BR, Chen Zhengliang did not look at the door.

Chen Bo was quick in hand and quick in his eyes.

"Don't go. Give it to a Zhong. You know Fang Fang's mind. Don't let her misunderstand her. My wife will be unhappy about it. "

“…… Oh, yes. Thank you for your reminder. Chen Bo. "

Chen Zhengliang is as honest as a dream.

"Do you care about dating? Ah! Who do you think you are? "

Fang Fang is very unhappy. She pinches her waist and stares down at me.

"I'll take care of it! It's my job! I tell you, I don't want you to touch this man! He's mine I'm not afraid of her.

after that, I turned back and pushed ah Zhong hard to widen the distance between them.

Listen to me, he's mine. Ah Zhong's heart suddenly throbs. His sweet feeling is like the sea water overflowing the bank. His eyes also add a lot of warmth. He can't help but step back three steps with my strength.

I jumped over and glared at Fang Fang.

Standing behind him, who am I afraid of!

It turns out that I am a complete Fox and tiger, ha ha.

Fang Fang was infuriated by my irrationality.

"What is yours and what is yours. It's just baffling! Unreasonable song makes a noise She yelled straight up her neck.

"I said so. How about it I jumped up and yelled.

"What do you want?" She called up.

"I'll do what I want! How about it I jump high and high.

"I don't agree! How about it There was a fire in her eyes.

"I agree! how! How about it I stepped on the spring under my feet.

We quarreled with each other red in the face. Ah Zhong stood by and was at a loss.

He only felt that there were ten thousand crows hovering low above his ears and at the top of his head, croaking and screaming, which made him dizzy and his ears roar.

"What to do! What should I do? What are you afraid of! It's terrible for women to fight. This really felt, Ning Xuan and little sister rob Adele, Adele's feeling. That feeling is more difficult than beating a hundred thugs, more deadly than not carrying oxygen cylinders to pedal mount Everest, more painful than sinking to the bottom of the sea to suffocate. Women, women, oh my God ~ "

" what to do? What should I do? Think about it, find a way quickly, and put an end to this embarrassing situation. "

"But now that I'm one and two big, I can't figure out what else to do. If only adelain was here, and good brother was better. Ah Ren and ah Yi could do it. My God, who can help me ~ "

" calm down. Calm down Calm down again. "

"It seems that the only effective way is to take one. Separate the two of them. yes. So, take Fang Fang? Little sister must be reluctant to say. Forget it. I'll take my little sister. Little sister will not easily involve may. As for Fang Fang, explain it to her later. It's easier for her to make sense. "

"I hope it works. Otherwise I will offend both inside and outside. "

A Zhong's head is in a mess. He has no place to put his hands and feet, and his forehead is sweating.

It took him a lot of effort to calm down, and it took him a lot of effort to get this thought out and come up with this wise move.

Making up his mind, he put out his right arm around me and warned in a low voice:

"don't make any noise, let's go Oh, don't use force. Put your little fist away. Listen to me, you can't beat her. "

I looked up at him and thought, "Hey, ah Zhong belongs to his own head.". Since he fell to himself, why should he cause trouble?

"Well, hum." I grabbed his thumb and turned away triumphantly. I waved my right hand and casually called, "bye bye! ~

this was absolutely unexpected to Fang Fang, but it was in line with everyone's imagination in front of the French window.

"Yes. I said ah Zhong did right. You should take ma'am. That's right. "

"Fang Fang is easier to understand than his wife and will understand ah Zhong."

"The most important thing is that Fang Fang doesn't bite people."

"You are not a Zhong. How do you know?"

"Let's hang out 24 hours a day. Have you ever seen a Zhong's hand or body where there is a trace of being bitten?"

"Oh, yes, so do you."

Fang Fang was cold and stamped her feet.

When I accidentally saw the bright watch on my wrist, she was more angry and rushed forward.

It's a watch with only one piece in Hong Kong. It's a gift ordered by a Zhong from Europe a month ago for her 25th birthday.

This would-be husband's heart is actually on someone else's wrist, and that person is still so clamorous and so ungrateful.

How could she give up?

Nature will rush to take it.

Fang Fang's recklessness made me stagger forward. Fortunately, a Zhong was quick and quick. He grabbed my neck collar and picked me up in time. I didn't lie open on the lawn.He gently put me down and glared at Fang Fang with reproachful eyes, but Fang Fang ignored me and focused on that watch.

I shook Fang Fang's hand away from me, and called out fiercely, "what are you doing?"

"Give me back my watch!" She grabbed my wrist and unscrambled my watch.

"Mine! No I pulled my arm in.

Fang Fang secretly took me by the wrist. This lead, I know, ah Zhong is right, I am not her opponent.

I feel like Amy's worth of force is about the same.

When a Zhong sees Fang Fang's watch, he takes a breath of cold air, and a slightly guilty look flashes on his face. However, since it is already a fact, he does not regret it.

Seeing that the little apprentice was going to suffer, he couldn't bear it again. He quickly stretched out his big hand to both sides and pulled the people apart.

Fang Fang stamped her feet and screamed, "where did you come from! You have to take whatever I like

After listening to this sentence, Chen Zhengliang's heart sank and moved his compassion.

That's right. Fang Fang is pathetic.

People like you, you belong to the little monster. All kinds of pleadings are rejected by you for thousands of miles.

People like ah Zhong, but the little monster is in the middle. It's easy for two people to look at each other, and they are going to talk about marriage.

A Zhong generously carried a month's birthday gift on the little monster's wrist.

And the little monster in front of others, but also so justifiably shout.

It looks like, it's some, some, it's not good.

"I am the guest of the house! How about it I scream louder than her.

"Guest?! Oh, No. Don't think so, little sister. This is your home. You should stay. If you go missing again, not only brother Liang, but also me, Adele and Uncle Chen will go crazy. " A Zhong felt a little cold in his heart and almost cried out.

"Whatever you are. Give me back the watch! " Fang Fang stretched out her right hand to my eyes.

"Good! You say it's yours. If you ask it to promise, I'll give it back to you! " I'm shaking my wrist to make her angry.

"My wife, I don't care." Ah Ren shakes his head.

"It's also called a condition, ma'am." Yi also shook his head.

"Little monster, you can't bully people like this when they quarrel." Chen Zhengliang couldn't see through.

"You call it, does it promise?" Fang Fang is really smart. She will come back.

"Yes. I'll see what you say. Little monster. " Chen Zhengliang scratched his chin playfully.

Everyone was excited and put their faces on the French windows to watch the good play.

"It's mine when it's on my hand. I don't have to call it. Do you name yourself every day to prove that you are yourself? "

As I spoke, I stood on tiptoe, trying to maintain the same height as her, showing my inherent high posture.

"Oh, aduh, my lady's head is turning so fast."

"That's right. Learn to go to a Ren. You can use it. "

"You are unreasonable. I tell you, if my name is ah Zhong, he will agree

Fang Fang's goal shifted to a Zhong.

A Zhong was stunned. He secretly pulled Fang Fang's sleeve.

Fang Fang broke off his hand and glared at him fiercely, demonstrating.

"Well, if he answers, I'll let him go without saying a word, and I'll apologize to you."

I'm not a vegetarian. I'm good at fighting like this.

"What? How dare you respond to such conditions? "

"Think Fang Fang dare not call, or ah Zhong dare not answer?"

"I see her head, let a Zhong shake not smart."

"Blunt pig. I don't know how to lose. "

"It's OK. It's a big deal. I don't admit it. "

"Well, it's a regular thing for Madame."

"Ah Zhong! ~Fang Fang felt aggrieved, and stamped her feet in a hurry and anger. She sincerely hoped that a Zhong would stand in her own position.

A Zhong is not stupid. He looks at Fang Fang with some anxiety. After all, he really loves Fang Fang and doesn't want to hurt her heart. He also sincerely hopes that the quarrel will be over soon, so he still unconsciously wants to accept.

Just when his mouth was just opened, the word "Oh" seemed to show his lips. I jumped up at the right time and stretched out my hands to hold his lips accurately, so he was just muffled.

"Oh, my God, there's another trick."

"I said she dares to let Fang Fang shout. The door is here."

"I said she couldn't be so blunt that she had no way out."

"Fortunately, Xiaojin didn't see it, or I'll see how he treats you!"

"Ah Zhong didn't answer. You still don't go. What are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you. I'd better leave as soon as possible, so as not to look bad. " My eyebrows are light.

"You cheat." Fang Fang didn't admit defeat and played a dirty trick."I don't care! Ah Zhong didn't answer anyway! He can't go with you I'm an expert on Lippi.

"You bad girl!"

Fang Fang was really angry. She stretched out her hands and pushed my shoulders violently. I was unprepared. I sat down on the ground with a flop. The palms of her hands touched the ground and rubbed off a layer of skin, which exuded blood.

"Yes! You're right! I'm a bad girl. I'm as bad as I want to be. Hum ~ "

I'm also angry. I never suffer losses and jump up and bump her.

"Well, I said, they changed their hands. What about Chen Bo? "

"Don't worry, Ren. Ah Zhong is here. Trust him, he'll take care of it. "


The impending "violent incident" is about to ignite a fire of war. Can a Zhong handle it well and what will he do?

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