"Gu Ayi!!!"

When two people just entered the house, the ink screamed at the tip of the eye, and suddenly they saw the person behind him, not who is Gu Yan? I was just ready to eat, but I can’t take it anymore, and I’m heading towards Gu Yanfei.

Mo Yichen is savoury, and sure enough, his father, who is getting along with him, is still less important than the "Gu Ayi" who occasionally sees the side. Mo Yichen stands on the side and looks at Gu Yan’s ink, and ink The rumor sighed in Gu Yan’s face, and Gu Yan did not refuse, just laughing.

Mo Yichen is not good, when can I kiss Gu Yan in the public, but also make Gu Yanxiao so happy? Although it is clear that their mother-son relationship is the best situation for themselves, but now they are just like an outsider being left aside, Mo Yichen still can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Gu Yan saw the ink whispering although she was happy, but at the same time she was also very clear. She is now in the Mohist school. It is tantamount to a thin ice. She did not say too much to the ink, because she is very clear that Li Yunhong is definitely at home now, she can’t When you come back, you can do something that Li Yunhong has to say. After all, Mo Yichen is in the middle, and it is not a person inside or outside. Gu Yan does not want to make Mo Yichen embarrassed.

The ink screams are very clever, and I feel that there is some restraint between Gu Yan’s actions. I think of the shackles between Gu Yan and my grandmother. The ink screams are even a child, and I know that Gu Yan is worried about anything, so she is quiet. Down, you can't make yourself an excuse for your grandmother to pick up the aunt.

"Grandma is in the restaurant."

Like seeing what Gu Yan is thinking, the ink whispered a word gently, Gu Yan gently nodded, indicating that the ink screamed that he already knew, and then turned to look at Mo Yichen, Mo Yichen Cautiously nodded, and told Gu Yan not to be nervous, Gu Yan also nodded, but how could it not be nervous?

If Li Yunhong is a wolf, then Gu Yan is the little white rabbit in front of Li Yunhong who has no counterattack force. Although this metaphor is not appropriate enough, it is actually the case.

A family of three walked toward the restaurant together. At this moment, Gu Yan felt that she was not nervous at all, because she was standing next to her armor, so that she could not fear the armor.



Gu Yan and Mo Yichen greeted Li Yunhong, Li Yunhong faintly responded, Gu Yan came back, and the ink reaction was so fierce. Li Yunhong just didn’t want to know that she was coming back, but she couldn’t help but feel in her heart, and her son did not face himself. Even if it is, even if it is directed to others, this Gu Yan, where is the good?

However, she did not react. After all, she had already said it to Mo Yichen. Now that Mo Yichen brought people home, it is their own approval. Now Li Yunhong can’t turn his face and recognize people. No response, it is already the best response, for Li Yunhong. Of course, for Mo Yichen and Gu Yan, the current scene is not bad.

Li Yunhong faintly responded, and then he said nothing. The dishes at the table have already been put together, but it is obviously not the amount of two adults. Gu Yanxin smiled, Li Yunhong is really a very contradictory person. Obviously, I have done a lot of things, but I don’t say anything on my mouth, or else I say something very offensive.

Gu Yan now feels that Li Yunhong is not as strong as it is on the surface. It is only something that is related to Mo Yichen and Mo Yanyan. It is always easy for her to fry. These things, Gu Yan feel that they can understand, after all, Li Yunhong Strong for such a lifetime, how could it be that in his later years, it will become soft?

Not only Gu Yan saw it, Mo Yichen also saw a lot of dishes on the table today, including a Li Yunhong's specialty dishes, Li Yunhong's arrangement is not easy to understand? Mo Yichen feels funny, Li Yunhong is really a contradiction.

However, Mo Yichen did not open his mouth, but wanted to wait to see if Li Yunhong had anything below.

Now the dishes are on the table, but the situation in the restaurant is a bit embarrassing. Li Yunhong is sitting alone, Mo Yichen, Gu Yan, even the ink screams, three people are standing, how can Li Yunhong not know, Do not say anything about Mo Yichen, is it not forcing himself to express his position?

Li Yunhong hates tooth itch. This is a good son who has been born. It is really a wife who has forgotten her mother. Now she can not be a wife, but her mother, it seems to have been Mo Yichen. Forgot to go to the back of the brain!

However, Li Yunhong is also a little tired. After all, she is already a little older. She has already been tossing with Mo Yichen. Who is willing to be with him, and who is with him, he can’t do the Lord of Mo Yichen now. It’s better to let go of it, why do you want to go to Mo Yichen?

At least Gu Yan’s heart is no problem. This is what Li Yunhong can determine. Although Li Yunhong is not very satisfied with her, Li Yunhong does not want to argue about it anymore. It doesn't mean anything, not only that Mo Yichen feels that home and everything is important, Li Yunhong feels the same.

"Sit down and eat."

The final compromise, of course, is Li Yunhong. Under the circumstances, where are the children lost to their parents? Isn’t it all that parents can’t take their children? I heard that Li Yunhong finally stated his position. Mo Yichen was so happy that he couldn’t hide it. The smile on his face made Li Yunhong look even more mixed, but what can she do?

Gu Yan is also happy, but she did not show it. She sat down under Mo Yichen and saw that the elders were already seated. The ink screamed back to his seat, although he did not know. What happened, but since Grandma did not care for her, it would be a good thing.

No one talks at the dinner table, but everyone has their own thoughts. Since Li Yunhong has already approved Gu Yan’s return to the Mohist family, it means that Li Yunhong has acquiesced in Gu Yan’s work. Gu Yan’s heart is really happy. Although she did not show it, but the atmosphere of joy is like a contagion, Mo Yichen also feels the joy of Gu Yan.

Gu Yan did not know what method used by Mo Yichen to convince Li Yunhong, but he was able to let Li Yunhong allow himself to go out to work, and Gu Yan was grateful to Mo Yichen. Yi Chen offended his own affairs, Gu Yan felt that he could not care about him for the time being.

Mo Yichen also bowed his head and smiled.

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