This was originally a quiet and boring meal. Of course, except for Li Yunhong who felt that he could not be counted by his son, everyone else was very happy. Everyone had finished eating the meal with care. Li Yunhong Out of the door, but did not explain to them what to do.

But Li Yunhong said that Gu Yan also knows that Li Yunhong is nothing more than going out to breathe. After all, he is in the Mohist school. It is also a test for Li Yunhong. Although this idea is not filial, Gu Yan feels that Li Yunhong is looking at himself. Maybe you can't breathe, right?

At the Moji rice table, there is a law of eating and speaking. Although the ink is only a child, but it was also restricted by Li Yunhong with rules and regulations, and the ink screams in front of Li Yunhong, still obey the rules. Therefore, when Li Yunhong left, the ink screamed like a bird that ran out of the cage.

"Gu Ayi, will you go again this time? Are you doing your work?"

The ink sings have not forgotten that when she moved out of the Mohist family, she took a lot of work to be busy, and did not want to disturb the reason of Mo Yichen. Now, listening to the ink screams, I can’t help but blush. After all, this is just for me. To sneak into the words of the ink, the ink utterances have become true.

"As long as you are jealous, I will not leave, unless there is a lot of work next time."

Gu Yan said this sentence, but his eyes turned to Mo Yichen, Mo Yichen smiled, where did you know Gu Yan? Gu Yan, this is to beat yourself by words! However, Mo Yichen did not deny it. He did not deny this. Therefore, he had to let Gu Yanxin swear, and Gu Yan was the boss. Of course, she said what it was.

Gu Yan originally wanted to use this to stab a spur of ink Yichen. I didn’t expect Mo Yichen to look at herself with a look of affection. Gu Yan was seen by him and he was red-faced, and his heart was dark and smoky, but Gu Yan What can be done, Mo Yichen is too aware of himself, too much to understand how he wants to do, can let himself surrender immediately.

"But Auntie, your father can't help you with your work? My dad can work hard!"

Hearing the ink screams, the scorpion of Mo Yichen could not help but darken. In the eyes of the ink, he has always been the hero who can do everything, but only Mo Yichen knows that he is in the company. In his own company, nothing is gone. He doesn't even have the opportunity to do some valuable work.

Every day, I do those meaningless work, every day is mixed, which makes Mo Yichen feel very distressed, but he is currently helpless, what can he do now? He can't even enter the decision-making circle.

In the past, those meetings that let Mo Yichen feel that they want to vomit have become the most missed things of Mo Yichen at this moment. It is really ironic to say it. It is obvious that many things are really lost when they know how to cherish them. No one in the world can be excused from the customs, no one can.

"My job, your father can't do it, only I will do it myself, so I can only do it myself, wait for you to grow up, learn design, and then help the aunt, okay?"

Although Mo Yichen is not sensitive, Gu Yan does not want to say more about these problems. After all, even the work at work is the pain point of Mo Yichen. Gu Yan feels that she still has to respect some things.

Therefore, it was only silently moving away from the topic, and it was quiet. The ink slogan was of course taken away by a word of ignorance. The ink screamed immediately chased Gu Yan and asked the west, the child was awkward, the net was There is no logical question about Tong Yan Tong Yu, but Gu Yan is not annoyed at all, patiently answering the question of ink rhetoric.

Mo Yichen’s God’s wounds were only a matter of an instant, and they were quickly attracted to the past by Gu Yan and Mo Yan’s question and answer. The mother and son had long since deviated from the beginning of the question, and did not know where to go. It is.

However, I have to say that Mo Yichen still admires Gu Yan’s patience. No matter what the ink whispers, Gu Yan can patiently answer, no hurry, Mo Yichen feels that he is doing this. It’s not as good as Gu Yan, my patience, I really don’t have such a good face.

Moreover, Gu Yan’s treatment of children is indeed a one-handed one. The problems that the ink whispers sometimes ask are still very tricky. Mo Yichen himself does not know whether he can answer it or not. Khan, but Mo Yichen’s worry is obviously superfluous. Every question of the ink screams, Gu Yan can answer it.

The perfect answer.

Looking at their mother and son, you come to me, time has passed for a long time, but Mo Yichen does not feel that time is hard, the time with their mother and child, every minute, every second I hope that Mo Yichen feels precious and can't wait to record it with a camera.

Of course, this is Mo Yichen's iron-and-heart tenderness, Gu Yan can't know, Gu Yan just thinks that the time with the ink screams is really too short, Gu Yan feels no words every time, time I have been unknowingly for a few hours, just like now.

Gu Yanming did not feel how long he had said with the ink screaming, but when I watched the watch, it actually took several hours. Now it’s time for the ink to sleep. Gu Yan is certainly not because he can’t bear to When the ink utters a word, it will not let him sleep.

Therefore, I was reluctant to go to sleep with the ink screams. The mother and the child both walked back to the room where the ink rang, and left only Mo Yichen himself. Mo Yichen had no choice but to smile. Sure enough, only one family of three When together, the most easily overlooked person is Mo Yichen himself.

In the heart of Mo Yichen, he decided to give Gu Yan a little "color" tonight. Otherwise, he really thought that he was a husband.

Gu Yan settled in the ink, and returned to his room with Mo Yichen. Today, after a day of tossing, Gu Yan feels tired physically and mentally. So when she returns to the room, she lies on the big bed and wants to slow down again. To take a bath.

After the shower, Mo Yichen came out and saw that Gu Yan had fallen down. Naturally, it was impossible to be indifferent. The beauty was so active. Mo Yichen thought that it was not Liu Xiahui. How could it be indifferent?

Mo Yichen leaned over and kissed the lips of Gu Yan, Gu Yan was shocked, and did not make a move at once. This is tantamount to stimulating Mo Yichen, and Mo Yichen looked at Gu Yanshui’s nephew. I feel that I am almost unable to hold myself. Of course, his hands are not idle, and he has already started to take care of Gu Yan.


One night was turned red, and the room was awkward.

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