Louis felt like crying but had no tears.

He was originally just a merchant traveling between the Eastern countries and the Forsaken Land of God.

He usually bought all kinds of very cheap ironware, food and tools in the Rose Empire and the nearby principalities, and then crossed the Ghana Great Forest to transport them to the Forsaken Land of God, exchanging them for a large number of specialties and rare materials in the hands of the orcs, and then reselling them back and forth to make money.

But just a few days ago, when he was passing through the Ghana Great Forest, he took a shortcut because he was in a hurry to deliver the goods, and he actually encountered two black dragons!

Louis dared to swear to His Majesty the God of Light that he was almost scared to death at that time.

Fortunately, the two black dragons didn't seem to notice him and flew over his head.

So lucky to have a life, Louis began to brag about his thrilling experience in the tavern after returning.

Unexpectedly, a group of adventurers in the tavern were very interested in his experience and actually planned to pay a high price to buy the detailed information of the two black dragons, including the location where the two black dragons were found, the size of the two black dragons, etc.

As a profit-seeking merchant, how could Louis miss such a good opportunity to make money? With the blessing of his eloquence that he had trained for many years, he sold this exciting experience for a high price of two gold coins.

You know, Louis went through a lot of hardships to resell between the two places, but he could not earn half a gold coin. This time, he only moved his lips and earned a full four times the money.

If the matter ended here, it must be the favor of the goddess of luck, Her Majesty Tymora.

But the problem is that today, the group of adventurers who bought the information came to Louis again and made a commission that almost scared him...

Let him be a guide and lead this group of adventurers to the Ghana Forest to find the two black dragons!

The Ghana Forest is usually deserted and full of monsters. If you enter without permission, you will most likely be eaten by the beasts. Compared with these adventurers, he is indeed more familiar with the environment inside and knows how to safely go deep into the Ghana Forest.

But those are two black dragons! The legendary dragons!

Even the empire will not provoke dragons at will, especially the brutal five-colored dragons.

He is a small merchant, isn't it courting death to provoke dragons?

But these cunning adventurers said that they were just two young dragons. They came out to hunt at this age, and there must be no adult dragons behind them. They were probably driven out of the dragon's nest by the mother dragon.

Even if they were provoked, there would be no adult dragons to retaliate.

Moreover, these adventurers took out a full five gold coins as a deposit!

And they also said that after finding the trace of the black dragon, they would give him another five gold coins as a reward!

That was the rose gold coin with the national emblem of the Rose Empire printed on it. Just one was enough for a poor family to eat and drink for a year!

Even so, Louis thought he was a principled businessman who would never joke with his life.

As for why he was in the Ghana forest now, it was mainly because they gave him too much!

The adventurers promised to give him ten gold coins after they successfully caught the black dragon!

All the rewards added up to twenty gold coins!

Louis estimated that his entire net worth was less than twenty gold coins.

He reluctantly agreed for the sake of the gold coins.

But now, he regretted it.

Along the way, Louis figured out one thing, that is, if he lost his life, what was the point of earning more gold coins?

Thinking of this, he stopped, looked back at the adventurers who were talking and laughing without any nervousness, shrank his neck, and said in a low voice with a sad face:

"Dear adventurers, if you find the two black dragons, you have to take care of me. I haven't found a wife yet, and I don't want to become dragon dung..."

"Okay, okay, you have said this several times along the way." The warrior Berent, who was carrying a broadsword and a round shield on his shoulder, waved his hand. "When the time comes, you just stay away. It's just two baby dragons. Why scare you like this?"

"Fuck you, Berent is right. There is nothing to be afraid of." The dwarf priest Iron Hammer, who was carrying a cross and a sacred flail, echoed. "They are just two baby dragons, at most they are bronze level. I will kill them with my hammer. Be careful not to get blood all over you."

"Puff." Mage Tasha, the only female in the team, couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Her bosom that kept bouncing up and down with laughter attracted the attention of everyone except Iron Hammer.

"Tsk, have you never seen a woman?" said Alvin, the half-elf ranger on the tree. He slapped a swamp mosquito that tried to suck his blood to death and took out hisA piece of white cloth wiped off the mosquito blood on his hand with disgust. "Damn it! There are too many poisonous mosquitoes in the swamp around here!"

Iron Hammer looked up at the half-elf squatting on the tree and saw that Alvin's originally fair skin had several red spots, and even the tip of his ear was bitten by the poisonous mosquitoes in the swamp and swollen.

He sneered: "Damn it, long-eared guy, it's because you don't want to apply the insect repellent potion."

Hearing this, Alvin glared at Iron Hammer fiercely and said with gritted teeth: "Only you dwarves like to apply that kind of sticky and dirty stuff on your body."

After saying that, he said sarcastically: "I really don't understand, how can a dirty guy like you become a holy priest? Does the great God of Light also make mistakes sometimes?"

"Damn it! I won't allow you to insult my faith!" Iron Hammer was so angry at this that he blew his beard and glared, grabbed a handful of wet soil on the ground and threw it at Alvin.

Alvin dodged in a hurry, but caught off guard, his clothes were still stained by the mud. He looked at the stains on his clothes, gritted his teeth, and bent his bow and aimed his arrow at Tiechui. "Dirty guy! You're looking for death!"

"What the hell! Come on! Who's afraid of who!" Tiechui raised the flail engraved with sacred runes in his hand and took a fighting posture.

The atmosphere in the team suddenly became tense.

Seeing that the two guys were about to fight, Berent, as the captain, turned his eyes away from Tasha's broad mind and looked at the two guys who were on the verge of a fight.

He rubbed his forehead in annoyance, and he was no longer surprised by this situation.

"I say, guys, can't you wait until we get back to quarrel? If you don't catch those two baby dragons because of you, I will definitely make your butts all bloom!"

Hearing the captain's angry shout, Alvin put away his bow and arrow, glared at Tiechui fiercely, and left the place with a few jumps to explore the way ahead of the team.

Iron Hammer looked at the half-elf ranger who gradually disappeared in the forest, gnashing his teeth and clenching the sacred flail in his hand, muttering softly: "What the hell! I really want to smash this long-eared head with the sacred hammer."

"Okay, stop talking, Iron Hammer." Berent's face became serious, and he waved to Louis, who was leading the way, and signaled him to continue leading the way.

The team set off again.


After a while, two little black dragons came to this area.

They walked all the way.

For these keen professionals, flying in the sky is too easy to be discovered.

The trees in the Ghana forest are lush, and some trees can even grow to 30 or 40 meters high, which can hide their whereabouts very well, so the two dragons chose to follow on foot instead of flying.

David sniffed the air and said, "There are smells of humans, dwarves, and elves."

Then he looked at the little dragon girl who squinted her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something: "So many races are mixed together. I just saw them carrying weapons. They don't look like passing merchants, but adventurers."

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