Alsace, or Rudolf in the past.

For a long time, he has been in darkness and nothingness.

That is darkness and nothingness in the literal sense.

There is no light, and no vitality.

In this dark world, he is the only one.

He is like a small boat floating on the boundless sea, standing alone in the darkness, unable to see any light.

He doesn't remember his name, nor does he know where he came from.

Everything he has has long passed from his fingertips like quicksand.

He is like being abandoned by the world, trapped there alone.

He once tried to escape from this dark world, but no matter where he ran, all he could see was darkness.

Here, it seems that there is no boundary.

Until the end, he gave up.

He sat on the ground in self-abandonment, hugged his legs and lowered his head to curl up.

Just huddled in the endless silence and darkness.

He would not feel hungry or thirsty.

I would just feel the despair, torment, and loneliness rising in my heart over and over again.

This process lasted for an unknown amount of time.

One year?

Ten years?

One hundred years?

One thousand years?

Or ten thousand years?

He didn't know.

Because there was no concept of time here.

There was only eternal nothingness.

Death was a luxury for him.

How much he wished to escape from this darkness and see the outside world.

Even if...only for a moment.

But that was impossible.

He could only collapse, cry, run, and beat himself.

Although he didn't feel any pain.

In this nothingness, he gradually became numb.

Became as quiet as this world.

Seemed...completely integrated into it.

Until a certain moment, a faint but very warm light suddenly appeared in this dark world.

It shone on him.

He raised his head and looked at the light.

That was the first time he saw light in this endless darkness.

The light was very weak, but it seemed to illuminate the whole world!

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand.

He wanted to... catch that light!

He wanted to... leave this dark world!

As his hand got closer to the light, a call seemed to ring in his ears.

"Resurrection! My SSR!"

With that call, the light became stronger!

He didn't know what that sentence meant, but at that moment, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart that as long as he caught that light, he could leave here!

He was very excited.

He stood up quickly, using all his strength to jump high.

Want to catch that light!


The light was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't catch it!

He was very anxious, and he tried his best to catch it!

But every time he was just a little bit short.

Until, the light gradually disappeared in front of his eyes....

He could only watch the world fall into darkness again.

He... failed.

He was very depressed and felt that he had missed the only chance to leave here.

So he sat down on the ground in dejection, ready to continue to face the endless loneliness and solitude as usual.

Anyway, he was used to it.

But he soon found that he couldn't do it.

He had adapted to the darkness and could accept it numbly, but after seeing the light, he could no longer accept the darkness.

He wanted to leave here!

He stood up and roared at the dark sky for who knows how long!

He wanted light, he wanted to leave here!

Maybe, God heard his call.

The light appeared again.

He saw hope!

This time he was prepared, he jumped high, he jumped higher than before.

He wanted to catch that beam of light and leave the darkness!

But... it was still not enough.

The light disappeared again.

When the darkness enveloped the whole world again.

He collapsed.

He roared, roared, and beat himself!

He felt that everything was because of himself.

He felt that if he could jump higher, higher! He could catch the beam of light!

Perhaps he heard his roar.

The light appeared again!

This time he used all his strength and leaped upward!

He jumped higher than before, and was closer to the beam of light than before!

He even felt the warmth of the beam of light between his fingers!

But he still couldn't catch the beam of light.

He failed.

But he didn't give up this time. He began to jump up, jump up, and jump up again.Just to catch the next beam of light when it appears!

As expected, the light appeared again!

He jumped up!

He failed.

Although he still didn't catch it this time, he jumped higher than before!

Just like that...

The light appeared again and again, and he jumped high again and again, trying to catch the light.

He jumped higher and higher.

Closer, closer!

He was getting closer and closer to the light!

Until a certain moment, the familiar voice sounded in his ears again.

"How can a child cry every day? How can you lose every day when drawing cards."

"My SSR, come out!"

At that moment, endless light illuminated the entire darkness.

He suddenly exerted force and jumped high again!

At that moment, the light seemed to turn into a pair of white wings, attached to his back.

He flew up!

Flying high!

Flying in the direction of the light, flying in the direction of leaving this endless darkness.

His eyes became brighter and brighter!

Until... he opened his eyes.

What he saw was no longer the dark world, but a strange building.

At the same time, his body became extremely stiff.

It was as if he was frozen.

Although he could not understand what freezing meant, under a strong desire, he exerted force and successfully broke free from the restraints and completely controlled this body.

He sat up from the ground.

Then, he saw the one who saved him from the endless darkness...


What a holy and great existence!

The light seemed to form a pair of white wings behind her.

Her golden eyes were filled with joy and disbelief.

Feeling the closeness.

He understood that it was the other party who ignited the fire of his life and allowed him to come to this world.

So, he followed the instinct of his body and the call from the depths of his soul.

He shouted those two words.


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