Villa 1-08 Pratt Road, Repulse Bay.

"Let me tell you something, Kiki."

"What's up, sister ningxuan"

"next Wednesday, the 25th, is cousin's birthday."

"Cousin Yifan's birthday! You mean, next Wednesday is cousin Yifan's birthday, really "

" of course. "

Sister Ning Xuan raised her willow eyebrows and held her curly hair hanging in her ears.

Today, she had her hair curled and covered with thick black circles. I always wanted to laugh every time I saw it.

"Sister Ning Xuan, your hair style is very retro. Did Louis XIII make it for you?"

"I hate it. Your aesthetics is out of date. Long straight hair is monotonous. Come here! Let me make you a new hairstyle

She caught me snoring on my head, and my long, smooth hair immediately became as messy as a chicken coop.

"Ah, sister Ning Xuan ~ ~, be careful if I catch you. I'll make you become Edward scissor." I was so angry that I chased her all over the room.

She dodged from side to side, like a light bird jumping in the branches. I could see her, but I couldn't catch her.

She also looked back from time to time, still made faces at me, laughed at me, said I was stupid.

I am not willing to be ridiculed by her, jumping up and down to stop me.

In this way, we are in the library creaking chaos.

I finally waited for a good chance, but when I saw that I was about to catch her, the door of the study suddenly opened, and sister Hao walked in with a steady step and a smile.

The witty sister Ning Xuan jumped up behind her and pulled her by the corner of her dress to make a face.

I didn't stop the car, so I threw myself into sister Hao's arms.

"Ouch, be careful of falling down." She hugged me and opened her mouth. I don't know if she was frightened or frightened.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sister Hao. I'm sorry. I scared you. I'm sorry." I nodded and bowed to make up for it.

"I'm fine. I'm here to tell you that there's a call from the living room for you. It's your mommy. "

"Oh, I see. Thank you, sister Hao. We'll go and listen."

After that, sister Ning Xuan and I rushed out of the study and ran to the living room.

When she came to the living room and stood by the phone, sister Ning Xuan held her breath, picked up the phone and put it in her ear. She made a sweet voice like a silver bell: "Hello, Mommy. I'm Ning Xuan."

At the other end of the phone came Guan Jingxian soft voice: "OK, dear, it is like this. I want to send AZU to pick you up and Qiqi to have tea at home. Do you have time?"

"We have time, Mommy. Let's wait for uncle at home and see Mommy later."

"Well, I'll see you later."

After putting down the phone, sister Ning Xuan blinked her eyes and said, "Qiqi, Mommy, please let's go home and chat. Uncle Zu will be here soon. Now we'll go back to our room and change our clothes."

"Oh," I nodded and took her hand upstairs to the room.

Today, I choose a khaki lambskin Lapel coat. It's warm and fashionable. It's cute and cute. It exudes the temperament of everyone.

With pink sweater and pop style high waist umbrella skirt, it can elongate the body proportion, show thin and high, which is a very charming dress.

Sister ningxuan changes into a casual loose woolen coat, which is simple and fashionable. If you wear a sweater inside, it will not look bloated, but it will look very sweet.

The bottom of the body with a light lake blue short skirt, it also looks pretty and sexy, with high boots and temperament.

When he saw us standing at the door, he opened the door with a smile.

"Thank you, uncle." we were like two birds chirping and flying into the car.

"No thanks." Uncle Zu closed the door and turned away.

Sister Hao reported the news to cousin Yifan by phone. Cousin Yifan was silent for a long time, then replied that she knew and hung up the phone.


Big Wave Bay villa, 11 a.m.

Chuang nianfan and his wife welcomed us in with a smile.

As soon as I entered the living room, I stopped, and my legs and stomach trembled slightly, because I saw Chen Zhengliang standing up from the sofa. Along with him were Adu and ah Zhong.

He's smiling. They're smiling.

In my opinion, these three big guys are three colorful tigers. They have a terrible aura. If they are with them, they will devour my poor sheep mercilessly.

"I don't want to be eaten ~, my God, what a pity. Cousin Yifan, where are you? ~ "

" you are a fool and a fool, don't you leave soon? What are you doing here? "

"I want to leave, but where is the door? How can my legs tremble? What can I do

Standing on the ground in embarrassment, I was thinking, and the sense of escape pounded on my head, and I saw that I was about to shrink into a small group."Kiki, come on, Mommy's here. It'll be all right. Come on ~ "

Guan Jingxian takes my hand with a smile.

Reluctantly, I leaned back and moved my feet with difficulty. I staggered into the living room and stood in front of Chen Zhengliang.

Guan Jingxian pointed to me and opened a cavity with a smile: "xiaoliangzi, she is Qiqi, Xiaoyi's cousin."

"Ah ~, Hello, nice to see you again." Chen Zhengliang's face was full of laughter, and his soft eyes showed incomparable love and fragrant sweetness.

"Qiqi, this is Chen Zhengliang. It's me and your uncle's son. "

"A sheep goes to the tiger's mouth ~" I glanced at him and didn't answer. I looked down and thought, "there's uncle and Mommy. I don't think it's going to be so good, but I'm I still want cousin Yifan to be here. "

"Oh, by the way, xiaoliangzi, and this beautiful woman, who is also Xiaoyi's cousin. You met at the last dance Guan Jingxian pats sister Ning Xuan's hand again.

"Oh yes, we met. Hello, nice to meet you." Chen Zhengliang answered, but he never left me.

"I don't dare to. You are too impulsive. We seldom use seconds."

Sister Ning Xuan is the most straightforward and never easy to forgive.

"Xiaoliangzi, everyone is here today. Apologize to Qiqi quickly"

Guan Jingxian gently pulls his sleeve, and Zhuang nianfan nods.

Naturally, the two old people hope that we can make up, because they still hope that Chen Zhengliang will marry me and become their daughter-in-law.

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, I bumped into you the day before yesterday, I'm sorry, please forgive me. I promise I won't do it again. I'm sorry

I raised my head to look at him, and then looked at Guan Jingxian. Without speaking, my heart thumped into one: "my God, next time, you dare to think about the next time. This time, I'm going to die."

"Qiqi, if he apologizes to you, I'll forgive him." Guan Jingxian timely asks for favor.

"Annoying guy, ghost wants to make up with you ~" I stare at him secretly, still did not speak, still looked down at the toe of shoes.

"You, hum, do what you say." Sister Ning Xuan speaks for me.

"Ha ha ha ~" Chen Zhengliang, like a child who has done something wrong and has been forgiven by his parents, smiles happily.

Then everyone laughed, but I couldn't.

"I really shouldn't go out today, alas ~"

I feel helpless and sigh, so I have to cooperate with you.

"All right, all right, all right, all right. You should come and go frequently in the future."

Guan Jingxian is happy to be a peacemaker, pulling me and Chen Zhengliang together and patting.

"Hum ~" I pulled the back of my hand behind me.

They didn't smile at all.

"Come on, children, come and sit here."

Zhuang nianfan waved and we followed him into the sofa.

Xiao Hui puts the fragrant tea and fruit on the table and turns away.

"Come on, eat fruit," Zhuang nianfan said with a smile.

We all picked up fruits and talked about the world with laughter and eating.

I was in no mood and had no appetite. All morning I sat in silence and listened to their conversation.

From time to time with the chat content squeeze out some smile, even I did not have enough lunch. Although I am a standard food, but today I have no appetite, because I am really upset, can not eat.

"Why is it not dark, cousin Yifan, will you come to pick us up? It will come. You're going to be crazy.

"Is it? Xiaoyi's birthday is next Wednesday. Ah fan, shall we have a birthday party Guan Jingxian made a good suggestion and clapped my hand warmly.

"Have you talked about cousin Yifan's birthday? Sister Ning Xuan must have revealed it I thought to myself and smile at Guan Jingxian.

My floating soul has always been in a state of being free from the body.

"Do you have to sit like this for a day? It's boring." I began to worry again.

"Well, that's it!"

I don't know what Zhuang nianfan promised. They kept laughing. I was in a hurry and laughed.

"Kiki, let's cut the fruit." Guan Jingxian couldn't help but say that she picked me up and left.

"Ah! Oh. " I was shut Jingxian this pull soul to bump back into the body.

Guan Jingxian saw that she was far away from everyone, so she murmured in my ear: "Qiqi, how do you like xiaoliangzi? Mommy wants to introduce him to you. Will you make a friend

I shrugged. "Oh, well, it doesn't matter if I have more friends."

Guan Jingxian said: "Oh, Qiqi, mummy said it's a boyfriend and girlfriend, the kind of marriage."

"Ah! No I was so scared that I almost jumped out of the dirt.

"Mummy promise, you and he will be happy, Kiki." Guan Jingxian smiles."No, mummy, I believe in fate, and it's awkward to get married by introduction." I decline.

"Isn't it fate? You see, how well matched you are. Don't you like him Guan Jingxian is lobbying.

"Yes, mummy, I don't like him. Look at him, like a big bear. He is three sizes older than me. If he is not happy one day, two fingers can pinch my bone. It's terrible, mummy. I won't marry him if I kill him. No, No I shook my head and shook my head, and my goose bumps fell to the ground.

"Qiqi ~, listen to me, you can't just look at people's appearance. You won't regret it if you feel good about others. Besides, isn't tall and big very imposing and safe? Right, Kiki, huh Guan Jingxian's words are like the flowing water of the Yangtze River.

"But Mommy, he and I are not from the same planet, and we have no common language. I don't like such a boy. Mommy, can you let me make my own decision on this matter? Mummy ~ ~ "

" OK, Mommy can't twist you. Can you be friends Guan Jingxian has no words at last.

“…… "Well," I nodded with a bitter face.

"Yes, yes, yes."

There came laughter that attracted my attention. I turned back and didn't answer.

Guan Jingxian pulled me back to the sofa again, and soon joined the chatting team, chatting and laughing.

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