Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 39


Chapter 39 Power outage (update later)

Look up.

It was just getting used to the cape, with a smile on his face and a little surprise.

"Ferry?" Natsu was also a little surprised.

Although I knew that Du had been living in the Pokémon Center in Saffron City during this time, I just didn't expect to encounter it suddenly.

Du was actually a little surprised. He had just returned from outside when he saw Natsu sitting in the corner reading silently.

Natsu's outfit at the moment, it's hard not to pay attention to him. In Watt's opinion, he is so handsome than Natsu in the audience.

Sit beside him naturally, "How about reading?"

"Yeah." He nodded, closed the book, and put it away.

He not only wanted to gain some experience in cultivating Pokémon, but also wanted to publish some Pokémon papers that the world doesn't know by combining his advanced Pokémon knowledge with information from different books.

And collecting information is his professional habit.

"What's wrong with Weedle? Injured?" Du continued to ask.

"No, it's just a little improvement, come to the Pokémon Center to check it out."

"Oh?" Du narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice a little closer, and whispered: " Is that?"

Natsu nodded again.

The red eyes dimmed, and his expression became a little complicated, "So it is."

Natsu glanced at him and explained: "The process is not what you think, I Materials obtained through other channels."

He knew that Du might have misunderstood that he wanted to cultivate Weedle's Poison Type Attribute and deliberately hunted down Poison Type Pokémon.

While he doesn't reject it, that would be too time-consuming and the poison might not be strong enough for Weedle's needs.


To hear Natsu say this, Watanabe breathed a sigh of relief, he was really worried that Natsu would wantonly slaughter innocent Pokémon.

Dudu does not exclude Pokémon from killing each other. After all, there are not a few Pokémon who died in his hands. He just rejects some inaction.

A smile appeared on his face again, "It seems that Weedle shouldn't be as simple as a small improvement this time."

Not going further on this point, Natsu changed the subject, "You Don't you want to challenge Saffron Gym? How's it going?"

Then I saw a little helplessness on Du's face.

A little embarrassed, he tugged the cloak behind his back, "Cough cough. I."

Click! !

It's not over yet.

Suddenly, the lights in the entire Pokémon Center went out at once, and the various instruments in the Pokémon Center also stopped working.

For a time, there was a panic in the Pokémon Center, where there were many people.

"Huh?" Du frowned and stood up suddenly, striding in the direction of Nurse Joy.

Natsu couldn't help frowning, and walked up behind him.

Weedle is still checking.

"Nurse Joy, what's the matter?"

Nurse Joy and Du should know each other, and while comforting the Trainer waiting in the somewhat flustered hall, he whispered to Du: "Mr Du. , it should be a power outage."

"Power outage?"

Natsu, who was following Watari, also heard Nurse Joy's words, and was a little surprised at the same time.

How could the Pokémon Center, the medical facility most valued by the Alliance, suffer a power outage?
"No backup power?" Natsu asked at this point.

Yes, even if there is a power outage, a key institution like the Pokémon Center will definitely have a backup power reserve, which should be enough for a day or two until the circuit is repaired.

Nurse Joy glanced at Natsu with some doubts, but replied helplessly: "The backup power supply ran out two days ago."

Natsu and Watana glanced at each other. , both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Nurse Joy explained: "The power outage at the Pokémon Center was two days ago, and at that time, the backup power was used until the power supply was restored. I thought it was all right, but I didn't expect the power outage today. , it is estimated that there are not many points in the reserve power box at all, so."

"So, the Pokémon Center is completely out of power!"

The power outage, so some need emergency treatment The Pokémon may not recover due to lack of timely treatment, and may even die as a result.

Natsu suddenly thought that when he returned to the club a few days ago, the power of the club that had never had a power outage also had a power outage, so he had to close the door as a last resort.

And when I came here, I also saw that many places seemed to have power outages.

So, this power outage is not due to a problem with the power supply line somewhere, but
at the source?
"Has things become so serious?" Du suddenly said in a deep voice.

"You know what?" Natsu looked at him.

Du said dryly: "This is a long story."

It seems that he came to Saffron City not only to challenge Nazi of Saffron City Bar.

Natsu pursed his lips silently, thinking to himself.

"Nurse Joy, is my Pokémon ready?"

Nurse Joy has already remembered who Natsu is, after all, his Weedle is quite special.

"It's just the most basic check, it's done, and I'm about to inform you."

He handed a Poké Ball.

Through the red glass, Weedle can be seen obediently staying inside, in good Celestic condition.

Weedle wasn't affected by the power outage, and Natsu breathed a sigh of relief.

And looking at Nurse Joy's appearance, Weedle should have no problem checking it.

"That's right, Natsu, will you come with me to see it?" To see Natsu taking back the Poké Ball, he suddenly said.


"I suspect the problem may be the power station to the east." Watanabe's expression was a little solemn.

The power outage in Saffron City has been investigated urgently, and some line problems have been found, but with such frequent power outages, I suspect that the biggest problem may lie in the power station.

"East." Natsu lowered his head, his eyes flashed, and he murmured.

Immediately raised his head, nodded and said, "Okay."

Du Yixi was overjoyed.


The two made their way out of the Pokémon Center through the increasingly lively and restless crowd.

Take a taxi and head directly to the far east of Saffron City.

As the largest city in Kanto Region, Saffron City can also be said to be the most prosperous city, the daily power consumption is a terrifying figure.

But fortunately, the power supply of Saffron City is also in place. To the east of Saffron City, in the forest far away from the city, is the famous Saffron City power station.

The reason why it is not built in the city is because power generation will inevitably be accompanied by some more or less radiation, and it is also to prevent large-scale accidents in power stations.

With the scale of the Saffron City power station, if one of them explodes out of control, the terrifying destructive power will definitely cause a devastating blow to the entire Saffron City, even destroying half of the Saffron City. light.

Natsu and Tori remained silent until they reached the far east of Saffron City, and then left the suburbs and entered the forest where Wild Pokémon was active.

Being ready, neither of them hesitated and headed into the forest.

Natsu released Weedle and Watari summoned a Dratini.

Dratini looks more like the snake Pokémon, with pale blue scales all over its body, bright white belly, purple eyes, a little white bump on the forehead, and white fins on the sides of its head. The face has a large round white nose.

This is the first time Natsu has seen Quasi-Legendary Pokémon in the Kanto Region. As soon as Dratini appeared, he revealed a lively aura that intimately surrounded Wataru.

"I just captured this kid, and I was planning to let it fight you Weedle." Du introduced Dratini's smooth scales lightly.

Natsu took a deep look at Dratini.

I have to admit, the name Quasi-Legendary Pokémon alone makes Dratini look extra alluring.

From the current perspective, there is really a shadow of the Dragon Type Elite and the champion in the future.

Suppressing the strange thoughts in his heart, he stared at Du, his expression became a little serious.

"Du, you came to Saffron City not only to challenge Saffron Gym, but Nazi, right?"


There will be more updates in the evening, thank you for the reward!

(end of this chapter)

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