Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 17: Shortly after the Final Showdown

Kingdom of Siluha, off the coast of Tion

The merchant convoy of Siluha, loaded with 15,000 southern infantry and 5,000 Siluha cavalry troops and continuing its voyage to slip, was already about to reach the military port of Tion.

Will you pick me up from the harbor, the fleet is on its way?

The fleet captain of the Siluha merchant convoy was scheduled to head to Salus in the south, where he was based, after lowering his troops to Tion.

We joined the pirate fleet from Zid off Salus and headed north to Poutrus Leames, but along the way we changed the port of entry by means of a transhipment ship from General Asfarif.

Battleships are also positioned in the city of Tion, but not as many.

Besides, merchant ships that could carry large numbers of soldiers were not berthed in Tion so much because of the tendency to interrupt dealings with Dongzhao.

The captain of the convoy originally traded ships in Tion.

However, when the group islands became part of the Empire and were forbidden to trade, and when eastern photographic goods were removed via Cilentium, the volume of trade and traffic dropped dramatically, causing an obstacle to ship operations in the city of Tion.

As a result, the Fleet Leader moved to the southern city of Salus and moved to trading with the southern continent and Western countries.

Unfortunately, we seem to have lost the war.

He was the captain of the convoy when he heard General Asfarif drop the Julius and take control of the eastern states of the Empire, hoping that this would allow him to return to his homeland, Tion, again, but that did not work.

It was with the dreaded grand strategy of the northern protectorate moving and taking the back of the Siluha army across the territory that they also defeated General Asfarif.

Siluha will be further cut off by his defeat.

Transfer of territory, payment of compensation, transfer of trading routes again...

I don't know what the demands of the Western Empire will be, but in any case, I'm sure that Siluha's business will be harder to do than ever before.

The captain of the fleet sighed as he thought about it and twisted his neck when he saw the battleship coming towards him.

At any rate, I felt uncomfortable, but as we would soon rendezvous, the identity of that discomfort would soon be revealed, so I froze the face of the captain who tried to signal his head back to think so.

"...! Let's get ready for battle!!!!

In the eyes of the sailors and captains, who looked back surprised to see if they had touched the screaming captain of the fleet, a giant arrow burst into the sail column with a roar.

A giant arrow pours down one after the other with the sound of a high whistle in the room of the sailors.

And the arrow pierced Siluha's army relentlessly.

At first they were Siluha soldiers who had no idea what was going on and were blurring out at the colleague soldiers who had been skewered in front of them and sewn to the deck, but then they finally screamed as their arms were blown away by arrows.

The horse on the deck was shot out of his torso, and he blew away a glitch, and a giant arrow bursting into the hull turned the rowers into an unspeakable piece of flesh with him.

A giant arrow that plunders and flies through the deck shoots out several Siluha soldiers and jumps into the opposite sea, while another arrow rushes to stop a shielded Siluha soldier from sewing each shield onto the deck.

Tearing down the sail, shooting out the hull, luring the flood, shooting out the canoe and the side of the boat, into a giant arrow that penetrated the soldiers, the fleet of Siluha was thrown into chaos without any exchanging.

Eventually, the chaos culminates when a ship close to land begins to sink, loaded with soldiers, and a ship that was further behind it begins to attack.

It was a fleet of Sirukhas that managed to avoid the attack, but no one was in command because the fleet captain's ship had been sunk in the first place, and the neighboring ships collided with each other to the left and right, or were intertwined, and they just raced into more confusion.

In doing so, the battleships coming from the land side begin to storm one after the other to the flank of the Siluha fleet, where their legs have stopped.

A sneaky roar rang around the area, and a Shirukha ship pierced by the punch angle of the bow was swallowed up by a swirl of sea water with what tore the trees apart and the screams of the soldiers.

Battleships unfolding to the left and right clash one impact angle after another without giving the Siluha fleet the clearance or leeway to escape, or concentrate the giant arrows on the belly stuttering water to wear a large hole and sink.

The relentless attack lasted for a few moments, and eventually only the drowning corpses of the buddy Siluha soldiers and sailors, as well as rowers and horses, remained after all the Siluha ships were sunk.

"Your Majesty the Vice Emperor! You have destroyed the enemy fleet!

Not until he receives a report, but after receiving a battle report from the captain, Julianus nods to Eagle Fling.

"Okay, then take the path north! The goal is Poutrus Leames!

"Got it!

The Imperial Navy guerrilla fleet receives a flag signal from the flagship on which Julianus will sit and simultaneously begins to change course north.

Send a signal to the convoy.


Moreover, when more wolf smoke was burned from the flagship by order of Julianus, an unarmed convoy appeared from the city of Tion.

There are many Imperial soldiers aboard the deck of the convoy, and their armor helmets can be seen reflecting in the shimmering ocean sun.

"Your Majesty, the convoy is clear. All soldiers are accommodated without incident."

A soldier in charge of the flag signal read the flag signal waved from the leading ship of the transport fleet and reported it to Julianus.

"Well, okay..."

To Julianus, who answers with few words, Admiral Aurus Delphius, commander of the guerrilla fleet, who came up to the bridge after the deck command, says forcefully.

"But I kept standing with the cities of Zide, Tion… the soldiers worked well for me"

"Right, now all you have to do is sweep away all the idiots in the capital."

Julianus also replied with a smile as the manly tanned Admiral Delphius of the sea glistened his white teeth and smiled.

As soon as Julianus noticed the anomaly, he made a conscription centred on retired soldiers in the city of Althea to gather 5,000 Imperial soldiers per legion, plus about 7,000 mercenaries from Western countries for archers, spear soldiers and cavalry, and compiled two legions of 6,000.

And when we extracted half of the West Fleet and integrated it into the guerrilla fleet, we loaded the soldiers and stormed the Free City of Zide first.

Under the influence and shelter of Siluha, it is the Free City of Zide, which was the hub of pirates, but not so much armament in the first place.

The pirates who were based were also greatly diminished by Julianus' rising back and beginning to sweep, and although he had made his way out, he was overwhelmed by Julianus' navy.

In addition, 12,000 troops of Julianus from land and the Imperial Navy led by Julianus were attacked from the sea and lightly fell, integrating the city into imperial territory.

Then he rearmed himself in the city of Zeed, which became the new empire southern state, and once he entered the city of Libria, Julianus heard of Hull's victory.

I was concerned about the border crossing permit, but when I got in touch with Adamantius and found out that the Quinkinatus clan was moving, Julianus sent out after informing Adamantius once again that he would allow border guards to cross the border.

And because Siluha was in no other state than to use the ship to retreat, he tried to attack the city of Tion, where few soldiers were present, and destroy the retreating Siluha army.

"Unfortunately, mercenaries and asphalifs do not appear to be aboard. Asfarif was dismissed and asked to pay a penalty on top of which he fled to Western countries aboard a pirate ship, said the captain of the picked up Siluha"

"Well... was your destiny in the west"

Julianus with a face that looks sorry for Admiral Delphius' report.

The operation was a great success, but it appears that the key Asfarif took a separate path, devastating only the fleet and regular army of Siluha, the mercenary generals and their men, as well as the pirates who became legs, fled west.

It was Julianus who thought Asfarif was more troublesome than the regular Siluha army, but he didn't think Siluha would let go of so good a mercenary.

But now the Kingdom of Siluha has lost almost all of its national army and is completely naked.

Neither is the reunification of the inland coast of Setria in imperial sorrow now a dream, but given the situation in the imperial capital, there is no time to be held in Siluha.

"So the path stays this way?

"Oh, please. I have to meet with the border guard once, and I want to make a match for the operation."

"Got it… but I didn't think the Border Guardian Public Army was this strong. No, I'm taking my hat off, to be honest. I didn't know you would tear down that Siluha army and let it retreat...!

Julianus returns a grin to Admiral Delphius, who looks north with an exclamation.

He dropped the Castle of Julius, defeated the Imperial Army by 20,000, left the Shirukha Army and Asfarif, who had temporarily placed the Eastern states under control, and drove them into retreat.

This will probably have a tremendous influence on politics within the Empire in the future.

In the future, the forces within the Empire will not be able to ignore the trends and influence of border guards in any sense as an important country in the north.

The emergence of a new power will not be negligible even for Siluha and East Photography, but it is also the Empire that is most strongly affected by it and is most strongly influenced by it.

"Well, he wouldn't want that... especially if he wanted it..."

Julianus' solitary words were scattered in the sea breeze and could never reach anyone's ears.

Teito Central District, House of Lords

"... the above upside has brought peace and tranquillity to the Empire, as the Border Guardian Public Army has defeated the enemy nation of Siluha!

Imperial soldiers to report proudly.

But the air that conflicts with that proud expression flows onto the floor.

"Thank you for your hard work... you go home"


The former third legion soldier, who came rushing through from Colonia Lemesia, left the floor without realizing that Sir Lucilius was picking up his temples, and was happy to give him a bowl of grace.

The air gets heavier when soldiers leave the floor.

But the majority of the senators were confused without knowing why this atmosphere was happening, despite reports that they had defeated the enemy.

Only the noble among the aristocratic nobles are aware of the circumstances.

There was no way to reveal that there was a back deal with Siluja, etc., and Sir Lucilius was at his best to manage to contain the anger and dissatisfaction he wanted to explode.

But it's not a good idea to dump a border guard like this.

It will almost certainly be connected to Julianus, and if he is brought into the Imperial Capital with a strong Northern Legion soldier, it will also have an impact on the future administration.

Not to mention the person who once moved to turn him into a border guardian and move him left.

No wonder they resented me.

He just made a mistake.

Whoever broke the border without obtaining permission, this is not only an act of deviation from the authority of the Border Guardian, and if the unauthorized person leads the army, he can clearly designate it as a rebellion in the Senate resolution.

Even if that was to eliminate the enemy country, the law is the law, there is no good reason to break it, so the border guard should decide to arrest him for state treason and sentence him to extreme imprisonment.

Even if the border guards defied him there, 100,000 troops are now at the disposal of their own son.

No matter how strong and just about 50,000 troops, it would be easy to crush.

Thinking that far, Sir Lucilius slowly rose and advanced to the centre of the floor.

"I would like to start by applauding the Border Guardian for defeating the hateful Siluha!

When Sir Lucilius spoke whitefully, an explosive applause arose on the floor.

Unexpectedly, he floats blue on his forehead, barely suppressing the senators he applauds is about to yell at, and Sir Lucilius urges him to open his hands and stop applauding.

Applause that doesn't quite fit though.

Waiting patiently for the applause to subside, Sir Lucilius opens his mouth again.

"But his people have broken the law of the Empire, border guardians must not exercise authority across borders, this is the basic law of the Empire… and to say that the unauthorized move the army is a clear treason! I have to break with the rebels!

Now a floor that quiets down like you hit the water.

The sound of someone salivating echoes on the floor.

"I therefore hold him guilty of national treason and, furthermore, of having to certify a series of military actions as a rebellion against the Empire! It is very distressing to have to make such a proposal, and again unfortunately, the law is not going to bend the law, the law! And I'm not going to ask anyone else to make this suggestion! Let me take that accusation spoiled by me, to incriminate the border guardian who risked his life to save the empire! I'll take that stigma! I'll take that responsibility!

The senators listen to Sir Lucillius's speech.

"… certifying his people as enemies of the state! Those in favour of this proposal asked to stand up!!

Senators standing up at the same time as applause.

When Sir Lucilius looked at the sight as a garlic, he squeezed his face again and opened his mouth.

"Your will was firmly taken by me! After that, I want you to leave everything to me... then charge Border Guardian Hal Akircius with national treason and solve any of his armies, powers and official duties! And he will be my son, Vandeus, commander-in-chief of the army!

A full round of applause was sent again to Sir Lucilius, who proclaimed in high spirits.

And the applause never stopped.

Teito Central, Senate, Emperor's Office

"Well, did you come up with another no-go proposal..."

Magnus flashed his face on the sleeping table to the applause heard from the floor.

How long it had been since he was pushed into this room, Magnus' body was weak and cut off from sickness when he could not see anyone and could not look outside.

I can take good care of the meal, but Magnus' weak body is no longer accepting it, and he has barely gotten his hands on it in the last few days.

Lucillius pressed for a concession, as he did every day, but Magnus didn't try to listen to me, and I felt like I had exhausted my love, so few people had visited this room lately.

The senators, who defied the aristocratic nobility that remained locked in the pantry, are also concerned, but now there is no way of knowing their health or trends, and Magnus is nowhere else lying on a quietly transported sleeping table.

Hot valves and applause from the occasional audible floor are also somewhere white-and-vain.

It felt like the applause, which sounded as loud, went a long way.

"... oh, now is the time..."

Magnus knew the end had come when he felt his body lose its strength.

"... what, this is it... it's been a lifetime of regret..."

Emperor Magnus, 78 years old.

The Emperor of the Empire, the only one not to be seen by anyone, quietly collapsed.

It was the following day that the death was discovered, he said.

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