At half past ten in the morning, the big house.

For my own heart and may's heart, I ran to grab a Zhong with Fang Fang.

Fang Fang's argument was poor and she was defeated, but I took the lead step by step. The most important thing was that a Zhong was on my side. Although he said nothing, all kinds of signs showed that he still cared about me.

So there was no way, Fang Fang pushed me to sit on the ground, so I rubbed my palm.

I'm not easy to provoke. I jump up and hit her with all my strength.

In this way, we abandoned literature and started with martial arts.

It was like a carnivore scratching its prey on both ends. It grinned and arched its back, and hissed fiercely. Each roar hoped that it would go further from the victory, give the opponent a sharp shock and take away the only God of war.

Ah Zhong, who was ignored by us, couldn't read or listen to him. He ordered himself to stop this endless dispute between two women.

That's when it's time to do it.

He pulled us together and yelled, "stop it!"

"Shut up

I didn't expect that Fang Fang and I opened his hand at the same time, grasped each other again, and yelled out these three words at the same time. At the same time, we also glared at him with an attitude of cross brow and coldness.

A Zhong was so stunned that he blinked and suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

Also stunned are a group of people in the living room and in front of the French windows.

"Don't get involved in women's wars. Whether you're prey or not, it won't work out."

At the thought of this, people looked at each other, swallowing and sweating for a Zhong.

Chen Zhengliang was more difficult. He didn't show up because he was inconvenient to intervene.

You think, if he helps me, Fang Fang will be sad. He knows that Fang Fang loves him and still loves him. He can't let Fang Fang misunderstand him, let alone give her a chance to misunderstand him.

What's more, if he helps Fang Fang, I'll have to blow up my nest.

According to my personality, I must be crying and crying to leave, and I dare to ask him to watch himself get married, and to be angry with him.

Who will do this kind of loss making business?

Why do you get caught up in something that's hard and thankless?

Therefore, the hope is placed on the Almighty ah Zhong, hoping that he can live up to expectations and solve this problem.

At the moment, under the bright sunshine, in the gorgeous garden, there are two women, one man and three people

Ah Zhong looked at my broken palm and complained in a low voice: "Fang Fang, how can you use so much strength? Why be angry when you have something to say."

"You! You!... "

Fang Fang is full of grievances and kicks him to the lower leg.

"Hello! You dare to kick him when I'm here! Ah! You have a temper to me! Come on! Come on! I'm not afraid of you, villain

I stood up at the corner of my eyes and hit her as hard as I could.

That's my most admired master. Can you do it?

"Ah! ~"Fang Fang got the move and stepped back two steps, but she didn't stand firm.

But ah Zhong didn't reach out. She was so sad that a sense of despair spread in her heart.

Because a Zhong only thinks about the beautiful things.

Since he was born, he has always been the image of the God of protection, always cold and mercilessly waving his fist to teach people.

At this moment, the little girl, who is not tall or small, suddenly jumps out to fight against injustice and protect himself. This kind of caring makes his heart warm and comfortable.

Love is really a magic thing. It can always make your heart soft and sweet. The whole person seems to jump into the ocean of love. The heart, eyes, mind and body are full of happiness. Happiness can make you intoxicated, envied and unable to stop.

Ouch, even some can't bear it ~

what to do ~

"drink! It's really the spirit of the country Chen Po nodded and smiling.

"Aggressive side leakage." Sister Shen also laughed.

"Ignore him, let's go."

I threw out my unremitting eyes, pulled up a Zhong and left.

He seemed to be led by me, and followed me to open his legs.

Fang Fang stamped her feet in a hurry, her tears swirled in her eyes, and she cried out in a trembling voice:

"ah Zhong, don't go, ah Zhong If you leave today, never come to me! I'll break up with you

"If you break it, it's rare! Brother Zhong will go with me. "

I resolutely replied to Fang Fang's ultimatum. Like an ox pulling a cart, I pulled ah Zhong up and took a big step.

"The one who can defeat me is not yet born? Hum ~, dare to say that I am a bad girl, dare to push me, dare to rob me, and Practice for another thousand years My heart is still angry, too lazy to look at her.

But Fang Fang's scream still wakes up a Zhong's inner intolerance and calls back his soul.He turned back to look at the lonely Fang Fang, hesitated for a moment, stopped, let go of my hand, turned back to comfort.

Fang Fang ignored his chatter, pushed him away three times and five times, and glared at me.

If ah Zhong doesn't kill me, he will never forgive me.

"Well, well, you'll be together. I'm redundant, I'm boring, I'm nosy, I'm unreasonable. Then I'll just leave. Brother Zhong, I know you hate me and reject me. I'm leaving now. I go back to shallow water bay. I'll never see you again. You and you are together

"I don't know why I came here."

"What the hell am I doing here?"

as I speak, my bright and full tears fill my black eyes, shaking into the lips of a sewing machine and running behind my ears.

It's a little exaggerated.

I did it on purpose.

More deliberately, I turned around and ran.

"Oh, no! Little sister, stand one stop

Ah Zhong catches up with me again. He is afraid that I have to do what I say.

Fang Fang catches up with LAA Zhong's other hand. She bursts into tears and sobs, "ah Zhong! You say, do you want her or me? "

Look at the weeping girlfriend on the left and the sad little sister on the right.

A Zhong is in a dilemma. He clenches his hands at both ends and can't bear to let go. He is so anxious that his mouth just can't speak. It seems that it's the end of the world. His forehead is sweating and his hands and feet are nowhere to be placed.

"It's over. This is a difficult time for ah Zhong. " Some of Chen Bo couldn't look down, and he thought in his heart whether to go or not.

"Well, let's go out and deal with it. Lao Chen, you take Fang Fang and I'll take my wife. "

Sister Shen's tone was very urgent. She turned around and looked at Chen Zhengliang: "xiaoliangzi, my wife is aggrieved. I'll take her back to the room and comfort her. It's heartbreaking to see her in tears. Alas ~ "

however, at this time, the stalemate situation turned to a worse situation. Fang Fang threw away ah Zhong's hand and ran to the teahouse and cried bitterly.

Ah Zhong looked at her, then at me, turned around and took me back.

Chen Bo and Xin Jie naturally stopped.

Chen Zhengliang understood and ran to me in three steps and two steps. He hugged me and asked me to go back to my room with him.

I don't want it.

My tears splashed down like two rivers. I tried my best to hold a Zhong's thumb. When I saw that the palms were sweating, I changed my grip. Anyway, I would not let go.

The big black clouds above their heads, coughing and sighing in their hearts, silently sat with me in the sofa, waiting for me to calm down their grievances.

Ah Zhong is not sitting or standing at the moment. His heart is fried into a sizzling steak. He looks at his younger sister and Chen Zhengliang. He shakes his head. After a while, he looks at everyone and stretches his neck to look outside. He sighs all the more.

In this way, after about ten minutes, I was ready to leave. I let go of a Zhong's thumb, and stopped fighting. I went back to my room with Chen Zhengliang.

As if a Zhong was granted amnesty, he ran to the garden to coax his girlfriend.

The storm ended in the tears of two women.

Do you know that Fang Fang has not left, maintaining the aggrieved form and so on a Zhong coax, really hypocritical, hum.

By this time, we were back in the bedroom.

Chen Zhengliang gently closed the door and sat me down on the sofa.

He wiped my tears again with a tissue in his hand, and gently reproached him: "look at you. If you make a Zhong unhappy, you still shed tears. What's the big deal? As for this. Stop crying

I knocked off his hand, ignored him, turned to sit on the other end of the sofa, raised his hands to cover his face, still wronged, can not stop crying.

"All right, all right. No more crying. Watch out for tears. Look, it was a very happy day. Why should it be like this, isn't it? " He sat down with a tissue in his hand and couldn't find my face.

I still ignored him. I didn't listen to what he said. I didn't take the hands off my face. I didn't stop crying until he promised that Fang Fang would not appear in front of me again.

"Hee! Hee hee! Cluck

The sudden laughter made Chen Zhengliang feel dizzy. He forcibly took my hand and moved my face. Seeing that I was really laughing, he was startled.

"You! Are you sick? Do you want to see a doctor? "

"I'm not sick." I smile with complacency, complacent said: "don't use this move, how can loyal brother be soft hearted to me, how can I win, hum ~"

"you!" Chen Zhengliang shook his head in anger: "so you are playing a conspiracy! It's too much for me to worry about and make the whole family unhappy. Come here. "

Before the words fell, he grabbed me, raised his big hand and slapped my butt.

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts. Help! Help

It really hurts. This time it's not a fake. It's very heavy for a big guy.

You don't believe me when I say he has a grudge against me. Isn't that the most powerful proof.

I screamed miserably. Chen Zhengliang was covered with goose bumps. He just stopped his hand and revealed the truth."You'll get a Zhong and Fang Fang to break up, do you know?"

"Break up!!! A Zhong and Fang Fang? "

Finally, I heard the clue and finally got the gift. Ha ha.

So I jumped in front of him, pinched my waist and asked:

"so Fang Fang is really a Zhong's girlfriend, but you arranged him to get close to may!!! What peace of mind do you have! If you dare to lie, I will tell may to go. May is not as good as me. Be careful that she moves out of the big uncle, who can help you when she sees it! "

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