David looked down at me and stopped talking. His pale blue eyes flashed with dark blue light. He conveyed his firm determination and courage like the sun. It can be seen that it is not a temporary act of righteousness.

Yes, I know it's good for everyone to leave, but will David feel like I'm taking advantage of it? If he misunderstood, how can I get along with him? What should we do in the future? If you don't leave, where can you go? How can a person who can't even name himself remember where his home is?

Hesitation, a gentle hand suddenly gently patted on my cheek.

"Qiqi ~, will you go home with your sister?"

Take a close look. It's Amy's sister.

My heart is very moved. The feeling of desolation and helplessness was suddenly released, and the tears of the big one fell down in an instant, and I cried in a mess.

She wants me to go too. Does this mean she should go?

Sister ~, Wuwuwuwu ~, Wuwuwuwu

At the moment, I cry in addition to crying.

No, no, no, don't leave. Don't leave.

cousin Yi Fan's soul is out of the body, and Chen Zhengliang's five internal organs are burned.

Standing there, they seem to stand on the edge of the cliff, the wind around them is howling, the abyss is unfathomable under their feet, the sad voice in their ears, howling: fall down, fall down!

Dreams, the nightmares that had been unable to sleep at night, have finally become a reality.

The original sweetheart is because of these leave, is so sad to leave, so terrible.

Everyone rubbed their hands and clenched their fists. They were helpless. They had to focus on Zhuang nianfan, hoping that the old man's words could change the world.

Looking at a pair of pairs, a pair of pairs, begging eyes, Zhuang nianfan shook his head. Did he want to order her to be tied up?

Adele bit his teeth and pulled Chen Zhengliang. He said in a sharp voice, "don't go. Don't leave. This is the husband who loves you. If you leave him, you will regret your whole life. Don't leave. "

"Husband?! Of course, I lost my memory. You can say anything. Today you run to say that he is my husband. You want me to go with him. Tomorrow, another irrelevant person will come. Similarly, I will go, right? How can you divide it? Mr. Chen, I don't think I'll be with you even if I remember the past. "

"No, no!" Ah Zhong impatiently squeezed through the tall body: little sister, listen to me tell you, lies are the most harmful, it will cause the interpersonal relationship to disintegrate, will cause the originally intimate family members to criticize and suspect each other, and even have a big fight. Little sister, listen to brother Zhong's words and stay here, ah ~, stay with us, stay with the family. "

"Family? I also miss you are my family. Those happy days in the sun, the days when you can show off to the world, the days when you wake up laughing when you sleep, when you are pampered, when you are not afraid of the earth, I like them very much. I even feel that I am the happiest girl in the world. "

"But, in the end, the master is a fake, and your best friend is a fake. If you approach me, it's just a kindness to show human beauty. isn't it? Even you are fake cousin Yifan. We don't know each other, do we? False, is false, is the phantom, is the illusory image, this lets me how can accept, since you let me believe that is true, lives in such gorgeous heaven, but why also let me know the true image? "

Why? Why? Why?

Wuwu ~ Wuwu ~ Wuwu ~

I am so desperate that my heart aches with despair, and I can't even love it.

If it is too cruel, it is like tearing off a scar that hasn't grown well and exposing the fresh flesh below. Or it's bleeding. It makes people feel painful, just like my heart at the moment.

For this reason, my heart was broken, the colorful and beautiful world was disillusioned, so it was easy to say goodbye to me, oh no, it should be said goodbye.

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