On the top floor of Cathay Pacific's Chenguang shopping mall, the music is exciting, and the guest Jin Xiuxian is singing and dancing on the stage.

Sister Ning Xuan and I spent a lot of effort, but we could only squeeze into the middle of the crowd.

At this time, awei's mobile phone is buzzing. It's cousin Yifan's.

"Van Gogh, this is awei."

"Well, call on both of them, and we can leave."

"But fange, we can't find Miss ningxuan and Qiqi!"

"Too many people crowded out?"

"No, Kim Hsiu Hsiu Hsien's performance. They're going to sign. We didn't squeeze in."

"Ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ wait for me, I'll be there."

"Oh, yes."

Awei hung up the phone, put it in his suit pocket, picked up his shopping bag and sat down wearily in the rest area, watching the crowd chatting quietly with ah Hao beside him.

"Women are such a terrible species."

"Why there are women in the world."

"No, it should be the reason why there are shopping malls in the world, and they always discount them."

"Yes, yes."

"Look, it's really nice to be handsome. The fans are full of energy and their eyeballs are congested."

"This is the power of idols. To tell you, a shout from an idol is more effective than 10000 greetings."

"It's better to get along with your face now"

At this time, a large number of people screamed and gathered in front of the stage. It's no exaggeration to say that the scope of your sight is all the top of his head, and the idol you see is just above his nose. Er ~

sister Ning Xuan and I were pushed in and pushed out again and again. We were so anxious that our forehead was sweating, but we were not reconciled because the camera still had it Less photos ~.

Come on, come on again ~

but just when we were so easy to get into the crowd and catch our breath, we were pulled out by two big hands.

"Well, don't squeeze."

"No, no, star. We like him. We want to see him and take pictures with him."

"That is, we must go over and let go of cousin Yifan ~"

seeing that we were so anxious, he clenched his grip more tightly and said triumphantly, "well, listen to me, I've talked with his agent. In a moment, I'll give you 10 minutes to see him and take a picture with him. Happy ~, satisfied ~ "

" ah?! Really? My cousin has a lot of face. "

"Wow, that's great. I'm looking forward to it."

Our long cherished wish was fulfilled. Sister Ning Xuan and I danced happily, trotted to the bathroom to make up, and then looked forward to the arrival of the ten minutes.

Just then, cousin Yifan's phone rang. After answering, a trace of displeasure flashed on his face: "Er, beauties, I have something to deal with. You wait here, and someone will arrange you to see the stars later, OK?"

"Mm-hmm" we nodded absentmindedly, staring at the idol on the stage.

Yi Fan's cousin shrunken mouth turned and ordered: "the organizer has a reception dinner, I'll go to have a party. When this is over, you take them to the parking lot, call me again, and we'll go home together

"Good fan Ge" awei and ah Hao nodded.

Yi Fan cousin this just reluctantly turned to leave.

At this moment, Chen Zhengliang of the top floor office has completed the work of signing the memorandum.

Then, at the invitation of Party B, he attended the reception lunch. After a while, the banquet was over and everyone left.

Jin Xiuxian also left in our reluctant eyes.

My cousin Ning Xuan and I will never forget our ten minute close relationship.

Awei pressed the down button of the elevator, and we waited in front of the elevator, not forgetting to look through the group photos just taken.

"Kiki, this one looks good. This one looks good to me."

"You see how charming Jin Xiuxian smiles. I believe that he is my prince charming. I want to marry a man like him

"Really? Sister Ning Xuan, do you think so? I'm also ~"

"if you take him as the standard, you won't get married, won't you, Ah Wei?"

"Well, I totally agree."

"It's up to you."

"Of course we can't care. I'm afraid that brother van will get sick in a hurry."


"Look at this one again."

"And this one. Wow, he looks so handsome."

Just as my sister Ning Xuan and I had to look at the photos endlessly, we were full of admiration and admiration for Jin Xiuxian.

Hua ~ the elevator is coming, the door opens to both sides, and we step forward.

Perhaps God's mercy, maybe by chance, Chen Zhengliang and his brothers walked into the elevator next to us and went down in sync with us.

"Madame! It's Madame! Good brother, look, madam, madam ~, next door elevator, Madame is in it! "Good brother, good brother, look at it quickly." ah Zhong glared at Chen Zhengliang's arm and yelled and yelled."Cher! It's her! It's her! Oh, my God! It's her! My little monster ~ I miss people, my God ~ see, I see, really see

Chen Zhengliang's heart is shouting, his heart is shaking and his blood is boiling. He is panting like an athlete who has just finished 10000 meters.

"Cher, Cher! Love wife ~ love wife! Look at me, look at me, look at me, I'm here! I am here! Look at me, look at me

His whole body blood is concentrated in the brain, feel the whole person floating upward, dizzy can not see everything in front of him.

He firmly attached himself to the glass of the elevator, his hands kept beating, his eyes flashing with excited tears, greedily staring at the person in the phone opposite him, eager to step over, hold her tightly in his arms, and never let go.

"Ah Zhong, our elevator follows them."

"Good brother is."

The elevator took me to the first floor. It was not a few steps out of the elevator. My cousin Yi Fan happened to call me and said that the car was parked at the gate of the first floor Square. So we went up the stairs to the gate of the shopping mall, and then walked into the car.

It's a coincidence.

We missed the reunion again.

Alas ~ ~ ~ in the vast sea of people, I disappeared again, and Chen Zhengliang lost sleep again.


Building 11 garden house, block B, Hong Kong Garden, is located at 6-9 Seymour Road, clear water bay, New Territories, Hong Kong. It is the residence of Chen Zhengliang and his party in Hong Kong.

At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, extremely rare Blizzard opened the prelude to this winter.

Now the night was deep, the cold wind was howling outside, and the branches were swaying.

Chen Zhengliang stood alone in front of the French window of his study, gazing at the night and shouting in his heart:

"why do I feel heartache again and again, but I still don't know how to repent and want to continue. Xueer, I'm just a little unwilling to become so greedy."

"Xue'er, you really didn't talk about my sight. Since God has arranged for us to meet again, I will never give up this opportunity. "

"You know, acacia is like a merciless needle, bit by bit stabbing my heart, love you very much, I hurt very much."

After about 30 minutes, aduh and they walked into the study.

"Brother Liang, I didn't find out how the lady left the mall, but don't worry. Brother Liang, I'll check the monitoring again. There will be clues." Adele shook his head.

"I'm going to check the registration of vehicles" ah Ren nodded.

"Brother Liang is not in a hurry. I can't find out this time. Next time, my wife will come again. "Since the lady appears in the shopping mall, it means that she is likely to live in Hong Kong." a Yi whispered relief.

"Yes, Madame won't come all the way to the mall." everyone agreed.

"Let's contact all the detectives for clues. We'll find the following. We'll find it," ah Zhong said most loudly.

"En" Chen Zhengliang's voice is dry and has nothing to say, but his deep eyes tell us how anxious and painful he is.

With the same mood, everyone turned away in silence.

Chen Zhengliang sat in his study again for a long time before he walked slowly back to his bedroom.

Sitting on the sofa, he was puzzled: "Cher, didn't you see me today? Why? Why? Why? Why is everything like this? "

"Xueer, come to my arms. We can't be separated. Come back quickly and tell me where you are, my beloved wife, my Cher."

The question always lingers in the mind, because there is no answer, so for a long time can not disperse, like the bitter eyes, for a long time can not fall.


At the same time, villa 1-08, Pratt Road, Repulse Bay.

In the sofa of the living room, sister Ning Xuan and I gathered around cousin Yifan to see the photos. The excitement and fever in the daytime still did not fade away.

"OK, OK, I have something to discuss with you"

in order to let us listen to him carefully, cousin Yifan held the camera tightly in his arms and turned off the power supply.

“?” The two of us looked at the camera that had been removed, and at him, who had a firm attitude, and finally looked at each other.

"Well, say it." sister Ning Xuan answered him, and I listened in silence.

"Well, I need a partner for the company's annual meeting next Tuesday. I hope you will volunteer to accompany me." he smiles with his eight white teeth.

"Annual meeting! Don't "Ning Xuan" refused.

"Boring! No, no, no, No. "I'm shaking my head.

"Hey, look at the face of my painstaking efforts to let you take a picture with your idol alone, don't treat me like this." he was very aggrieved.

"Kiki, you go!" Sister Ning Xuan poked my forefinger on my forehead.

"Why do I go, don't you want to?" I dodged from side to side.

"I am the elder sister, the younger sister wants to be obedient, you go, you go, you go, dare not to poke your head, hear me?" she continued to poke, Gaga smile.

"Ah! ~How can your family have such a rule? It's not fair. I don't want to go, sister ningxuan. I'm going to scratch her."You go, you go." she scratched me.

It was a long time before we calmed down.

Yi Fan's cousin saw the opportunity and said, "Qiqi, you can't help but accompany me to attend the meeting. If you're not happy, we'll leave. Besides, the annual meeting is not always boring. Go to Qiqi ~"

"are you serious? Cousin Yifan, I'll leave if I don't want to." I sit up and put my long hair behind me.

"Of course." he squinted and laughed.

"Wow, I'm crazy. Cousin Yifan is so handsome with a smile. Oh, my God." I'm crazy again.

"Well, I agree." narcissism leads to brain dullness.

"Great, keep your word," he grinned.

I want to go back, but in the blink of an eye, I was melted by the perfect smile.


A glance of ten thousand years, chance.

Although Chen Zhengliang and I met again, we no longer knew him, but Chen Zhengliang did not know.

Alas ~ ~ ~ fate is like this, always let you in happiness and pain ferry.

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