I broke free from the shackles of Chen Zhengliang, ran out of the village, and ran frantically along the coastal road.

Until later, when I saw the road, I turned when I saw the bend. I didn't know where I was going.

"Kiki, don't run! Wait for me! Kiki

Sister Ning Xuan was so anxious that she broke her throat.

"Madame, stop running! Watch the car! Madame

Behind her came the boy named Huang Jinde.

I ran as if I had been chased by death.

From clear water bay to Kowloon City, and from Kowloon City to Tsim Sha Tsui, I was almost hit by a car several times. Lost jewelry, bags also lost, dishevelled extremely Dishevelled.

Tsim Sha Tsui is full of traffic and people. There are lots of shops on the street and business is booming.

There is a police uncle with a tall and thin figure, walking slowly and looking around.

I had no time to brake or dodge when I turned the corner. I knocked him down from behind. I also sprained my foot on the side of the road.

The police uncle was startled by the sudden and violent impact, but he jumped from the ground quite neatly after training.

"How are you, miss? Is there any discomfort, need to go to the hospital Have you drunk, miss

He kindly came to help.

"Let me go! Let me go! help! Help

I ignored him, didn't look at him, didn't talk to him. I just screamed and twisted my body desperately to get rid of his hands.

"Miss, miss, I'm a policeman. Do you want me to take you back? miss! Miss

"Let me go! Let me go! help! Help

I kept repeating this sentence, and my expression was a little abnormal. Police uncle in the heart of doubt, through the shoulder pager, call around colleagues.

A few minutes later, four other police officers gathered here and together they loaded me into a police car and took me to Tsim Sha Tsui police station.

This scene is just in the eyes of aduh. He stands outside the police station, holding the wall and gasping heavily. He feels that his body is going to be hollowed out. He turns around in the same place and his head is buzzing. He can't tell the southeast or the northwest.

"I My God, I'm so tired and tired. My God ~ "

later, he took out a phone call and broadcast it to Chen Zhengliang, explaining the situation in the most concise language. Then he stood outside the police station and continued to hold the wall to breathe heavily.

Chuang nianfan and his wife chased out of sight, but only saw the dark night. They did not feel their eyes were tearful and their hearts were burning.

"Where are you, Kiki?"

"It's so dark and snowy. Don't be surprised!"

At this time, adelain sent a general message, put out the fire in people's hearts.

Tsim Sha Tsui police station!

Zhuang nianfan transferred five cars, and all of them sat on them and went straight to their destination. On the way, he also broadcast cousin Yifan's mobile phone.

Aston Martin DB9 whistles around and heads for Tsim Sha Tsui police station.

In the police station, the air was tense and the atmosphere was oppressive.

Strange and serious faces stare at me. I'm really scared.

My wide pupils were full of terror, and I curled up in the corner of the rest room in fear. All the people who reached out were scratched or bitten by me in varying degrees.

I am like a frightened little wild cat, showing sharp teeth and claws to protect myself.

The police officers had no choice but to make an emergency call to send me to the hospital for treatment.

I tucked into the corner of the wall with my arms around my knees, my head in my arms, my eyes closed, my body curled up, and my head was buzzing with fear. I always felt that it was about to crack.

And my teeth were fighting with each other, shivering all over, as if I had been caught by the devil's foot, only waiting for death, and my instinct to survive made me refuse to wait.

When seeing Zhuang nianfan and a group of people come to the police station gate, Adele hastens to meet him and negotiate with the police together with a Ren and a Yi. The police officer then leads everyone to the rest room.

"My God! Is this Kiki? "

"How could she be so frightened?"

"White as paper!"

When they saw me, they stopped in a hurry.

"My God! Kiki Yi Fan cousin suddenly rushed to the front of the crowd.

His head turned and whirled, the shrill and ghostly sounds were heard in his ears, and the bulging muscles and muscles under his face kept twitching.

Later, Chen Zhengliang, who rushed out of the crowd, was even more shivering, shivering like an electric shock. He murmured, "xue'er, my wife, how did you become like this? I scared you, right?"

He seemed to see that when he first saw me, I was so out of my mind. He felt that there was a thousand pounds pressing on his chest. Something in his head burst and broke.

"Good boy, stop!" Zhuang nianfan grabbed him who was desperate to rush up.

"Why can't I go! It's me who made her scared. I want to go over and comfort her, daddy ~ "Chen Zhengliang's face is aggrieved and insists on going.Zhuang nianfan held on to his arm and patiently persuaded him: "she will be more afraid to see you. At the moment, only Xiaoyi can calm down by pacifying her. Child, don't stimulate her any more. If you have something to say in the future, it takes a long time and is obedient. Otherwise, she'll get sick and get out of control. Don't go.

after that, he went to command: "Xiaoyi, please go slowly to comfort Qiqi and let her settle down. Let's make room for her to relax.

"Well, good."

Yi Fan cousin slowly came to me, slowly squatted down, as gently as possible to slow down the pace of speech, gently looked at me, gently said: "Qiqi ~, it's me ~, I'm Yi Fan's cousin."

"Qiqi, open your eyes and have a look. I'm cousin Yifan. I'm good, I'm not afraid. Look at me, cousin Yifan is here in front of you. Look at me, Qiqi ~ "

" ah, ah, let me go, let me go, help, help "

I closed my eyes and screamed bitterly, which made him feel heartache.

"Qiqi darling, look at me, you look at me, I'm Yi Fan cousin, Qiqi, don't be afraid, I'm coming, I'm here, open your eyes and have a look at me, OK?"

"Let go of me. Let go of me. Help."

My voice was hoarse, but I kept calling, and my hands were waving.

"Qiqi, wake up, I'm cousin Yifan, cousin Yifan, your cousin Yifan, Qiqi, wake up, Qiqi, don't scare cousin Yifan, OK?"

Little by little, he moved up to me, stretched out his hands to hold my arm, and then fiercely held me in his arms, patting me on the back, as patient as a angry baby.

I finally did not shout or cry, but as if the devil had sucked blood, the whole person was rigidly nailed to the ground, staring at the empty eyes.

"Qiqi, Qiqi, relax, relax, breathe Breathe... "

The tears in his eyes finally came down and wet my shoulder, my face and my long hair.

It took me a long time to recover my mind and asked weakly, "cousin Yi fan? You're cousin Yifan, aren't you? You came to save me, didn't you? "

He sobbed and whispered, "yes, yes, it's me. Look at me. I'm cousin Yifan. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not afraid. Things are over. It's over. It's over. Trust me. It's over. It won't happen again."

"cousin Yifan! ~~~

I hugged him tightly as if I saw a Savior and burst into his arms and cried bitterly. Tears welled up in my eyes, I closed my mouth and complained of grievance: "cousin Yifan, he bullied me, I'm afraid of it."

"I'm not afraid. I'm here. I'm not afraid. Don't cry, let's go home, Qiqi, darling ~ "he gently touched the tears on my face.

I clenched his hand and begged: "Yi Fan cousin ~ please don't leave me, I, I want you to accompany me by my side, see you, I'm not afraid."

"Well, I won't leave you. I'll protect you. I promise to be on call 24 hours a day, OK? Qiqi ~ darling ~, let's go home, come on, go home with cousin Yifan ~ "

he said as he helped me up, wiped my tears, took off his suit, wrapped me up, took it into his arms and turned to walk out.

I stretched out my arms around his neck and squeezed myself into his arms like a frightened bird seeking warmth and comfort.

At one o'clock in the night, villa 1-08 Pratt Road, Repulse Bay, my bedroom.

The third uncle looked at my illness and felt my pulse.

"It's not serious, Kiki. Let's go out and talk."

When they came to the living room, they sat down one after another. Sister Qiu brought tea and left.

The third uncle said slowly, "Qiqi doesn't matter. She's just over frightened. She'll be fine after a few more days' rest. Don't worry. "

Zhuang nianfan looked at Chen Zhengliang and Yi Fan with serious eyes. They got up wisely and stood up dejectedly.

"Xiaoliangzi, this is Zhuang Yifan, my cousin's son."


"Xiaoyi, this is Chen Zhengliang, my adopted son and the leader of Cathay Pacific."


There was no handshake or hug, and the cold eyes were scattered.

"Ah ~" Zhuang nianfan sighed heavily, but he swallowed what he wanted to say.

We sat down for a while and then broke up.

The next day, I didn't wake up until afternoon.

At this time, the snow has stopped, the outside world is crystal clear, because it is covered with a layer of fluffy snow, particularly enchanting and beautiful.

"You wake up, you really need to sleep, like a sleeping kitten, you can't finish sleeping." Yi Fan's cousin sat down and looked at me tenderly. He also kept smiling.

"It's good to see you." I laughed contentedly.

"Are you hungry? Let's go to dinner, sister Hao. Tell the kitchen to have dinner."

"Yes, sir." Hao turned away with a smile.

"I'm so tired, cousin Yifan Oh, I remember. That day, aunt said that he would introduce me to a friend, and the big hateful man would hold me"Well, what do you remember?" He asked tentatively.

"Other No, what else? "

"Nothing. You're tired because you dance too much. That big guy is uncle's son. He hugs you. Maybe if he likes you, he will

"I don't want him to like it, not to mention his hugging and hating."

I made a motion to throw up and he laughed.

"If you think so, I'll tell you a good way."

"What good way?"

I pricked up my ears and listened to his opinions. His lower body blinked more and more mysteriously.

"That is to stay away. Don't be alone with him or go anywhere with him. "

"Well, I wrote down cousin Yifan. He's terrible. If he holds him again, I'll die. "

"Well, let's not talk about him. We are all hungry. Let's go to dinner and see what delicious food our dear sister Hao has prepared, OK?"

"Yes. I'll go wash. "

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you."

"Hee ~"


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