Break Into Another World

Chapter 1056: original place

"Who is your master?"

Xu Ming answered truthfully, "I don't have a master!"

No master?

The Celestial Master smiled meaningfully, obviously not believing Xu Ming's words!

"If there is no super existence behind Xu Ming, how could he come to the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm from other worlds?" The Heavenly Sacrifice Star Master thought to himself, "However, what kind of super-existence can he be in my star? How about sending Xu Ming into the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm without the Lord even noticing it?"

You must know that the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord has absolute control over the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm; however, he has no idea when Xu Ming came to the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm! - What does this mean?

This shows that the super existence who sent Xu Ming into the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm is likely to be more powerful than his Heavenly Sacrifice Star Master!

"Could it be..."

Thinking of this, a look of horror flashed in the depths of the eyes of the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Master: "Could it be that... the super being behind Xu Ming is from the 'Original Land'?"

The original place gave birth to everything; it is the origin of the "big worlds" such as the Heavenly Sacrifice World and the God's Domain.

In the initial land, there are also incredible super beings. Some of these super beings are acquired through cultivation, and some are directly bred from the original land; every super being has the power to destroy the world of sacrifices!

"If the super existence behind Xu Ming really came from the original place! Then, this Xu Ming must not be provoked; if it is provoked, there will definitely be a lot of trouble!" Tianji Star Master secretly said.

At the same time, the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Master couldn't help but guess: "So, what is the purpose of sending Xu Ming to the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm for that super existence?"

It's easy to guess!

"It should be to experience Xu Ming!"

Thinking about it, the mind of the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord also began to become active.

"This Xu Ming, who can be suspected of being a super-powerful person in the starting place, cultivated so carefully, his future achievements will definitely be limitless! If he reaches my level, or even surpasses me, I am afraid it is very possible!" , turned around secretly, "And Xu Ming, his current cultivation is only silver moon level... Should I take this opportunity to make a little 'emotional investment'?"

Emotional investment is naturally done when the opponent's strength is lower, the better the effect and the lower the cost! Of course, the "investment risk" is also greater!

However, in the eyes of the Celestial Lord, Xu Ming is still worthy of his emotional investment! After all, the possibility of Xu Ming rising in the future is not small; and investing in Xu Ming will not cost much!

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Master already has a plan in his heart!

"Xu Ming, you come from another big world, but it is a kind of fate to meet me in the Heavenly Sacrifice World!" The Heavenly Sacrifice Star Master laughed.

Xu Ming felt that the smile of the Celestial Lord's smile at this time was very special... kind!

"Uh, it's indeed fate!" Xu Ming said very interestingly.

"Meeting is fate. Since you and I are destined, I will also give you a chance!" Tianji Xingzhu laughed.


Xu Ming's eyes lit up - something good is coming!

The Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord turned his hand, and a drop of crystal clear water appeared in his hand.

"This is...?" Xu Ming looked at him in surprise.

This drop of crystal clear water, without the slightest breath, is as ordinary as ordinary water droplets. However, when Xu Ming looked closely, he felt that the drop of water seemed to reflect the whole world.

"Chaos Primordial Liquid!" said the Celestial Lord, "Even if it's just a drop, the saints can compete for it!"

"Hey—" Xu Ming took a deep breath.

A treasure that even the saints have to compete for!

Xu Ming understood that this drop of chaotic primordial liquid must be much more precious than chaotic primordial energy!

The Lord of Heavenly Sacrifice continued: "The primordial fluid of chaos, bred from the depths of chaos, is of great benefit to cultivation! Even mortals with extremely poor qualifications, if they use a drop, they will definitely be able to become a **** emperor!"

One drop can make mortals with extremely poor qualifications become **** emperors!

If it is used by a well-qualified god, it will definitely benefit even more!

"This drop of chaotic primordial liquid is a chance I gave you, and it is not in vain for us to get to know each other!" The Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord slowly pushed the primal primordial liquid towards Xu Ming.

Xu Ming carefully took the drop of Chaos Primal Liquid and stored it in the "Heart World".

"You said..." Xu Ming asked incredulously, "If mortals use it, they will surely become **** emperors?"

"That's right!" The Celestial Lord smiled, "However, even a **** emperor or even a ruler would hardly have the opportunity to enjoy such treasures! How could it be used by a mortal?"

"Well..." Xu Ming didn't say much.

However, in Xu Ming's heart, he had already planned how to use this drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

"Han Mo's aptitude is not very good, but it is definitely not 'extremely poor'!" Xu Ming thought to himself, "Even mortals with extremely poor aptitude can become **** emperors; then, this drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid , if it is used by Han Mo, she will definitely become a **** emperor, or even... master!"

Yes! Xu Ming didn't plan to use this drop of Chaos Primal Liquid himself, but planned to give it to Gu Hanmo to use!

For a long time, Xu Ming has been trying to find a way to find a treasure that "defies the sky and changes his life" to change Gu Hanmo's aptitude; now, the primordial chaotic liquid that even a saint would be moved by is placed in front of Xu Ming, of course Xu Ming is nothing. Give it to Gu Hanmo without hesitation!

As for Xu Ming himself...

Xu Ming was convinced that even if he didn't have the Primal Chaos Liquid, he would definitely be able to become a **** emperor, become a master, and even... become a saint!

"Thank you for the Heavenly Sacrifice Star Lord!" Xu Ming said solemnly.

Of course Xu Ming could see that the reason why the Star Lord of Heavenly Sacrifice sent himself a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid was actually doing a kind of "emotional investment". And Xu Ming, accept his investment!

"Haha, it's just a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid, don't take it too seriously!" Although Tianji Star Lord said this, he actually wished Xu Ming would take this matter to heart, "I hope one day in the future, You and I can meet in the beginning!"

"The place of the beginning?" Xu Ming has doubts in his You may not have heard of this place! However, the original place is the source and starting point of all things; you, me, and even everything in the world originates from the original place! "Heavenly Festival Star Master explained, "When your strength reaches a certain level, you will naturally have the opportunity to go to the initial place!" "

"Oh..." Xu Ming nodded slightly.

"I don't know... Can you unlock the secret of the plug-in in the original place?" Xu Ming was full of curiosity and fascination for the original place.

"Okay, you can leave now; I think you should have a way to leave the Heavenly Sacrifice World, right?" Heavenly Sacrifice Star said.

"Yes!" As long as you pass the mercenary system, you can leave the Heavenly Sacrifice World.

However, Xu Ming also had some doubts. He wondered if the secret of the plug-in would be discovered by the Celestial Master when he used the mercenary system.

"Who else do you want to say goodbye to?" Tianji Star Master said again.

Xu Ming said, "Mu Zifan, Luoshui!"

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