“Wanye, do you have any plans?”

Fugaku decided to go according to Manyo’s wishes, the strength of the three generations, he was clear, now in order to target Wanye, he also handed over the Xiaozhi mercenary group that had recently become famous in the black market to the village.

Under the strong alliance, Fugaku believes that he is not an opponent.

“The people of the guard team have to be called back first, the eldest brother let them leave no one to leave a shadow doppelganger, I plan to give three generations of them, a surprise.”

There is nothing to say about the battle between ninjas, who has the big fist and who is justified.

In the village, now, there are only three generations left who can still be called masters, plus Tuanzang.

After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the three generations can be called suffocated, and they have dragged Konoha into the abyss since they dug their own graves.

This time, the main force of the night of extermination must be someone who knows.

As long as Uchiha Wanye blocks these famous and surnamed masters, the remaining Konoha ninjas such as Root and Dark Part, Uchiha can press them to fight casually.

Soldiers “390” against soldiers, generals, kings against kings!

Unfortunately, Xiao, who came back this time, obviously did not bring their king over.

Cross-class battles, victory and defeat need to be said?

Guard Building.

To avoid the vigilance of the three generations and others, the person who came to inform this time was Uchiha Manyo himself.

With his skill, bypassing the village patrol is undoubtedly a hand-to-hand capture.

Even if you add black and grass roots, Wanye can still be able to swim with ease.

Personnel were evacuated in turn.

If you don’t alarm anyone, clean up the entire guard building.

Wanye walked inside the building, and silk threads continued to extend out from his fingertips, quietly penetrating into the wall.

Uchiha Armory, let him lay down the psychic formation, and the detonation charm teleported over was transformed into a talisman line under the control of Wanye.

He planned to set up a mutual detonation charm array in the guard building.

This time, the scale cannot be as unscrupulous as when it was rooted.

Near the guard, there are many important buildings.

Therefore, Uchiha Manyo needs to take into account the lethality while ensuring that the surrounding buildings will not suffer much damage.

After thinking about it, Wanye finally decided to refer to the layout of the No. 7 research room in the root dungeon.

The granite wall seals the entire laboratory, and then restricts the intruder with a nutrient solution, and the detonating charm silk thread is distributed throughout the field, but whenever it is touched, it can be directly exploded.

In order to ensure the safety of the plan, before Manye left, he left four earth doppelgangers near the guard building as a back hand to close the building space.

Hokage building, conference room.

“Then do it!” The three generations nodded and made a decision.

“Smart move!”

Kuro kept smirking.

Even if it is today, if the three generations do not cooperate, it will choose to start today.

This is the best opportunity.

As he entered Konoha, Kuroki scanned around Uchiha’s patrol distribution on the periphery.

Still as usual, Uchiha Wanye obviously did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and today it was dark, and decided to teach him a good lesson.


Tuan hid up, he planned to be not much different from Kuro.

Uchiha must die, a day earlier, a day in the evening, the difference is too great.

When Danzo’s words fell, the root ninja who was hidden in the dark left the Hokage Building and flew away.

With the lessons of the last time he let Wanye blow up the headquarters, Tuan Zang no longer puts eggs in a basket.

The roots are large and small and divided into countless pieces, distributed throughout the village of Konoha, both inside and outside.

More important areas, or key laboratories, will be more guarded.

Three generations, Tuanzang, left one after another.

Hei Jue opened the underground cavity, and through the art of mayflies, Xiao, who was transferred in, except for the boss of Nagato, all the rest were present.

All S-class rebels, this is unique in the entire history of the ninja world.

Dried persimmon ghost mackerel, Kakuto, and flying section appeared one after another. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Today’s Xiao has not yet developed to its peak, so you have to add Uchiha Itachi, Deidara, and the Great Snake Pill.

Itachi, because of age, and the uncontrollable factor of Wanye, don’t want to fool around with this group of people in this life.

Scorpion and Deidara are also because of their age, and they haven’t let Hei Jue look at them for the time being.

“This is Konoha?”

The tall, humanoid shark dried persimmon ghost mackerel looked at the conference room expressionlessly.

“How else could it be?” Thin as a firewood, grinning, a kind-looking face, an inhuman appearance destroyed by himself.

Kakuto had come to Konoha a few times, but the Hokage Building, he was also seeing it for the first time, but he was old and steady, unlike a few young people in the team, he only had money in his eyes:

“Where’s the goal, absolutely?”

“Home, I haven’t moved for a while, I should have slept.”

Hei can only judge Wanye’s whereabouts through the general situation.

It’s true that the art of mayflies is powerful and hidden, but a shadow-level master is not a wasted name0…..

It is close and easy to detect.

“So what are you waiting for, let’s go! Who is leading the way today, Fei? ”

Pushing open the window of the conference room, Fei Duan glanced at Obito playfully.

This guy, from the moment Fei Duan joined the organization, the two did not deal with each other very well, they did not see anyone for many years, and they still hid under the mask every time.

This kind of guy with a hidden head and a tail, the flying section has not been very watchable.

“Trust me, this time, you are more suitable than me!”

Obito makes humility that is rarely seen.


Fei Duan’s subsequent mocking words, let Obito directly block, people are so faced, he wants to continue to fight against people, isn’t it to give face without face?

“Okay, this time it’s up to Uncle Ben! Uchiha Wanyo, Uncle Ben wants to sacrifice you to the evil god, hahaha…”

Seeing that this product was about to get nervous again, the members of Xiao directly ignored him.

After all these years, it is time for them to see the weird.

In these years, what is bad to believe, to believe in evil gods, the brain is not sick, you have to give people something wrong with the faith!

Xiao, the third generation and others were divided into two ways.

At the beginning of the flying section, he led a group of organizers to kill the Uchiha clan.

The three generations were busy dispatching troops, while Danzo sharpened his sword, took the roots, and the ninjas of the Shimura clan, and killed the guards.

As long as Xiao can hold on, the two brothers of Uchiha Wanye will have it in a moment, and Tuan Zang will have it in the evening today, and a large number of chakra eyes will be included in his pocket.

The night is quiet.

The patrol team outside Konoha, I don’t know why it was 5.9 in the evening today, but after a while, I could feel it from the top of my head, and a cool breeze was blowing.

It was like the sound of the wind when someone passed over them.

But whenever they looked up, there was nothing in the sky.

Coming and going, many patrol members, grass and trees, a little wind and grass, can scare them half to death, all on this evening, leaving a lot of sequelae.

The Konoha Guard Building, right in front of him, Danzo is still present separately, and the day of personally leading the team, how can I wait for confirmation that Uchiha Wanye died before and after his eyes.

“Move sharply, don’t let Uchiha’s people find out!”

Tuanzo ordered.


The order was transmitted, and the regiment rushed to the Uchiha tribe without stopping, and the guards could only be regarded as an appetizer.

The reason why he deliberately ran here was also to avoid a head-on conflict with Uchiha Wanye.

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