"Hun san'er wrote a letter, Ding Ye. He said that Doris had transferred all the money into the account of Chuang's distillery."

"Well, not bad."

"At last there is a day. That's great, Mr. Ding. So next, we... "

"We have to wait for a chance."


"Yes, an opportunity, a wonderful opportunity."

"Kill a man?"

"No, no, no, sister, killing people only makes them more alert and more united. I'll wait for a chance to let them fall apart and even kill each other. Chuang nianfan ~, my old man, I will build a luxurious grave for you to bury everything you are worthy of glory

There's a new discovery.

In the past three days, as long as I open the bedroom door, the big guy must be like a door god. When I'm in a daze, I'll put on the face of a fortune cat. Then, "wife ~", such a ghost cry, scared me to fight cold war, goose bumps all over the ground, and it's not easy all day.

What I don't understand is why he is not busy all of a sudden?

But it's hard for me to be tactful.

I ran to Fengling's bedroom in the middle of the night to rest and make him happy.

Catch me. It's not so easy. Practice for another thousand years. You, hateful guy.

This morning.

As usual, I wake up at six, stretch and yawn, and I roll out of bed and go back to my bedroom.

Who knows just stepped out a leg, suddenly the whole person floats off the ground.

"What are you doing? Don't pester me all the time."

As soon as my feet got on the ground, I raised my voice. As if he was afraid of me running, he held up his arms to block the door and laughed.

"Why can't I pester you? You're my wife. Who don't you pester?"

"It's none of my business to pester you. I know you have a supporter, and I know that a lot of people love you, especially uncle. They love you more than cousin Yifan. There is nothing you want but you can't get. But I have declared that I have broken ties with you. Don't you remember? "

"The declaration is invalid. Because I don't agree

He raised his eyebrows: "you, don't talk back. Besides, after breakfast, go back to your room to change clothes and go out with me. Listen clearly. Don't try to go in and not come out. Don't play with me. Otherwise, you know the consequences. Do you understand? "

Br >

, what can a day be boring.

Sad things happen in a row, one after another long and tangled 24 hours. Oh, my God, why don't you kill me?

It was easy to stay up until dark, and the Bentley finally stopped at the door.

I jumped out of the car, and I ran into the bedroom without looking back, like a gorgeous tiger chasing after me, and closed the door with a bang.

Why, why is he always caught?

Can he not foretell?

I'm so angry ~ ~ ~

the pillow on my head is instantly out of my sight, hum.

After dinner, I was still pondering over this issue, so I had to tell it to Fengling.

Feng Ling was surprised: "so So you care so much about it. I'm sorry, Qiqi. I told him

"Ah! Fengling, how can you do this ~, do you know how sad I am? I'm under the control of not having ice cream yet, and I have to listen to him every word and deed. It's just like prison, and it's the kind of life imprisonment. ~, Fengling ~ "

" I'm sorry, Qiqi beauty, I can't afford it. " She put her hands together and prayed pitifully.

"Come on, you are also unintentional. You can't do this next time ~"

before my voice dropped, I said with a sly smile: "Fengling, you always tell me what conditions they offer you, eh?"

"Well, Qiqi, how are you witty?" she laughed, and I did.

"Aduh said, I told him the secret and he accompanied me to the movies."

"You Look at your unpromising appearance. Is one movie a captive, or am I just worth one movie? Can it be a little high standard

"Oh, Qiqi beauty, you don't understand. It's Adele, a handsome man like God. What a rare opportunity. You can talk to him, laugh, eat and go shopping, but we can't. It's luxurious and enjoyable to even have a look at him ~"

"ouch, Fengling, you're so happy, your face is red, the movie must be very good ~"

"who has Heart to watch movies, of course, is to enjoy the feeling of tall. Listen to me, Qiqi beauty. When ADL is sitting beside me, I am so excited that my heart will jump out and my hands are shaking all the time. His smile is just like a demon coming into the world. A pair of ice eyes easily penetrate the heart and pierce the weakest corner of my heart. It's so charming that I'm suffocated. "

"No, Fengling. If you smile, you will suffocate. What will happen to that hug?"

"Volunteer to live 10 years less."

"Ah! What about the kiss? ""You have to ask, you're going to die."

"hahaha, it's too exaggerated. You love to laugh at Fengling."

"Ha ha ha, that's it, Kiki. I mean it."

"I dare to say, you, you are so crazy that you can make a boyfriend to comfort you. Oh, by the way, Fengling, you don't like Adele. He's the man who owns the famous flower. He's the husband to be of sister Ning Xuan. Don't you know that? Don't make such a fuss, Adele said. He will explain to miss Ning Xuan and tell me not to worry. Of course, I just, weakly, fantasize about it. Most importantly, it's Adele. Who can refuse it, fool? Idiot

"Your eyes are red as a rabbit. But you have to think about it for me. You and Adele are happy, and you can't sacrifice my happiness. It's unfair to me. I have some opinions about it. ~ "

" that's right, but what can I do? "

"Ah ~ ~"

I looked at Fengling and shook my head; Fengling looked at me and shook her head.

Next, we enter a period of silence.

She said nothing, her hands resting on her cheek, thinking.

I closed my eyes and swayed as if to sleep.

All of a sudden, I opened my eyes and let out a flash of light. I pulled up Fengling's hand and muttered: "I have a good idea to make sure that aduh will accompany you to watch movies every day. How about it?"

"Good idea? What's a good idea, say it quickly. " There was a light in her eyes.

"You can tell him, but when we are about to go out, you will How about Fengling? Am I very tactful? Well? " I lay in her ear and whispered.

"Witty, witty, Qiqi beauty, you are so witty, witty and incomparable. Your intelligence is super high. How can you think of it?"

in order to prove her sincerity, she looked at me for a long time with adoring eyes, like the God of all things, and I didn't like it.

"Anyway, Qiqi, aren't you worried about Mr. Chen's investigation?"

"I'll take care of what you're afraid of, cousin Yifan. Don't worry about it."

"great, Adele, hee ~"

"Fengling, you need to remember my good, but then again, cousin Yifan is also good. Why didn't you see your crazy flowers?"

"Well, if you ask this, you should start from the beginning. Qiqi beauty, do you know that there are some male gods and goddesses in our family, and you are also on the list. "

" ah? Really? Is there a ranking? Tell me about it, but before that, Fengling ~ ~ ~ I think... "

"Ice cream?"

"En ~"

"OK, wait a minute, I'll get it."

"To have a big cup"

"know ~ guarantee your satisfaction ~"

"Yummy ~ my baby ~, wow, a big cup, ha ha ha ~, eh, Xiaohui, you're here, sit down and let's have ice cream together"

I pointed to the sofa as I said it, and my eyes narrowed into a slit.

"It's just courtesy. There's no way to share ice cream. "

Thinking of this, she shook her hand and said with a smile, "forget about ice cream. I'm not as strong as you. Take your time, Kiki. I'm here to join in the conversation. "

"Well, well, it's a lot of people talking. Oh, by the way, Fengling, speak quickly, speak quickly ~ "

I put a big scoop of ice cream into my mouth and swallowed it whole.

"Slow down the ice cream, Kiki."

Fengling took my hand and pitifully advised:

"although Sir doesn't object to it, if you have a stomachache, Ah Wei and I will be miserable, and he will have to call us back to the original shape. At that time, awei doesn't know what will happen. I must be dismissed from my post by sister Hao. Then we can't be together every day, Qiqi beauty."

"Well, I'll eat slowly. Is that ok? Tell me your ranking quickly. Don't change my appetite." I pinched up the orchid finger, and then picked up the lady's frame taught by sister Ning Xuan and chuckled.

I had to surrender to the news.

Feng Ling smiles with satisfaction and hands over a paper towel.

"Well, well, look at your impatience. Cough ~, the first male god in our family: Huang Jinde. Is it Xiao Hui? "

"Yes, yes, indeed. Perfect dream lover, twinkle and smile make people fascinated

Xiaohui then added: "goddess ranking, Mrs. Zhuang is the first. She does not eat people's fireworks, pure and elegant; her hands and feet are breathtaking and yearning for. Love eyes always stay in her body, do not want to leave for a moment. Not to mention Mr. Zhuang's exhausted emotional loyalty to her, even I deeply love it. ""Well, well deserved, and I don't accept refutation. But if you take aduh's standard ranking, isn't it unfair to measure others with his ruler? "

"Of course not. We are based on the affinity, personal charm, attractiveness and the degree of screaming in the heart, based on a comprehensive score

"Oh, so it is. Don't ask. The second place must be cousin Yifan. He's so elegant, like a gentleman. "

I'm looking forward to it.

but Fengling shook her head.

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