Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 40


Chapter 40 Reserves (Plus Update)

I'm on the go.

I rubbed the tip of my nose a little embarrassedly. After thinking about it, I decided not to hide it anymore.

Take out a silver Badge engraved with the Alliance logo from the pocket of her clothes, "Uh, challenging Nazi is indeed part of my plan, but I still have an identity."

"Alliance Investigator?"

Seeing this Badge, Natsu frowned and said who it represented.

"Accurately speaking, the Alliance Investigator's Reserve," Du added, putting Badge away.

He was born in Viridian City, Kanto Region. He grew up like an ordinary person, and he didn't know he belonged to the Yulong family.

It was only later that the Yulong family found his father and found him.

Out of consideration for his future and the talent he showed since childhood, his father took him back to the Dragon Royal Family in the Dragon's Cave in the Johto Region.

At the same time, he subdued Dratini in the Dragon's Cave, further showing his talent, so the Dragon Royal Family recommended him to the Alliance to become an Inquisitor.

So he became the current reservist.

As if afraid of Natsu's misunderstanding, he explained, "I didn't mean to hide anything."

"I understand."

Natsu interrupted him explanation of.

This is the most correct approach.

If you meet someone and say that you are an Alliance investigator, how can you be so powerful, such a person has a problem with his mind.

Not to mention only the reserve.

"So, you came to Saffron City, and you still have a mission?" Natsu lowered his eyes.

The biggest problem with Saffron City is Team Rocket, but this should not be a secret in Alliance. After all, Team Rocket's active figure in Saffron City is hidden, but it is obvious that they want to escape the eyes of Alliance. Not realistic.

It's just that Team Rocket is in Saffron City, and the network of relationships in the entire Johto Region is intricate. It's the best time to get rid of it completely. Appropriate beating and suppression are the correct solutions.

Then the trip to Saffron City should not be for Team Rocket.

Although Natsu is not a Team Rocket, after all, he has seen a lot of Team Rocket behind the Silver Pokémon battle club. This is his main or even the only source of income. Searching or being knocked out is not good news for him.

"Yes or not," Watanabe replied ambiguous.


What about philosophy?

Du smiled awkwardly, "Actually, it's not a secret. It's just that Alliance deliberately covered up the news, because it's not a good thing, and publishing it may cause some bad negative effects."

When he said that, Natsu's interest was raised.

I saw Du looking around the dense woods and after hearing the occasional movement of Wild Pokémon, he whispered: "Alliance Elite Four, you know?"

" Of course."

The Alliance has set up a champion and four Elite positions in each Region, representing the region's Alliance's highest combat power, and also a kind of force deterrent.

And whether it is the champion or the Elite Four, they are in their respective Regions and have considerable power. They are the veritable high-level executives of each Region, and can even determine the direction and development of the Region Alliance to a certain extent. .

"Then do you know that Elite Four actually have reservists?"

"Elite Four also have reservists?"

Natsu was a little surprised.

This is something he didn't expect, but this is the specific system of the Alliance, and it is inevitable that he does not know it.

"Yes." Watt nodded, turning his face to become a little dignified, and said solemnly: "But not long ago, a member of the Elite Four reserve stole a piece of Said something very important and betrayed the Alliance."

Betrayed the Alliance? !
Is there such a scene?
It is no wonder that Alliance will block this kind of news. Once it is published, it may cause a huge blow to Alliance's reputation.

There are two possibilities for defecting from the Alliance, one is that he is not an Alliance person, and the other is that he left the Alliance for a purpose not allowed by the Alliance.

But either way, it's not a good thing.

In a young age, that means that the Alliance doesn't know who they are. In an older age, there will be traitors even in the Elite Four's reserve, and there may be such a person in the Elite Four.

This is something that Alliance wants to absolutely avoid.

"So you came to Saffron City to investigate him?" Natsu asked again, looking a little weird.

It's not that I look down on Du, but the current Du, not to mention the Elite Four, and the Elite Four's reserve, there is a big gap, right?

Reading Natsu's expression, Du said helplessly: "After he left, he quickly hid his identity and disappeared without a trace, even Alliance couldn't find any clues, I just thought it might be Saffron City, so I came here. To be precise, this is not the mission of Alliance, but my personal behavior.

Of course, challenging Saffron Gym is also a very important reason.”

Natsu understood when he said that.

Du is a blind cat looking for a live mouse, taking a chance.

By the way, challenge Nazi at Saffron City Gym.

"What does that have to do with this blackout?" Natsu pressed.

"I don't know."

"Don't know?"

Looking at Du, don't ask me, I don't know, I was speechless. .

"I just think that if he really hid in Saffron City, maybe he did it this time. I also did a little research because of the power outage. The only thing I can be sure of is that the previous The wiring problem is man-made."

Natsu felt a little relieved when he heard this.

Whether it's the Elite Four or the Elite Four, it's not something he and Du can deal with. If he's in the power station, it's dead in the past.

But since it's all speculation, it's relatively less dangerous.

The entire Alliance is so big, with so many Regions, and so many cities, it's impossible for the other party to stay obediently in the Kanto Region, right?

Think about it.

If Natsu is the one to prepare for the Elite Four, it is estimated that the Alliance is now in control of the region that is not so strong.

For example, Alola, Calel, are good places.

Wandering under the noses of Kanto Alliance doesn't mean lighting up the toilet?
"Still be careful. If you find something unexpected, I think it's more reliable for us to notify Alliance as soon as possible." Natsu added.

"Well, I have my senses." Du replied.

The two have gone deep into the distance, and after passing through the relatively safe area at the beginning, it is time to enter the more active area of Wild Pokémon.

Although it does not necessarily pose any threat to the two of them, some caution is still required.

"Weedle, watch out," Natsu said to Weedle.

"Ugh—" Weedle's small dark purple eyes blinked, not needing Natsu's reminder, as soon as he entered the forest, he was already paying attention to the situation around him.

I, Weedle, be very careful!

The same goes for Dratini.

Although Dratini looks very delicate, he is not ambiguous in his actions. It can be seen that Du's training is still in place.

It's been a while.



Almost at the same time, Weedle and Dratini sounded alarms at the same time.

Natsu and Wattari followed their gaze.


Thank you Zixiao Tracer for the reward, add an update, and thank all the friends who support the author’s reward, love you (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

(end of this chapter)

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