“What’s going on here?”

There was such a lot of movement happening here.

Naturally, it alarmed the three generations of Hokage and the three elders who were originally about to leave.

After everyone saw the coming.

They all made way for it.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper saw the situation on this side.

At the first glance, Sarutobi noticed Uchiha Manyo.

For Uchiha Manyo.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is still very impressed.

Opening the Sharingan at the age of nine, he is a genius in the history of Uchiha.

At that time, Sarutobi Hinata still wanted to collect Uchiha Wanye as used.

It’s just that because Uchiha Wanye is too well protected by Uchiha Fugaku.

As a result, the ape flying sun chop has never had the opportunity to brainwash.

This matter has always been a thorn in the heart of Ape Fei Ri.

However, the only two things that made Ape Flying Sun feel gratified.

The next year, Uchiha stopped this kind of water.

A little stronger than Uchiha Manye’s talent, he was brainwashed and succeeded.

There is also the emergence of Uchiha Uchiha and Weasel in recent years.

A rare genius in Uchiha’s history.

And has begun to be brainwashed by himself.

Only the seeds that were planted germinated.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi even looked at Uchiha Wanye’s face with a hint of a smile.

“What’s going on here?”

Sarutobi looked at Uchiha Manyo, who was standing in front of a pig’s head, and asked the person next to him.

“III. Generation.. Adults, this: This!”

The man looked at the three generations of Hokage and asked him.

Frightened a spirit, intermittently a little afraid to reply.

After Uchiha Wanye saw the three generations coming, he did not continue to smoke the ape flying Asma with a big mouth.

Instead, he turned his head.

Indifferently, he looked at the three generations of Hokage and the three people beside him.

“What’s going on here!”

Tsunade, who originally left together, Orochimaru and Jiraiya with the water gate.

I also noticed the movement here and rushed back.

At the same time, there were also many children of the family who came to watch.

Asma, who was not whipped again, glanced at Uchiha Wanye in horror.

Tearfully ran to three generations.

“Young man, don’t worry, say slowly, what happened here?”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not recognize it.

The pig-headed man in front of him is his own son.

Forced smile asked.


The pig-headed ape flies Asma.

The mouth kept chirping, but he couldn’t spit out a word.

Ape Flying Asma after discovering that he could not actually speak.

Immediately pointed at himself, and then pointed at Uchiha Manyo.

Then he spread his five fingers and gestured at his swollen face.

“Kid, are you dumb? Which of you understands sign language? Come help this kid! ”

Ape Flying Sun saw such a strange movement of Ape Flying Asma.

I couldn’t help but guess that he should not be able to speak, and immediately asked the surroundings.

Everyone shook their heads.

“Tsunade, you don’t know how to sign language!”

Sarutobi looked at Tsunade and asked.

“Who would do something as powerful as sign language!”

Tsunade saw Sarutobi Hinata immediately look at himself.

I couldn’t help but complain.

“Tsunade? Terrible? ”

I saw that Zilai also jumped out immediately.

With a confident face, he said as he slashed towards the ape flying sun.

“Teacher, I will!”

“Will you really?”

Sarutobi asked with some disbelief.

After all, he had never seen Jiraiya and had seriously studied these strange things.

If only Orochimaru said that he could sign language.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper immediately affirmed that he was the first to believe.

“Wrapped around me, I have been practicing sign language for eighteen years, so it shouldn’t be a problem!”

Jiraiya patted his chest and assured.

“Then you try!”

No one else knows sign language now.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper had to let Jiraiya try it.

There are also two steps.

Then he came to Asma, the ape flying asma.

“You hurry up and get started!”


Ape Flying Asma nodded his pig’s head again.

Then he stretched out his palm in front of Jiraiya.

Then his five fingers straightened and quickly pulled towards his swollen right cheek.

Then he pointed to Uchiha Wanye behind him.

However, due to the ape flying, Asma’s flesh swelled rapidly at this moment.

This causes some problems with pupil focusing.

It was actually pointed to Jiraiya.


Jiraiya watched as Ape Fei Asma suddenly pointed at himself.

Plus the series of weird moves that preceded it.

I couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

Ji Lai’s eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that something came to mind.

“Palm, touch face, point at me!”

Ji Lai also connected three key actions.

Isn’t that what makes him….

“I see! I get it! ”

Come to think of it.

Jiraiya stood up abruptly and said loudly.

“What do you understand? Can you tell us about it soon! ”

Tsunade asked eagerly.

Everyone present also nodded.

Apparently they also want to know what Jiraiya reads.

I saw that Zi Lai also suddenly raised his palm and instantly fanned towards Ape Fei Asma.


A crisp loud sound once again resounded throughout the audience.

Ape Fei Asma was instantly pumped to the ground.

“Jiraiya, what are you doing?”

Ape Flying Sun Slash Angry Q&A.

“Don’t blame my teacher, he asked me to smoke him.”

“He first slapped me with his hand, and then pointed at me, didn’t that mean I slapped him.”

Zi Lai also spread his hands and said helplessly.


Hearing what Jiraiya said, the head is the Tao.

Well founded.

Everyone actually nodded unconsciously.


Sarutobi slashed angrily after reprimanding Jiraiya.

Turned to look at Tsunade.

“Tsunade, you treat him!”


Tsunade agreed and came to Sarutobi Asma.

Finding that he was crying, he couldn’t help but say something.

“Poor child!”

“Wan Ye, you come and tell me what happened here?”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper forcibly adjusted his body to a slightly angry appearance.

“Because that man was cheap, I rewarded him with a few slaps!”

Uchiha Wanye didn’t care about the attitude of the three generations.

Pointing to the ape flying Asma on the ground, he said lightly.

“What? You said this man’s head, you beat it like this? ”

Hearing Uchiha Wanye’s reply, Sarutobi was immediately shocked.

He quickly looked at the pig-headed man on the ground who was receiving Tsunade’s treatment.

He looked at Uchiha Wanye again without a trace of abnormality.

Bai Qing’s palm, a trace of fear could not help but rise in his heart.

“Whose child is this, this Uchiha Wanye is really ruthless enough, actually pumping people like this, I’m afraid even his parents don’t know, right?”

The ape flew back and looked at the pig-headed man, suddenly thinking what his parents would be like if they saw this scene.

But as Hokage, he is.

It is destined that these frivolous words cannot be said in public.

And the rest of the people who don’t know what happened.

After hearing Uchiha Wanye say that the pig-headed man in front of him was slapped like this by himself.

Invariably, he labeled Uchiha Wanyo as a ruthless person in his heart.

“Who is he and why did you beat him like this?”

Sarutobi relies on his many years of experience.

Put away the smile in my heart.

Seriously asked Uchiha Wanye.

Now I already know.

Uchiha Manyo committed such a bad wounding incident.

Then Sarutobi Hinata is for this Uchiha genius who has not been brainwashed by himself.

Naturally, it will not be soft.

Double 11 reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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