Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 17 Finals (Part 5)

Siluha Army Headquarters

"General! The front line has been breached!

"Shit...! I don't know what kind of hand you used, but it sucks a little..."

Without having to receive a report of the decree, we could see how the front line of the Siluha army was beginning to collapse from the right wing and front line of the formation, after it had been heavily broken by the Northern Legion soldiers.

As usual, this left wing is fighting to its advantage, but it has no chance of winning when it can be attacked from the front and right wing.

The southern infantry, which he put into the left wing, is also sieging the right wing of the enemy, but breaking the front does not make sense, so Asfarif put together the mercenary cavalry of the left wing of the Siluha army, which he had pulled up, and the crushed Siluha cavalry, which he repositioned on the right wing of the main formation.

Asfarif will issue a further order to put the southern infantry 5,000 in the front, which he was taking in reserve, in order to maintain the front.

A heavy-duty cavalry of Cilentium has entered there, led by Hull.

Entering from a slightly diagonal angle from the erected formation, the Silentium Heavy Duty Cavalry made full use of its weight and assault power, breaking the line of the Light Siluha main formation, which happened to reach the third row.

"Ooh!? I can't stop!... Tell the cavalry to flank right away!

Seeing the momentum, Asfarif, who made a rare and hurried voice while including playing, immediately issues an order to the rearranged cavalry.

The Siluha cavalry appeared once the Cilentium side, which reduced the momentum of the assault, took a distance.

While relieved, the devastated front heavy-duty infantry mercenary collapses into the main unit, causing chaos.

"Ooh! Hang on! You're not scared!! We haven't lost yet. Get back on your feet!!

Asfarif is wielding a black holy sword, killing the heavily armed infantry mercenary he was crushing.

Hearing Asfarif's voice, he returned to the sight of a heavily armed infantry mercenary who was about to defeat, having left the Northern Legion soldiers slightly.

"Hey, that's good! Reassemble the line!! He who lost his spear, go around to the main unit!

Using time for Southern infantry to stop looming Northern Legion soldiers for a moment, Asfarif quickly rearranged his formation. At the end of the spare time, he repositioned Southern Infantry 5000 in the front of the main unit.

"... what, did you end up with the left wing over here too... no Southern infantry after all"

At the end of the blurry Asfarif's gaze, he was pushing back as many as 20,000 Southern infantry troops put in at the corner by the 23rd Regiment, which he held back with the support of the Altrius Regiment.

Asfarif unwittingly sighs at the Southern infantry who cannot push in enemies that do not reach 10,000, less than half of us, no matter how much Altrius' army has covered them.

"Totally, I didn't know you were gonna get hit... these are the ones that got you started"

Asfarif quickly thinks of maps of his surroundings, and some of the fortifications and small cities he has just recently fallen into.

And one of them reminded me of a small city close to the coast.

"... you can't handle that over there... OK"

Cilentium Army Cavalry Regiment

"You've been helped again by Mr. Swillius."

"Well, in the sense that the tactics are wide enough, it's a big deal."

Because of the appearance against the Siluha cavalry, Hal strikes a correlation as Altrius nods heavily as he regroups the battle line.

The right wing on the Cilentium side was also re-held with a continuous crossbow by its Swirius invention, pushing back the Southern infantry.

Continuous crossbows have a lot of faults, but we managed to get the numbers together before the war, so we decided to bring them in.

Heavy and bulky heavy weapons and flamethrowers could not be carried around in this battle, which required speed due to mountain crossing, Sirukha treading, and the attack on the Lirials, and the serial crossbows developed and brought in for the purpose of filling the holes were fully powerful.

"We will continue to destroy and push the enemy cavalry!

"Uhm! But don't be alarmed, okay?

There is a little grin on Altrius's face to say with certainty of victory in Hal's words.

Hal attacked once and for all as he directed his cavalry regiment to the Siluha cavalry, which appeared again.

The opposing Siluha cavalry also begins to lose and storm, and occasionally clashes at its midpoint begin.

The momentum lies in the Silentium cavalry, but the number is still won by the Siluha cavalry, which will also be glued in a mixed war.

Also on the front is a heavy-duty infantry mercenary who has been defeated in front of the Siluha army headquarters. Even though he has recovered, a Northern Legion soldier is imminent in the immediate vicinity and is beginning to be attacked by bows and arrows on the Silentium side.

And a slight blank was created in the front of the main formation.

Asfarif makes a decision as the left-wing southern infantry finally begins to crumble and the southern infantry he puts in the front is defeated on his ass.

The clashes between the cavalry, which began on the right side of the main army, intensified, and Asfarif's eyes glistened when he saw that there was no one in the Silentium army who was looking to the main army of Siluha.

"Now! Break through the front!"

By order of Asfarif, the remnants of the Siluha army, which had gathered in the main army, began to call in the right-wing direction at once, falling into an avalanche into the battlefield where the cavalry was colliding with each other.


With stunning Hull at his leeway, the Siluha army plunges into the sidelines of the cavalry, and occasionally the conflagration turns into a riot.

"Go! It's an escape!! Cavalry ahead! Infantry go on, run, run, run, when your legs stop, it's the last time!!

That's how Asfarif screams and inspires the soldiers, and he is slashed with a black holy sword to Hull for all the cost of going.



Asfarif turned an awesome grin on Hal, who hurriedly took it out of the white holy sword that was on his back.

"Ha ha, they ate a cup today, but not this next time!

A white holy sword and a black holy sword hit each other several times violently, each time producing black smoke and white light.

Altrius, who saw the sword, was astonished and called out from Hull's shoulder to Asfarif.

"Ugh! Asfarif and I... that sword, where did you get it!

"Am I?... Whoa? You're small! I didn't realize that. You're Altrius, the hero who didn't let you do anything to make him a patron saint, right?

Altrius returns his angry voice to Asfarif, who plays Hull and the impending, slightly surprised, and turns his grin to himself.

"Don't call me that! It's good to say it yourself, but I get angry when someone tells me... answer the question more than that!

"Wahaha, you are funnier than Liquinius! Well good, I'm gonna miss you today, farewell!


Without any stopping of Altrius or Hal's sword strike, Asfarif was distracted by the Siluha cavalry, who cleverly returned his horse's head and sword to escape.

To Asfarif, who quickly escaped, Hal flashed for a moment, but noticed the Southern infantry, who remained and continued to resist, and immediately gave instructions.

"Sweep out the rest of the enemy, the enemy's main army doesn't have to be chased!

Says Altrius as he arms himself with Hull's shoulders as he looks at the Northern Legion soldiers attacking the Southern Infantry under that order.

"Uhm, have I missed the main team..."

"... Yeah, it was a tough fight, and even though the enemy was more exhausted, there was a lot more to it."

'Sure, but this is incomplete, the Siluha army leaves plenty of room. If you don't hit me again, you can't safely go to the Empire City. "

Two weeks later, a small city by the sea

Its city, which belonged to the province of Lemesia, was a small but beautiful port town of imperial-style marble, but fell and burned by a separate unit of the Siluha army during the Colonia-Leamesia offensive.

The city continued to burn for three days and three nights, and its smoke was so far away that it could also be seen from the walls of Colonia Lemesia.

That is how the city fell victim to the war, but there were now fewer than 40,000 Siluha troops gathered in that small city that had become deserted.

And the Cilentium army is sieging the outside of that small city.

In a building with a headquarters close to the harbor, Asfarif turned to the scouthead, who entered the room with a slightly pungent face.

"... are you here?

"Yes, soon"

"Ha ha, I didn't know this was gonna happen... well, I don't have a choice."

As Asfarif approached a window that allowed him to look down at the harbor, he saw a white sail close to the horizon, far away.

It is an escape ship prepared by Siluha.

Its convoy, which also included the Pirates of the Setria Inland Sea, to which Asfarif was making connections, continued to emerge and came closer and closer.

And when you approach the harbor at a slippery speed, you start mooring.

The shoreline was lined with Siluha cavalry and southern infantry awaiting boarding.

Once the regular army of Siluha has boarded and withdrawn, the mercenaries are supposed to board now, but Asfarif feels darkened thinking about the way he's going to shake himself.

"Ah, the well-paid general position has been fired, and, well, he's going to be sacrificed for defeat."

"… but returning the contract will make it harder for Siluha to hire mercenaries in the future."

Watching the retreat hung by the wall, the scout answered Asfarif, who was so foolish.

Asked for responsibility for the failure of the operation, Siluha has asked Asfarif to pay the penalty.

Whether you can win a war or not probably includes luck, and you can't take care of a good mercenary that far though.

The money you pay a mercenary is a contract and a payment for hiring a soldier.

It wasn't originally included in the contract until we won the war.

Breaking that common sense will reduce the number of mercenaries who will respond to Siluha's calls in the future.

"... well, aren't you willing to go to war anymore, Nai? I don't want to give back my money, I have a lot of dead mercenaries, I have to give my family money."

A scoundrel nodding at the words of Asfarif.

"Well, in any case, I've lost the fight, and I know you did well against that imperial opponent, but, well, if you lose, it's nothing. Once you get back out there."

"... that's no choice. We have a reputation."

"It must be! I don't know what that reputation's gonna be like for a while."

Another general spoke to Asfarif, who broke into the words of the scout head.

"What will the General do?

I don't know what to do, but I can't go back to Siluha.

Most of the soldiers hired this time are also mercenaries from Western countries.

We have to give the families of the dead mercenaries their contract money in the name of their condolences.

And I've got a goal.

"I think we should go somewhere so we can rematch... or we can get one country... and we can do something about it around the West."

"Really... then make sure to bring ourselves"

The scouthead, who leaked the word as Asfarif was crushing, speaks out.

When he heard the words, Asfarif laughed invincibly when he saw the generals in line around him.

"... Ha, well, yeah, let's go then!

The Sieged Cilentium Army is not attacking.

Perhaps you're sensing a retreat, but you think it would be better if you were gone from imperial territory, Asfarif recalling Hal saying that in a pre-match face-to-face meeting.

The retreat was well under way, and the regular soldiers of Siluha had finished boarding the merchant ship, followed by the mercenaries beginning to board the pirate ship.

Asfarif leaves the room we used as our main unit to board the ship and heads to the shoreline.

Behind it are mercenary generals from the war, beginning with scouts.

"You're not gonna lose next time, Border Guard!

Asfarif, who boarded the ship, rushed his fists up towards the Cilentium army, which was in formation in the distance.

Cilentium Army Headquarters, a small city suburb along the Setria Inland Sea

"Did you leave?"

"Yeah, I think we're retreating without delay."

The Silentium army, which defeated the Siluha army led by Asfarif, moved into pursuit as soon as they finished cleaning the battlefield.

However, he did not leave enough room for the Siluha army to go dark, but followed carefully and besieged them in anticipation of entering the fallen small city.

As Asfarif had seen, Hal thought that if he retreated, he would never attack the city.

"Uhm, now you can fight with the Aho aristocrats of the Empire."

"Yeah, we haven't had a formal rapport with Siluha yet... but we won't have enough power to rejuvenate it as soon as possible, and perhaps General Asfarif will be fired as well"

Dropping off the last ship off the pier, Hal answers Altrius on the shoulder.

It would be an asphalliff on the fringe of the last ship, I can see a general rushing up his fist.

"Hmm, losing... is that another rematch application?

"... you don't want to do it anymore if you can"

Hal said smudged.

For the first time since its formation, the Cilentium Army has produced a large number of casualties around the 23rd Legion in this battle.

In particular, the 23rd Regiment was heavily damaged and, under Belius' command, it had been decided to send it back to Cilentium once with the wounded soldiers of the other Regiments.

Altrius had been silently dropping off a ship leaving the pier for a while, but slowly opens his mouth as his figure begins to disappear into the horizon with a bump.

"We will not have to fight him for the time being, but now we are both Aho nobles"

"It's troublesome to be caged in the Imperial capital..."

"Let's not worry about it, the enemy is a hundred thousand great armies, even if it is an elephant. Perhaps they will disdain us and strike out into the field."

Hull nodded loudly at Altrius' words.

"If so... Mr. Adamantius' support will soon be forthcoming, so I can't seem to figure it out"

Adamantius had received reports of his victory in Colonia Meridieto and had already travelled with the remnants of the Imperial Army to rendezvous with Hull.

According to this, the 22nd Corps of the Cilentium Army and the Corps of Engineers totaled 12,000, and the remnants of three Legions of the Imperial Army are heading south.

After that, it's about how the Empire City looks and where Julianus and the others are doing it.

"For once, you've been contacted..."

Hal is right, there was also a relationship with the Cilentium side against Julianus to try to contact him several times, but it has not yet been fulfilled.

We know it was in operation on the far West Bank of the Inland Sea, but we haven't been able to get in touch since.

"Either way, we must defeat the Aho aristocracy, and once we rest in Colonia Lemesia, we must work out a plan."

"Okay… then, transfer!

By Hull's decree, the Cilentium forces lifted their siege and flipped to Colonia Leamesia.

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