa, is in full swing.

Immediately after the withdrawal of Siluha, the dismissal of the abolitionist emperor of Julianus and the border guardian officer of Hull was declared in the capital by the life of Emperor Magnus, all with a smile.

There was no one to leave Hal, nor did those who followed Julianus pledge allegiance.

Meanwhile, King Siluha supported Magnus' intentions and at the same time made a call for harmony.

From the side of Siluha, where the army has been devastated, there is no way to accommodate this war except in harmony with the Empire.

From them I thought it would be easier to negotiate with the aristocratic nobles who were crossing than with the peripheral guardians who were defeated in direct confrontation or with the Julianus faction, whose navy occupied the city of Tion and destroyed the fleet, which in turn gives credibility to the relationship between Siluha and the aristocratic nobility.

Julianus temporarily made this place Colonia Lemesia his deputy emperor's palace and called on the corps chiefs and governors everywhere to join him.

The metamorphosis of the Empire has already been known throughout the Empire along with the great defeat on the Southern continent and the invasion of Siluha, and in the declaration of Julianus the subjects of the Empire are severely upset that civil unrest has broken out against the Empire.

However, this was a reaction within the expected range from the Julianus side, rather it was Julianus who actively circulated the information.

Catulus, the temporary commander-in-chief of the Southern Continental Dispatching Army, has sent me a reply to the effect that he will be under the command of Julianus, but this is not unrelated to the fact that he will not receive any replenishment of soldiers or supplies unless he obeys Julianus, who has control of the Navy.

The Catulus individual was an innocent military commander, who intended to follow Julianus knowing of the anomalies of the Imperial Capital, but some other commanders and generals did not.

No matter what the situation was, Catulus persuaded other commanders and generals close to the faction to put together troops from the Southern continent because they would follow those in charge of supplies.

Other corps leaders, governors, and border guard captains remain mostly neutral.

One has notified Julianus that he would obey if he formally succeeded to the throne, and one has openly ignored Julianus' call.

In any case, few lend their strength to the Julianus side, and only the Imperial Navy and Hull, who have rebuilt themselves at present, are the military strength of Julianus.

There are more than 12,000 Cilentium troops hired at personal expense and 40,000 led by Hull, plus 12,000 remnants of three Imperial Army corps led by Longs, the first corps leader.

The opponent aristocratic nobles continued to invite private soldiers to the Imperial capital, already numbering nearly 200,000.

But the closer they were to power, the more aware of the disorder of the private soldiers, and if they break this, they will obey Julianus.

On the other hand, as soon as possible, Longs responded to Adamantius' persuasion and did not hesitate to obey Julianus, because he knew from the detachment of the Empire and the movement of Siluha that the aristocratic nobles had dashed themselves to seize power.

Of course, Adamantius had also actively demonstrated and persuaded the evidence.

There is also the unavoidable reason that a strong civilian border guardian army has liberated the eastern states and put them under its umbrella, without which they will not be supplied with food or weapons and will have no place to go.

Longs and the other Legion leaders were well aware that it was the mountain of Sekigami who was deprived of soldiers and dismissed when they returned to Imperial Capital, and they rode Julianus' invitation through Adamantius that defeat would be unquestionable if they took sides.

The state of the Empire is hearing leaks from fleeing citizens and well-informed nobles.

In addition, a detailed report was received from Camilus, a thousand captains of the third legion who sent him to Imperial Capital as a messenger.

It was Camilus who took over the early horse and hurried back, but did not make a single disgusting face for the sudden call, and immediately came to the mayor's office.

"How was Empire?

When he arrived at the mayor's office, Camilus, who had been asked by Julianus about the Empire, spinned his words.

"Imperial capital has not maintained its earliest decent security, and it was doing all it could to be a violent mess, both unreliable and unreliable, calling itself private soldiers. The House of Lords was apparently mastered by aristocratic nobles at the initiative of Sir Lucilius. My offer to His Majesty the Emperor to make a report does not take care of it, and it is the end of it being attributed without any shakedown to the citation that made me make the report on the Senate floor. By the way, all the senators on the floor at that time were aristocratic nobles. There was not a single senator in the rank of military commander or official I knew."

Whoever is in the report of Camilus is breathtaking, and some sighs.

Things are getting worse than we thought, and there is no earliest moment of respite.

The emperor and anti-aristocratic senators could even have already been harmed if they did poorly.

Hal asked Camilus a bunch of questions.

"... didn't you think we'd put in an exploration? Have you seen anything else unusual?

"I was never aware of the intent of the report, but nothing else happened. Anyway, when the report was finished, they put the floor on it... so the Empire seemed terrible, but I didn't have time to look at the details. I may have been questioned by a private soldier."

Camilus shrugged his shoulders and answered Hull's question.

Julianus slowly opens his mouth after a period of silence.

"Either way, the Empire must be liberated..."

"Having said that, Your Highness, as it is now, even if we are caged in the Imperial capital, we have no chance of winning. The siege has to be incomplete in situations where the opponent has more force, even when attacking food, and is too burdensome for the citizens of the First Reich."

"Hmm, liberated is good, but do you have trouble getting resentful eyes from imperial citizens who are on the verge of starving to death..."

Longs responded to Julianus' words in a troubled tone, and even more, Adamantius added as he gripped his chin beard.

Longs is right, it is the citizens of the Imperial City who eat the most if they dare to attack the soldiers, and there is no way to trap another 200,000 troops with about half of them.

As for Julianus, he wanted to drag his enemies out into the field.

Quintus speaks to Julianus and the other heads of the imperial side, who have begun to conceive.

"... only pride in vain are the high guys, if you provoke them, don't they come out?

"Right... let's issue a notice of suspension to the Senate in Imperial City. Then we fly for the citizens of Imperial City based on the current tragedy of Imperial City."

Suspension of proceedings is a declaration of a state of emergency declared by an emperor or deputy emperor who has decided that the Senate has suffered a dysfunction, and this is the first time that it can be declared with the consent of the Senate, but Julianus intends to unilaterally declare it and provoke it.

Let it be a frustrating announcement for Sir Lucilius, who is declaring to stand in the Senate.

When Julianus answered face-up, Hal took over afterwards.

"We'll let Cilentium operatives take care of the citizens and PR. Let's sneak into the Imperial Capital and stir up rumors and spread the cowardice and impudence of the aristocratic nobility"

Hal's operatives are, of course, shady people.

Hal is bound to accompany the army with a few shades, but there are about ten shades in conjunction with the army shades that Adamantius has led.

We're going to use this in conjunction with intelligence to sabotage and flirt.

"Then I'd like to leave it to the Silentium Army to bump from the front with a private army of aristocratic nobility, what do you think?

"That can't be Kenzi!

Hal's words are over. No, no, the Longs razed their voices.

"I want our Imperial Regular Army to take charge of civil war and the front!

"For once we are the regular army of the Empire..."


When Hal returned it like it was troublesome, the Imperial Army Legion Chiefs suddenly aroused.

"Well, why don't you wait? Is there any way to help the Border Guardian? It's too late for you to show off what you're up against.

At the behest of Adamantius, the most ancient general of the Imperial Army but under the authority of the Border Guardian, the Longs and others sat down convincingly floating.


Together we listen to Hal's maneuver, which he slowly cut out.

A civil war was about to begin.

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