Yiwei building, headquarters of Zhuang group, Hong Kong.

Finally, I stayed up until two o'clock in the afternoon. I was so bored that I had to drink water.

"Would you like some water? I'll help you."

There was a handsome man in front of me and handed me a big glass of juice.

"Thank you" I politely took over, reserved, like a lady's small mouth to swallow.

"My name is Xu Jialin. Nice to meet you. Here's my card

"Well, Mr. Xu is a private doctor."

"Yes, Yifan and I are invited here today."

"Oh, nice to meet you. My name is Zhuang Meiqi."

"What do you usually like to do?"

"Me I I didn't like anything, just shopping and eating ice cream.

"Ice cream!"!!! Oh, you know, there is a dessert shop in Yuen Long. The desserts are very delicious. The ice cream with special vanilla flavor is called authentic. "He is so intoxicated that he seems to have just eaten it.

"Vanilla ice cream, that's my favorite."

"Me too. You know, after work, I usually go to their store and buy a drink. "

"Really, then you are not familiar with the shop owner, and he will give you a discount?"

When it comes to eating, I feel energetic. It happens that he also likes ice cream and tastes vanilla. I feel like meeting a bosom friend, so we have a good conversation.

"Well, he gave me a 10% discount. I will take you to taste it when I have the chance. You must go, or you will regret it. "

"Well, that's settled. We'll eat when we have time."

"Come on, come on, follow me. I'll take you to a good place."

Cousin Yifan didn't know when to stand up. He said hello to Xu Jialin and left without saying a word. I had no choice but to smile at Mr. Xu and walk with him quickly.

"Ah? Good place? What's a good place

"You'll know when you get there."


The car stopped in front of a wide racecourse.

Yi Fan cousin pulled me out of the car and walked into the stable. I immediately felt that my clothes were out of place and my mood became strange.

The racecourse is a large round field. It is spacious and tidy. Next to it is a stable. There are many horses tied in it. It takes 30 horses at a glance. In front of the horses is a wooden fence, and in front of the fence is a long manger.

The horses had straight and long heads, short ears, long limbs, solid bones, and well-developed tendons and ligaments.

Yi Fan's cousin took me to walk over and gently stroked their faces and necks.

They seem very happy to see us wagging our tails and rattling our noses.

How do I feel, they are like a Harper dog, selling cute to their owners.

"What a beautiful white horse. Big eyes, long eyelashes, satin fur, snow white and shiny. "I was stunned.

"It's called the count. It's a pure blood BMW." cousin Yifan patted the count's neck with pride. The count immediately leaned his head over and gently put it on his shoulder to ring his nose.

"The original name of BMW is aharjejin horse. It looks handsome and powerful, graceful, light and flexible, with infinite endurance and endurance, and can ride for a long distance

"Because there is red substance in the sweat from the neck when running, it is red like blood, so it is called" blood BMW "

"My God, is that true? I can't believe my eyes. I've seen this scene in my dream. The prince is with his white horse. "I just dream, but I don't want to hear it.

Later, I didn't know what he said, and turned around and disappeared.

I watched the tall count, who was tied to the trough and had a complete saddle. Suddenly, I spoke to him.

"Horse, horse, you are so beautiful, so handsome, so powerful, and I am just a weak woman. Look at me, I am absolutely not lethal and not heavy. Can you let me ride it down"

after that, I blinked at it, and it held up its head and lowered its head, and could not see whether it agreed or disagreed.

"Well, I'll give you something to eat, and you'll let me ride it, will you?"

I ran to the side of the trough, took a carrot from it, bribed it, and carefully sent it to its mouth. It was not polite at all. It opened its mouth and took it in three bites and two bites.

I pad up my toes, learn from the appearance of Yi Fan cousin, reach out to touch its face.

It blinks, nods, grins and reveals a row of big teeth, as if in a smile.

"Do you agree? Really? Really? " I also grinned out eight teeth, it seemed to understand my words, nodded again, snorted, and turned back to the reins.

Then the rein I was so happy to kiss it that it understood.

"Well, that's what you agreed. Don't leave me behind, little darling. I'm coming here. Ha ha ~"

I'm working like a hamster.I moved the bench to the count's side, and then I picked up my dress, put the long skirt over my right arm, threw off my high heels and stepped on the bench barefoot.

Then I raised my left leg and put my left foot into the pedal of the saddle. At the same time, I held the saddle with both hands. Then I gathered enough strength to push my right foot, and my body ran upward.

Wow, I made it. I sat on a horse.

"Wow, I'm so flattered." I pulled the reins and looked around triumphantly.

"Why, count Unexpectedly Let you ride it Yi Fan's cousin widened his eyes, and his jaw fell to the ground, because he knew that the count had the same bad temper as himself, that is, keep away from strangers.

You know, usually even awei and ah Hao want to get close to it, but eight times out of ten times, the count refused them thousands of miles away, so they had to dodge their interest. So, today It's amazing ~

"am I very flattering? Hey, cousin Yifan, do you think I look like Hua Mulan, eh?"

"Well, the general is not like a real woman. Hello, do you want to slip around?"

"Think about it." I quickly made a horse riding posture to show him.

"Well, you take the reins of the horse," he said, undoing the reins and leading it out of the stable.

The count came out at the gentlemanly pace.

I looked around and felt that I was tall. Finally, I could look down at my cousin Yifan. I didn't make any comments on my neck. Ha ha ~, and I seemed to have entered my dream again:

in the colorful world, the prince led the white horse for me, and I rode happily on the horse

"Cousin Yifan, let the count hurry up, will you?" I'm getting carried away again.

"OK, sit tight." he trotted with the rein.

The count ran with his head raised and his four hooves turned up. The sound of the horse's hooves was clear and loud. It was very good to hear.

But after less than ten minutes, I couldn't stand it, because the count was too tall and too big, and the feeling of falling was too frightening.

Ah! ~I screamed out loud, then closed my eyes and threw myself on the count's neck. I didn't move.

Yi Fan cousin immediately stopped, he grabbed the reins and looked back.

The count immediately stood still. He shook his head and snorted, as if he was complaining, "it's useless to stop after just a few steps."

"Want you to be brave" Yi Fan's cousin hung his mouth and wanted to laugh.

He came to my side, stretched out his arms, and said with a sneer, "what, are you afraid? Come on, I'll help you down, give me my hand, hold my shoulder down."

It took me a long time to open my eyes and look timidly at him holding out his hands to him, but the count was too tall for me to reach him.

"If you can't reach cousin Yifan, I can't reach it."

"Well, then, sit up straight and let's go back."

"Well. Don't let the count run away, you must hold it well. "

"Know" Yi Fan's cousin lowers his head and smiles.

He and the count walked slowly back to the stable at almost the same pace.

After tying the reins three times and two times, he went to my side again, stood on the bench that I had just put on the ground, raised his arms to me, grinned and said, "come down, Hua Mulan ~"

"I still laugh at me, hum ~" although I stare at him, I am really relieved. My legs are on his side, and my hands are on his shoulder, ready to slide off the horse The feeling still makes me hesitant.

"Don't be afraid. I'll follow you and slide into my arms. Come on, "he waved.

"You must catch me. Oh, ouch, the count is so tall." I closed my eyes and prepared to slide. At this time, the count couldn't help but move his bright hooves back and forth.

I was so scared that I screamed and slid down.

Ah ~ ~ ~

stab ~ ~ ~

Bang ~

the surrounding area is also quiet.

After a long time, I opened my eyes and saw that I was safe and sound in the arms of my cousin Yifan. I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but I saw that the long back hem of the dress was hanging on the saddle. The dress had a long slit!

Go, go, go, go, my God, my God, I I How do I do it, how do I do it!!!

I blushed and my heart pounded. I didn't know whether to cover his eyes or his own face, or to cover his thighs.

Cousin Yifan has one arm around my upper body, the palm of which is close to my left chest, and the other arm embraces my legs. The palm stretches and holds up my back waist. From top to bottom, I can't stop looking at my perfect posture, which makes him feel restless and thirsty.

"Let me down." I put my arms around his neck and shook his head.

"Ahhh." he quickly stepped off the bench and put me down.

"Don't look." I picked up the skirt in a panic, turned to run to the other side of the count, squatted down and pulled his neck and called: "the skirt is broken, cousin Yifan ~ how to do! ~"

" he just stood there laughing."You still smile, blame you, did not pick me up."

"I'm sorry. I'll tell you I'm sorry."

"What now. Look for a way, cousin Yifan ~ "

" well, here's my coat. You can make do with it first. "

“…… All right, all right, throw your coat here. Hey, don't come here! "

"All right, throw it away, pick it up"

before the words fall, a suit coat is thrown across the count.

I quickly got up and put it on.

The coat is so big that I can wear it as a mini skirt. Hey.

He was laughing at me again.

I ignored him, lowered my head and blushed, and ran to the parking lot of the racecourse.

Awei was surprised to see my strange clothes, and then he held on to the steering wheel and laughed endlessly. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Let's go! Big villain, laugh, see you dare to laugh at me, big villain ~ "I stretched out my hands and pinched his neck, and he shrunk his neck to dodge.

Later, the car started, but their laughter didn't stop until they got home.


Ah ~

accidents are always everywhere. Fortunately, there is no danger. If my skirt is opened in two, it will be miserable, don't you think?

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