“His surname is Ape Fei, and his name is Asma! As for why you beat him like this, I just told you, he is a!”

Uchiha Wanye said indifferently to the ape flying sun.

He was not afraid of the Third Generation Hokage in front of him getting angry at him.

In the current ninja world, apart from bonds, there is nothing that can stop the current Uchiha Wanye.

If the three generations of Hokage are in this matter.

Dare not give yourself a reasonable way to deal with it.


The fishing boat will be raised.

At that time, the situation of ape flying sun chopping will be too delicate.

Just wait for him to come back again.

This Konoha is probably going to follow the surname of Uchiha.

“What? What do you say his name is? ”

Ape Flying Sun seemed to think that he had just misheard his ears.

Hurriedly urged Uchiha Wanye to say it again.

However, Sarutobi thought that he had misheard.

But everyone around didn’t feel that they had misheard.

Some uninformed people.

Immediately moved his gaze to the pig-headed man on the ground and looked carefully.

Some friends who are familiar with Ape Flying Asma.

After carefully looking at the pig-headed man on the ground.

The pig-headed man on the ground was immediately identified.

It was the ape flying Asma.

It was too late for them to inform the three generations of Hokage.

Uchiha Manye spoke up again.

“His name is Sarutobi Asma, and he is the son of the third-generation Hokage Ape Hibiki, do you hear clearly?”

Uchiha Wanye stared at Ape Feiri and said word by word.


This time, Sarutobi really heard the name that Uchiha Wanye said.

Immediately ran to Asma, who was undergoing Tsunade’s treatment

When everyone heard Uchiha Wanye, they actually dared to provoke the three generations of Hokage like this.

I was taken aback.

At this moment, Asma, who was originally flying fat on his face like a pig’s head.

Under Tsunade’s treatment, a little swelling gradually disappeared.

“My child, are you all right?”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper came to Ape Flying Asma.

Said painfully.

“Nothing. Not.. Affair! ”

Ape Flying Asma recovered a little because of the condition on his face.

I can already slowly spit out a few words.

“It’s really Ape Flying Asma, poofhahaha!”

Tsunade watched the father and son love Sarutobi Asma and Sarutobi Hinata.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter for a while.


Ape Flying Sun looked at Asma with tears in his eyes.

Immediately scolded Tsunade.

“All right, all right! Stop laughing! ”

Tsunade replied.

Holding his breath, he puffed out a big bag on his pretty face.

“Can the child stand up? Daddy gets justice for you! ”

Sarutobi asked Asma in his arms with a worried look.

“Yes!” Ape Fei Asma spat out a few words incoherently.


Ape Flying Sun let go of the ape flying Asma in his arms.

Immediately stood up, and came to Uchiha Wanye in anger.

Asked angrily.

“Why did you beat Ape Flying Asma like this?”

“Why? Why? Hahaha! ”

After hearing the words of the ape flying sun.

Uchiha Wanye chuckled.

“What are you laughing at?”

Sarutobi Hinata looked at Uchiha Manyo, who suddenly laughed.

Asked with a frown.

“You ask me why? Shouldn’t I ask about your giant baby? ”

Uchiha Wanye’s face was calm.

But a crimson flame was already burning in the pupils.

Sonny said forcefully.

“That Uchiha Manyo, what is the giant baby?”

Zi Lai also scratched his head and asked a little out of place.

“Only the shell grows up, the consciousness is still in the infant stage, and the mind thinks every day that there is his own father, not a giant baby.”

Uchiha Manyo replied to Jiraiya.

“Good word! Hahahaha!”

After understanding what the giant baby meant.

I couldn’t help it anymore.

Hilarious laughter.

And everyone present.

After hearing Uchiha Wanye’s explanation of the word given to Sarutobi Asma.

They also closed their mouths one after another, hindering the face of the three generations, and did not dare to laugh out loud.


Ape Fei Ri Chopper couldn’t hold back any longer, and roared angrily at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya’s smile stopped instantly, and then he quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

“Why did you say that Asma!?”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper suppressed the anger that could not be suppressed.

Angrily questioned Uchiha Wanye.

Double 11 reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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