Break Into Another World

Chapter 1055: Who is your master?

Xu Ming stood in the center of the arena, looking up at the ferocious blood-colored clouds in the sky.

There was no piety in his eyes - even if the other end of the blood cloud was hiding "God", he was not qualified to make Xu Ming pious!

Looking at the blood cloud, Xu Ming's vitality was gradually ignited.


Xu Ming's body burned with a crimson flame. His breath of life keeps getting weaker.

It continued to weaken until... just like Luo Shui, it burned into ashes and completely disappeared in this world!

The geniuses and powers around were not surprised when they saw Xu Ming disappear, instead they felt very natural!

"Xu Ming was also chosen by God!"

"With his talent, he will definitely be chosen by God!"

"Not being selected, that's weird!"


As for Xu Ming, he only felt that the scene in front of him was changing, and he appeared in a dark palace.

The walls of the palace were all pitch black, and there was also a trace of gray mist lingering in it, which looked very mysterious.

"This is…?"

Xu Ming looked around curiously and walked forward.

Suddenly, Xu Ming saw a mysterious figure looming in the dark depths ahead.

"Huh?" Xu Ming stopped abruptly and watched on alert.

He felt that this mysterious back seemed to be the starting point of all things such as time and space, cause and effect, and it seemed to be the end of everything! - This feeling is very similar to a saint; however, it seems to be stronger than a saint!

"Super power!"

Xu Ming couldn't help but speculate about the identity of this mysterious back.

At this moment, the mysterious figure turned around slowly and walked towards Xu Ming.

Xu Ming was sure that he had never met the other party; but for some reason, Xu Ming felt that the other party looked like everyone he had ever met! —Like Jitian Palace Master, like Lin Muqing, like Jiuyu True God, like Luoshui, even like Gu Hanmo, like Lu Qing…

"What a strange feeling!"

Like everyone, but never anyone!

"What kind of means is this?"

Xu Ming looked at the other party, and his eyes gradually began to blur.

"No!" Xu Ming bit his lip fiercely, and only then did he regain his clarity.

However, Xu Ming still felt that the mysterious back looked like everyone he had ever seen! - This is not an illusion, but the temperament of the other party is all-encompassing.

"You woke up so quickly?" The mysterious figure said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Xu Ming looked at him in shock.

"It doesn't matter who I am! What matters is..." The mysterious figure suddenly smiled strangely, and his tone suddenly became gloomy, "Where did you come from?—You are definitely not from this world! Which world are you from?"

You are by no means of this world!

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly became round, and he was extremely shocked!

Because, this sentence, let Xu Ming confirm a guess in his heart! - God's Domain and Heavenly Sacrifice Realm are really not in the same place, but two completely different worlds!

"There are really other worlds outside of God's Domain!?" Xu Ming's shock was like turning a river into a sea.

"Don't think about running away!" The mysterious figure laughed, "With your strength, I can easily kill you the moment you run away!"

run away?

Do not!

Xu Ming never thought of running away!

Xu Ming is very clear that the opponent's strength is likely to be stronger than that of the saint; even if he has a plug-in, it should be difficult to escape from him!

However, all of Xu Ming's treasures are stored in the "Heart World"; even if this avatar is killed now, the Heart World cannot collapse, and Xu Ming only loses a Heavenly Dao Liu avatar, it doesn't matter!

Therefore, although Xu Ming was shocked, he was not afraid of the other party at all, let alone escaped.

"How do you know that I'm not from this world?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

"Because..." The mysterious figure laughed, "I am the controller of this world! - All the cause and effect, reincarnation, and destiny of this world are under my control! If you are a person in this world, I do not Might not see through you!"

"The controller?" Xu Ming was startled - what is this?

"It looks like you know very little!" The mysterious figure smiled, and two chairs suddenly appeared beside him and Xu Ming, "Come on, let's sit down and talk slowly!"

Xu Ming sat down according to his words.

"Introduce yourself first!" The mysterious figure said with a smile, "I, the controller of the Heavenly Sacrifice World; people in this world are generally used to calling me 'God', 'Master of Stars', and 'Master of Stars'!"

Although Xu Ming had expected it for a long time, he was still slightly startled - God, it really is a "human"!

"You can call me... Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord!"

"Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord?" Xu Ming showed some doubts.

"Have you never heard of the name 'star master'?" Because Xu Ming had never heard of a "controller", Tianji star master guessed that Xu Ming should not know what a "star master" is.

"Yes!" Xu Ming nodded.

He could see that the Star Lord of Heavenly Sacrifice had a good attitude towards him, and there should be no malice; and this was exactly what Xu Ming was puzzled about! - Why do you have to be so kind to a super-existence like Tianji Star Lord?

"There is no big difference between a star master and a saint! Like me, a star master and a saint!" When Tianji Star Master spoke, he seemed a little proud, "However, I am much luckier than other saints! Because ...I got ahead of them and tamed the entire Heavenly Sacrifice World!"

"What!?" Xu Ming was horrified again!

This time, he was really stunned! - The world can also be "tamed"?

The Celestial Lord continued: "Because I tamed and controlled the Celestial World, I am much stronger than any other saint in this is invincible!"

"Hey—" Xu Ming took a deep breath.


Xu Ming could hear the meaning of these four words! - The strength of the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord is probably stronger than that of all the saints in the Heavenly Sacrifice world working together!

"The festival that day..." Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

"I am in control of the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm, and I am the master of this world! The Heavenly Sacrifice Conference is naturally the creatures of this world, offering sacrifices to me! - Use their lives and their talents to offer sacrifices to me!" Heavenly Sacrifice The star master explained, "Of course, I will also select some extremely outstanding talents and cultivate them! For example, Luo Shui, the talents are very good and worth being cultivated!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming understood a little - maybe, for the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord, offering sacrifices can enhance his strength.

At the same time, Xu Ming felt a little relieved - Luoshui was not in any danger, but had to be cultivated by the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Master!

"Right!" Tianji Star Lord suddenly asked, "Who is your master?"

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