Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 18: Imperial Civil War Settlement

Cilentium Army, Eastern Plains of Teito

Bow and arrow rewards continued intensely, with White Soldier fights on the front line being extended by imperially equipped heavily armed infantry against each other.

Lucilius Army with less practice but better than number.

Many are defeated without having to meet their swords on the front, but continue with the method of warfare they asked for in numbers.

In turn, the Silentium Army continued to minimize damage and fatigue by replacing soldiers frequently and allowing them to take breaks while being thorough in their defense.

But few are defeated by the unreliable infantrymen of the Lucilius army, who appear one after another gushing through accidents and gaps.

Differences in troop numbers began to twitch and oppress the Cilentium army, and the front was gradually leaning in favor of the Lucilius army from adhesion.

Vandeus can finally smile when he sees that the deployment on the front line is gradually turning into something advantageous, although he was the rear guard of the Lucilius army exposed to the shooting of special flamethrows and explosive bombs as usual.

Vandeus turned blue when he saw the cavalry that had him storm from both wings struck hard by a series of crossbows and retreated.

Even more so, I didn't feel comfortable seeing the frontal battle situation, and Vandeus, who was biting his fingernails softly when he saw Gratianus beside him, finally seemed to start to feel better that a situation was emerging in his favor.

Gratianus, who saw the face, prompted him.

"Young man, please order a total attack."

"Whoa, whoa, okay?

"Yes, I think it would be a good time. The defeated cavalry has been reassembled, so I'm going to hang it from the front after a total attack by the infantry... would you mind?

"Ha, is this the end of him! Do it, Gratianus!

When Vandeus, who had been on the Hing, responded positively, Gratianus gave Vandeus his salute, turning his face back in front and issuing the decree.

"Here comes the total offense!! Don't be afraid of damage, attack me and attack me!!!!

Gratianus leads the soldiers who, at the same time as that decree, reassembled the main army and the cavalry that had been defeated, to move forward.

Gratianus continued the assault as it was, making sure Vandeus was securely surrounded by escorted cavalry.

More and more kicks up the battlefield earth and the onslaught of the whole human horse begins.

"If a crossbow is handed out to the left and right, it will go from the front to pulling out a solid formation! I regret challenging this reckless battle with this difference in the number of soldiers, but good!!

The Silentium army began to be pushed once and for all by the sudden onslaught that began.

Until then, the attacks were also reckless and forceful that bullied the numbers, but now the digits are different.

The whole army of Lucilius has pushed forward to crush the army of Cilentium at once.

It was the front line of an upset Cilentium army in the wake of a one-off assault, but it managed to retreat without breaking down a large line of shields.

A buoyant Lucilius army jumped on the battlefield of the Cilentium army, which dropped under a little pressure.

"Don't mess up the line!

On the order of the hundred captains on the front line, the soldiers in the rear row push the back of the soldiers who continue to join the enemy with a large shield in the front row, supporting them not to be pushed in and fall.

Silentium army that still keeps retreating when sloppy.

Gradually, its front line became semicircular with an indented central part.

"Is it about time..."

Altrius opens his mouth faster than Hal responds, says Adamantius, who was watching the front line next to Hal.

"Um, come on... let's teach the aristocrats to say that casting a horse over the advantages of civilization, gold, and soldier numbers doesn't have a lot of consequences!

"… indeed, Cilentium stands out in part in military technology, so now the imperial military superiority has collapsed"

Hal says, Adamantius responds with a difficult face.

"What impact will it have on the Empire in the future… suppose we think about that later, after this battle is over"

"Right, it's an inevitable issue, but let's just say we think about it later. Now is the time to make the most of your efforts towards victory... then... fly the red flag!!

In response to Adamantius' contained words, Hal commanded the Herald.

A barely ordained conductor flies a large red flag.

"Oh, I'm up!

Louda, who was in command of the Legion on the front line, gave a relieved voice when she saw the red flag flying in the main formation.

It was almost time to withstand the pressure of the enemy.

The Northern Legion soldiers were also endured because they thought they had a last resort, a back hand, but the front would have collapsed long before this was a normal battle.

The Cliffonams are excellent at explosive power, but they are not so persistent at first, so they are not good at guarding.

"Okay... let go!!

Fully filled, the special engineers pushed the hand pump into full force.

The injection port gently provided from the gap between the shields erected by the Northern Legion soldiers glows hard.

One of the strange, unreliable soldiers peered into its vent, while the flame was sprayed with a roar and a whimpering momentum.

An unreliable soldier turned into unspeakable charcoal in an instant.

But the soldier wasn't the only one who took the flame and turned it into an object.

The stretching flames swallowed the next and unreliable soldiers, who happened to be attached to the front line of the Cilentium army, were extinguished.

Also, there is not only one place where flamethrowing occurred.

The flames erupting from all over the battlefield of the Cilentium army burn down the unreliable soldiers who were killing them and make a big hole in the front line.

A hand-throated arrow is fired into the space where a large number of allied soldiers should have vanished in an instant until earlier in front of them and the subsequent unreliable soldiers are just stunned.

An enemy that was supposed to have been pushed in, a Northern Legion soldier from the Cilentium Army, stormed in.

Until then, the momentum of the Northern Legion soldiers, who had been thoroughly defending themselves and accumulating rebellion, softly pushed down the unreliable soldiers shot down with hand-throated arrows, with a great shield along with the cry.

The unreliable soldiers, who are small imperials per the body dared via the Great Shield, are blown away in an instant, pushed down, and are tailored with the sword of the Northern Legion soldiers without having time to rebuild.

Sometimes he was cautioned that he was still ahead of him in slashing and tying with his enemies, and all of a sudden unreliable soldiers in the form of being thrown in the middle of battle were taken over by the fierce attacks of the Northern Legion soldiers.

The situation immediately reversed.

"Oh, come on!! Now what the fuck is that? Ha!? They're doing it!

Not even to hear Vandeus scream, but to see that the frontline allies have been swept away by flamethrowing.

Gratianus figured out that tease, but the fact that he still doesn't have the skill to exchange it doesn't change, even if he understands the maneuvers and machines he used.

Finally a cold sweat flows through the temples of Gratianus.

"Oh, hey... what are you gonna do!

Words finally came out of Gratianus's mouth when Vandeus, who cut the numbness, inquired again.

"Probably a kind of flamethrower… I've never seen a more vicious and powerful flamethrower…"


Flame radiation hit the pushed up front again.

Never thought that much advantage would be overshadowed once and for all, Gratianus immediately skips directions to the archers.

"At the forefront of the enemy... aim for the flamethrower!

An attack with a fire arrow would be effective, but there aren't as many copies available for simultaneous shooting as there are a few available for signaling.

Moreover, to say that it is at the forefront is to say that it is protected by the Great Shield of Northern Legion soldiers.

I don't know if arrows alone can do damage, but they are a special weapon.

That operation will require skilled soldiers.

Attacks by flamethrowers can be restrained if the soldier being manipulated is stopped or damaged by a clogged part of the fuel.

Even if it is impossible at times, if the enemy knows that the flamethrower is being targeted, be careful and be cautious in your actions and attacks, resulting in a dull attack frequency.

That's what Gratianus thought.


More and more consecutive explosions sound and explosions flame.


Vandeus caught his face in amazement because one special flamethrower and bomb burst into the rear guard forming the archers.

Besides, it's more powerful than what was being shot in by then.

They were spaced apart and screamed as the archers of the Lucilius army, who had been bowing and shooting, were caught in flames and explosions.


At last the archers fled in panic to the bombs falling continuously one after the other, sparing the astonishing Gratianus.

"This... this is ridiculous... woo!

And there was another flamethrowing, devastating blow to the unreliable soldiers.

The unreliable soldiers, whose hearts and minds were devastated by a blow no longer possible to rebuild, finally began to crush.

Gratianus sees how it goes and understands his army's loss and decides to take the final bet.

If you do this, you won't even let the main body get away with it.

"Young! I dare you to assault the front of the enemy with a cavalry. Young people, if we are debated, please return to Empire City immediately!

"Hey, what?

"We will sit in our defeat… enemy forces that have left the cavalry's oppression than left and right have begun the siege. On top, even archers are heavily damaged by heavy weapon fire, and if the front is devastated by flamethrowing, the hitter will no longer sit. I don't know how much fuel the enemy's flamethrowers have, but I know that if we have three flamethrows, the rest will be small. So I'm going to set up an assault, but if my calculations were crazy, we wouldn't be safe, we probably wouldn't be able to make it back alive. Therefore, please. Please lead the remnants of the soldiers and leave… please sit down."


Gratianus is right, the left and right Cilentium armies are beginning to attack the private army with that dreadful series of crossbows that have left the cavalry.

The private soldiers, who had penetrated their shields and were attacked by crossbows ripping their helmets and armor like thin paper, were also beginning to float.

"Young man, I'll sit you down in farewell."

When Gratianus put it that way, he led the cavalry to launch the assault.

Vandeus, left behind, drops it off flashly.

Vandeus was a stark look at the cavalry that stormed for a while being swallowed by the flames and the rain of hand-throated arrows, but he finally returned to me to see Gratianus fall horseback and be poked to death just before he penetrated the infantry line.

"Damn, you Gratianus idiot, I did something on my own. You're dead in action! You're kidding, I'm not bad. No, the bad part is Gratianus! It's not my fault I lost, because I didn't do anything, and everything Gratianus' idiot did was behind it! It's his fault! If I did it, it would've worked better, but if I'd let him do it because he said he would! You're kidding, there's no way I'm gonna lose!!

When he cursed and defeated the decree he had ever served wholeheartedly, Vandeus escaped.

"Can you do it!

The escort cavalry rushes after them.

"... Haruyoshi, that ahu's getting away with it?

"Yeah? No way, ah... oh wait a minute!?

When Hal saw Vandeus' main unit, which he thought was a complete joke in Altrius' tone, he saw Vandeus escaping as he disengaged.

"Become... what a guy!

"... well, let's just say, it's a perfectly stunning getaway"

Hal, angry at the back of Vandeus, who flees without shame or outrage, and Adamantius, as the decree is debated and his men are dying one battle after another.

Altrius spoke to those two.

"What do you do? You're gonna run away like that, aren't you?

Before the word was finished, Hal took the bow from under the saddle of the horse as he descended from the horse, and the arrow of the black-arrow blade from the ox, and watched.

Vandeus, who escapes, wears fine armor, but probably from self-evident lust, is not wearing a helmet so that his face is easily visible.

Hal squeezed the bow as far as he could, then breathed quietly, moving the bow to slip with his aim at the neck behind Vandeus, distant away, releasing the arrow unmanipulatively.

When the cancer emits a slightly mechanical sound and the arrow is released over the bow, the arrow on the black arrow blade flies away towards Vandeus in a straight line without drawing a mountain-shaped orbit.

Hal's arrow, which towed the snoring sound and black orbit and struck out without aiming past the neck behind Vandeus, who was flying ahead, continued to thrust from Vandeus' throat to the middle of the pattern.

Vandeus is shot through the neck and slowly falls out of the saddle pot.


Adamantius on the horse accidentally hits his knee with his hand and screams.

Those who looked like therapists rushed from the escort cavalry, but when they were struck through the chest again with an arrow of released hull and ran out, the escort cavalry fled and scattered like a spider child at a glance.

"... he's completely, utterly unbelievable."

"... Haruyoshi is the only one who can beat you at this distance."

Altrius told Hal as he bowed down and rode back on his horse.

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