Before Liang Shaoqi said, Chen Hao came back, and Mo Yichen did not put it in his heart, because in his opinion, even if Chen Hao was noisy, he couldn’t look down on the storms, but after all, Chen Hao had a criminal record. Concerned about Gu Yan, Mo Yichen sent a person to check Chen Chen’s recent whereabouts. If Chen Yu’an stayed at home quietly, Mo Yichen would definitely not provoke her.

However, what happened to Mo Yichen was that Chen Hao not only did not stay at home, but even went home, and went to Annan City.

Chen Hao is in Annan City. There is no interpersonal relationship. The only thing that can be related to her is nothing but a long wind. However, will Chen Hao go to find someone who is going to be a long wind?

Mo Yichen did not doubt the meaning of Qi Changfeng, but Chen Hao, why did he go to Annan City? There is definitely something I don't know. Originally, Mo Yichen thought so. If Chen Hao was at home, Mo Yichen would definitely not provoke her, but Chen Hao went to Annan.

In any case, Mo Yichen feels that this matter, he must ask Qi Changfeng, must be with Qi Changfeng. Although Mo Yichen bumped into Gu Yan and Qi Changfeng to eat together, although he knew in his heart, this is probably a misunderstanding, but Mo Yichen still feels that he still has no way to align with the wind. .

In the morning, Mo Yichen wakes up very early, but Gu Yan still sleeps very well. Mo Yichen did not wake up Gu Yan, just quietly watching Gu Yan’s sleeping face, and Mo Yichen’s mind skipped a lot. Thoughts, but the focus of these thoughts, are all for the safety and happiness of Gu Yan.

Mo Yichen looked at Gu Yan in his own arms, and his mouth was still filled with a sweet smile. The heart of Mo Yichen followed with an inch and an inch of softness. Although Mo Yichen also loved this warmth, he was very Clearly, there are still a lot of things to do.

Gu Yan is not in Annan now, so there is no need to get up early every day, she does not have to go to work, even if there is work, it can be done at home, so Gu Yan simply does not have to get up so early, Mo Yichen does not intend to argue Wake up to face.

Gu Yan, who has always supported herself behind her, Mo Yichen knows this very well, so Mo Yichen gently pulled his arm out from under Gu Yan’s neck and put on his clothes lightly. Mo Yichen did not choose to wash in his room with Gu Yan, but went to the room where the ink rang.

Mo Yanyan has gotten up, because he is going to school, and seeing that Dad came to his room so early, the ink screams a bit puzzled, but Mo Yichen does not seem to explain to himself, the ink sings are also interesting. Without asking, the father and son were silently washing each other.

After cleaning up, Mo Yichen left home first, while the ink rang said that he had to eat breakfast. After eating breakfast, he could go to school. Gu Yan had already gone home. In the ink, he wanted to let Gu Yan send it. I went to the school myself, but the ink screamed that Mo Yichen had to hide in his room, and he knew that Aunt Gu Yan was still asleep.

In this case, the ink sings will not have to send him to go to school, but he ate the breakfast, and then went to school.

Mo Yichen drove the car out of the Mohist family, and then found a place on the side of the road to stop the car. He did not think for a long time, and dialed the phone of Qi Changfeng. To tell the truth, the two people have not contacted for a long time. Yi Chen thought in his heart, is it really too narrow for himself?

Did not give him too much time to think, Qi Changfeng quickly picked up the phone, after all, for Gu Yan, Qi Changfeng thinks that he is honest, there is nothing to see, or what is necessary to avoid ink Yichen’s things, Qi Changfeng saw that Mo Yichen called himself, and naturally he did not hesitate to pick it up.


"Chen Chen went to Annan City, do you know? Have you met with you?"

The two big men didn't have any chills at all, and they cut into the theme directly. Mo Yichen didn't want to turn around. He just wanted to ask Qi Changfeng whether he knew Chen Hao went to Annan City. Qi Changfeng simply There is no need to hide from himself, so Mo Yichen did not intend to circle with Qi Changfeng.

"No, what's the matter?"

When talking about exports, Qi Changfeng also stunned. I don’t know why, I chose to deny myself, but after saying that Qi Changfeng couldn’t help but be amazed, denied? Why do you choose to deny yourself and choose to hide the truth from Mo Yichen?

"Nothing, she is back. Someone told me that she went to Annan City. I am afraid she is not well, nothing."

Hearing the answer of Qi Changfeng, Mo Yichen was relieved, but Chen Hao has also attracted the attention of Mo Yichen. After all, no one knows what she wants to do, but because she does not know what she is going to do. More to be prepared for her.

After saying this sentence, the two people are all thinking, no cold thoughts, and then hang up the phone.

Qi Changfeng is also very worried. After all, Chen Hao is indeed looking for himself. What Qi Changfeng can confirm is that Chen Hao has not given up on Mo Yichen. She is still trying to figure out something she is not clear about. thing.

When I hang up the phone, Qi Changfeng only came back to God. Why did he just deny a fact? Qi Changfeng does not know, perhaps, now in his mind, Mo Yichen is not the best choice for Gu Yan, Mo Yichen's current family, Qi Changfeng can not even determine whether he can protect the good Yan.

Although Qi Changfeng just did not tell Mo Yichen the truth, but this does not mean that Qi Changfeng is willing to look at what Chen Hao impulsively made to hurt Gu Yan, aligning with Changfeng, the most important thing, not Is it safe for Gu Yan, and one thing is that Qi Changfeng is more certain than Mo Yichen, that is Chen Hao.

Chen Yu’s motives are not simple at all. Qi Changfeng is not stupid. Chen Yulai finds himself and offers such tempting conditions. It will definitely not be a plot. Chen Hao only wants to be a good person. Gu Yan, this kind of statement, let alone Qi Changfeng will not believe, it is estimated that even Chen Hao himself will not believe it.

Mo Yichen now, can you really protect Gu Yan? Qi Changfeng does not believe that he does not believe in the bottom of his heart and protects his face. It is still up to him to arrange it. Qi Changfeng feels that this can really make himself feel down.

Just do it, Qi Changfeng immediately called, arranged the manpower to protect Gu Yan, even if he is not around Gu Yan, but to protect Gu Yan this kind of thing, he still has the spare capacity to do a good job.

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