The wind is rustling and the water is cold. Once a strong man is gone, he will never return.

This is a sentence from the biography of the assassin in historical records.

That is to say, Yan Prince Dan sent Jingke to assassinate the king of Qin and sent him to Yishui to say goodbye with tears. Gao gradually away from the attack building, Jingke uttered a song and did not go back.

I also do not head back to go, not so heroic, not the king of Qin, but doomed to easy water cold no longer return.

Jing Ke's fortune is bad. I'm also ill fated.


In late autumn, everything is in depression.

when the clouds are all over the world, the dazzling lightning breaks the beautiful dream, and the dull thunder breaks the sweet happiness, with a broken heart, I leave quietly, leaving the people who love me and the people I love deeply.

Heart, bump in the chest, blood, boiling in the blood vessels, tendons, in the protrusion of the forehead.

Unable to calm down, how can I bear to see more than the collapse of Yi Fan cousin?

Bang bang, the door closes, the wheels rumble, the car disappears into the boundless darkness.

The window always flashed through the endless night. It was so dark that I could not see it. The wind was filling my ears. Unconsciously, I was dizzy and had to sleep.

"Sister, Kiki's on fire again."

"Let me see Yes, my face is red, and I'm breathing more quickly. I'm so weak. She must be upset. Small, open quickly. "

"Yes, miss."

"Is Dr. Bradbury here, sister?"

"Here we are. The servant just called. He and his medical lady arrived ten minutes ago. Oh, he's got everything ready. He knows about Kiki's condition. Don't worry

"Thank you, sister, and for Kiki."

"Silly brother."


Five minutes later, Doris touched the tears in the corner of her eyes. Then she raised her slender white wrist and looked at her watch. Suddenly, a ghost screamed, "it's late. Let's go.".

The voice did not fall, with lope spin and bodyguard Gu Zheng believing in God, three people left Qingqi Shuang.

The room was quiet, and it was very quiet.

Looking at the gloomy looking people, Zhuang nianfan kneaded his pipe and said in a soft voice:

"OK, children, don't be so pessimistic. Think about the benefits, when the storm comes, it's a good thing for Qiqi to leave. At least, no one is bothering her any more, and the little girl hasn't gone far away, so it's OK to see her. Children, don't be sad. I'll go to see her in person some days. If her mood returns to normal, I'll pick her up. She's a child of our family, and I won't let her wander outside. Ah ~, children. "

"Yes ~"

When the weather changed, the sea waves set off black waves, such as a raging boa constrictor opening a large mouth to spit out bright red letters, frantically beating the coast, boom ~, bang long ~, deafening, as if to swallow up the whole world.

The shallow water bay is scattered and towering, but the light is dim. In the shadow, the outline of the object can be seen faintly.

Yi Fan's cousin locked himself in the study alone, smashed everything that could be smashed inside, tore everything that could be torn, and pushed down all that was pushed. He was crazy and cried and cried.

Awei and ah Hao are in a dilemma around the door of the study.

The first is that he is afraid that he will not be able to think about it for a while, and that he will be too late for something stupid.

the second is that it is more difficult for him not to vent his anger and suppress his illness.

In fact, everyone's heart is as anxious and painful as he is, but does everyone want to vent like this? Besides, can such venting bring back Qiqi beauty?

Just then, the doorbell creaked.

"Who will come so late?" Awei looks at ah Hao, full of doubts.

"Maybe it's Mr. Zhuang or uncle Zuo. Maybe they can't rest assured. Come and have a look." Ah gave an answer with no doubt.

Said, two people one after another came to the door, through the video device to see the door.

When he saw that Xu Jialin was standing outside the door, he was relieved and opened the door to welcome him in.

"Here you are, Lin." Awei whispered to him.

"Yes, awei. Let me see Xiaoyi. " Xu Jialin said as he walked in: "why is the room so dark that you don't light the light? Is Xiaoyi asleep? "

"No, Jialin, this way."

Awei, while leading the way for him, said with great concern: "brother fange is in the study. He shut himself up in his study. You know, Kiki, she left Repulse Bay with tears in her eyes, and said that Van Gogh said she was an undercover and was specially designed to harm him. He heard that, and the whole person collapsed. He... "

Xu Jialin's heart stopped suddenly, his legs turned into two iron pipes that can't turn. He couldn't even move his steps. His eyes widened and he asked, "what's wrong with him? He can't think of anything wrong with him. He can't take it too long."

"No, no, no, Jialin, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

A Hao hastily explained: "fan Ge is still alive. Just, just Jialin, his heart is dead. You know, he's like crazy, smashing things in the house, yelling and yelling. We're worried about him. We're afraid he can't get through this. Jialin, you say, if Qiqi beauty doesn't come back, he, he will, will he give up himself. We can't even think what kind of a day it was. ""No. Definitely not. Don't think about it. Ah Wei, you must not be confused. We should not panic. So awei, you take me to meet him and let me talk to him. Maybe he can improve. "

Xu Jialin quickened his pace as he spoke.

But before he arrived at the door of the study, he saw his cousin Yi fan, who was filled with blood in his pupils. He staggered to the study and smashed things everywhere.

Crackling, crackling.

Handed down antiques and exquisite jades, as well as priceless collectibles, one by one, he held his head over his head again and again and threw them to the ground. In an instant, they were smashed into powder or slag, and they could not be glued together.

"What to do, what to do, sir. It's very angry, sir."

Lao Zhuang was in a hurry. His tears were rolling in his eyes. He took everyone to stand and look from afar. He did not dare to come over.

Awei and a HAOGE used to dissuade them, but they were pushed back several steps by Yi Fan's cousin. After three shakes and two shakes, they stood firm. They were not willing to do so, so they rushed up again to grab his hands, hoping to calm him down and calm his flaming heart.

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