Picking up cheap is the goal, clean up Uchiha, Tuanzo must have this ability, and what else does Xiao need to do, he himself did it first.

The true effect of the Sharingan, not many people know it.

In the Xiao organization, Tuanzo did not see the existence of people from the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, as long as the Sharingan is at war between Xiao and Uchiha Wanye, the root ninja will do everything to gouge out the eyes of the Uchiha clan on both sides of the death and war.

The task is not very difficult, no matter how strong Uchiha Wanye is, after all, it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands.

Xiao sneaks into Uchiha.

“I’ll solve it, the upper Shinobi of the Uchiha clan, can’t give them a chance to assist, the two brothers of Uchiha Wanye!”

After getting started, Obito suggested.


Hei Jue naturally cooperates, the more the Sharingan collects, the better, the plan of infinite monthly reading, before completely turning his face, Hei Jue will be the most loyal helper of Obito and Madara.

“Don’t be careless, Uchiha Wanye’s strength will far surpass all the masters you have ever seen!”

Before leaving, Obito gave a final word.

Shenwei will have no power to fight back in the face of the current Uchiha Wanye, as long as the tomb wheel side hell can be used, the blur of the soil, in Manye’s opinion, is a joke.

People who use Shenwei, if it is a wave wind water gate, Wanye 05 needs to be extremely vigilant, after all, the speed of water gate nerve reaction is too terrifying.

Kai opened eight doors, decisively won six spots, Ye Kai stepped on the foot of the void, and the water gate dared to fly the thunder god shuttle, and took away the Dao Jade with his body.

The power of chaotic space-time after the void was shattered still could not be stopped, and the flying thunder god of Watergate, it can be seen that this guy’s perception of time and space is terrifying.

“Sounds like you’ve fought him?”

Kakuto suddenly asked.

“I didn’t fight each other, but I’ve seen his shots quiet, don’t blame me when you die!”

Say, Obito does not stop.

He and Wanye have indeed never fought, can the second-kill game still be called a fight?

Obito shuttled through the Uchiha tribe, turned into the room, saw that the person took out the kunai, and wiped his throat with a knife.

The bitter blade cuts the fragile throat of the human body, but why is it wrong to feel right?

This guy in front of him doesn’t seem to be human.

Sure enough, in the next second, the person who was wiped with soil and turned into a dummy with several detonation charms attached to his body.


A huge explosion roar sounded.

The house was blown into the sky, shattered furniture, and shattered windows and glass.

Obito was naturally unscathed, since he awakened Kamui, except for the battle of the fourth generation, and the killing blow of Uchiha Wanye, he had not felt what pain was like for a long time.

“Exposed?” Obito said to himself.

He couldn’t figure it out, Hei Je’s plan, even he didn’t tell it.

Today, Obito heard about it for the first time, and the three generations delayed the meeting.

No matter how fast Uchiha Wanye is, he can’t transfer all of Uchiha’s people away in such a short time, right?

People must still be in the tribal land, but where is it hidden?

On the edge of the tribal land, Tuan Zang arrived with a large army.

But when he arrived, he felt that something was wrong, it was too quiet!

Xiaoqiang is good, but Uchiha Wanye is not a waste that even people can not find when they touch their homes.

Being so quiet only proves that there are pitfalls.

Thinking of it, soon the trap explosion triggered by Obito resounded in the Uchiha clan.


Without saying a word, Tuan Zang planned to lead people to run.

“Shimura Danzo is worthy of you, alert to this point, if it weren’t for me at the beginning, I was planning to squat you, I would really be able to let you run today.”

The voice came from behind the root ninja and the Shimura clan, and I saw the figure of Uchiha Manyo, fading the darkness step by step.

The ninjas standing beside him, one after another, blood lines soared, their heads constantly soared into the sky, and finally fell to the ground, and the body of the ninja of the Shimura clan who fell to the ground, after falling to the ground, never stood up again.

The reflection of the side hell, shuttling through the crowd, is like a god of death who has stepped into the world and reaped the names of the world!

When a knife falls, it is a human life. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Splashed ink painting generally, blood stained the starry night!

“Run! Come on! ”

The Tuan Zang Ying doppelganger shouted in shock, he could not have imagined that the first person targeted by Uchiha Wanye would be himself.

The root ninja is still a little team spirit, knowing that he can’t run, he stopped one after another, turned his head and wanted to delay Uchiha Manyo, like the step of death for half a second.

Those figures who are desperate to be themselves, tonight, are the most beautiful scenery.

The root ninjas who were still alive drew their kunai one after another, and when they turned around, a line of blood bloomed and their heads separated!

The memory of suffering and fighting is their last memory in this life.

It can also be regarded as, die without regrets!

Compared to the well-trained root ninjas, the people of the Shimura clan are a little unbearable.

Treachery, abandoning your companions and running away.

On the way, in order to give people more chances of survival, they did not hesitate to use their own clansmen and change their methods to create problems for them.

The weapon in the hand of the root ninja was used to deal with Uchiha Wanye, and even though he knew that he was invincible, he still rushed forward without hesitation.

And the weapons of the Shimura clan are all on their own people.

Focus on the key points one by one!

“Get out of the way! It will be me who is alive! ”

“Get out! You count that green onion! ”

“Dead open, don’t take it seriously…”

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

The people of Ichichi Village, running in a panic, flung their shurikens forward, half ahead of his fellow tribesmen, for nothing else, just to drag him into the water.

A large number of throws, covering the front line of the escape brigade, kunai, shurikens, and detonation charms, are not uncommon. 037 Escape light and shadow, illuminating the edge of the Uchiha clan, from beginning to end, can not hit, several people’s fire, today can be regarded as on this escape road, a big kill.

Watching the clansmen and his men fall one after another, Tuan Zang’s heart was like a knife, and he couldn’t bear to die.

This is his family background, and the foundation of the one who will send him to the Hokage Throne in the future is!

Just watching like this, they were constantly slaughtered by Uchiha Wanye alone, and Tuanzo couldn’t say a word when he was stimulated.

For the stupid actions of the clansmen, Danzo only hated himself for not being present, otherwise he would not give these wastes a knife, blind, and his reputation for the darkness of Konoha.

Under Danzo’s desperate pupils, Uchiha Wanye stabbed him, obliterating his shadow doppelganger consciousness.

Beyond Konoha.

Shadow avatar consciousness returns to the ontology.

Realizing what had happened, a mouthful of old blood spurted out:

“Uchiha Manyo !!”

Underground, the roar of Tuan Zang was endless.

Realizing that returning to the Uchiha tribe land, the Tuanzang army that was still full of spirit a second ago, and finally died in one place, corpses.

Sticky blood stained the earth, and rows of corpses were squeezed in piles on the green belt on the periphery of the clan land.

The blood continued to gather, gradually condensing into a lump, a pool of scarlet blood, a large number of headless corpses, lying peacefully in it, like a trapped insect ant in a bright red amber.

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