"Yeah." Irene responded.


She pondered for a moment. The depths of the Ghana Forest are full of dangers, and monsters are rampant. It is rare to see intelligent creatures. Even the merchants passing by will leave in a hurry and will never stay for half a second.

The only attractive feature is probably the existence of dragons.

The purpose of these adventurers coming here can be figured out with a prostate.

The target of these guys is either the mother of dragons or their two young dragons.

However, compared with the mother of dragons, Irene is more inclined to think that these guys are targeting their two young dragons.

After all, the mother of dragons is an adult black dragon of the gold level. Whether it is magic attainments or physical fitness, they have reached an incredible realm.

If you want to attack such an adult dragon, it is no less difficult than attacking a small country. At least a regular army needs to be dispatched, plus several gold-level or even legendary-level strongmen to lead the team to be able to kill it.

As for capturing, no one would do so unless they were completely overwhelmed by their strength. Otherwise, if they made a mistake and let the dragon escape, they would face endless revenge.

The five-colored evil dragons are extremely vengeful and have the same character of revenge. As immortal species, they are very good at using their lifespan to outlast their opponents, and then taking endless revenge on their enemies' descendants and families.

In the Dragon Heritage, there is a record of a red dragon named Wallace, who chased and killed a human wizard for a hundred years just because he stole some gold coins.

In the end, even though the human wizard died, his body was dug out and whipped with dragon breath. Even his ashes were made into a sword named Fire Joy.

From this, it can be seen how dangerous it is to attack a dragon.

Irene raised the dragon head and looked in the direction where the adventurers in the dense forest left.

"My stupid brother, these guys are probably targeting us."


David gritted his teeth and looked forward, his eyes becoming sharp and thin.

Although he was often fooled by Irene, he was not a stupid dragon like Bai Long after all. In addition, with the tacit understanding of living together over the years, he instantly understood the meaning of Irene's words.

"Then let's go wake up mom and kill them?"

"No." Irene shook her head. "With mom's lazy personality, she doesn't care about these people as long as they don't disturb her sleep."

David was about to refute, but felt that what Irene said made sense.

"Then my dear sister, what are you going to do?"

Irene narrowed her dragon eyes.

"Try to find out their strength. If they are much stronger than us, try to lead them to the vicinity of the dragon's nest. As long as they wake up mom, they will die."

"What if they are weaker than us?" David asked.

Irene didn't answer, but stretched out a claw and shook it around her neck.

David immediately understood, split his dragon lips and laughed like a villain: "Hehehe..."


Time passed by, the sun gradually set, and the howling of wild beasts could be heard from time to time in the forest

After a day of searching, the adventurer team had no gains at all, let alone a baby dragon, not even a dragon poop was seen, and everyone's face was a little disappointed.

Tasha looked at the gradually darkening sky and stretched out her hand to summon a small fireball for lighting.

The firelight illuminated the tired faces of the team members. She said to Berent, who was walking in front, with some concern: "Captain, it's too late. Let's find a place to spend the night. The monsters in the Ghana Forest are more rampant at night, and it's not suitable to continue searching."

Berent looked up at the sky, stopped and said: "Well, let's go to the cave we just encountered to rest." As he said that, he looked back at the already panting guide Louis.

Compared with these professionals, Louis, a traveling merchant, has much worse physical strength.

Even Tasha, the only female and mage in the team, looks much better than this guide.

With a sigh in his heart, Berent led the team back.

Before it was completely dark, a team of five came to a cave they had discovered before.

There was originally a violent bear living in this cave. When they passed by, they wanted to sneak attack, so they were easily solved by the adventurer team.

After entering the cave, Louis sat on the ground first.

He was exhausted on the journey. Although he traveled day and night when he was a merchant, he rode a horse, which was completely different from walking on his own now.

The other adventurers were not so leisurely.

After entering the cave, the mage Tasha began to set up a magic circle at the entrance of the cave to give early warning and isolate the sound inside.Tiechui is collecting firewood.

Alvin sat on the ground, maintaining his bow and arrow, and glanced at Tiechui who was collecting firewood outside the cave with a look of disgust.

As the captain, Berent took out the iron pot and the body of the violent bear he had killed from a ring on his finger like a magic trick.

Louis looked at the ring with envy. It was a space equipment - a storage ring. Even the cheapest storage ring with a space of only one square meter was worth a full ten gold coins.

"After I get the reward this time, I must buy a storage ring." Louis thought secretly in his heart.

The bonfire was soon lit. Berent skinned the violent bear, cut off a few pieces of meat mixed with bones and threw them into the pot, and added some salt to prepare a pot of broth.

While waiting for the broth to be cooked, he looked at the other people in the team. They didn't see the shadow of the target all day today, and everyone was obviously a little disappointed.

After thinking for a while, he clapped his hands, attracting the attention of others in the cave.

"Hey! Guys! We will be rich once we catch those two baby dragons. What are your plans for the future? Anyway, I must become a noble by then."

These words obviously attracted everyone's attention.

You know, dragons are all treasures. As top magical creatures, dragon blood, dragon bones and dragon scales are all top magical materials. Dragon blood can also make people become dragon descendants, gaining longer life and more powerful power.

But this kind of creature is extremely powerful. It is difficult to see one at ordinary times, let alone catch it.

In the Rose Empire, someone once offered a newly hatched dragon and directly exchanged it for a viscount title, the kind with a fiefdom.

This shows how precious dragons are.

Tiechui rubbed his hands and spoke first: "What the hell! If I can really catch those two dragon cubs, I will change to a sacred flail made of mithril, which will be inlaid with top-grade magic gems!"

"Ha!" Alvin sneered, "A barbaric guy like you is only worthy of such a humble dream."

"You!" Hearing this, Tiechui widened his eyes, grabbed the sacred flail and prepared to teach this rude long-eared man a lesson.

Seeing this, Berent hurried forward and grabbed Tiechui.

Alvin was still saying: "If I can catch those two dragon cubs, I will propose to Miss Nikola when I go back!"

Tiechui immediately retorted: "What the hell! Long-eared, your dream is even humbler than mine! How can a woman compare to the powerful mithril hammer!"

"Dirty dwarf! You are not allowed to insult Miss Nikola!"


Berent interrupted the quarrel between the two. If they continued to quarrel, they would probably fight.


An inappropriate voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was Louis.

"What's the matter with you?" Berent's eyes were focused on the guide's face. He was a little gloomy because of the two funny guys in the team.

"I want to poop." Louis said.

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