Irene did not immediately rush to the stage to ask her adopted son what he was doing, what had happened in the past few years, and why he was doing all this.

Although she did have many questions in her mind, she was calm and did not make any moves.

She sat quietly in her seat like an ordinary believer, listening to Arthas's obscure scriptures that were many times more helpful than listening to English, while lowering her head and looking at the "Salvation Bible" in her hand. '

This book obtained from the poor minotaur was not big, and was smaller than magazines, but it was quite thick. It felt heavy in the hand. The cover seemed to be made of the skin of some creature, and it felt blocked to the touch.

In the center of the cover, there was a cross pattern with white on the top and black on the bottom. In the upper part of the cross, a pair of white wings were extended, and in the lower part, there was a pair of crossed black bat wings, which just echoed the statue of the God of Salvation.

Even a guesser can guess that this must be the emblem of the God of Redemption.

Under the connection of the power of faith, this originally meaningless pattern and the statue have been bound to the existence of the God of Redemption and become His "phone number."

As long as you draw a similar emblem or carve a similar statue, you can contact Him by praying and "making a phone call."

Irene reached out and gently stroked the metal emblem. She couldn't help but complain in her heart that she was probably the first "god" who didn't recognize her emblem.

But it's not her fault, because her followers are too capable.

This feeling is like traveling back to ancient times. I finally became a small landlord and thought I could lie down.

As a result, when I woke up, I saw a servant who had just been recruited, with a team of elite soldiers, holding a yellow robe and coming over. While putting it on his master, he said, it's cold, you should add some clothes.

What else can Irene say about this?

Faced with this situation, she could only put on the yellow robe from the bottom of her heart and muttered twice: "I have been walking on thin ice all my life. Do you think I can reach the other side?"

"Hua La."

Amid the cold chanting and preaching on the stage, Irene turned to the first page of the holy book and read it with the intention of reviewing memorials. It was also to familiarize herself with her doctrines to prevent others from asking her in the future. She didn't even know her own doctrines, which would be embarrassing.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Amid the "rustling" sound of turning pages, the sky outside the church gradually darkened.

The preaching had stopped at some point. Although Arthas was still standing on the stage, the book in his hand had long disappeared, replaced by a piece of black bread that had just been taken out of the storage ring and was as long as an adult's arm.

Those believers who couldn't wait any longer were lining up from the first row and taking the black bread handed over by Arthas one by one.

Then he bowed respectfully and turned to walk towards the church's door, which had been opened at some point.

There was a crescent moon in the sky outside the church, and the church seemed even darker under the starlight.

The yellow candles on the wall, which had been lit at some point, obviously could not illuminate the huge church hall.

If it weren't for the fact that orcs and half-orcs generally had excellent dark vision, they might have fallen before they even walked out of the church.

And Irene, who was hiding in the darkness, was still sitting in her seat, flipping through the books in her hands, with no intention of going forward to receive the black bread.

Until the last person took the black bread from Arthas and walked out of the church door facing the starlight, the church door closed again with a "bang".

The hall, which was crowded just now, became deserted again, with only Arthas on the stage like a lonely drama actor and the only "audience" under the stage. ’


The dull, rhythmic footsteps suddenly sounded, and Arthas walked down from the stage.

The priest robes on his body had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a black armor and the chainsaw sword behind him.

The candlelight on the wall swayed twice because of the cold air that spread out during his walk, and the flames became a little dimmer.

When he walked to Irene’s side, Arthas stopped, put his right hand on his chest, saluted, and said in an extremely respectful voice: "Welcome to your return, my great and noble master!"

But Irene seemed not to notice him, and was still flipping through the book in her hand.

Seeing this, Arthas looked up.The blue soul fire under the helmet flickered twice, and then he stood up straight, looking like he was waiting for the other person to finish.

Fortunately, there were only a few pages left in the book, so he didn't have to wait for long. He heard a "click" sound, and Irene finally closed the book, closed her eyes and exhaled a long breath, as if she had accomplished something.

"Tell me."

Irene opened her eyes, turned her head, and looked at Arthas who was waiting beside her with her golden vertical pupils shining like stars.

"Why did you make my statue like this, without even a face."


Arthas was silent for a moment.

Even he didn't expect that the first sentence Irene asked would be this least important information, and the prepared speech in his mind was obviously useless.

But now, after more than 50 years of study, he is no longer the stupid newborn lich.

After a moment of confusion, he slowly spoke: "Because this way, you can obtain the power of faith more efficiently."

Then, Arthas continued to explain in a voice without any emotional fluctuations: "Your original image is likely to make believers feel fearful, which will affect the quality of the power of faith. Your humanoid form is too different from the racial appearance of believers. Different aesthetics will also have a slight impact on the prayers of different believers."

"There is a saying in ancient books that a thousand people have a thousand faces."

"In contrast, without facial features, it is easier for believers to substitute their closest and most respected people, and they can obtain more abundant power of faith. This is the best result after many experiments."

Finally, he added: "This information is obtained from books about the deification of faith. The title was discussed through high-level meetings. If you are not satisfied, you can change the appearance of the statue at any time, or even redesign the emblem and title."

The tone was extremely cold, and compared with fifty years ago, it was even more indifferent.

This standard answer without any emotion made Irene feel like she was back in school, listening to the teacher's correct answers to the test paper.

She also had the illusion that she had become the father of the client.

Her golden eyes looked at Arthas, and through the cover of the helmet, it seemed that she saw a pair of soul fires without any emotion.

She had some understanding in her heart.

After the corpse is resurrected as an undead, it will be eroded by the energy of the undead and lose everything it had in life, including memory, emotions and desires.

This loss will make them show obvious differences from normal life.

In a sense, this is also the price of forcing the dead to stay in the world.

Needless to say, the most basic skeleton soldiers are already a blank sheet of paper when they are resurrected. In addition to chopping people, they will also make duck-like sounds.

And those who take the route of spellcasters like liches, although they are more advanced, may still have some emotions and desires as humans when they are just resurrected.

But as time goes by, it will still be gradually eroded by the energy of the undead, gradually turning into an extremely cold and rational undead spellcaster without any emotion.

This made Irene, who wanted to see her followers in distress and have some fun, feel a little bored. She waved her hand casually, skipped the topic, stood up, put the Holy Book of Redemption into the storage ring, and walked towards the door of the church while saying:

"Let's talk about why we do this."

Irene glanced at Arthas behind her, and her tone became a little low. "I remember that before I fell asleep, the task assigned to you was to study the technology of those ancient orcs, right?"


In the empty eye sockets under Arthas' helmet, the dark blue soul fire that had long replaced the eyeballs flickered twice. Without any intention of beating around the bush, he responded simply and straightforwardly with his rotten throat:

"This is all to...get your approval..."

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